Illustrator :: Vertical Dashed Line In Center Of Page?
Apr 15, 2013
I'm self taught on Illustrator, so I occasionally come across something that's probably really basic, but I am totally stumped. I think this is one of those things. All of a sudden, some of my Illustrator files have a dashed line running vertically down the center of the page. I can manually delete the dashes, but what is this and surely, there's a better way to get rid of it?
I created a Yin/Yang symbol, but for some reason it has a vertical line through its center. The line disapears sometimes after I move the symbol.It disapears in outline mode. Why is it thre? How do I get rid of it?
I know how to make a solid straight line using the pencil tool. I know I can create a shape with a border using stroke and select area. But...
How do you make a straight vertical dashed (dotted) line?
Something about paths and holding down the shift key, but that doesn't do anything, no line shows and it doesn't like "snap" to a vertical position.
I'm trying to make a dotted line to be line a guide line for cutting when you print the image out on paper. Like the perforated line on a movie ticket or boarding pass.
Why the dashed line (view area) changes on a page layout between plotting to pdf and plotting dwg to pdf? I have a title block that measures 16.25 x 10.25 that will print fine to pdf (for 17x 11). This same block will not print completely when using dwg to pdf.
In creating the page layout for pdf (only)the offset is .125 x .125. Once created, if I use this layout and then choose dwg to pdf as my plotter I do not have the ability to "fit to paper"
In creating the page layout for dwg to pdf the offset is .228 x .70. When bringing in the title block at 0,0 there is no way for this block to fit inside the dashed viewing line. The amount that this block extends beyond the top dashed line is way beyond what is available at the bottom.
Ive made some digital bunting in Illustrator using a triangle shape with a dashed line to make scalloped edged bunting. I want to fill the shape with a paper that I made. I used a clipping mask with has worked fine except for it doesnt fill the stroke which means the paper doesnt go into the the scalloped edges and its just a triangle shape.
Any work-arounds for this in Illustrator other than taking it into another suite application?
I have a graph (I've ungrouped it, it is no longer a graph as far as AI is concerned) that I'm trying to get a dashed line: it doesn't work. I'm uploading screenshots to show I'm not completly
I am creating a stitched leather look, and am able to get the black dots under one of the white stitches, but cannot offset my dotted path put a hole under the opposite end of the white stitch. So that I have 2 holes for each stitch.
The file we generated is on the right side of the image, in both PREVIEW and OUTLINE views. You can see that letters "I" in the logos are boxes and the bottom horizontal stripe is a filled box. In the art file they received, the capital letters "I" in the art and the horizontal box have become paths with DASHES applied.
Today I have been working on a photo (cloning out the background) and after about 4hrs work a thin green line about 1-2 pixel thick, has appeared across the center of the page. How it got there but I can not remove it.
I have tried saving the project (as a photoshop file) and then opening it as a new project in an old version of Photoshop (Vers 3 ?) to see if I could clone out the line, but it will not permit me to clone it.
What the line is, what I did to cause it to appear and how do I get rid of it. I possibly could export the project as a JPG and start as a new project.
The standard symbol for a stream on topographic maps is a blue line.
The standard symbol for an intermittent stream on topographic maps is a a blue line, with long segments interrupted regularly with a series of three dots. I can create a dashed line interrupted by two dots, but there aren't enough boxes for me to specify the third dot.
Usually, when you check the 'dashed line' option on the stroke pallete, you will instantly create a dashed-line stroke on the selected path. What I don't know how to do is retaining the straight property of a dash on curve parts of the path.
I must be missing something fundamental when trying to change a line from a solid line to a hidden or dashed line in Autocad 2000. I use the ltype command then load either Hidden, or dashed ISO,or both, and invariably the scale is way off in that I always end up with a still solid line, after using modify properties. After all that, every line I draw after that comes out dashed. Maybe I should fool with the layers? Is there a basic procedure I should follow here?
I have a grouped object with a line in it. I want to rotate the grouped object so, that the line in the object is horizontal or vertical. Now I do it by hand, this takes a lot of time.
I imported a file from ai. as dxf. Now, I want to change Solid line into dashed line. I tried doing it with properties, checked its scale. But it is still not changing.
The Inset Spacing settings within the Area Type Options drop-down are just too cumbersome. Is there an easier way to center text within a text box like we can do in InDesign? Why they left this out of Illustrator CS6.
When I try to print and select "center" the image does not center on the page. CS5 worked fine originally but after the last update it too seems to have this issue. From what I can observe it seems as if someone thought that showing the printable area on a page was useful and somehow that may have been worked into the calculation of what centered (on the long dimension of a print) is. Engineering aside, if you actually try to sell your work, your client / customer only sees that the image is not centered on the physical sheet. They don't care about the printable area. The only work around I have found is to uncheck "center" and key in 50% of the difference between the actual print size and the actual paper size as a margin. I don't want to scale prints. I need to print to specific dimensions.
For reference I am using a PC running Windows 7 and an Epson 4900 printer
I'm new to Illustrator and perhaps it's not the best software of CS6 Master for doing this, but:
I have a few (13) circles, they are connected with lines (one line from the centre of a circle to the centre of the next one, so 13 connecting lines). I need to move the circles around in order to create the appearance that suits me best, but I want the connecting ending to move together (see picture below). I need to do this often and get an immediate visual feedback. How do I do it? Am I using the wrong software altogether?
While using the 3D extrude and bevel tool, specifically the isometric preset from the position drop down menu. I am noticing that when I expand the shape (in this case a perfect cube), the vertical paths are not exactly perfect, and are not truly vertical, but off slightly. Is this something that can be fixed or adjusted in the settings, or is this how the tool works?
Using CS5, upgraded to Mavericks onMacbook Air. The cursor shows up in selection, direct selection, etc. as a black arrow or appropriate shape. BUT it all but dissappears as an ultra-faint grey? symbol in type, line, rectangle! how to get the cursors to be black or darker?
Imagine you have an image of a landscape, and you want to draw a dashed/dotted border line (such as between two countries) that goes far into the distance. Naturally, the dashes (and the spaces between them) will get smaller. The line probably isn't straight, either.
i have a bunch of sheets set up, and you can see a white rectangle with a shadow that i guess represents my page, and then in this page there's a dashed rectangle that i'm guessing has something to do with margins or something. i would like to turn this dashed rectangle off, if possible.
secondly, my sheets are set up for 11x17.. i was given a title block drawing to use. the title block was drawn in modelspace at 11x17. i copied it into the sheet and it seems to be the right size. there's an 11x17 rectangle that the titleblock sits in, and i'd like to line this up with the actual page (to make sure the titleblock is in the right spot).. however i can't seem to snap to the corners of the white page with the shadow.
Imagine you have an image of a landscape, and you want to draw a dashed/dotted border line (such as between two countries) that goes far into the distance. Naturally, the dashes (and the spaces between them) will get smaller. The line probably isn't straight, either.
I use CS4 and somehow I turned the dotted or dashed lasso line into a solid black line. I want to get the dotted or dashed line back. How can I do that?