GIMP :: Stringing Two GIFs Together

Apr 5, 2012

I'm experiencing a slight problem with stringing two .gifs together so that they become one continuous animation.For instance, let's take these two as an example.

If I simply open Gimp, drag both of them into a new project and save the resulting thing as a gif, I get this: As you can see, the transition between the two is anything but smooth (the last frame of the first animation and the first of the second appear to be fused somehow? It also happens when the second animation ends again), but I can't seem to identify the cause for this as the layers seem normal and don't seem to warrant this.

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GIMP :: 2 Animated GIFs Into One?

Dec 15, 2012

I got a request from an administrator of an online meat cutters club. He sent me two separate animated gifs that he wants me to put together side by side in one picture. When I open one it is fine. I then adjust the canvas to make room for the other but when I "open as layers" the second gif's colors are all messed up. Is there a way to combine 2 animated gifs side by side into one larger image? It would be some tedious work moving the layers and merging down to mix them in, but I might be able to do that.

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GIMP :: How To Edit Animated GIFs

Apr 19, 2012

Is there a tutorial or something for how to edit animated gifs? I want to add some watermarks and crop some of my gifs.

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GIMP :: Permanent Text On GIFs?

Sep 1, 2012

Is there a way to put a text automaticaly on "X" frames? I mean, it's so hard to copy the layer and merge it on all frames if a gif has 100, for example.

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GIMP :: Putting 3 GIFs On Top Of Each Other (2013)

Aug 23, 2013

I'm trying to combine 3 GIFs with one on top, one in the middle, and one on the bottom. When I played the GIF it showed the top one move and a white space where the other two should be then the top one froze then went onto the middle one then that one froze and went to the bottom one then repeated the cycle.

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GIMP :: Add Transparent Text To GIFs?

Oct 2, 2012

how to add transparent text to gifs. by the way im running linux ubuntu...

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GIMP :: Is Cropping Animated GIFs Possible?

Dec 21, 2013

I have an animated GIF whose edges I'd like to trim off. Some forums say you can only do this by breaking down animated GIFs to individual frames, cropping each, then recreating the single GIF. This would be a lot of work for 93 frames. Is there a better easier way to do this?

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GIMP :: How To Improve Dithering Of Animated GIFs

Jan 30, 2014

Are any efforts being made to improve the dithering of animated GIFs in GIMP? The dithering seems subpar compared to a program like Jasc Animation Shop. Why is that?

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GIMP :: How To Make GIFs - Transparent Background

May 28, 2013

i know how to make a transparent image in gimp, and i know how to make gifs in gimp, but if the background istransparent on the gifs, it shows the previous layer on the gif, how do ifix that?

p.s whenever i edit gifs, they turn out just fine, but I want to make myown so...

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GIMP :: 2.6.11 Saves GIFs With Pinkish Background Hue

Oct 31, 2011

GIMP 2.6.11 on both win7 and macos 10.6.x exports/saves (with "Save as...") .gif's with pinkish background hue; no apparent problem with .png export/save. fwiw, we did uncheck "Save background color" for .png's as per [URL] ... . See no such option for .gif's that we have yet to find.

What's happening and/or what we might be doing wrong for .gif's? (eg, monitor calibration, etc?)

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GIMP :: How To Put Multiple GIFs On Top Of Unmoving JPEG Image

Aug 3, 2013

I have a not-moving .jpeg image and I want to put 5 different animated .gif images on top of that .jpeg image background but I don't want those 5 .gif images to stop moving.

This is what I'm talking about:

I want to learn how to make .gif images like these using GIMP 2.8.6. I have searched for tutorials for this but they are only for putting a single gif on top of a still image, not multiple gifs on top of a still image.

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GIMP :: One Frame Per Layer (replace) Not Working In GIFs?

Mar 5, 2012

I keep trying to save a gif animation with one frame per layer but that is not working!! it still is combining all the layers in the animation even though I tell it one frame per layer!

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GIMP :: Import Change Color Of GIFs Within Animation

Mar 5, 2011

Everywhere else the GIFs view as intended but when I import to GIMP some of the GIFs change color. Are GIF animations limited in the colors that can be displayed compared to normal (non-animated) GIFs?

A test animation is attatched, but many of the colors are wrong often the colors are changed to white by gimp.

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GIMP :: Adding Frame Number Counter To GIFs

Mar 2, 2012

I'm in the process of making several .gifs that I would love to add a frame # counter.

Is there any way to add a frame counter to .gifs?

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GIMP :: Attach Together GIFs In Order To Make Animated GIF Collage?

Aug 12, 2011

how to attach together animated gifs in order to make animated gif collage

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GIMP :: Rounding Specific Frame Delays For Animated GIFs

Sep 27, 2012

For example, if I save a gif, and I set the frame delay to 33ms each (about 30fps), then load that gif into Gimp, it says the layers are set to 30ms each.

Is this a quirk with Gimp or a limitation of the gif format itself?

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GIMP :: How To Put 2 Animation GIFs And Running Side By Side

Oct 28, 2012

How to put 2 animation GIFs n running them side by side ? btw, i already hv tat 2 GIFs in hand.

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GIMP :: Put 2 Animation GIFs And Running Them Side By Side?

Oct 28, 2012

may i know how to put 2 animation GIFs n running them side by side ? btw, i already hv tat 2 GIFs in hand.

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Photoshop :: Gifs Are B/w!

Aug 28, 2002

I made this gif animation for a site I'm building, I go to save it and I use 'Save Optimized'.

IT SAVED IN B/W! The animation has to be in color seeing.

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Photoshop :: How To Make GIFs In CS6

Jun 10, 2012

I just downloaded Photoshop CS6 for the first time I want to make animated GIFs for my blog on Tumblr, gifs that I can easily add my own watermark to, so If they're used, I'll have credit for creating them. I know a gif is a series of moveable pictures, but that's all I know. Any links to how-to articles/simplest information you can give will be extremely useful.

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Photoshop :: GIFs Just Won't Move

Sep 3, 2012

so I made a gif. and it just won't move. it works fine when I open it but once I show the layers (other than the first layer), it stops moving and I can't get it to move again. it doesn't move in photoshop, nor when I save it as a gif. I need to show the layers to be able to auto tone though.

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Photoshop :: Transparent Gifs

Feb 23, 2006

I'm created a web page with a drag java script where people can move pictures with there mouse. I uploaded all the pictures to my picture hoster, put all the code in...and I've noticed that theres the matte around when the pictures got moved over another picture. so i went back into ps and put the matte to none..and it seemed to fix the problem until the pictures turned out all choppy.

is there any way to get the transparent gif with non choppy edges and without matte?

I've been searching the web and trying out numerous things is photoshop, but it just seems impossible.

is ps the right program to use? I tried paintshop pro...but it just seems more complicated than ps.

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Photoshop :: Animated Gifs With CS3?

Mar 2, 2008

Is it possible to create animated gifs with photoshop CS3? Is so, how? I have played around with my sisters version on her computer before I purchase my own version and cannot figure it out. If not, which version of photoshop would you recomend I upgrade to? I am familar with version 7 on my old computer which crashed a while ago. I have since purchased a laptop, but since I didn't have the cd of photoshop 7.0 from my original license I have to repurchase.

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Photoshop :: Animated GIFS

Feb 5, 2007

how to make Animated GIFS on Photoshop CS?

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Photoshop :: Transparent Gifs ?

Jan 10, 2005

I am trying to make a transparent gif; basically I want white text on a transparent background. I have Photoshop and Illustrator when I make the image everything looks fine than I save for web and if you put the gif in front of a color (in HTML/IE) the text edges are blocky, it sort of looks like it is a low Res. however it is a normal res. like 72 or 96. The other interesting part is that if I save for web with a colored background it looks fine.

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Photoshop :: GIFs & Transparency In PS 9

Aug 30, 2006

I have been searching what is commonly referred to as the "inter net" for about three CONSECUTIVE days now -- I mean I haven't slept or eaten.

WHY in the world would I do such a thing? Well... to put it simply: BECAUSE NO WHERE ON THIS GOD FORSAKEN WEB are there any tutorials for creating TRANSPARENCY for GIFs in PHOTOSHOP CS:2.

After hours of searching I've all but given up hope. I keep trying every godforsaken thing I can and re-reading all the tutorials written for photoshop 5 and 6, and even the help files and online tutorials that adobe provides. NONE OF THE ABOVE have provided me with any REAL step by step information on how to successfully produce results.

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Photoshop :: Transparency In .gifs!

Aug 21, 2005

Well I made THIS sig:

Except See how the heads white?

Theres no white when I edit it in ImageReady.

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Photoshop :: Copy Gifs

Mar 16, 2005

I have a picture that I want to put a gif into.

I have an animated gif and I want to put it into another picture.

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Photoshop :: Jpgs To Gifs

Apr 13, 2006

Recently produced an image and saved as a jpg but need to save it as a gif. When saving as a gif some of the data was lost and the image appeared slightly pixilated. Gave the image to a webmaster and he converted the jpg to gif without any loss of quality. Any ideas where I went wrong please?
Errr... before anyone asks, no I can't ask webmaster how he did it because he's gone on holiday.

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Photoshop :: Transparent GIFs In PS6

Oct 25, 2004

I just moved up to PS 5.5 to 6 (maybe someday I'll be able to afford CS!).

In PS 5.5, you select which colors to make transparent through File > Export > GIF-95 (or something like that).

For the life of me, I can't find an option in PS 6 to select transparent colors.

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Photoshop :: PS 5.5 V PS 6 Transparent GIFs

Nov 6, 2005

In PS 5.5 to make a transparent GIF, you selected the color you wanted transparent from the palette of colors in the specific image. But I don't see how that's possible with the Save For Web in PS 6. Is it?

Thing is, what I need to do is mask around parts of the image, and than make the mask color transparent.

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