Illustrator Scripting :: Select All Except Locked Object?

Aug 9, 2013

i want to select all the object , but i locked certain object it show error while submiting below code
myDoc = app.activeDocument;
myPageItems = myDoc.pageItems;
for (i=0;i<myPageItems.length;i++)
myPageItems[i].selected = true;   

modify above code to select all objects except locked object or i want to select objects outside active artboard

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All Text / Layers Including Locked Or Not Visible Using VBScript?

Feb 1, 2013

I'm looking for the most elegant syntax to loop through a document and select all the text frames.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All Objects Infront Of Or Behind Object?

Feb 23, 2012

I'd like to select an object and have a script select all objects behind that object, within that objects bounds.  I believe this is possible with z-order?  But I've never worked with Z-orders before

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select ALL Objects Directly Below Object?

Feb 21, 2014

Is there a way to simply select all object directly below an objects?
I found this script here but it doesn't seem to work.  
//DESCRIPTION:Select Below
// A Jongware Script
if (app.documents.length && app.selection.length)
ypos = app.selection[0].visibleBounds[3];

[Code] .....  

Here's an example file. I'm trying to select eveything below the yellow polygon.
This would be very useful in another project with many small objects bunch together below many larger objects. I want to group the small objects that are bellow the larger object together without having to manually select each objects (there are thousands of objects so a script would be ideal).

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Illustrator Scripting :: Unlocking Locked Text On Unlocked Layer

Mar 6, 2013

When running my script to unlock all layers, so I can select all textFrames and copy them to a new layer, I run into a problem with text that has been locked individually. The script unlocks layers that are lock but it does not unlock items that have been locked individually on those layers. Is there a way to unlock these items?
var layerCount = activeDocument.layers;
for (  j = layerCount.length - 1; j >= 0; j-- )
    lockedLayers = activeDocument.layers[j];
        if (lockedLayers.locked == true && lockedLayers.visible == true)
        lockedLayers.locked = false;

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Select 2 Paths With Action

Jul 17, 2013

I need to create an action. A simple one. The idea: One path is selected, a user runs the action, it makes a copy of that path, moves the copy, select both the path and its copy and makes a blend.
I tried to record that action, but Illustrator does not record the paths selection/selecting.
Even a simplier task: How, in general, having one path selected, select an item/path above or below it? And how to select them both?
I can make a script for that, but the requirement is to keep it as simple as possible: have an Action only without any scripts, if possible.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Objects Outside Artboard Using JavaScript

Aug 10, 2013

I want to select the objects outside artboard using javascript. Their are many objects outside activeartboard i want to select all those object using script.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Only Objects Within Selection Marquee

Sep 17, 2012

I am trying to find out if there is a way to select only the objects within a selection marquee? In AutoCAD you can make a selection window from left to right and only those objects entirely within the window are selected. If you window from right to left all objects that are "crossed" or touched by the window are selected. Is there a similar technique in Illustrator?
Currently I have to select the objects, then go back and hold the shift key to deselect the object I don't want, or put objects on different layers then lock layers to prevent extra objects getting selected.
In AutoCAD, my primary program, you simply draw a selection window, left or right, depending on what your next step would be. No special tools or toggles or thinking ahead, it's just the primary selection process and very intuitive.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All On Artboard And Copy To Clipboard VBA

Apr 7, 2012

Is there a way to select everything on the artboard and copy it to the clipboard using VBA?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Same Fill And Stroke Color

Aug 8, 2013

Select same fill color with java script and stroke color tool.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Any Way To Select TextFrames That Only Have A Fill Color

Mar 11, 2013

I have a script that will select text Frames, but I have come into a situation where I need to exclude any text frames that do not have a fill color. I do not see a filled Boolean property for character attributes or text Frames. 
This is what I used to select all text on all visible and unlocked layers. I dont see a way to exclude textframes that have no fillcolor.
if (app.documents.length > 0 ) { 
var doc = app.activeDocument;   
var numTextFrames = 0;   
for (  i = 0; i < doc.textFrames.length; i++ ) {
try { 
textArtRange = doc.textFrames[i];
textArtRange.selected = true;
} catch (e) {}        }    }

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Items On Multiple Artboard

Sep 27, 2013

I have script where I select items on multiple artboard but I can't seem to get get active art board of the selected item. Is this possible?
each artboard has a text item and I would like them in the same position on each of their own artboards that they are already one. right now it adjusts them all to one artboard. here is what I have so far
doc = app.activeDocument;
for(i = 0; i < selection.length; i++){
    var firstItemPosition = doc.selection[0].position;
    doc.selection[i].position = firstItemPosition;
    var activeArtboardIndex = doc.artboards.getActiveArtboardIndex();

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Illustrator :: Drag To Select Over Object For The Objects Inside That Object?

Aug 11, 2013

How do I drag to select over the top of objects without selecting and moving the objects under the mouse when I begin the "drag to select" motion?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All The Objects In Active Artboard Using JavaScript

Aug 7, 2013

i want to select all the objects in active artboard using javascript

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All Items In Document Based On SpotColor?

Jun 28, 2012

I'm trying to select every object with the color "CutContour" So far I've been trying:
myDoc.selection = myDoc.spots.getByName("CutContour"); I guess this obviouslly wouldn't work though because myDoc.selection is looking for an array of objects. However, I can't figure out how to loop through all the objects in the document and check to see if they contain the SpotColor.
I want to use the Select > Same > Stroke Color , but I heard that using that in Javascript isn't available unless you have CS6 (which I currently don't). Is it true that accessing menu items through scripting is a feature in CS6?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Select And Copy To Clipboard A Path On Layer

Feb 7, 2012

how the Photoshop DOM works with this snippet but I can't get it to select a pathItem correctly. When testing in ESTK I sometime have to run a line to that sets the path Item selected property to true several times before the path is selected in the GUI.Here is the script I am working on.

function copyPathsToPhotoshop(){
    var currentLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
    var count = currentLayer.pathItems.length;
    var shapeNumber = 105
    for( var p=1;p<count;p++){

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select All Paths Of Specific Color In One Document

Jan 7, 2009

I'm on Illy CS2, windows xp.

I want to open a doc, run a script that selects all paths of a color, say 255,0,0 or 50,0,20,4 and changes that color to black or another color I specify and also changes the stroke. Is this possible? I can't see how i would do it?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Objects That Fill Color In Document

Oct 14, 2013

If i want select objects that same fill color in document, I can use 'select - same - Fill color' function in Illustrator.
It's so fast. below 1 second.
But, If i want make it in Javascript, I can't do it like fast.
for(i=0; i<activeDocument.pathItems.length; i++){...}
If document have 10,000 objects, above script can't finish in even 60 seconds.
How Illustrator can traversal fast?
Is there something other way?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Select Pattern Objects In Active Document

Mar 16, 2014

We need a script that select all pattern objects in the active document in illustrator.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Select Similar Objects (by Stroke Color) Programatically

Aug 10, 2012

Is there a way to select similar objects (by stroke color) programatically?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Allow To Select Image To Replace Any Number Of Selected Files

Apr 18, 2013

I've written a script to allow you to select an image to replace any number of selected files.  Each file starts out as an embeded image with a .note to determine where the basis of alignment for the new file should be (i.e. "top," "bottom," "left," "right").  You'll find the code below:
#target illustrator
if (app.documents.length > 0) {
    var docRef=app.activeDocument;
    var docSelection = docRef.selection;
    // ** Get new file
For some reason, the ".note" added at the end of the script gets erased once the script is complete.  I can even get it to confirm that it applied the note to the image, but once it's complete, it's gone. 

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Illustrator Scripting :: User To Select A Font Family From A Drop Down List

Mar 25, 2013

I'm building a script that will open a dialog box allowing the user to select a font family from a drop down list (not a list of all of the fonts), and then compare that value against the fonts that are in use, highlighting everything that doesn't match. I have not yet built the dialog, but I've got  everything else working as I want except the list of font families.
The following code loops through the list of fonts (only 20 for testing purposes), compares the family name to the previous on the list (error trapped for the first loop), and pushes the family name (if it doesn't match the previous) into an array which will be used in the dialog box. With the two alerts at the bottom (for troubleshooting), I expect the alerts to show the same family name. For the first three fonts they do, but after that the array value is "undefined." 
var iCount = 20;
//var iCount = textFonts.length;
var nameHolder = "";
var nameArray = new Array();

1) Any speculation on why this behavior is happening (it isn't truetype versus opentype)?
2) Is there a better way to get the list of font families without duplicates??
2) Is an array the best way to populate a dropdown list in a JS dialog box??? [this will be my first dialog with a dropdown, the others have user-typed values]
EDIT: Additional Info
When it reaches the ninth font in the list, the above script starts writing undefined, but when tested manually, as below, it works fine. Hmmm.
alert (textFonts[9].family);
var nameArray = new Array();
alert (nameArray[0]);
EDIT: More info
tried replacing nameArray.push(familyName); with nameArray.splice(i,0,familyName); bad behavior remains

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Raster Object

Aug 16, 2011

How to Raster a object in illustrator with scripting?

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Add Prototype To Layers Object

Jan 24, 2013

I am trying to add a prototype to the Layers object so I can do something like try{ .getByName(name) catch{ return null.   For when the named layer doesn't exist.  (It gives an error for me in CS5). So unfortunately me trying to go Layers.prototype. my method  doesn't seem to work at all.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Get Position Of Selected Object

Oct 4, 2012

is there a way to get position of any selected object? It seems like normally you have to dive into specific item like textFrames to get position, but was curious if there was a generic way of doing this for selected objects.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Moving Object (JSX) Using Its Width?

Mar 17, 2013

Is there any way to move a object using its width? ex: "move to left a box with 10cm(width) using this value (10cm)". But I want to capture the width of any selected object.

Another thing: i want to select objects with same fillcolor and do something like: pathfinder>>add;

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create A Rectangle Around Object?

Oct 3, 2012

Can this be done in illustrator scripting??
creating a rectangle around selected object or objects and set margins...

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Illustrator Scripting :: Print Properties Of Object

Apr 26, 2012

Trying to see what the properties of an object are so I wrote a function, doesn't seem to work though. it is definitely an object though.
alert(typeof selection); //returns object

function printType(obj) {
    var key;
    for(key in obj) {
        if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

[Code] ......

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Illustrator Scripting :: Determining KEY Object In A Selection Via JavaScript

Feb 20, 2013

Is there a way to determine which object in a selection is the key object? For example: draw 10 squares on a layer, select all of them, click on one of the 10 and it becomes the Key Object (heavy border) for things like Distribute Spacing on the Align pallete. I can determine that a particular object is selected via ActiveDocument.Selection.PathItem[n].Selected = true/false. But I can't figure out how to find out if this is the KeyObject. The ultimate goal is to modify the below script so that it uses the KeyObject as the reference and not the object on the bottom-most layer.
Here is the Script - from [URL]
mySelection = activeDocument.selection;
if (mySelection.length>0){
if (mySelection instanceof Array) {


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Illustrator Scripting :: Rename Layer Using Name Of Enclosed Object

Feb 17, 2014

I'm trying to build a map of the world that includes provinces and sub-provinces (counties). I will be animating it in AE. AE only sees the top layers so it is imparative that the name of the top layer corresponds the the correct province. Unfortunately all the provinces are not layers. They are objects. I can use the "Release to Layers" command to get all objects nested into top level layers. But the top level layers have generic names (Layer 1, Layer2, Layer 3). The objects nested within these layers have the correct name.
Is there a script that will rename the top level layer using the name given to the object nested within that layer? If not, how to create one?
Here's a link to one of the files: world_all_provinces_Senegal divisions. Level

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Illustrator Scripting :: Making Object The Artboard Size?

Jan 24, 2012

trying to make an object the exact size of the artboard.  This is something I do on a daily basis for several different reasons and it would be very useful if this can happen automatically for whatever size the artboard may be.  As I understand it the only way is with a script but I have no experience with making illustrator scripts, im definately no programmer.  I have set up quickkeys in the past to copy from the artboard inputs when you are on the artboard tool but these round to the nearest .01 and this is not accurate enough for what I am working with.  Also if I do this with multiple pages open illustrator is very slow to respond to the artboard tool.
Below is a script that I saw on here that I believe may contain what I need but now knowing programming. Where to start on editing.  All I need is the part where an object is placed on the artboard that is the exact same size as the artboard. 
#target illustrator function main() {     if (app.documents.length == 0) {          alert('Open a document before running this script');          return; // Stop script here no doc open…     } else {          var docRef = app.activeDocument;          with (docRef) {               if (selection.length == 0)


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