I'm a new Macbook Pro, Lightroom 3 and photoshop elements 10 user (PC went bang). what I'm doing wrong.
I've set PSE10 up in the preferences in Lightroom, but when I try to edit the image in PSE10 from LR3 the image doesn't open. The copy in LR3 is created and PSE10 opens to the initial screen with the option to edit or organize. I then click into edit, PSE10 opens but no image ?
I am very happy with some 200 keywords that I use in PSE10 under Win7/64 on over 20k images. Is it possible, in LR4, to pick up files with keywords written to metadata, and work with them in LR4 (selection, editing, etc.) WITHOUT damaging or "upgrading" the PSE10 catalog? If yes, could PSE10 pick up keywored changes made in LR4?
Or do you have to commit to one program or the other?
After installing LR4 I imported the PSE10 catalog. No problems. But when I later import more pictures into PSE - is it possible to add these pictures automatically to the LR catalog without importing the pictures once more? Or do I have to import the same pictures once more into LR and therefore have to copies of each new picture in two different folders - one for PSE and one for LR? So far I don't think the auto import will work, because as far as I understand
1)all the new pictures that PSE saved then will be moved to another folder and therefore will be missing afterwards, and
I tried to import my PSE10 catalog into LR4 on a Mac (lion).It only imported 92 photos out of the 12000. it says: Some Photoshop Elements photos were not included in the Lightroom catalog. The pohotos and reasons are listed below.These files were either unavailable or damaged. (15216).These files are not supported by Lightroom. (10)They all there and could be imported.However, in that case, all the collections are gone.
I have LR4, and once I make some develop changes I've been exporting the files I want to use as DNG. I then open them in PSE10 to make final edits. It's been working fine, actually I had an older version of Adobe Raw in my PSE on my other computer. So when I opened in PSE it would ask if I wanted to conver to compatible version to edit in camera raw. I always said no b/c I didn't need to do anymore raw edits. Now that I have installed PSE on my new computer, it has the new ACR version I guess. When I open the DNGs to edit now I no longer get this error message, but it's showing my contrast, etc. as a standard raw setting instead of the changes I made in LR. Some are showing....like vibrance, but "recovery" which I know is "highlights" in LR, and other things are not showing correctly. I know that the options are different, but I don't want to use the ACR settings that it's using when I open the file, or have to go through them again.
I have just upgraded to Lightroom 4.3 and now find I cannot edit images in Photoshop CS5.Shortcut does not work nor going to - edit in photoshop. Photoshop seem to not be linking as it is not highlighted when I click on it.I've tried reinstalling 4.3 but still cannot edit/send image files to Photoshop
just started with my lightroom 4 / photoshop cs5 set up? when i edit a image in lightroom4 and export to photoshop cs5 ,the image apears to be over exposed ,quite a lot.i export from lightroom with lightroom adjustments and it keeps coming into photoshop overexposed.
Running Windows 7 Pro, 64bit on Intel i5, 2.80GHx, 12GB RAM, with ATI Radon 5770. All drivers are current. will crash after only one or two applications.
And it is totally random. I use a differnt library for every shoot I do (weddings mainly) and sometimes when I edit the image in PS, it comes back fine. But the other times right to the top of the stack in front of the first picture of the day, miles away from the orginal! No ryme or reason. And yes in preferences in external editing I have clicked 'stack with orginal'. this is sucking up alot of my time haiving to reorganizing every picture I take into PS from LR.
Whenever I open photos from Lightroom (that already have lightroom adjustments) edit in Photoshop CC only opens Photoshop but does not open the image.
If I open Images with "Edit in Photoshop" that DO NOT HAVE Adjustments, the image will open up in Photoshop correctly. I just came from Windows to Mac.
Whenever I edit (a copy) of an image in Photoshop CS6 from Lightroom 4.3 (Photo/Edit-In), after I save and close the image in CS6 the new psd image does not show in Lightroom. In order to see the image in Lightroom, I need to close Lightroom and then reopen Lightroom. It is almost like Lightroom needs to "refresh". Any solution that does not require me to close Lightroom? I have tried to use View/Sort by extension, filename, edit time, etc. with no effect.
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.
I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".
I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.
It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.
Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.
Any method when in the Library module to quickly edit the Title and Caption per image without having to use the mouse to click in the Title box each time. For instance - my current workflow is a bunch of products with their own SKU titles. Usually I would follow this step:
1. Import images from Camera -> Lightroom 2. Open Library and click on first image, select the Title field and enter the SKU (for instance : HG4356) 3. Now I would click in Title and type in "PROFILE" or "TOP" or "SIDE" 4. I would then use the right hand key on the keyboard to move to the next image in my filmstrip and then have to use the mouse to click into the Title field again. 5. Once all these images are completey named, I select them all and then select Library -> Rename Photos and use the Title_Caption as my fields and rename all my files to the correct SKU names.
I can usually automate option 3 somewhat by selecting all the PROFILE views and doing a sync etc... but the SKU section gets a bit tedious when having to mouse click each time into the field. Ideally, I would like a "Naming" feature where it asks for the name, upon typing it in and pressing enter, it jumps to the next image, into the same field and you can start typing again.
I know its sounds a bit lazy - but when you have over a 1000+ images to rename - it does take its time - and anything to speed up this process.
When in Lightroom 2.3, you go to edit in and select Photoshop, it opens Photoshop CS6 but does not bring the image in. This has only happened recently and maybe I have done something to make this happen as it never used to happen.
In Lightroom 4.2 when open and I want to edit in PSE 10, I go to Photo, edit in PSE 10, and PSE 10 opens, but there is no image. I want to edit in PSE 10 and can't. Using LR 4.2, and attempting to edit in PSE 10, PSE 10 opens but no image opens to edit
My photos are printing out much darker than what is on the monitor display. I have calibrated the monitor and changed the color profile, color management & color space numerous times and they I cannot see any difference in the prints. I've changed the printer settings, still too dark. I have edited the photos and brightened them, still much darker than on the display. I'm using Photoshop Elements 10 with a new monitor and computer. My old computer and Adobe Photoshop CS2 program did not have this problem.
I upraded elements 10 online. I need to uninstall it (as I keep getting message that its incomplete or missing some elements, as shown in screen shots) and then reinstall but since I don't have a disc can I do that? How do I go about this?
Is Photoshop Elements 10 compatible with the new Windows 8 operating system? Microsoft now has an inexpensive Windows 8 upgrade path for laptop and desktop running Windows operating systems.
Will start using lasso tool and then the picture will flicker and the lassoo tool will not function to continue with the selection. Has worked ok in the past but not now. Have tried reset tool but did"t work out problem. Why the flicker of the picture as this through the alignment of the lassoo off and you cannot continue with the outline.
I have created my photography logo using a stamp in Elements 10. I create it and then hit define stamp. I can close out Elements and open it back up and its still there. However, the moment I have to use a different brush, I lose the stamp I created.
I am trying to access the edit original (edit with) option to edit a photo that has not been edited yet. I right click and go through the edit menu and does not appear or is not available? Would I have to reopen it manual in photoshop or is there a way around this to access that setting? it sometimes does not appear on my already edited photos.
I would prefer not to open each photo again, as some files i do not have and were imported into the document with another computer.
I have Photoshop Elements 10 on my Mac and my PC. I have several catalogs on an external harddrive with older photos. I have tried to get my Elements on my Mac to read those catologs. However, it gives me a message that the catologs are in a older format and need to be upgraded or damaged and need to be repaired. I ran the repair utiity on the catologs using Elements on my PC and it found nothing wrong. My PC version can open the files without any issues. Both versions of Elements are the exact same. I installed them both the same day from the same CD set (Elements 10 came with both PC and Mac versions).
NB: I'm using the word 'register' in the printer's sense, i.e 'correctly aligned'.
I frequently edit multi-layered maps, in which each layer must be precisely registered (to the exact pixel) with the canvas. In older versions of PSE, when I've wanted to import layers from another file, I would turn off 'Maximise' mode in the Window menu, and drag the imported layers from one image onto the other. By pressing the SHIFT key at the same time, the new layers would be precisely registered on the new canvas in the same relative position they were on the old canvas (if the images were different sizes, the old canvas would be centred on the new one).
In PSE10 there is no 'Maximise'mode, so I use the 2-up option in the Arrange menu. However, pressing the SHIFT key doesn't seem to work any more, and the new layers don't come up in their original position. Apart from manually lining up the layers, I can't find a way to register them. The various 'Align' options aren't useful for this, as they re-calculate the centre of the layer based on its content. I need the layer to be aligned as it was on the old canvas, whatever the content of the layer.