Illustrator :: Moving Multiple Artboards Within Pasteboard?
Sep 2, 2013
I have a document with alot of artboards. I realized the first artboard started in the middle of the pasteboard so I've run out of room at the bottom. I'd like to move all of my artboards at the same time to the top of the pasteboard.
I´m aware that Illustrator doesn´t have multiple artboards options for JPG as it does with eps, or other formats, but is there any workaround for this? Looping current artboard and exporting them to JPG or something. Or maybe there is someway to force the "save multiple artboards:true" in JPG?
export document currentDoc to file exportFolder as JPEG with options ¬ {class:JPEG export options ¬ , quality:100 ¬ , artboard clipping:true ¬ , artboard range:1 - 2 ¬ , save multiple artboards:true}
Sometimes, after moving stuff around (groups, layers or artboards), I notice that hidden objects didn't move with everything else.
How this can be if no objects are locked ?I cannot make this happen on purpose with a simple example and it is really annoying not to be sure that everything was moved properly.
The document I am working on has two artboards (front and back of a document) and I am trying to center some text on the artboard. The issue that I am having is that when I try to align something to center on the first artboard (the left one) it moves it off that board and aligns center on the 2nd artboard (the right one).
I have about 10 other files with this same set up (two artboards, multiple text boxes) and have never had an issue with alignment. As long as "align to artboard" is selected Illustrator never moves the text box to the other artboard to align it.
Illustrator CS6I have multiple documents that someone set up. I want to make the artboards the same crop size. 8 to 16 page illustrator files, and I'm sitting here selecting each and entering the size manually.
I've got a large Illustrator file with five artboards, my client asked for seperate PDF's of each artboard which is what I'm used to, but they've also asked for a PDF that shows all the artboards at the same time (basically looking like it does from the file I'm working on). I've trawled the settings and the web but to no avail. I've tried printing to PDF from the print menu but the only printer is Adobe Postscript File; whereas online people can select PDF from the menu settings. Am I missing something here?
I am working on a walldesign, it will be printed as 3 pages. See attached file below.I am using the artboards for aligning the background to match bleed and content correctly.Below i used a .tif file as background that covers all area, Then i save PDF on each artboard,I turn off Keep illustrator edit and Acrobat 5 (PDF 1.4). All three pdfs seem to work, they open in Acrobat.But doing it this way might corrupt the pdf?
If I import the pdf in photoshop it will give me RAM error. I have 64 gb ram in x64 enviroment so that should not happen when the PDF is only 10 mb? On a similiar project the printers also had trouble placing the pdf in their printing system also complaining on RAM? Or error on "Cant rasterize the image".
If i make 3 smaller backgrounds and remove all artboards and only have 1 for each part, then the above error don't occur and everything is fine. So i guess its either multiple artboards or that the background is to large in someway or is kept outside the trimarea in the pdf so it stays huge. I thought everything outside the cutting area would be cropped away if I save without illustrator edit. The pdf size seem to tell me that it has cropped everything outside. But the ram error will occur :
so when I print multiple artboards only the first artboard prints correctly and the rest don't get rotated to fit the media so art falls off the page.
it all shows up fine in the preview. this only happens when printing multiple pages, if I print 1 at a time without changing settings it prints fine. this also only happens in illustrator cs6. I have cs4 installed and it prints fine.
I'm currently on CS6 but I'm looking for a solution that can also work on CS5 for a co-worker.
Having multiple artboards has been established since CS4 and I have yet to see an official way of resizing multiple artboards, if anything there should at least be a plug-in.
As great of a feature it is, it seems a little short sited. If one has multiple artboards one should be able to manage multiple artboards, right?
I totally love having multiple artboards but I should be able to resize and manage multiple artboards as well. This is great for building icon sets but how can I resize the set all at once?
I was considering trying to do an action but odds are I still would have to select an artboard one by one to do which doesn't save much time if you have like 30 artboards to apply this to. I don't even see a batch render for artboards and Photoshop has that for its files.
I'm well aware of the solution that is displayed here: [URL]
Am I to understand if I have multiple artboards, they all will share the same layers? Each artboard does not have it's own separate set of layers, am I right? This is my first time using the artboard feature... CS6.
When I create a new document in Illustrator I'm getting two artboards, even though the new document dialog box displays 1 in the Number of Artboards dropdown. Why this might happen, and more importantly, how to stop it?
I've downsaved the file as an ai file for CS6 in CS7, however when I go to open it in CS6 it forces me to open each artboard as a separate file. How can I save it so the file will open normally?
I have 30 Illustrator pdf files created in Illustrator 10 that I would like to transform into one Illustrator CS6 file with each file being a separate artboard. I would like to import them all at once and not have to do it one by one.
they have an Illustrator file very useful to work with columns and grids. Howerver i cannot manage to paste the pink grid and columns to the next Artboard. I unlocked but that is not the solution. It seems the column grid is made from something else like a Path.
2) By the way, InDesign has a very cool feature named "Paste in Place" which will paste any object to next page in the exact position. Does Illustrator has something like that?
In Adobe Illustrator CS5, you now have the capability give a name to each artboard in your illustrator file. I understand that you can easily save each artboard as separate AI files but I would like to save them as separate PDFs instead.
Any script, or know the actual method of doing so? All I can possibly theorize is to save the artboards as separate PDFs and then have Acrobat convert those artboards to PDFs.
I have 30 separate illustrator pdf files (one page each) that I would like to make into one Illustrator CS6 file with 30 artboards. Is there any way to do that without having to import one by one?
I'm an experienced CorelDRAW user (so I do have some vector graphic experience) but a noob to Illustrator and trying to evalutate switching.In CorelDRAW when I export an EPS it doesn't matter what size paper the CorelDRAW file uses, the EPS bounding box is only the size of the drawing.
In Illustrator, however, it seems that I have to set the art board to the size of the drawing. Otherwise when the EPS is pulled into another program (like InDesign) the frame created is much bigger than the actual drawing leaving white space around the drawing.
Is there an EPS setting I'm missing somewhere that would make AI set the bounding box to the drawing and not the artboard?
Or (as most of the Illustrator files we'll be working with are created by someone else) is there a way to automatcially set the size of the paste board to the size of the drawing?
I need to create two art boards in my design document. They are off by a pixel and won't line up like some weird snap feature is on. I've checked and turned off all snap features. Still not lining up.
I'm using illustrator to add some bits to .DWG files from AutoCAD, and then exporting them as .SVG files WITH the artboard.However, when i open them, the artboard has changed it's X and Y from X:0 Y:0 to X:-0.5 Y:-512, the artboard is 512px by 512px.
Also I have noticed that when opening a .dwg file and scaling it on to an artboard, the Y co-ord jumps to -512, but the X stays at 0.Is there a way to constrain these X and Y values so that they are locked at 0?
I have a document with 20 Artboards. When I resize one it only changes that one. I'm in CS5. Is it possible to resize all artboards at once the way you used to be able to do in document set-up?