Illustrator :: Keep Text Editable When Saving EPS 10 File From CS5?
Feb 12, 2013
I am having an impossible time finding an answer to this question. How do you keep text editable when saving an EPS in Illustrator CS5 down to Illustrator 10? Every time I open it, the text is either converted to points or it is broken up into single letters which is hardly useful for the end-user to take and edit.
I'm trying to copy editable text from a Word file into the text editor for GIMP. Before I upgraded to 2.8, this was possible, but now it seems not. I'm on 2.8.4 using OSX Mavericks on a Macbook Pro.
I'm a terrible speller and since GIMP doesn't support spell check, this was always my workaround.
I have Photoshop CS5 for Windows (version 12.1 x32), and I'm trying to open a CS6 file that was sent to me. When I do, none of the text layers are editable. Is this expected?
recently I've designed a logo, and the problem is the following: I've desgined it in Illustrator CS6 and the text is fully editable, but when I downsave it to make it compatible with Illustrator 10, the text automatically outlines itself! how do I save it so the text remains editable and keeps the compatibility with the 10 version?
My co-worker spent all day trying to export a Flash file to open and edit in Illustrator. Is this possible? She feels that it is because when she exports as .fxg into Illus if she turns the preview to outlines the art looks like vector art. Im not so sure. You cant select anything. It still has all those outer boxes aroud it like when you "Place" artwork. Is it possible to do this?
am having an Issue with CS6 when saving files. When saving a file using the 'Save' option (not 'Save As') the file is not staying at the size of the artboard as it should, it is however being aurtomatically cropped down to the actual artwork size. This is causing issues with the Process we work with as we need the file to stay at the artboard size.If I click 'Save As' and change the Adobe PDF Preset to 'Press Quality' then this works, however this means that every file we save(which is quite alot in a day) means we have to go through the 'Save As' option and manually change each save.why this has suddenly started to happen with our Illustrators and do you know how to fix this so that it stays at the Artboard size when 'Save' is used?
Open an .AI file saved on a netapp or windows shared directory with full permissions (prior to saving I noted that all security groups are intact in file properties as we have 2 for read and write access)Make any changesTry to save and get the prompt: Can’t save preview, but all other information was saved successfully. The file couldn’t be found. ID = -43 (file is now corrupted and looking in security group file properties the 2 security groups designated for read and write access for the directory is now gone and shows an unknown security group????)
Save as works without a problem. Try to press save again and get This file has been modified outside Illustrator. Do you want to continue?Continue and prompted This file cannot be foundObviously the file preview icon goes from a thumbnail of the file to a generic iconWhen I try to open the file I get: Can’t open the illustration. The file is locked or in use.It led me to believe the issue was either OS X or CS5.5. I was able to open the file fine on Windows Illustrator CS5.5 make a slight change and resaved (which fixed the file and opens again in OS X and read/write security groups show up again?)Optionally, I was also able to fix the file to where I could open it in OS X by simply giving myself Read/Write access to the file from Get Info
Notes:No issues with the same file in 10.7.x.
I've tested on all available Mac Pro / MacBook Pro machines and issue doesn't seem to happen on MacBook Pro retina?Photoshop and InDesign not affected
1. Is there an area in 3ds where I can enter comments about what I'm doing? When I save a new version, unless I document in a separate file, there's no way to know what changes I made.
2. The Scene Explorer seems to stay open when I re-open a file.
But the Layers window doesn't. Is there a way to force it to open with a file also?
This is a question about Adobe Illustrator, not Photoshop, so I hope this fits under this topic category. I've been given some floor plans done in Autocad and they need to be converted to PDFs. Autocad does not save as PDFs so what I have to do is open the files in Illustrator and then save as PDF. The problem is that, for some reason, Illustrator won't save the text that's included in the plans. I can open it and see the text just fine (labels, dimensions, unit numbers, etc.), but when I save it and open up the PDF file, all the text is gone. I'm getting around this by transfering it to Photoshop since Photoshop does preserve text when saving as PDF. But even this is more difficult than it sounds. In order to transfer it to Photoshop, I have to first open it in Illustrator, copy and paste it into Photoshop, and then manually retype all the text because even when copying and pasting from Illustrator, the text dissappears. Does anybody know how to preserve text when saving as PDF in Illustrator, or at least how to preserve text when copying from Illustrator and pasting into Photoshop?
A simple editable mesh object, a piece of terrain, which has standard texture on it an no modifiers, just some UV's on channel 1.
Whenever I add "edit poly" modifier or convert it to editable poly, additional geometry will be created. Statistics show that only vertex count of the selected object goes up about 6x but no additional faces are generated. This not the case when check on a sub-object level, there are lot of additional faces created. I've never seen this happen, jumping between edit poly and edit mesh has been easy without any errors like this.
I've tried the same model with 2013 as well - same results. Also tried collapsing the object, removing uv-mapping, different materials, attaching the mesh to empty box, etc, garbage collection, exporting it to obj and importing - even then same thing happens.
Saving a large file from illustrator to PDF. The pdf is only saving the printer marks and bleeds. Checked the layers in the pdf. Made sure the pdf compatible was checked in Illustrator.
I have simply created a special ellipse in illustrator that I want to save to file and import to an iPhone application. I was wondering about the following:
1) How do I make the file so that just the ellipse appears, ie cut everything else out of the file, all the white space, so that there just exists space for the ellipse shape and the ellipse shape only.
2) What file format would be the best to save it to?
I have created a project within Illustrator CC (However, I am not too familiar with this program). My client has a later version of Illustrator (CS4) and wishes to be able to open it in their office. When saving it as a general Illustrator file, he is able to open it when I save it as an IDML. However, when packaging the project in CC, I cannot chose this option (IDML CS5 or later) and they are left being unable to open the file.
I am running Adobe Illustrator Cs6 on my Windows 8 computer. I have been using the program with no problems for a few days now. However today the program is crashing when I try to save a file. It starts saying it is not responding. I have tried restarting the computer a few times.
I'm working on a document in Illustrator, that I want to save as PDF. Need to make some words hyperlinked. Is there any way to do that? Any easy tool as in MS Word, I know not of?
Over the past week or so we have had a error. When working in a AI file and trying to save as a PDF we get this error: "Cant save the illustrator file. File may be read only, or the file is in use, or you dont have the required permissions. ID=54". We have to go back to file and re-save every time.
When I have a file in Illustrator that I want to save as or export as a PDF or JPEG whenever I save it the colours shift and the quality drops.Most noticiably black boxes goes to a muddy brown when saved to JPEGS, but I have also noticed tones in Photographs change quite a lot when saving as PDF.
I have tried to tweek every type of setting there is. higher resoulution, compression, sampling, down sampling, PDF preset, print quality etc.but nothing seems to sort it out. PDF's arent as much as a problem as the JPEG but the only way I have managed to get a PDF up to a reasonable standard is by wacking everything up so there is no compression or downsampling which makes ginat files I cant email....
Im sure the problem probably lies within the combination of each of these together but I cant seem to find out what that is. Also brown in the seat base has gone more orange and the whole picture has generaly lost quality.
My coworker and I both have the same version of Illustratir (CS6) and both use Lion on iMacs, but today noticed something weird. He saved a file similar to a file I had done before as both an eps and a pdf and his file size was more than twice what my file sizes usually are. I thought it was odd, so I copied everything from his file into a new file (same dimensions) and saved out an eps and pdf (default settings), and like I thought, my files were less than half the size of his.
Why would two machines be saving identical files at different sizes? Is there a setting somewhere I'm missing? Everything in the file is vector, if it matters. There's not even any editable text.
Is there a way to save an .eps file from illustrator without flattening transparency? If not then is there a way around this while still saving as an .eps format?
How do I create a photoshop file using the text tool in which the text remains editable after I save the file (instead of becoming a rasterized graphic)?
I have a 2D autocad 2013 file that has a good amount of text on it. When I import the file into MAX, the text is not there. So...I exploded the text. Well, the file imports with the "text" now, but it is painfully slow to navigate and select anything. (probably because of the thousands of lines that make up the text)
Is there a way to import the text, and keep them editable in Max?
What is the best workflow? I need the text only as reference. I am building an RC airplane and have the pieces drawn in CAD. I want to bring them into MAX and extrude them to make a virtual build to make sure my parts are accurate. I only need the text because it labels all the pieces for now.
I have both 32- and 64-bit versions of Adobe Illustrator CS6 The error occurs only with the 64-bit version,The error occurs only when saving files containing text objects.Unchecking "Create PDF Compatible File" doesn't solve the problem. Resetting Illustrator's settings also doesn't work.
It's pretty much time taking switching between the two versions and I also have files pretty big enough that require opening in the 64 bit version.
I'm working on building an action in Illustrator CS5 that will do the following..Delete the layer "original artwork"Select AllCreate OutlinesSave as PDF "content.pdf" to the current working folder with specific settings in the Save PDF prompt..Up to step 4 this is pretty simple, but so far when trying to record the saving step it insists on using the directory that I'm building the action in - not the relative one based on where the current file is opened. Also, unlike the 'Save For Web JPEG' default Illustrator action, the PDF saving step doesn't retain any of the specific settings within the action.
I have tried CS5 & CS4 and when I open the program and attempt to open or save an .ai file, the program completely crashes. My system specs are as follows:
How can I back save illustrator files created in CC (CS7 version???) to CS6 without losing layers? when I open the files in CS6 it says "some info will be lost' Ha! all layers and separation is lost, so cannot separate parts whole file seems grouped and cannot be separated? When I go back to my (other) computer where I was foolish enough to upgrade to CC, way to save back as I can with InDesign and saving as a idml file.
It was working perfectly fine over the weekend and then Monday I open illustrator and try to open a drawing I was working on and it closes on me everytime. Now I can't open or save files without it closing itself. I would uninstall and reinstall it but i lost my code. I have to make vector images for a couple of clients of mine!