Illustrator :: Using Dual Monitors - Can't Move CS6 Frame To Right Monitor
May 12, 2012
Is there a way, when using dual monitors, to move the whole CS6 frame to either monitor? Right now it's just cemented to my left monitor, and I want it on the right.
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Aug 24, 2012
I'm losing my mind trying to work on IllyCS6 with dual monitors. when i switch around between programs on different monitors, Illustrator seems to mistakenly think I am dragging it from one screen to another and it keeps jumping back and forth.
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Jan 10, 2004
Does photoshop support dual monitors?
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Aug 28, 2008
I have recently purchased new HP laptop 320/4g/2.6, Windows Vista, and have an additional Samsung Monitor - T240 24" - I will be using Photoshop CS3, switching from Photoshop Elements6, and would like to know how I get Photoshop to recognize that I am using two monitors. I am also using Lightroom 2.0 and have no problem displaying a photo on the Samsung with it. What am I missing in Photoshop?
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Apr 17, 2009
recently my 2nd monitor quit working in cs3. it works fine in LR2 and mail, but not photoshop. i run a mac pro w/leopard 10.5. this has brought my editing to a standstill.
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Apr 13, 2009
I have twin monitors set up the defualt way whereby they act as two seperate monitors for two seperate applications to be maximized in and such. Basically, what happenes, is if i put Photoshop onto the secondary monitor, and create a new canvas, or have an open one, it does somthing similar to this: (picture attatched). Any reason or way to stop this? It doesnt do it if i strech the program over both screens but thats not practical for the obvious fault left in the middle.
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Mar 9, 2006
to go with a dual monitor set up. I am looking at the Diamond 9550, 128 MB card. With the rebate it comes to a more than reasonable $69.00. Is anyone using this card? I would appreciate any comments from those of you that use a double dual monitors set up.
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Feb 19, 2006
I have an extra monitor and I would like to use Photoshop with 2 monitors. The dual video cards vary in cost from 50 -400 dollars. Since I am not a professional I certainly don't need a state of the art set up. I have searched this forum and have been unable to find any useful information although I do remember that some pass treads did discuss this topic.
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May 20, 2013
Is it possible to move perspective or another view to a second monitor in 3D modeling?
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Sep 5, 2008
I read something about a fellow who uses the 6x8 Wacom on his wide screen monitor, but had to adjust the position of his image so he could access the whole image with the Wacom. (I think he was lamenting about not springing for the 6x11 Wide Format Wacom instead of 6x8, which would have covered his whole screen surface.)
My concern is that neither the 6x8 nor 6x11 will work "well" for me on dual monitors. I usually have the main Ps window with editing image on one monitor, and the palettes on the second monitor. (I do this with Illustrator and Fireworks as well.) I'm concerned that I'll be stuck with "use the mouse to access palettes" / "use the Wacom to draw", wasting my time switching between the two, and benefiting little from either.
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Oct 23, 2012
I'm using Win7 with LR4 and have dual monitors. When i switch to the second monitor in LR4 it then displays both LR4 windows on both monitors. In other words it just shows the same thing on each monitor.
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Feb 8, 2012
if it's possible to span the compare mode across two monitors, so the curent select is on the left, and the candidate is on the right?
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Feb 9, 2012
IThis was pulled from the Mac forum (URl....), however I am having the exact same problem on a PC running CS5.
When I "let go" of the "work area" window on the LCD monitor it rather visibly changes the color tonality (so much so that white turns yellow). When I release the image, why is Photoshop altering the color space - when other programs display evenly across the monitors? Am I to assume that releasing the image triggers the second monitors profile? Maybe I simply need to use the same profile for both monitors (which would be strange because this was a problem before I assigned any, and is still a problem after running calibration)?
I've been using Photoshop for years and never encountered this before, however this is the first time I've added a LCD monitor into the mix, as my old Viewsonic finally died. I will be replacing the other monitor with a LCD in the near future, it will be interesting to see if the problem magically resolves (assuming I can't figure it out in the meantime)
It would have made more sense to simply be able to flag a post as pertaining to both operating systems, and thereby have it appear in both threads. That way you're not burdening everyone with threads that do not apply, and you're not losing all of the old threads (which are now read-only for some reason).
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Oct 18, 2012
I'm having problems with lightroom 4.2 crashing in develop when using two monitors. I cant seem to make it crash in any other module with both monitors active, or make it crash in develop with only one monitor. I have tried updating all drivers (graphics etc) along with uninstalling wacom tablet driver which I read somewhere could have an effect. My system is:
WIndow 7 pro 64 bit
nVidia GTX 285 1gb graphics card
Gigabyte GA-EX58-Extreme motherboard
12gb Corsair memory
Core i7 975 Extreme processor
Have also tried clean install with just lightroom and cs6 but to no avail.
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Dec 18, 2013
OS: Windows 7 Pro
CPU: AMD FX-8350 @4.2ghz
GPU: Nvidia Quadro K4000
Monitors: Dual Asus 24" 1920x1080
Memory: 16gb
GPU Control Panel: Nvidia Version 331.65 for Quadro K4000
Autodesk Platform: Product Design Suite 2014
When I section a view and edit the hatches, the 'Edit Hatch Pattern' window always opens off-screen. Â I have changed the settings in the GPU control panel to have everything open on the last window, but this window will not abide. Â I move the window to the Inventor window (monitor 2), but it will re-open back to monitor 1 in the exact same position every time.
The 'Edit Hatch Pattern' window seems to be the only window that does this in Inventor. Â Attached is a screen cap of the issue. Â The window opens in the same place each time.
OS: Windows 7 Pro
CPU: AMD FX-8350 @4.2ghz
GPU: Nvidia Quadro K4000
Monitors: Dual Asus 24" 1920x1080
Memory: 16gb
GPU Control Panel: Nvidia Version 331.65 for Quadro K4000
Autodesk Platform: Product Design Suite 2014
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Jan 9, 2014
I've been running dual monitors (22" and a 18") for a while, but I just upgraded to a larger second monitor (now both 22"). Before, I left AutoCAD running in the main monitor, but now I've switched it to run in the second monitor instead. Now AutoCAD will not remember the position or size of the Open and Save dialog boxes while it is in the second monitor. Sometimes it throws them back into the main monitor and other times they show up in the second but without the resize I did previously.Â
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Feb 8, 2013
I've been running CS6 on my laptop for the past month with no issues regarding lag.
Today I decided to start using an old monitor as a second display, but whenever it's plugged in there is a huge amount of lag within Photoshop - so much lag that it is pretty much unusable.
From what I can tell, most other programs run fine with this setup (I've tried Sai and After Effects, and both are lag free).
I've tried searching this issue - and there's a lot about configuring refresh rates on the individual monitors so they're the same. Tried that - makes no difference.
Any settings within Photoshop I could tweak to make it run better?
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Jan 15, 2009
I have a dual monitor setup using one video card, and it is configured so that the desktop extends to my second monitor (monitor right).
In CS3 the application with palettes, etc. is on my left monitor and my working document (image) is on the right. Anytime I open an image, boom, it automatically opens on the right monitor. It remembers that the right monitor is where I last had an image document open, so the next one opens there automatically.
In CS4 I can't figure out how to do this. Every document I open shows up on the left monitor and I have to drag it over to the right where I want it. This continues to happen even if I uncheck "Open Documents as Tabs".
I have "Remember Panel Locations" checked, too.
how to change this?
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Jan 3, 2009
Just installed dual monitors for Photoshop.When in Photoshop using dual monitors, when I click on the image to expand it goes to both monitors. Is there a setting where it only expands to the one (left) monitor?
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Aug 26, 2008
I recently setup a second monitor on one of my pcs, both monitors i have had for a while and both are Dell 19" LCD (the primary monitor is an "ultrasharp" and the second is a standard one)
Both monitors work fine and display as expected... except when using Photoshop. The black in any pallette on the second monitor is displaying as a horrible brown colour but only on the second monitor. If i fill an area in black on the primary and drag the window over to the secondary, while i have the mouse button pressed and dragging, the colour on the second monitor is still black. As soon as i release the mouse it turns into this horrible brown colour. This is also affecting the colour picker dialog.
Unfortunately it's worthless me posting any screen shots of this as the image turns out fine - its just the photoshop interface. Although the black on toolbars and the like are fine, only colour pickers and the actual drawing area are effected.
Its clearly not drivers as the second monitor displays everything else fine. And it's not my Photoshop install because it works fine on the first monitor. - Also if i remove the first monitor - the second one then displays fine again - only seems to be an issue as a dual monitor setup.
I understand that it's all probably as clear as mud - but I just wondered if anyone else had experienced this and/or had a resolution.
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Jan 4, 2013
Mac OS 10.8.X
I work on a Mac with three monitors. My primary monitor is in the middle. I often will drag images to one of the side monitors where they'll stay open while I'm working on other images. But Photoshop will open the next image I choose on the side monitors where I've got images open.
I want all new images to open on my primary monitor, always. Is there a way to define which monitor images will open on?
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Sep 12, 2012
Gear: MacBook Pro, Photoshop CS5, Wacom Cintiq 12WX as second display, Mac OS X 10.7.4
Problem: Photoshop seems to only use the Monitor Profile of the main display (i.e. the one with the menu bar in System Preferences>Displays>Arrangement) - some people say yes, this is the case, some people say no, Photoshop uses independent profiles for each display.
Manifestation: If I set my MacBook screen to the main display, color looks good in Photoshop on the MacBook and terrible on the Wacom and vice-versa. However, in Lightroom and other applications changing the main display makes no difference to the output on each display.
Preferred solution: I would like to have my MacBook as my main display with menu bars and dock etc, but then I want the Cintiq to be the display I use in Photoshop, for obvious reasons. In my workflow, I would like to have my image open in 2 windows, one on the Cintiq for retouching and one on the MacBook to check progress and color etc
Curveball: I have a trial of CS6 and the problem seems to be fixed.
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Aug 13, 2006
After reverting back to one monitor with Photoshop 7.0, I can no longer see pop up menus (for blending options to be specific). The pop up is somewhere, but not where I can get to it. I have to press Enter to get back to where I was working.
I have tried Window-Workspace-Reset pallet but pop ups are still way out supposedly on my non-existant second monitor. I never saved my workspace from the dual monitor times so there is also nothing to delete. Any help would be much appreciated....I have a job to finish.
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Mar 11, 2009
I'm really liking the dual monitor with Photoshop. My question is when I have PS open, I put my pallets on the right monitor and the work files on the left. When I have an image open and click on the maximize tab on the uppper right corner of the image, it expands to both monitors. Is there a setting to where it only maximizes on the left monitor instead of across both monitors?
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Apr 3, 2006
Sometimes I run a second monitor off my laptop. When I run photoshop WITHOUT the second monitor, it tries to pop up certain windows where the second monitor should be, and I can't get at them. I end up having to kill photoshop and open it again. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there somewhere I can tell photoshop not to try to use the second monitor?
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Jul 6, 2007
I have dual monitors set up. I found some wallpapers online for dual monitors so I tested one. But for some reason it shows up twice for each monitor, instead of streching the large horizontal photo across both. I wanted to make my own using the dimensions of the ones online, but does anyone know how to make it work correctly?
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Jan 9, 2013
Just installed ACS6 and ran updates on a mac book pro and photoshop images look fine on the laptop display, but slide the image to the second monitor, the image turns black. Slide it back and it is fine again.
Going to system prefs and change main monitor and the problem is reversed, it is black on the laptop and fine on the second monitor
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Jun 11, 2012
i gave dual monitors a try today for the first time. its nice but i dont feel its needed.
i discoverd that when i unplug the second monitor i lose my photoshop page and i cant get it bakc unless i restart photoshop while pressing shift+cmd+alt.
is there another of making it know to reset the window to the main screen?
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Mar 22, 2009
I installed CS4 on my Windows XP system. I immediately updated all the components to the latest versions. When I tried to run CS4, I got repeated error messages about GPU problems. When I tried to open Preferences, CS4 crashed, but only on the General and Performance tabs. I called tech support and they suggested getting the latest drivers for my video card. I did that (for one of my two video cards) and now I can run CS4, but no OpenGL.
Here's my system:
Antec P182 case
PC Power & Cooling S61EPS 610W Power Supply
ASUS P5E motherboard
Intel Q9450 2.66 Ghz CPU
Zalman 9700 CPU cooler
Mushkin 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) RAM
Visiontek Radeon HD3850 512M video card (primary) PCIe
Sapphire Radeon 9250 256M video card (secondary) PCI
HP LP2065 monitors (2)
Western Digital WD6400AAKS 640GB hard drives (3)
Samsung SH-S223F DVD burner
Windows XP Home
I was able to update the video driver for the Radeon 3850 card, but there is nothing new for the Radeon 9250 card. With the newer Radeon 3850 driver, I can now run CS4, but in Preferences > Performance, the GPU setting is now grayed out for Enable OpenGL Drawing and it says "No GPU options available with Photoshop Standard."
When I remove the Radeon 9250 card and just use the Radeon 3850 card, the Enable OpenGL option is there and CS4 runs with it enabled. I conclude from this that the Radeon 9250 card and its driver don't support what CS4 needs, but the Radeon 3850 card and driver do.
I use two video cards because I use Colorvision Spyder3 Elite to calibrate and profile my two monitors, and it is my understanding that I need two cards to separately profile each monitor.
1) What features in CS4 am I missing by running it with OpenGL Drawing disabled? CS4 seems to work similarly to CS3 when I edit an image, so maybe I don't need OpenGL... just wondering what OpenGL would give me.
2) Can someone recommend a video card that will run CS4 with OpenGL ... AND ... that will allow dual monitors to each be profiled separately? Or, perhaps I can simply replace the Radeon 9250 PCI card with a newer card that supports OpenGL. Suggestions?
3) I do not have the latest BIOS for my motherboard. Would updating the BIOS help with the OpenGL issue, or is this just a video card/driver issue? My system runs perfectly so I hesitate to update the BIOS -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
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Oct 1, 2013
I'm having the problem with pen cursor when i use dual-monitor.
Before I run GIMP everything work fine, The pen cursor can move in both monitors.But when I run GIMP, It lock my pen area into only the main monitor, even if I close GIMP. So I need to restart my PC to use both monitor with my pen.
It seems to be fine locking pen cursor area in a single monitor, But GIMP cursor IS NOT CORRECT with pen cursor. They both should be the same, But they are not. As you can see in the photo.
I've tried changing the input mode for tablet to Screen and Window. But it still doesn't work.
PS.I'm running GIMP in Window 7 (32Bit), My tablet pen is Kanvus Life H85
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Jan 21, 2013
I have a laptop running on Windows 8 and have a dual monitor setup with the desktop extended to my LCD monitor(main monitor).
GImp 2.8.2 opens on my main monitor BUT the icons/menu etc don't register my mouse clicks, though I can move and resize the windows, highlight things etc
When I move the Gimp window to my Laptop Screen everything works fine on that screen only?
I have used this setup with Windows Vista with no problems at all and even tried Gimp 2.6 on this setup and it works fine too...
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