I killed all of the dialogs under toolbox. Now I cannot find out how to set things like "alignment" in the clone tool, etc. May I have a word of instruction to get it all back to "factory settings"?
often while using the clone tool some of what I am trying to remove is placed just above where I am working....is there an alingment that needs to be done?
I'm trying to use the clone tool to erase creases around an eye.
I have the layer with the eye in it active, I choose the clone tool, I hit CTRL and click the area of flesh around the eye I want to copy, I see a moving outline of the flesh that's being copied, It works spiffingly! I change brush size to work in a smaller area, I hit CTRL and click the area of flesh I want to copy, I see a moving outline of the flesh I want to copy, But nothing! My cursor moves, but no cloning going on.
This has been plaguing me for a while but I've had projects going that I didn't want to interrupt. It's gotten to the point that I just can't take it anymore. I really need the clone tool for this phase of this project
I am using GIMP 2.8.2 on Ubuntu 12.10.The clone tool seems broken. It can not recognize the CTRL+left click. Ihave tried with setting different key, which also does not work.
It always says "Ctrl-click to set a new clone source"
I just got a new computer running Windows 8. It's a powerful machine (i7, 4 cores, 8 GB RAM, hybrid HD) and it's smoking fast on everything except Gimp's clone tool. The clone tool is so slow it's barely usable.
I was merrily cloning away and somehow or another my clone tool changed into a very thin elipse rather than a circle. I didn't knowingly do anything to make it change.
I then made sure it was on the round fuzzy tool brush - but it insisted on making an elipse.
I previously used Gimp 2.6. When using the clone tool, I would press CTRL to set the source. When I would being painting with the clone, the source would move relative the mouse pointer location and I was able to make sure the gradients were correct.
With 2.8 it looks like the source stays put and I cannot clone see to get the gradients I am working with to clone right because I have to stay in line with the source. How to replicate the functionality of 2.6 with it?
Where is it? On page 332 of Gimp Bible (2010) it illustrates it in the dialog box, but it is not present in mine. I think that I am running the latest version.
I made the following test: I created 3 layers, where each of them only contains one filled circle. Now I auto cropped all 3 layers.Now I want to play around with the alignment tool. I have watched several videos about Alignment and all of them click on an object (like my circles) and the selected object get little purple boxes in the corners of the selected object.I do NOT get these selections when I click on my circles. This selection seems to be required to use the alignment tool.
So what am I am doing wrong? How can I select my 3 circles to align them with the alignment tool?
Could not use the clone stamp tool because the area to clone has not been defined (option-click to define a source point). this is what shows up in the command box when ever I click to start to pick the spot i want to use as the clone. makes my cloning tool useless. I have reset the tools restrted my computer.
2 days on GIMP. I need to adjust the clone tool so it's 1080 pixels vertical and about 20 pixels wide. I googled and searched, but I can't seem to find the right phrasing.
I have been away from PhotoShop for awhile and have not used CS3 for over a year. When I try to use the clone tool a pop up tells me unable to use tool due to a program error. How can I fix?
when i try to use either of them, instead of getting a SINGLE disc the same color as my sample point i get a blotch, containing MORE THAN ONE smudged discs. see example below. i didn't want mickey mouse ears, i wanted ONE disc.
I have a multi layered image where all the layers are of the same image with different effects. Is there a way I can align the clone source point to the same point on a different layer? I am using PS CS (version 1)
I'm just starting to use CS4 which has some nice little features, but also behaves differently with some tools. The clone tool is excellent because you can position the clone before you apply it (you can see where it is going), but how do you clear the clone brush ater you've cloned something. if you've used the clone tool in CS4 you'll know what I mean.
I do not have a full understanding of this tool. I am constantly bumping into what is trying to clone an area and not able to control boundries of the brush.
When I select a location from which I want to clone the pixel colors/properties and then begin to paint in the target location, the results are of pixels from areas that are outside of what I want, or thought I had selected.
I have reset tools, reset preferences, checked opacity, blending mode, made sure I am on a active layer, duplicated background layer, used a different file to see if the same result occurred, checked channels palette for rgb active. Done everything but re-install software,
I am using CS4, and my clone tool will act up every once in a while by cloning to an area that I have not gone over. I will be cloning and then when I start an area, nothing happens to the area cloned (the area I am trying to cover over with selected area), then suddenly another area of the photo will show the clone.
I have reset my settings by doing a CTRL, Shift, ALT at startup.
In Xara P+Designer 6 I can select an area to clone, then edit that selection with the Selector Tool.
I don't seem to manage that in XD 7 doing the identical thing, well, attempting to. Am I not doing something that I should be doing, for it to do the same as in Xara D6?
I can edit with the Shape Editor tool, but not rotate with the Selector Tool.
My son banged on my keyboard while I was in the middle of editing a photo using the clone tool. Now the tool is looks as though it's working when I'm sampling an area but when I go to change the designated area it isn't doing anything. And it's got a bright white spot in the circle.
I am familiar with the operation of the clone tool in previous versions of Photoshop.... However after upgrading to CS6 I am having a problem with the functionality of the clone tool.
Basically when using the clone tool when its set to 100% opacity & flow, it looks as though the clone tool is only set to 50% opacity.I am using the default configuration that came with the program.
My previous version was CS3... clone tool worked perfectly there...why the same tool doesnt perform the same way with the same apparent settings.
I only have a pattern stamp tool can't seem to find a clone tool anywhere... I thought it had both. when I click on the pattern stamp there is only that tool nothing else to select...is it a setting under the pattern tool? or is it somewhere else completely?
some of these vertical and horizontal remnants remain. I can reclone and reclone, and the same horizontals will be there, sometimes a vertical changes if I reshape the selection. Even at the smallest selection size, it remains. I have tried rebooting and turning all memory hogs off (I have 12gb of ram).
In both Photoshop 7 and Elements 2 running under Windows XP my machine hangs after a few clicks with the clone tool. Has anyone else had the same problem? And if so, is there a solution?
I`m using CS and recently developed a teaser. I can`t get the clone tool icon off the screen (when that tool is selected) and return to the size adjustable circle I have used up until now. Caps lock doesn`t help either.
I noticed for the first time that the new clone tool in CS4 is not using all of my processors on my new i7 965XE processor. In fact it uses only one processor and this makes it run incredibly slow. I have also noticed that CS4 in general is rather sluggish on this hardware which is supposedly one of the most powerful processors available. I am running the i7 965XE with 8GB of Ram and still find Photoshop rather slow. I would expect it to be super snappy on this hardware, perhaps I need to optimise settings somehow, does anyone have any suggestions or is CS4 not equipped to properly address the i7 processors yet?
The clone and healing tools just stopped working on CS3, Windows XP. I check the obvious like correct layer selected, blend mode, ... The paint tool works fine.