Illustrator :: How To Calibrate Digitizer Tablet

Nov 29, 2012

I'm trying to use a digitizer tablet in Illustrator but I can't figure out how to calibrate it so that the vectors come out at the right size/length regardless of the zoom level. In CAD, the 'tablet' command allows you to pick two points on the tablet and correspond that to two points on the CAD model space and after you do that, the scale at which you draw remains constant. I'm drawing archaeological sections so the scale needs to be exact.
I've had difficulty trying to do the same in Illustrator.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2012 Won't Calibrate Digitizer No Tools Menu?

Dec 28, 2011

I have used ACAD Lt 2000 for years and it has been fine untill recently.  It does not seem to like the new hardware so I am trying the 2012 Lt for 30 days.  One thing it is not letting me do is calibrate the digitizer, (a GTCO 3648 Rollup II)  I am not even getting a "tools" menu and typing in "CAL" gets me a weird "  >> Expression:  " in the command line. It shows:

(mouse icon) Menu: Tools > Tablet > Configure

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Digitizer Tablet Support

Mar 29, 2010

I have Digitizer Tablet and it has worked very well with my XP 32bit computer for many years. I downloaded the new Autocad 2011 Win 30 day trial and installed it. I configured the tablet with the WinTab 3.2 driver, the way that I did in version 2010 and everything seemed to work fine untill I exited Autocad, and now it gaves me an error message every time I exit. But if I configure it back as a standard mouse, it works OK but no tablet support. Have they changed the driver for Autocad 2011 or do they not support tablets anymore? I noticed that there is no longer have a tablet menu drawing in the sample drawings anymore.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Wintab Compatible Digitizer - Your Pointing Device Cannot Be Used As Tablet

Mar 26, 2013

We're trying to use vtablet with ACAD 2012LT and a GTCO Rollup III 3648 on Com1, 32-bit Win7 (32-bit driver) and are having a bit of trouble with the configuration.The problem is that ACAD seems to only half-recognize it.

When we try to change the pointing device to "wintab compatible digitizer", the change won't "stick" - but I don't see an error message in the status line.  The "apply" button simply continues to stay grayed out and clicking on "ok" doesn't make ACAD save the change.  Thus since the pointing device remains a mouse, when we try to turn the tablet on, we get an error message that says "your pointing device cannot be used as a tablet".

However, we can move the tablet's stylus and it moves the cursor.  We can also draw a line in ACAD but can't calibrate (since calibrate never becomes an option since we can't turn the tablet on inside ACAD).

Yes, UAC is off.  Yes the digitizer does seem to be sending regular packets.  Yes the digitizer shows up in device manager as a MS Serial Ballpoint (the mouse uses USB).  They both move the cursor seemingly without conflict (there is no jerkiness).

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Photoshop :: CS4 Conflicts With Digitizer...

Dec 2, 2008

I have a Calcomp DrawingBoard III (12x 12) digitizer running on Windows XP Service Pack #3. The digitizer wintab driver conflicts with Photoshop CS4, preventing it from opening. When I start Photoshop it partially opens and then the computer locks up. But, if the computer boots up without the wintab driver loading, Photoshop starts and runs properly.

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Photoshop :: Smoothing Digitizer Input

Sep 19, 2012

GIMP has great tools for creating smooth lines from tablet input:

These options allow for a great range of input raniging from just remoiving jiter to creating very smooth lines with a delayed pen stroke.
The only option I've found like this in PS is the "Smoothing" checkbox in the brush propeties box, but it has very little affect and can not be manupulated. Is there anything like this available in Photoshop, or as a plugin for Photoshop?

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Illustrator :: Keyboard Shortcuts For Tablet?

Aug 22, 2013

i'm currently using illustrator on a sony vaio duo tablet. my question there a way to create menu items for commonly used keyboard shortcuts (cut, paste, delete) given that when using the tablet the keyboard is effectively inaccessible?

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Photoshop :: How To Calibrate Display Properly

Jan 10, 2012

I want to calibrate my display properly and I am little confused. There are too many settings and wizards. First of all there are display settings (brightness, contrast, black level, color temperature, sharpness). Second -- graphics card settings (hue, saturation, brightness, contrast, color temperature, color correction curves). Third -- there are Windows color management settings in Control Panel (ICC profiles, WCS profiles, etc). Fourth -- Adobe Gamma. Firth -- I can use calorimeter to set display LUT.
How all that level of settings are related? In what order they should be changed? What color temperature is "best"? How Adobe gamma correlated with Windows 7 color management wizard? What is best? (They are producing different profiles.)
I "just" want to make photos of what I see, see it then on display more or less precisely and then print it.

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Photoshop :: Gregamacbeth Won't Calibrate Monitor

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Dell 30" monitor and Photoshop cs 3 on new Dell desktop with Vista. I am attempting to calibrate with GregaMacbeth eye-one display 2. I print on an Espson 7800.
All worked fine until I got the new computer with Vista. After dozens of attempts over 4 months my monitor display is not even close to the prints. Colors are too warm and saturated.

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Photoshop :: Calibrate Widescreen Monitor For...

Dec 19, 2008

My Viewsonic vx924 quit so I bought two more 19" widescreen monitors. Both have very uneven color and display a mustard color even after calibrating. It is almost impossible to buy a 4:3 aspect ratio any more. My Spyder is old and may need replacing but it seemed to work after reducing monitor from widescreen to 4:3. It almost looks like a dark to light gradient across the monitor.

Question: What are you doing to prevent this with your widescreen? Can they be calibrated? What brand widescreen monitor works for you with CS3?

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Photoshop Elements :: Calibrate New Printer For Use In 10?

Mar 1, 2014

How do I calibrate a new printer for use in Photoshop Elements 10?

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Illustrator :: How To Turn On Brush Pressure Without Tablet

Sep 2, 2013

how i turn on brush pressure without tablet ot tech screen? this is my problem:

"pressure" is disabled. how i turn on pressure without tablet?

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Illustrator :: How To Get Tablet To Respond To Pressure Sensitivity

Sep 24, 2012

how to i get my tablet to respond to pressure sensitivity.I'm running cs4 on a windows machine.

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Illustrator :: Blinking Cursor With Graphics Tablet?

Oct 15, 2012

For the past 2 months I've been using a Yiynova 10.1 tablet to design in Illustrator CS6. Later today I have an issue where the cursor would be on place but immediately move to a random area on screen. It is quick and I can keep my pen to point where I need to. However, everytime when I do close Illustrator the tablet seems to work perfectly. Photoshop and other programs seem to respond well with the pen and tablet, but Illustrator doesn't. I have ran a windows compatibility to all previous versions of windows and there are no results. I have reinstalled my Illustrator CS6 and the tablet doesn't want to play well still.

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Photoshop :: Possible To Calibrate Ruler Tool In Centimeters

Apr 25, 2012

I need to show specific ratios on the image, e.g., this distance is to this as that is to that. A measuring tool that works in pixels is pretty cumbersome. IS it possible to re-calibrate the ruler tool to measure in millimeters, centimeters, etc.? Pixels don't really make it for me.  It seems like an obvious choice, but I can't figure out how to do it.

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Photoshop :: How To Calibrate LCD Laptop Monitor For Work

Feb 4, 2013

I found out my laptop's monitor is not calibrated correctly...I am working from home, in a foriegn country, so getting a proper monitor is out of the question at the to properly calibrate my monitor?

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Illustrator :: X & Y Axis On Tablet Inverted In 270° Screen Rotation (CS5)

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to use Illustrator CS5 (as well as Photoshop CS5) on my Lenovo X61 Tablet (running Windows 7 32 bit) in 270° screen rotation (I think this is called secondary portrait mode in windows?), but my X and Y cursor positions are inverted. This means if my stylus is on the left half of the screen, my cursor will be on the right side, the same distance away from the right border as my stylus is from the left. Likewise if my stylus is somewhere in the top half of the screen, the cursor will be somewhere in the bottom half of the screen, the same distance from the bottom border as the stylus is from the top. The only time the cursor and stylus positions match is in the dead center of the screen.
The stylus is working properly in other applications in this screen rotation, including InDesign CS5 (the only other Adobe product I've tried with this), just not in Illustrator or Photoshop.

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Photoshop Elements :: Easy Way To Color Calibrate Samsung Monitor?

Oct 22, 2012

How do I calibrate my Samsung monitor and PE 11?

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Lightroom :: Lost Options In Camera Calibrate - Develop Module

Feb 20, 2014

LR 5.3, Develop module - I seem to have lost all my options under Camera Calibrate. All I have now is Camera Standard and Matrix, where I used to have a slew of options. I'm still using the same camera and lenses, which are known to Adobe, processing RAW files.

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Photoshop :: Using Tablet / Pen

Mar 23, 2012

I've been considering getting one of the Wacom Intuos4 or 5 small tablets to use while working in PS. From what I've read they really make editing and, just working in PS in general, much easier.

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Photoshop :: Using A Pen And Tablet

Jun 14, 2004

I just bought myself a new digital pen by e3Works. It is pressure sentitive, giving greater width in response to heavier pen pressure. I don't always want this feature. If I am trying to paint an accurate mask, I might want the width to be consistent, regardless of pressure. This pen does not have a software interface of it's own. Can I make such a change within Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Pen Tablet?

Aug 24, 2004

I am tinking of buying a pen tablet,

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Photoshop :: Tablet PC's?

Mar 30, 2009

Ive been interested in purchasing a Tablet PC for some time.
But one thing Ive always been concerned with is how feasible they were regarding serious art work.

Many Forums discussing Tablet PCs involve working with academic software.
Im trying to gather information from strictly the art side of things.

My major questions would be

1. Stylus Pressure sensitivity: (how accurate is this?)
Stylus response time: (any lag ?)

2: Hotkey assignments:
When the table screen is flipped over to draw, how does one access all those much needed hotkeys?

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Photoshop :: Pen And Tablet

Aug 23, 2007

I've recently bought Adobe Photoshop CS3, I previously had CS2. In CS2, when I connected by pen and tablet, Photoshop would automatically detect and ammend all my brushes so they're sensitive to touch, etc.

However, with CS3, this isn't the case. Photoshop doesn't do anything to the brushes, I've tried the shape dynamics but have failed so far.

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Photoshop :: Best Tablet

Nov 17, 2005

What is the best tablet out there? Wacom?

Whats the usual price and best place to get one?

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Photoshop :: Using Pen Pressure Without A Tablet?

Jan 12, 2013

I like to use the pen pressure option to get those interesting lines for art with the pen tool. I've been using like that for years. But today, my computer is telling me I can't use this option without a tablet. I'm very confused. Even a couple days ago I could select that option with no problem

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Photoshop :: How To Use A Tablet For Brush App In CS6

Nov 11, 2012

How do you tether a tablet in the program, and does it really improve the accuracy of usising that app?  What else can the tablet be utilized for in CS6?

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Photoshop :: Using The Wacom Tablet On CS6

Jun 13, 2012

I am on the creative cloud and have down loaded and successfully installed PS6.  I am a professional illustrator and use the Wacom tablet.  My concern is with the pen pressure effect not staying on.  I have went to option on PS6 and checked for updates and down loaded them with no results and called support as well .

I went to the Wacom sit as well to check to if my drivers are updated and they are, and called their support as well with no results.  I understand that PS6 is a new product and that I may have to wait for patches, that is fine.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Crash While Using Tablet

Sep 4, 2013

I keep getting an annoying crash every few minutes when using my tablet with cs6. I'm running windows 7 64 bit. every few minutes in the middle of work I get a box popping up saying could not reference memory address click OK to close. I've tried making more memory available in preferences and also running the program as administrator but it still keeps happening. A friend of mine is also having the exact problem on his computer when using a tablet.

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Photoshop :: Good Tablet For PS?

Jan 22, 2003

I heard wacom makes good tablets but is this still the case. Whats a good model i could get for under a 100 that would work the best with ps?

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Photoshop :: Tablet Decision

Mar 5, 2005

I was thinking about geting a graphic tablet and was wondering if they are worth the price?

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