Illustrator :: How To Change Scratch Disc From Default System To External Drive
Jan 23, 2014
using mac os I need to change my scratch disc from the default "system" to an external drive.
In preferences> scratch discs it sees the hard drive i have i choose it, I click ok and get the usual warning about having to restart illustator to implement the change. problem is, when i quit, then restart illustrator, no dice. it's defaulted back to " system". I change it again. click ok. then, just to see, i re- open the preference panel. it's already gone back to " system". what gives? i've tried over and over and it just wont take.
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Aug 10, 2012
1) I'm unable to designate an internal drive as a scratch disc (non boot drive). Drive is clean, empty, I've chkdsk'd, permissions set to full, I can read and write files on it, and I'm able to designate it as scratch for Illustrator but PS6 doesn't like it. Says I don't have access.
2) I upgraded to PS6 extended (cloud) and after a week it now hangs during startup at loading Nik Color Efex Pro 4 plugin. Hangs for about 3 minutes before continuing.
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Nov 15, 2013
No one of the used files are bigger than 20MB in file size. When opening the file, my empty hard drive space (40GB of free space) decreases to ZERO. Which temporary file on earth can be 40GB big? My system is an i Mac with 24GB RAM. How can this happen?
EDIT: I just found out this might be the so called scratch-disc. But anyway, how can a file take up this much space? Photoshop has a allocated RAM space of 16GB on my system.
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Aug 10, 2013
Just wondering is it OK to use a External USB 3 500 GB Hard Drive as Scratch Disk. I have USB 3 ports on my PC and have internal hard drive also, but would it be OK to use the external drive as a scratch disk
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Oct 10, 2008
I have photoshop CS2 on my desktop computer (XP). The hard drive is partitioned and I have photoshop scratch disk on its own partition (10GB).
I have photoshop CS3 on my laptop (Vista Premium, 2GB ram). There is only one hard drive in the laptop. It is already partitioned into three - C drive: windows + programs, S drive: system files, X drive: recovery.
My question is do I keep my scratch drive on the C drive or can/should I partition an external hard drive (250GB) and put my photoshop scratch disk on there? The external drive is via USB.
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Mar 18, 2014
I've just purchased Elements 12 but can't save photos on my hdd that I edit. I use a macbook pro which I also recently purchased. Before the mac I was using a laptop with windows and ACDSee with no issues.
I can access and edit the photos from the hdd but cannot save them. I am using jpeg and tif files.
The message I get is that I can't save the file "because write access is not granted".
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Jul 17, 2012
After doing everything i can find to optimize my hardware/software for doing 3D animation in Ps Ext CS6. I still cannot render an animation to video using the Ray Traced Final setting. (Ray Traced Draft, no problem.) The last time I tried (after repairing disk permissions), at least Ps did not crash and give me the same old crash report (Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV) Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x00000007a0020000). This time I just got an error msg that my request could not be completed. (Progress?) Checking Activity Monitor, I could see that my available RAM, which was 13 GB when I started the render was now less than 1 GB (761 MB).
So, I have come to the conclusion that my 16 GB of RAM and 300 GB available for virtual memory on my HD is not enough for rendering the type of 3D animation I am trying to do. Would you agree? Also, I have read it is not good to use the same HD your program is installed on for a scratch disk, so I am considering getting an external solid state drive to use as a scratch disk.
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Dec 3, 2012
I have photos stored on a external hard drive, over time the computer changes the drive letter ie from "G" to "I" Lightroom there for is unable to see all the photos in drive G which is in fact the same drive.
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Jul 17, 2013
I've got about 10,000 photos that I've moved in lightroom by creating a folder called 'pictures' on the external drive using the left folders panel. I then selected all the images in the root drive on my computer and dragged them onto the 'pictures' folder on the external drive, and I expected the folder structure to come with it. Only after I realised that they had all moved into one folder. Is there a way of moving the images back into a structure without manually doing it? Here's a screenshot.....
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Aug 28, 2013
I have in excess of 64,000 photos catalogued in Photoshop Elements 11 stored on a NAS drive in various folders such as: \10..253.20.37photo2013USA, \ . The problem is that I have recently changed ISP & the internal IP address of the NAS drive has changed to \ consequently the ‘location’ of files stored in the catalogue is now incorrect. I wondered whether I could do some form of update on the catalogue database file to replace with
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Jul 17, 2013
I have Photoshop CS3 and CS5 Extended on my computer. CS3 is the default external editing program Lightroom 5 chose to use to open files during initial setup, which causes selections such as "Open as Smart Object or Merge to Panorama" to be grayed out. How can I change the default to CS5 Extended, short of removing the CS3 version on my system?
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Nov 11, 2008
This is my first post, and I was hoping someone can help me out. I'm looking to add a seperate internal HD to use as the Photoshop Scratch exclusively. I'am considering the WD Raptor 36GB SATA 16MB 10000RPM.
My question is: Size-wise, will 36GB be enough?
I'm on a budget. I can almost get 2 x 160GB SATA 7200 for the price of the 1 x Raptor 36GB, so I really want to be sure I'm doing the rigth thing and aiming for speed.
My Set-Up would then be:
Internal 1: 320 GB 7200 (main drive / programs & system installations)
Internal 2: 36 GB Rapter (photoshop scratchdisc exclusive)
External 1: 500 GB Mybook (all documents)
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Jan 23, 2012
When I make a part in Frame Generator, by default it will name the part a big lengthy name like "frame 000001 etc etc". Is there any way that I can change the default naming system and include parameters in the name (the parameters is not necessary, but would be useful).
ALSO, if I name 2 parts the same name will it show up as "QTY 2" in my parts list?
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Nov 22, 2012
can you safely change the default location of the cache away from the C drive? I want to add a solid state drive to handle all my caches.
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Feb 19, 2004
I get an error which says my scratch disc is full. The question is how does one empty an existing scratch disc? None of the manuals seem to cover this.
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Oct 27, 2013
once i was reading an adobe pdf "How to get better performance in photoshop cs5" - that was in 2009 or 2010, and may be outdated, but there was a calculation method to determine the size of a scratch disc. (similar calculation see below, if i can remember right)
i am asking myself, how can i determine the correct size of an external SSD-scratch disc, only used by photoshop (completely empty):should i buy a 128GB or 256GB or 512GB SSD which is only reserved for photoshop?
basic question 1 : i guess i should avoid to set the internal SSD as photoshop scratch disc, as it slows down everything?
basic question 2 : in sense of maximum performance: better buy an external USB3.0 or thunderbolt SSD? will photoshop really use the extra thunderbolt speed when swapping data?
secondary question:
can i calculate the size regarding my daily working habits?
i am mainly working like this:
- with my imac 27" late 2013 with 32GB RAM and 256 GB internal pci-e SSD (800 MB/sec), which will stay always half empty for performance reasons.
- OSX 10.8 mountain lion and 10.9 mavericks soon
- photoshop cs5, cs6 and cc (always without extended)
- 8bit and 16bit mode
- only RGB
- with latest phocus/Hasselblad and canon RAW Files which produce a basic .psb document at ...
- 10.000 x 7000 px at 300dpi
i wonder how to calculate ?
for example:
10.000 x 7000 px at 300dpi needs for one image layer at 16bit: 2GB RAM in photoshop cs6 or cc (just as a number), this may be wrong so lets take 2GB RAM and multiply with 10 image layers in my .psb file (16bit) = 20 GB RAM, and multiply with 20 adjustment layers (guess they need less ram, for one lets say 500MB) = 20GB + 10GB = this 16bit .psb layer file would need 30GB RAM, so when i have 32GB in my imac, i set cs6 or cc to 70% ram usage, it misses at least round 8-10GB RAM > can i guess that photoshop would swap these 8GB onto my scratch disc? or do i miss something important in my thinking?
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Mar 19, 2012
I've been using Photoshop CS5 for awhile now (about a year and a half). Up to yesterday I was running OSX Snow Leapord with no issues. Yesterday I upgraded to OSX Lion and today, my first day using Photoshop in Lion, I'm getting repeated "scratch disc error" messages with a "quit" button (no other options). Photoshop works fine for awhile, three hours or so, and then I'll get the "scratch disc error" message and will be forced to quit Photoshop and restart.
My main drive is a 2Tb drive with 1.7Tb of available space, so I'm sure scratch disc space isn't a problem. I've got about another Tb of scratch disc space available on two other internal drives. I've got 14Gb of Ram, all memtested and working perfectly. It clearly seems to be an issue with OSX Lion since it never happened before today. A few other details: I'm up to date with Photoshop CS5, I have Open GL turned off because I'm on an older Mac Pro (a 3.0 Ghz dual quad core, 2.1) and my video card doesn't play nicely with Open GL (a whole different kind of crash).
All three times I've gotten the "scratch disc error" pop-up today it seems to have been when I open multiple files. This last time I opened something like 8 files. Big deal; sometimes I open 40 or more without any problems. I have yet to lose any of my work (I save constantly - a habit born out of past frustrations), so it's managable, but it shouldn't be happening.
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Jan 13, 2013
Why PS only shows 9.98G scratch disc space available where i have a 120G ssd assigned as scratch? How "Scratch Sizes" indicator works?
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Mar 5, 2013
I recently changed the Photoshop (CS6) Scratch Disk choice from the default Boot Drive to one of the other internal drives in my MacPro (OS 10.6.8).
When I restart Photoshop (CS6) I get the message:"Could not open scratch file because disc is not available" and Photoshop will not launch.
I then restart Photoshop with "Command - alt - shift" keys held down (as per suggestion at URL.....)and reset the preferences which allows Photoshop to come back.(Resetting preferences returned the Boot Drive to scratch disk status.)
I have another MacPro that - same OS 10.6.8 and Adobe CS6 - and I don't have this scratch disk allocation problem.What is going on with the one MacPro that prevents me from selecting a Photoshop scratch disk other than the boot drive?
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Sep 26, 2013
I would like to use a separate drive, like I do with PhotoShop, as a scratch disc for my Corel programs. Can this be done?
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Jan 6, 2014
Using Elements 11 - My photos are taking over my hard-drive and I want to safely transfer all my photos and videos to an external hard-drive. How do I do it without loosing info and/or later having to re-connect thousands of pictures?
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Mar 1, 2012
I moved images from my harddrive to an external drive.
I opened Lightroom.
Noticed there was a question mark by the photo folder I needed.
I synchronized the folders. Nada.
I rememebered I moved the images (first line ^^)
I re-imported the images from the external drive into Lightroom.
These images (other than one that was marked previously with a blue label) look completely untouched - completely original files - even though I spent hours working on them.
I am glad the images weren't deleted BUT re-doing 600 images will be a MAJOR FAIL if I can't figure out how to import the images with the settings / developments I did beforehand.
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Aug 18, 2013
I have about 900 raw files on an external drive. I edited those files using my master catalog using a laptop while still travelling. When I got home, I copied the master catalog from the external drive to the desk top, then opened the master catalog on my desktop. I can see the edited images on the external drive. So far so good.
I want to copy (add) the edited images to my desk top. I tried to export the images as a new catalog and then import it into the desire location on my desktop drive. However, LR5 does not allow that. I get this message: "There is nothing new in the catalog you have selected. All of the catalog's photos are up to date in this catalog." Yes, but the edited images are not on my desktop.....
I also tried to Import from the external drive and then Copy the files to the desktop, but then I lose all of the work done in the develop module and the keywords.
I watched Kost's LR 3 video on merging catalogs, but she dodges the question of how to deal with this issue since the "merge" is within the same catalog.I'm using LR5 with Windows 7.
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May 21, 2013
How can I move my Lightroom 4 catalog (data, not photos) from my local drive to an external drive? My local drive is running out of space.
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Feb 10, 2014
PSE11 transferred data from hard drive to external drive how do i direct PSE11 to new drive/catalog
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Dec 26, 2013
I have my LR library and catalog on an external hard drive. I have a new iMac with a 3TB hard drive and I want to move the library and catalog from the external drive to the computer's hard drive. Is this something that can be done with a drag and drop?
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Aug 29, 2012
My scratch disc instantly fills up when I open a 1.4 gb file? I have 400gb available?
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Jan 11, 2014
How does moving files off my C drive affect Lightroom's ability to find them? I have flagged and labeled files - will they still be flagged and labeled? Will I have to import them again?
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Feb 10, 2013
I want to "Delete the Adobe Photoshop Settings File", but at startup when I hold down [ctrl alt shift] I get the "scratch disc preferences" window instead. It was fine for a long while and this just started recently.
I have Windows and Photoshop CS5. The scratch disc preferences is on the first selection 'start up'.
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Mar 1, 2012
I have several Illustrator JavaScripts that I've written with the ESTK. A lot of these scripts involve resizing the artboard or artwork to specific sizes. Instead of forcing the user to manually input the dimensions they want into text fields, I just stored a half-dozen or so "presets" in an array.
Then they can select one of the presets from a dropdownlist, or go ahead and input a custom size. These presets are the same for multiple "resize" scripts, so it would be nice to store those presets in a separate file (i.e. presets.jsx) that my resize scripts could reference, so when I need to add or change a preset, I could just go to that one shared file, and all the scripts would be updated.
Is it possible to do that? If it is, a quick example of how to load the variables from another file.
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Mar 5, 2013
I'm thinking of moving all my pictures to an externa drive with usb3 (2,5", 5400), so I can use my laptop, and another computer with lightroom.
My first concern is if it's a good idea to keep the catalog on the drive, so that I have the same catalog when I use my second computer. Is there a risk with this and will this affect the speed using lightroom? If I keep the catalog local, can I then work work (rate, add keywords etc) with the pictures without my disc connected (when traveling)?
Will the work be much slower compared to multiple internal 7200 discs as on my stationary pc? I have a lot of photos (45000, DNG) and prefer to keep all om the same drive, (but using my laptop I will have more time to reduce)I have a Dell xps12 (touch), with windows8, 256 gb SSD and i7 with 8 gb ram.
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