Illustrator :: CS6 - Transparency Flattener Greyed Out Even Though PDF 1.3 Is Selected

Mar 26, 2013

I recently upgraded to Cs6 and now the transparency flattener stays greyed out when exporting for .pdf even though i have selected Acrobat 4 (PDF 1.3) like i always do when i want to flatten my artwork.

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Illustrator :: Set Transparency Flattener Presets To High Resolution

Feb 23, 2012

URL....I am editing thousands of images that need to be exported as High Res .eps's. Is there a way to make [High Resolution] the default rather than [Medium Resolution] ?

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Illustrator :: Connect Selected Endpoints Tool Is Greyed Out

Jun 16, 2012

I was going for something like this
So I built this
The endpoints indicated here will not connect - the connect selected endpoints tool is greyed out

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Illustrator :: Select All Is Greyed Out So Can't Use Outlines

Jul 6, 2012

I am trying to convert a fairly simple logo to a vector for printing in t-shirts.  When I did it years ago, I used live trace and emailed it off to the printer and it worked fine, this time, using the lastest version of ai, the printer keeps saying it is not a vector, despite using live trace.
The printer's website says to "place" the logo, use "select all" then use "outlines."  I can place the logo, but can't select all, I try alt A and it just beeps at me.

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Illustrator :: Sync Settings Greyed Out

Dec 11, 2013

I reinstalled Illustrator CC and for some reason the sync button on the bottom left is greyed out and so is Edit>Sync Settings. I am signed into Creative Cloud.

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Illustrator :: Create Outlines Greyed Out When Using Certain Font

Jan 10, 2010

I am creating a layout in Illustrator 13.0.2 on a Mac and trying to use the Eurostile font I purchased at the Adobe font store. When using this font "Create Outlines" is greyed out and nothing I've tried has changed this. However, when I change the font "Create Outlines" returns to a viable selection. This leads me to believe the problem lies with the font. Embedding for this font is listed as "Preview & Print" at the Adobe store - it would seem this should be sufficient. I'm certainly no Illustrator expert but there isn't anything unusual about this document.

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Illustrator :: Place Is Greyed Out In Print Document

Feb 16, 2014

For some reason file>place is greyed out in my print document.   I dont know why.  Im trying to import a photo.  Im using CC. 

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Illustrator :: How To Apply Gradient Across The Stroke But It Is Greyed Out

Jun 7, 2013

I selected the line and wanted to apply gradient across the stroke, but why it is greyed out?

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Illustrator :: When Add New Fill Or Create Outlines Several Functions Are Greyed Out

Feb 23, 2014

Several functions are greyed out (unusable) when trying to Add New Fill or Create Outlines.  What could be causing this?



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Illustrator :: Blend Between Two Lines - Preview Option Greyed Out

Apr 16, 2013

I am trying to do a specified step blend between two lines. It works but the preview in the options is always greyed out.  How do I activate it?

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Illustrator :: Print Color Separation - Output Option Is Greyed Out

Jun 3, 2012

I'm having problems with printing a color seperation. I'm working with CS5 and it won't allow me to print seperations to a pdf-file. I tried to print to an Adobe PostScript file, but also this won't allow me to select the Separations (Host-Based) or In‑RIP Separations Mode as that option is greyed out.
I followed: [URL]
I made sure all colours are in cmyk and already unsuccessfully checked google for solutions, but i'm sure that i'm just missing a simple option.

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Illustrator :: Majority Of The Options Under File Menu Are Greyed Out Or Dimmed?

Nov 10, 2013

I am on a MAC OS X 10.8.5.  I am running Illustrator CC 17.0.0  I started a new document and created my work.  I could not save as or export.  There are times when the SAVE button is also greyed out.  (see screenshot). I was fortunate there was a script that saves the files as a PDF under SCRIPTS.  It does not matter if I start  a new file or open an old one. I do not have file menu choices.  I checked for updates and it states I am current. 

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Illustrator :: How To Set Transparency For New Paths

Nov 8, 2013

I trace a lot of line drawings in my work to add regions of color or to create a layered watercolor effect.
In previous versions on Illustrator (I currently use CS6 but I think CS5 worked the way I liked) I could set the opacity to whatever I wanted and new pencil or pen objects would be trasparent as I drew them. Now my paths are opaque no matter what my setting in the transparency menu and it's impossible to see what I'm tracing.
I used to be very productive drawing blobs of color and overlaying quickly for a nice watercolor effect, but now I have to draw a blob, select it and set it's opacity, then draw my next blob and do the same thing. Very time consuming and not good for quick evaluation of whether or not my image is looking good.

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Illustrator :: PNG Transparency NOT Working

Jun 10, 2012

For the past several months I have been struggling with a problem with Illustrator CS4:
1. I have an RGB document 167px wide by 169px high.
2. I have an icon in the document with a rectangle background of 167px wide by 168px high, aligned to the bottom of the artboard.
3. Using both the "Save For Web"" and "Export" options to save the file as a PNG, Illustrator "FILLS" the 1px transparent portion at the top of the image with the rectangle color.
Therefore, I have a PNG that is 167px wide by 169px high with a rectangle background that is also 167px wide by 169px high.
What I want is a PNG that is 167px wide by 169px high with a rectangle background that is 167px wide by 168px high with a 1px space at the top.
The output dimensions in the "Save For Web" dialog are correct and it even shows the 1px transparent space at the top in the preview area.
YES, I have "transparency" checked in the "Save For Web Options". I know HOW to save with transparency and have done so successfully countless times before.
It seriously just... stopped working. I fear I may have changed a setting that would cause this, but I cannot find anything that even relates to the transparency for a PNG other than the simple check box in the "Save For Web" dialog. I only saw one other forum where a user said Illustrator was "cutting off" the transparency, but that question remains unanswered as well.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Transparency

Aug 19, 2013

create a transparency?

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Illustrator :: No Transparency On New Object?

Dec 18, 2013

I've just been semi-forceably updgraded from Illustrator 10 all the way to CS6, and I'm noticing some things that seem to behanve differently. I don't know if they're "normal" now or not, but any way to change, that would be fantastic.
The main thing is about transparency. When I select an object that is 50% transparent and then select the Pencil and start drawing, the resultant new object holds all of the appearance of the old object—stroke color, stroke width, fill color—but NOT the transparency. It always shows up 100% opaque. That forces me to then go and select the 50% transparency for every object I draw, which can be a lot.
Is there a setting that will allow new objects to "hold" the transparency setting of the previously selected object? Or do I really have to manually change the transparency of each and every one after drawing it?

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Illustrator :: Why Gradient Transparency Not Printing Right

Mar 25, 2013

When printing a vector illustration in PDF format, my gradients that fade to 0% over a surface aren't coming out right. The gradient appears like a box with a hard edge, rather than fading away. It looks like this when viewing the file , but when printed I am getting this . (don't mind the color, it is a bad quality photo)
I am using an HP z5200 postscript printer.

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Illustrator :: Placing A PNG File With Transparency?

May 6, 2008

If I have a psd / Png file on Photoshop that has text with no background (transparent), and I do a Place of that file into Illustrator, I get a white background in additiotion to the Text.

How do I stop the white background from placing withing the Illustrator? I have Illustrator CS3 and Photoshop CS3

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Illustrator :: Mesh Transparency For Shading

May 9, 2013

Using: Illustrator CS2 on Win XP Pro sp3
Experience - minimal (I come from using Xara and Inkscape).

My method of doing this type of art is mostly in Xara. I would creat block color shapes with decals and sticker, etc. and then use transparency gradients to create highlights and shadows. Here I was testing / getting use to the mesh tool and shaped the form of the car with color - rather then trasnparent highlights and shadows (top). But I now have to add stickers and decals to this car and tried to apply a clone of the hood mesh over the red stripes and it created a strang clipping error. You can see in the bottom screen cap that the sides and lower part of the red stripes disappeared, while the top remained untouched. Will I be able to use the mesh tool to create transparent highlights and shadows over the top of blocked coloe and the stickers, or will I have to manually match the shading on each sticker?

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Illustrator :: Transparency Looks Different On White Background

Nov 19, 2012

Why do transparent objects look different on white background vs no background like the image below?

If I flatten the transparency both sides of the gradient object looks like it's on a white background.

If I print it there's no difference.

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Illustrator :: How To Create Transparency Between Objects

Mar 21, 2013

I have a circle with split into 5 segments (image A).All of the segments have a stroke (1px) of white, and a fill.
What I want is for the STROKE to be transparent so that when I position the 5 segments over a different background colour (image B) I see the colour underneath where the white stroke would otherwise appear. To recap - I would like to retain the width of the stroke, and make the stroke coloue transparent..

I've tried the Opacity setting, but this applies to the object, not just the stroke.

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Illustrator :: Brush Stroke Transparency

Sep 4, 2013

I am using Illustrator CS5 to build a logo that uses brush strokes. The strokes are translucent but I want them to be opaque. The setting for the stroke is 100% opaque. I can't find a way to change this. It seems like a glitch. I've used brush strokes many times before, but have never had this problem.

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Illustrator :: Get Rid Of Transparency In Detailed Sketch?

Feb 20, 2013

the sketch is in an eps format, the strokes are black but the white spaces between are transparent, how can i "fill" the transparent ares with white wiothout doing a live paint one by one? (havent used illustrator for a while but now we have cs6.

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Illustrator :: Transparency In Intersecting Shapes?

Jan 24, 2014

I have different colored circles that intersect.  I want the intersection to be a transparent combination of the two colors. How do I highlight just the intersection to do that?

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Illustrator :: CC 17.1 Transparency Masks Inoperative?

Jan 16, 2014

After creating a mask for an object, i draw an opaque shape (or paste a pre-drawn shape) in to the mask, and it has no effect on the object being masked. It does not show my shape in the mask thumbnail, and the object being masked has no appearance change. Also the blending, knockout, and opacity knockout options do nothing.

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Illustrator :: 3D Transparency Won't Translate To PDF Or TIFF

Jun 25, 2012

i am creating a logo for a friend. I have an image that I drew, made transparent and then 3d. I want to save it as a pdf or jpg or png and when I try it, it eliminates the transparency effect.

Below is what it looks like when saved in PDF and any other format.

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Illustrator :: Default Transparency Flattening

Jan 22, 2014

ALL we do out of Illustrator (CS6) goes to print, as a result we don't EVER want the transparency flattening to be anything less than high resolution.
I tried modifying the "Transparency Flattener Presets" file as suggested here URL...but simply making the "Medium" setting the same as the "High" setting made the Illustrator menu come up with "Custom" by default containing settings for the Medium!! Is there a way to get the default to be high resolution?

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Illustrator :: Flattening Transparency When Saving As EPS

Jun 20, 2013

I am doing a logo design which comprises text sitting on top of a png image.  The original png image has a transparent background.
When I save as .eps, I get the message "The document constrains artwork that requires flattening".  So I select the image, Object > Flatten Transparency and it saves fine.
But now it's put a white background behind the image.  I need the entire logo to be transparent.

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Illustrator :: Cannot See Selected Lines In CC

Nov 7, 2013

I'm just trying to do the same job I've been doing for years but have a sudden problem seeing which lines I've selected. I suspect I've switched something on or off somewhere. I select a single line and it is highlighted. I tselect more than one and there's just a great box which also encompasses lines I was not selecting. The individual lines are not highlighted (as they used to be) so I can't see what really has been selected.

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Photoshop :: Transparency Knocking Out Illustrator Object?

Jun 12, 2012

I have a layered .psd file where several of the layers are 30% opacity in black (essentially, the layers are meant to be drop shadows of some flower art):

Here is the layer properties box:

When this .psd file is placed in Illustrator, on top of an object with a red spot color fill, the PhotoShop layers partially knock out the Illustrator vector object:

Here it is with the black turned off in Separations Preview:

Is there anything I can do to the .psd file so that it doesn't knock out the red spot color in Illustrator?  I'd like the spot color to be solid red all the way up to the edge of the flower petals.
In the past, we've worked around this by recreating the "drop shadow" in Illustrator, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.

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Illustrator :: Merge Complex Shapes From Transparency?

Sep 3, 2012

I am using Illustrator 16.0.1.
I have extracted a svg model from a PDF map, which leaves me with a lot of complex shapes that are not optimised.

For example, these shapes are all composed of a lot of unneeded sub shapes. When trying to merge them together via Pathfinder > Merge, I get :

Is there a way to clean up those shapes from transparency, to get the smallest possible amount of points?

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