Basically what is happening is they will create this file in illustrator and then print to pdf, when it gets opened in acrobat it is fine. But when you open the same pdf in illustrator it get rotated and the font is replaced by these crossboxes. It happens from time to time more so I'm told on bigger files. But does not happen when she saves to pdf.
Is there a way to access text boxes in an existing document and replace them with a new value taken from an excel table? I've been able to create new documents from scratch and populate them with excel data, but formating these new documents to look like those we already made is proving more difficult than I thought using just Javascript.
Ideally I'd be able specific an index for each text box and replace them in order as i itterate through the excel(or CSV) document.
I already have a way to pull from the table, another question asked here, but can't figure out the object model to put the new info in a specific place.
Below is what I came up with to create a very rough looking document from scratch:
#target Illustrator var csvFile = new File('C:/users/whatever/spreadsheet.csv'); if(!csvFile.exists){ alert('notafile'); app.quit(); }
I would like to be able to create a box around text that is able to resize when increasing/decreasing font.
My working solution is to create a text box with text then use direct selection tool to select the anchors and convert that into a shape, either a rectangle or rounded rectangle. This isn't bad since it allows an equal amount of space around the text but it does have problems. If the font size increases or decreases, the box remains the same. I have to use the Area Type Option to resize the box. Also, if I wanted to do this for lots of boxes then I have to select all of the individual anchors which will be time consuming.
Is there any way to build for example a wire list in excel and insert it into ACDLT2010 where each cell would = a different text box that i can CTRL+X CTRL+V instead of manually typing each wire number at terminals?
Also is there any way to for example to select 10 text boxes and Search & Replace. Example i have two components that are identical, but named #1 and #2 or Unit A Unit B to search and Replace #1 with #2 instead of entering each text box changing the number than going to the next?
Is there a way to 1: Find all instances of a font i.e. Arial in a PSD and change all of those instances to another font i.e. Arial Unicode MS without having to select each individual text box or character that has that font? Maybe a script or a plugin? I am using PS CS 5.5.1 - CS 6.
I'm using ACAD LT 2010. I use the basic Arial font for all text and the mtext command to insert text. On occasion I use some of the standard symbols such as the degree symbol (%%d) and +/- symbol (%%p) among others. When I plot to the printer everything prints fine, but when I plot to PDF using the standard DWG to PDF plotter setup that comes with LT2010 the symbols and usually the entire line that the symbol is on either doesn't plot or it plots a series of boxes for each character in that line. I experimented with a couple of other different fonts and the same symbols. Some plotted to PDF correctly others did as stated above.
I just installed GIMP. My experience is with office suites, like WordPerfect and Sun Open Office.
First, is this the official forum for
I need to edit a GIF image file. I have it loaded and converted to RGB. I cannot find anything on any menu about edit a GIF file. It is basically a horizontal rectangle with text on the left and a color on the right, and I just need to replace the text and change the font, without disturbing anything else. It needs to "fit" back into a webpage afterwards. As far as I can see, there is only one layer, if that makes any difference.
After opening a file from another designer, this Chinese font has taken over my "omens – regular" font file. Anytime I use it, it converts to this font and each time I need to change a font weight, I must do it manually. As you can imagine, I use our company font all day so this slows me down quite a bit. Have you heard of this? It seems like some sort of font virus. I've researched removing it, yet can't seem to find the original font file to get rid of, which is even weirder."
We tried moving the font family to the trash, emptying the trash, rebooting the machine, and re-adding the font family and it still is happening.
Here's the situation. I have a block that will be inserted showing a piece of angle iron that is used for a stiffener. We have various sizes that will need to be used. Instead of typing in the angle size each time it's inserted can I have a list of all the angle sizes and then a pick box or radial dial or something to be selected and that is what is put in the block?
Is there a way to specify a given system font that should be substituted for a given missing font? For example, the document I'm working with contains CourierStd and CourierStd-Bold which are not installed on my system. I would like to set Illustrator so that any time a document that contains these fonts is opened, Courier New and Courier New Bold are substituted automatically.
An eps file opens without any problem with the preview as .pdf on Mac OS 10.7.5In illustrator when I open the same file, the main font is not recognized and no warning said the font is not available.
I'm currently using Illustrator CS4 and I'm having problems with what I assume is a corrupted file of some kind. When I'm working in Illustrator everything works and looks fine but when I save it as a PDF all my text changes to a bunch of box and rectangle outlines. I've tried opening in Photoshop and the same thing happens. Also when I preview it in Finder the same thing happens.
I want to create boxes where I can tick or cross (x) them but I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked through some threads but they appear to be for old versions of AI. For instance, some suggest the use of glyphs but it doesn't appear as shown in their screenshots.
I would like the box to be 'empty' and then I can either tick is in a green tick, or cross it in a red cross. I'm not aware of the keyboard inputs for ticks. (Like those found for the copyright logo)
Dialog boxes are appearing in various different places rather than a central location on the screen...
For example: the Save dialog appears half off screen towards the lower right section of the display. Various other boxes appear in the top left, upper right. All dialog boxes are moveable, so i can reposition them to the middle but the next time i used appear where they were, not centrally.
I work both on a 13" macook pro seperately and with and a 27" apple display attached. Dialog boxes are visiable on the 27" display but often in odd places.
Is there any way i can reset their position? I have tried reseting all dialogs, trashed the preferences in the preferences in the library folder on the computer but no luck. I am puzzled.
I have an iMac at work with Mountain Lion and Ilustrator CS6, I have files that I have created with Illustrator from scratch but when I bring them home and open them on my iMac at home with the same system the text boxes are broken into individual text boxes for each line of text. What is going on. Also everything in the document is a Clipping Path inside the document bound box.
I'm using AI CS6, opened it up today and all the text boxes are behaving like paths. I can only resize them using the direct select tool. I don't know what happened, I've checked type preferences, nothing there seems to be odd.
I would attach a screenshot, but the "Insert Image" button brings up a white box that tells me the "Operation timed out." Not my day for software.
Basically, once I create a text box, I lose the ability to resize it unless I manipulate one corner at a time with the direct selection tool.
i have a csv file that has 6 columns, PNEZD and a 6th column which is my notes..i type a star in the data collector after my code, make my note, and then find/replace after i export it and replace star with a column..that gives the desired 6th column in excel that my boss wants....problem is he also wants to see that next to the Full Description in Civil 3d 2012...i tried adding a Point File Format with a 6th Column, User Defined, String for type...named the column Notes...but if i go to edit the point there is no 6th column in the Tool Palette.
I have tried to reset my bounding box and also hidden and unhidden edges. It won't let me resize anything. Where there used to be an resize cursor, there is just a default cursor.
I am struggling to understand why Illustrator is changing the values inside the RGB and CMYK boxes. I am also not sure of the exact relationship between these vaues. Essentially, it appears that if you set the Document Color Mode to RGB, it leaves the RGB values that you type in alone. If you set the Document Color Mode to CMYK, it leaves the CMYK values alone.
But as soon as you change the Color Mode, it automatically modifies the values. So if you were in RGB mode and you set some RGB values, it changes those RGB values when you switch to CMYK mode. And vice versa.
I had thought that the CMYK palette was a subset of the RGB palette. It would make sense to me if it did this when I switched from RGB to CMYK mode, but it doesn't make sense to me why it does this when I switch from CMYK to RGB mode.
The other thing I am confused about is the relationship of the values in the RGB boxes to the values in the CMYK boxes. I would have thought that the relationship between them would be static. Actually, it is not. When I am in CMYK mode and I enter a CMYK value of 90 16 0 0, the RGB values become 0 158 222. But when I switch over to RGB mode, the RGB values of 0 158 222 result in CMYK values of 75 23 0 0.
Whenever I try to resize a text box with the selection tool, it won't allow me to resize. I tried the text tool as well, but it didn't work. I don't want to resize the text, just show text that is hidden. I'm currently using CS4.
I have an Illustrator document with ~100 artboards, each artboard named by me. Each artboard has one textbox in it. Is there a way to take whatever name I assign to the artboard and print it into the text box inside that artboard? So in the end I would be able to see the name associated with each artboard on the artboard itself. Ideally I could run the script once (i.e. "turn it on"), have it populate all the text boxes with the artboard names, and then have it dynamically update the textboxes when I change an artboard name regardless of whether the file has been closed and opened since I originally ran the script.