Illustrator Scripting :: Batch EPS / AI To PNG In Sub-folders?
Oct 16, 2013
I'm looking for a script that can convert .ai/.eps to PNG from subfolders or multiple level of subfolders. i found this awesome script posted a year ago here by Larry G. Schneider [URL] however it doesn't get the files from subfolders, just the one folder you specify.
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May 25, 2013
i'm trying to get a list of all the scriptfolder names.
This will solve path issues with other language versions of illustrator.
My script for now:
scriptfolder = {
en: "Scripts",
nl: "Scripts",
de: "Skripten"
var imageiconprinter = File(app.path+'/Presets.localized/' + app.locale + '/'+localize(scriptfolder)+'/idatabase/Images/Infopanel_heinerich/hei nerichinfopanelprinter.png');
I've defined a country like de: which is german and put the correct foldername behind it.
I would love to have a list of all countrys.
if you don't have a list just fill in the foldername and countryname of your country.
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Sep 26, 2013
i can´t get any Batch script to run.For example a PDF making Batch with a folder selection.I always get the alert, no matching files found.I use cs 5 on a g 5 with osx 10.8.2..why does no file fit in the "mask" ?
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Export to PDFs.jsx
This sample gets files specified by the user from the selected folder and batch processes them and saves them as PDFs.Edits by Patrick Mineault:
- only .ai files processed
- files saved in same folder as the input files
- export files have name (oldname)_export.pdf
- PDF settings: non-editable / acrobatLayers=false
     for maximum compatibility with Preview
// Main Code [Execution of script begins here]
// uncomment to suppress Illustrator warning dialogs
// app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
var destFolder, sourceFolder, files, fileType, sourceDoc, targetFile, pdfSaveOpts;
// Select the source folder.
sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the folder with Illustrator .ai files you want to convert to PDF');
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Jul 24, 2013
i'm totally new to scripting. i have a bunch of illustrator cs5 files (actually some of them might be older cs versions). they all have an artboard size of 200 x 200. i need to resize them to 700 x 700 and save them as png24 preserving transparency and keeping the same file name. is this possible? if so, any examples?
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Jan 27, 2013
I am trying to write a script that can batch EPS to high res JPG (20 MP and over). I can set this up basically, but I have run in to a few problems.
The maximum scaling in jpeg export options is 776%, but some of my EPS files are very small in size - so 776% does not create 20MP rasters.
So, I need to find a way to enlarge both the vector and the artboard to a larger size before exporting for jpeg.
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Nov 25, 2012
I found a script that does the job, export tones of ai files to pdf, but I have some files which are in sub folders, and I was trying to find a way to modify this script to include subfolder, but no luck.
Adobe permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file in accordance with the termsof the Adobe license agreement accompanying it. if you have received this file from a source other than Adobe, then your use, modification,or distribution of it requires the prior written permission of Adobe.
This sample gets files specified by the user from the selected folder and batch processes them and saves them as PDFs.
Edits by Patrick Mineault:
- only .ai files processed
- files saved in same folder as the input files
- export files have name (oldname).pdf
- PDF settings: editable / acrobatLayers=true for maximum compatibility with Preview
// Main Code [Execution of script begins here]
// uncomment to suppress Illustrator warning dialogs
// app.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevel.DONTDISPLAYALERTS;
var destFolder, sourceFolder, files, fileType, sourceDoc, targetFile, pdfSaveOpts;
// Select the source folder.
sourceFolder = Folder.selectDialog( 'Select the folder with Illustrator .ai files you want to convert to PDF');
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Nov 20, 2012
I need to find a way to convert a LOT of ai files, individually, to low res pdf's. Preferably with the presets I want, not some defaults. I'm not interested in an action. I was hoping for a droplet, script, or something similar.
I did find this and it looked promising... [URL] ....
That almost worked. Ultimately, for some reason, it couldn't see the ai files sitting in the specified folder.
Running CS5 with MacOS 10.8.2
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Nov 29, 2011
I'm looking for a script/program that if you run it, all the .eps files in a folder will batch convert to a png-24 with 250% scale.
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Mar 20, 2012
I have a couple thousand AI authored EPS files with a specific swatch name (SpotBlack) that I would like to rename (black) -- is there any method to do this en masse, preferrably outside of Illy using a text editor?
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Feb 15, 2010
is there a quick way how to renumber or batch rename all layers in a file so they would be named in consequent numbers? Doesn't have to start from exact number, I was wondering if maybe there is some sort of script that would work?
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Nov 1, 2013
I have a couple of thousand old cliparts in .wmf format that I have to convert to .ai. What I need to do is simply open the .wmf, store it as .ai in exactly the same location.
Actions didn´t work because the files are in mutliple folders and subfolders. "Actions" keeped saving all the ai-files in the same folder. Which is kinda weird since this doesn´t happen when using the same action in PS.
Sure, there are some quality issues with converting wmf to ai - but for what we´re plannning the quality is sufficient.
CarlosCantos script at [URL]..... looked like the thing to do. Loaded it in apple script, patched the lines to open .wmf and saved it in the Illustrator script folder, but all I got was a bunch of error messages.
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Oct 3, 2011
I created an Action to batch export a folder of .ai files to create 300dpi .png's of the .ai file's artboard. I did this by simply recording " png" with my desired settings then Batch running the Action on desired folder of .ai files. The files were successfully exported, the trouble is that the exported files lack a .png file extension. My intent is to take these PNG files and merge them into a single PDF using Acrobat Pro. Unfortunatly, without the .PNG extension, Acrobat Pro does not recognize the file types and does not let me use the Combine Files feature on them. Going back and manually adding a .png at the end of the exported files defeats the time-saving purpose of Batch Processing all together. Is there something I am missing or doing incorrectly? I have included screenshots of 1) My Batch Action settings 2) folders showing files without .png extension and 3) visual of what I see when I am trying to combine PNGs into a PDF.
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Jul 27, 2012
Need to export all my .cdr in several hundred folders, out to .jpg with matching file name and -1 -2 for page listings, but I want to keep the same folder structure but put it in a folder Next my CDR folder.
Artwork CDR/ folder/folder/folder etc
Artwork JPG/Â folder/folder/folder etc
I tried the file convert macro, but Have to run this per folder and would be time consuming... plus it is failing after four files.
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May 23, 2009
I am using CS3 on a VistaPremium machine.When I try to convert a number of JPGs to TIFs using the batch function I cannot select any folder (nor as source nor destination), when I click the button it only lists Desktop, nothing else. I have tried switching from OS to Adobe dialog (has no effect, but worth the try).
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Nov 27, 2012
I have a folder structure with 30+ image galleries and the client uploaded original files form their DSLR - causing them to display slowly on their website.Â
I have an action that changes the images to fit in a 800x800 size, "Save for the Web" over the original image.Â
This works just fine and if I run it on one directory I'm ok - but I would like to run it on all 30+ directories with a batch command.Â
I see that I can tell the batch to run on all subs, bit the issue is that it is saving the file in the directory specified int he action.
I know I can override the destination, but that only allows me to select one directory?Â
I need the images to stay in their original directories?Â
One more note - I know I can use the Image Processor script, but this is goign to use the Save As command vs the Save for the Web - the differance in file size is significent. ie. in my example file the Save As image at a Quality of 5 is 36K and the Save for the Web at a quality of 45 is 14k - with over 3,000 images to process and store this is a huge differance.
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Jul 2, 2012
I've recently finished a catalog with 700+ images and I'd like to create an index for future use.
I would like to have an action which allows me to save a general purpose size image for e-mailing to customers as well as a thumbnail size image for photo invoices. This I could do normally by making two seperate actions for the two, but there is an issue with the categories of image types.
Within the catalog the images are of products, and thus are related to a brand. I would like to index the images into a brand based folder, and then into seperate folders for thumbnails and general use.
So essentially, the workflow would be something along the lines of
Create New Folder for Brand/ Category
Open Image
Resize for General Use
Save Image As... in Brand > General Use
Resize for Thumbnail
Save Image As... in Brand > Thumbnails
Repeat for all images in category.
Create New Folder for new Brand Category
Open Image
.... Etc etc.
Also, is there a way to select a resizing of an image by it's longest/ shortest edge within an action/ droplet? I know Image Processor has this capability but it seems strange there is no ability within an action.
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Dec 18, 2012
I'm try to automate the importing of the Varaible and datasets into my graphs via Scripting, but the ImportVaraibles() function doesn't seem to work. Here is my Script, mostly copied from the example script provided with Illustrator (CS5). And, this works manually, using the file names in the script, via Load Variable Library
   Set appRef = CreateObject(strIllistratorVersion)
      'Open the file and import the datasets
       Set docRef = appRef.Open(strTemplate & "")
Here is the problem, after I delete the previous library, then this next line, right from the example, does nothing
The script then exits with 'No Datasets in this document'
docRef.ImportVariables (strXMLFolder & "Lumber_200-500.xml")
'appRef.DoJavaScript "alert('Template:" & strTemplate & strRange & ".ai | XML file:" & strXMLFolder & "" & objFile.Name & "^')"
       If (appRef.Documents.Count > 0) Then
           Set docRef = appRef.Documents(1)
If I remove that delete line, the script runs, but just uses whatever Variables I had last loaded, not the XML file.
It's simply not loading. What do I need to do to get it to load?
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May 6, 2012
Can you access graph data through the scripting DOM?
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Mar 16, 2013
the Script of creating mirror text and stroke text in Adobe illustrator scripting.
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May 25, 2013
I had two 2013 folders, each with about 100 daily folders. The dates were differnt in each annual folder. I dragged one into the other. The folder where the daily folder was dragged from is now empty but those folders do not appear in the recieving folder. All the photos are still in the catalog, but do not show in the folders (left side panel).
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Jan 24, 2013
I renamed a lot of my photo folders in Explore. Now in LR4, all these folders appears with an ?. I can't work on pictures from these folders - I get the message: File named xxx is offline or missing. It does not sync the parent folder. Nor does it sync the folder it self. If I right clik on a LR4 folder with a ?, and try to locate the folder, I only get the option to merge the identical folders. Is there any way to sort this. I can't restore the old folder names.
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Nov 12, 2013
Is there a way to have the organizer folders set up the same was as Windows Explorer? I have a main folder called Family with sub folders for all the years and in each of the subfolders there could be other subfolders. It wouldn't allow me to click on main folder and get all sub folders. I had to open main folder and then it shows all folders and sub folders separately. They are no longer nested.
Along the same lines, I wanted to create an album of Family with all subfolders, but that doesn't work.that is definitely a short coming which is why I never have used the organizer program, but just PSE for editing.Â
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Dec 10, 2011
I am using LR3. I appear to be digging a massive hole for myself trying to sort out the catalog. When I first got LR, I had initially added just a small number of files just to see how LR worked. At this time I was still completing sorting out my full photo collection in 'my pictures' which were also copied to two external hard drives. Once that work was completed, I imported a complete folder (some 4000 images) into LR. The folder/subfolders appeared in the folders panel but the sub folders I had initially imported were displayed with a ? and a message 'file is missing or offline' Going down the road of 'find missing folder' eventually led to my problems.
About 6 sub folders are involved so I eventually took the decision that it could be easier just to remove them so I could then re-import them from 'my pictures'. That hasn't worked out as planned.  When I go into 'file' to import photos from 'my pictures' the missing sub folders are there but the images are 'greyed' as well as the import button. When I put the cursor onto one of the greyed-out images the message 'appears to be a duplicate of another photo already in catalog' appears.
how I can restore the 'missing' sub folders into the folders panel.
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Jul 6, 2012
How do I delete sub-folders in Lightroom without deleting the photos in those sub-folders?
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Jun 5, 2013
I am using LR 4.4. I have a long list of folders but can not scroll down to access other folders in LR. how to access other folders so I can Render 1:
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Jan 15, 2014
Quite new to Ai's scripting stuff.
I'm having a complicate time with Ai's save to jpg options vs artboard sizes and units conversions.
Say, i have a doc (from my client), which they inherited and enhanced for 10 years may be.
It's "supposed" to be in millimeters, but artboardRect gives me those values :
which sound like weird points or pixels.
I need to export a jpg (or gif, or png), that will be X pixels wide. For the purpose of the test i set it at 1200.
var maxLargeurPx = 1200;
First thing, getting the artboard's width :
largeurArtboard = Math.abs(thisArtboardRect[2]-thisArtboardRect[0]);
// 646.7358
Then i try to have a multiply factor to use
coefExport = /*Math.round*/ (100 * maxLargeurPx / largeurArtboard);
// 185.54717397738
and then set my ExportFile jpg to this value (i can't give it a number)
    // exportOptions.horizontalScale = coefExport
That's when it's getting fun : my images are 1204 px wide with or without clipping.
Of course, i "can't" resize the doc for each export, especially expecting to have dozens of those, with different values, dimensions, etc.
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Jul 27, 2012
I wrote the following AppleScript to open a PDF file and export is as PNG. I am using Illustrator CS5.
The export command gets an error: Adobe Illustrator got an error: Can't get current document.
when it encounters the export command.
set inputFile to (choose file with prompt "Open PDF file to convert to PNG:") as text
set exportFile to inputFile & ".png"
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
if not frontmost then activate
open inputFile as alias without dialogs
export current document to exportFile as PNG24 ¬
with options {class:PNG24 export options ¬
, resolution:300 ¬
, matte color:{red:0, green:0, blue:0}}
close current document saving no
end tell
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Jun 20, 2012
Im trying to add a pdf on top of an existing PDF in illustrator using a script. This is supposed to be done by anyone at my firm so that is why I want it in a script. I also have a lot of other functions that works that will do some other stuff with this document.
Created this from the scripting guide but it doesnt work. Im pretty sure its the embedDoc var thats empty and i dont understand why. Im not sure if the File "points" to the directory of the script or the original file but Ive tried both ofcoarse.
This is the masterpiece
var embedDoc = new File("/temp/testfile1.pdf");
if ( app.documents.length > 0 && embedDoc.exists ) {
var doc = app.activeDocument;
var placed = doc.groupItems.createFromFile( embedDoc );
}else {alert("suck")}
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Apr 7, 2012
Is it possible to reference layers or groups by their names instead of their index using VBA? If so, what is the sytax? I know you can do it in Extendscript, but I'm not finding info for VBA.
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Oct 10, 2012
Swatches Swatches Read-only. The swatches in this document.
Deletes a swatch from the current document
Set appRef = CreateObject("Illustrator.Application")
Set documentSwatches = appRef.ActiveDocument.Swatches
Set swatchToDelete = documentSwatches(5)
How am I supposed to be able to make changes to the swatches collection - it is read only...
Not supprisingly I have failed to implement this in C-sharp
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Mar 13, 2014
I am trying to close alert at once but the loop continues the alert, how can I stop the alert at once
var doc = app.activeDocument
var layersToTargetNameArray = ["Background", "Artwork", "diecut", "size", "sign off panel"];
for (var i = 0, il = doc.layers.length; i < il; i++) {
var curLayer = doc.layers[i];
[Code] ......
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