Had a problem with my RAID1 HD's and windows 7 went to check and repair my HD. There were some things with indexes, related to lightroom fixed. Kind of logical as I was working in Lightroom when the problem occured.
After restarting Lightroom 4 refuses to open my catalog. It states the catalog is not writable and cannot be opened, could be because of incorrect permissions. Strangely enough, although I run a backup weekly there is no backup folder on my HD, or better said only a backup folder with a file that's a couple of years old. No use. (should have checked this earlier... obviously)
How to get my catalog back up and running again? I can open Lightroom with a new catalog, but then I've lost a lot of work...
the basics: Windows7 home premium, Lightroom 4, catalog on internal HD which is in RAID1 (mirror), lightroom programme on SSD
I have all the permissions (administrator), catalog file is not 'read-only', run as administrator did not make any difference.
I am installing LR4. I tried to update the catalog.I received the message that LR encountered problems when trying to update the format of the catalog file and cannot use this catalog in this version of Lightroom. When I click on the See Adobe Technote button, I received the message that that file is unavailable from the Adobe Website. I don't want to loose all my catalog information from my previous instralling of LR2.7.
I have been using Photoshop elements for many many years and am now looking to use Lightroom as an Interface.
At the moment, I have a Folder structure on my computer. At the Top I have Photos. Under Photos I have 43 additional Folders such as ( Cindi/Ivan Pictures, Cory & Jess Pictures, Barry & Janie Pictures, etc..) Now for each of these folders, such as Cory & Jess Pictures, I have a set of folders basically broken down by month/year. Now in a Given Month/Year Folder, I have a set of folders with each one containing the pictures of a given event that occurred ( birthday, trip, etc…). Guess my initial question is how do I get these pictures into a Lightroom Catalog and do I continue to use the same Structure.
Another example - Under the Barry/Janie Pictures Folder, one of the many Folders in this Folder is called Trips. Inside the Trips folder, I have folders for every major trip that Janie & I have taken since 2004 (21 different folders) (For example there is an Isreal Folder). The Israel Folder is made up of a set of folders, for each individual event or place that we visited during our Trip - i.e. 59 different folders. How would this Trips Folder be brought into Lightroom?
Got the <Unexpected error opening catalogue> dialog when starting Lightroom 5.2. Will not allow me to save a new catalogue. Deleted old catalogue thinking that might prompt Lightroom to create a new catalogue or allow me to create and save a new one.Create Folder with New Catalogue allows me to enter a new catalogue name but then Select Catalogue dialog box is empty. Program wont open!
I'd like to move my existing LR catalog and keywords from 2.7 to my LR 5 catalog. I am using a windows PC, my mac stopped working last month.
What I want is to end up with 1 catalog with all my photos in LR 5 with all my previous edits from LR 2.7 and the keywords as well. By the way, my LR 5 has photos in it as well.
I have Lightroom 4.1; 64 bit; Win7. All of a sudden my keyword list is not showing the correct number of photos to which a particular keyword is attached. It doesn't show any for some when there are a number photos with that particular keyword (although it also does not show "0"). For other keywords, it dispolays a number but it is incorrect (apparently always a lower number than actually applicable. I do not seem to be using a filter that might reduce the number.
After a recent hard disc failure I have reinstalled LR3 and upgraded to 3.6. The catalogue has been recovered from backup but LR is not seeing it and I have been unable to discover from within LR where it expects the catalogue files to be.
Time and time again, I have come across the issue where the thumbnail being displayed in the grid view and loupe view is not of the image itself, but of some other image. So far, the thumbnail is typically from the same folder or collection and can be either from an image that still exists or from one that I've rejected and deleted from disk previously.
If I go into develop mode, the correct image gets displayed, but the thumbnail rarely resets itself.
I've deleted the cache on previous occasions to have LR recreate the thumbnails, but I never know when I'm going to encounter this issue.
This becomes a paint when I am delete unwanted images. If the thumbnail is incorrect on my second or third pruning, I could actually lose an image I intended to keep.
I'm running Lightroom 5.3 from CC.
It seems that deleting the cache every day--maybe even several times a day--is a bit overkill, but seems to be the only way to deal with this problem.
I have Lightroom 3.3 on a Windows 7 x64 machine. It's started to throw a disk critically low warning every few days for the drive that has my LR catalog on it. The drive has 390GB free .
When exporting an image and specifying to resize 1500 pixels on the long edge I get this result 2541 x 1500, which is exactly the same result when I specify the short edge. I have tried this with cropped images and with uncropped images.
In Lightroom 3.6. I am having difficulty with the photo date in the thumbnail. I had a series of pictures with incorrect dates in the metadata and I used Microsoft Photo Pro to correct the dates. The metadata is correct in the file and shows up correctly in the Metadata group of the right side panel, but some of the thumbnails show the date of the changed information rather than the Date Created. When I told it to "Read Metadata from disk", only the first file shows up correctly in the thumbnail. The others show today's date, which was the date that I made the changes to the files.
My wife's library has over 30,000 photos in it. We've started developing a problem where the images in Library View are all the exact same photo, even though it's nowhere close to being the same image.
you click on a date and the thumbnails load, but as you click on the image, it pauses and then shows you the real image in the Navigator (in this screencap, the image has not yet refreshed in the navigator).
i tried rendering previews, but it didn't fix the problem (after hours of the processing). I've rebuilt the catalog when moving to a larger harddrive, but I don't want to reimport everything to a new catalog because i don't want her to lose her edits to her photos. i'm not entirely certain if "Optimize Catalog" will fix the problem.
LR3.5 on Win7 Laptop with 8Gb of ram and a 2.5 i5 processor
I have one Lightroom catalog and i use 2 external drives that I work with. I've assigned fixed drive letters to both E: and F: I've recently upgraded to an SSD - cloned my entire HDD but now Lightroom shows the content on the 2 external drives swithced around. The folders that are physically on drive E: show as if they shoud be on F: but with the missing icon next to them. And vice versa, the ones that are on F: show as if they should be on E: with missing icon.
I like to organize my photos by date. When I import my photos through lightroom 5, I specify in the metadata to organize by date, (in which it is listed correctly) and choose the destination folder. However, once I perform the import, it creates a completely separate folder under the year "2012". How can I fix this problem to import under the correct file dates?
Right click > edit in > merge to HDR Pro in PS and tone mapped 32 bit HDR file with the ACR in PS. After saving the file, I can not get the correct preview in LR in the develop module ...
I will giving a presentation on editing options to our photographic society in a couple of weeks. One of members raised this question to me.
He is currently using PSE 10 to manage around 11,000 photos. He is getting into problems with the data base crashing and is looking at moving to Lightroom. He has been told that there is no way to make the transfer and will need to wait for LR 4 for a fix.
I'm trying to import a catalogue into Lightroom 4.4. The catalogue I'm importing has 3397 images but only 1806 of these images have been imported. I tried to reimport, but the import dialogue box won't let me tick any of the boxes. With the preview window open in the import dialogue box it seems that some images are missing, yet they are all there when I go to the folder. The images and catalogue I'm trying to import are on my desktop. I have verified and repaired disk permissions after clearing my caches.
When I download new photos from memory card, the actual photos download to storage drive, but LR 4.4 catalogue shows grey and "?" This is first time it has happened. I've formatted my cards and tried again, but no luck.
I need to export a catalogue for a college assignment and burn to CD. The export had a slight hiccup with conflicts in metadata for 2 of the dng files, but I just overwrote the data. The main problem is when I burned the files to CD and tried opening the catalogue on the CD I get the following error:
"lightroom cannot open the catalog named "..." located on volume DVD RW Drive (E:) because Lightroom cannot save changes to this location"
What am I doing wrong? I'm using LR3.4, and running Win Vista on my laptop at home. Is it an issue with my pc? Should I use the Mac's in college instead? I need to know soon as the assignment is due 11 May 2012 (this fri).
when I open Lightroom (4.1, Win7 64bit), it seems to revert to a previous time, losing recent changes, my last imports and edits, for example.
If I go to 'resynch folder', all my files are there, showing, say, 3,500 when my present catalog shows 3000. When I do resynch, all my labels, keywords etc edits are still present on both the 'missing' files and the ones still present in the catalog which had lost their edits.
I just returned from a six-week trip with lots of photos. Used my laptop with an external HD on which I had the trip catalog and files. When I connect the HD to the Desktop and open the trip catalog, I get the message that the catalog cannot be used because it is not writable and cannot be opened. Maybe because of incorrect pemissions or that catalog is being used by another application. Checked the permissions, seems OK, not being used by another application.
inadvertently, i established my lr5 catalogue in my c drive. I managed to move my catalogue over to my f drive,but seemed to delete the lr5 catalogue that i have on the c drive. I thought i had deleted it from the c drive but when i open up preference and general under catALOGUE SETTINGS it will come up with the catalogue as still being on the c drive. when i open up the f drive the lr cat will show up with the three files in it so i evidently moved the files successfully. How can i rectify this permanently so the lr5 cat is not in the c drive?
I'm trying to import my PSE catalogu into Lightroom3. However, LR will only offer the (old) PSE9 catalogue. I have several catalogues in PSE10 and need to import at least the largest one.
I have a hard drive published service configured in Publishing Manager that creates JPGs of any images that are placed into that published service. For the most part all the settings I specify on that service are adhered to when I "publish now". However one setting appears to be ignored and that is File Naming | Rename To:.
In the configuration of that option in Publishing Manager I have the rename to option set to "Filename - Sequence". When this option is set the example text it states at the bottom of file naming displays what I expect it be on output. However, when I "publish now" the file exports but with the original file name of the photo. Let me explain further. Typically when I've fully processed the photo I use the Lightroom file rename option to rename the file from the orginal import name to something more descriptive.
This seems to work fine with both the information in LR and the actual file name being correctly displayed. Even when I select the file for publishing the example file name show matches the new name after rename. However, the actual file generated always as the original imported file name. This happens for all files.
When I right click on an image the 1st external editor is set to CS4, but CS4 has been uninstalled and I now have CS5.5 installed. Also open as a smart object in Photoshop, merge to panorama in Photoshop, Merge to HDR in Photoshop and open as layers in Photoshop are all greyed out. I have Lightroom 4.1 installed and CS5.5 Master Collection installed.