Is there an easy way to create bleeds and trim marks for multiple objects on the same page?
For instance, I have a playing card that I've tiled across the page 6 times ( so that I can create 6 cards out of 1 page ). Each card needs it's own bleed/trim marks.
I'd also like to have printer registration marks for the page, as I have to print the card backings on another page and then glue the two pages together.
The only way I've found that I can do this is to manually create the trim marks for each object's bleed and just have them all within 1 artboard.
I tried doing it with multiple artboards within one larger artboard, but couldn't get that to work.
Is this something that just needs to be manually done?
I am working on a 44-page document, opening a pdf in GIMP. I've never done anything like this before yet have taught myself how to work page to page, insert images between the text blocks on each page, resize the images and position them where I want, even in more than one layer. (That in a couple of days, me a novice! HOWEVER, after working hours on my project, thinking I was saving as I went, I discovered after the fact that I was only saving the highlighted page, not the entire document. I lost all my work, twice! Luckily I had only gotten through page 7.
The project requires me to need to see all the pages, sometimes to backtrack to reposition an image in order to achieve a consistent flow. At the end I will save as a pdf, flattening all images. In the interim, I need to be able to get back in, day-to-day, to continue the detailed work.
PS. I'm using Gimp 2.8 on a MacBook 10.6.8. And yes I know to save as .xcf while the work's in progress.
I have a not-moving .jpeg image and I want to put 5 different animated .gif images on top of that .jpeg image background but I don't want those 5 .gif images to stop moving.
This is what I'm talking about:
I want to learn how to make .gif images like these using GIMP 2.8.6. I have searched for tutorials for this but they are only for putting a single gif on top of a still image, not multiple gifs on top of a still image.
I am trying to load single pages from multi page tiffs, convert them to monochrome (dithered), flatten the image, then save them as single monochrome, ccitt group4 tiffs. - all through scripts.
The multipage tiffs contain pages in grayscale and color which were created using the old style (problematic) JPEG compression option.
I have tried other tools, such as libtiff (modified with a patch to handle the old jpeg compression), and the latest version of imagemajick. Unfortunately they cannot correctly convert the files, whereas gimp can, but only one page of the multi-page tiff at a time(gimp crashes if I load a 5page document (as separate images) then convert each image to monochrome,flatten and save in one session)
the scripting function for loading tiffsfile-tiff-load does not expose the options to load individual pages, or to select loading as images or as layers, which the visual file load/import does.
How I can achieve this using a script.? Manually is not a problem, but too time consuming for large (eg. 200page) tiffs.
I have a not-moving .jpeg image and I want to put 5 different animated .gif images on top of that .jpeg image background but I don't want those 5 .gif images to stop moving.
how to make .gif images like these using GIMP 2.8.6
My Windows 7 PC does have CS5 installed. I also have a full Office 2010.
I've got 32 TIF files, each the page of a comic book. i want to crete a 32 page PDF file. Turning one tiff into one PDF in Photoshop is easy. But two or more into a single pdf document... I don't see how.
I went to some other forums and was called 'stupid', 'lazy' etc. and am very frustarted at this. I simply cannot spend any more time researching because I have wasted days doing just that.
'm trying to make an action to automate the saving of one photoshop file to multiple different jpegs. Basically what I am doing is producing team pictures from a psd template. I will do player #1 then save as #1jpeg, #2 save as #2jpeg, etc up to 20 players. I tried to make an action but it won't allow me to insert a file name. It would be straight forward if I could get a stop in there. how I could automate this
OK - so i've done a little bit of an edit to a photo and just wanted to save it to a jpeg so i could use it in other stuff. I was just wondering where this function is?
I've attached an image of the options that are available to me when i select save as.
I wanted to know what the difference between .JPEG and .JPG were. I found this link:
Basically they are the same extension and on older computers they could not hold more than a 3 character abbreviated file extension.
But, I want know, what other extensions are relative to Gimp, or what and why is .xcf, .png, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, the extensions always used? Are there others? What is the relevance to .xcf, and the plug ins are all saved as .scm, .gbr, etc. That part makes sense, but I have a plug in for G'MIC with a strange extension (.par2) and I cannot install it.
I just downloaded GIMP 2.8.2 for MAC and I'm trying to export a file to other formats (PGN, JPEG etc. The export image window greys out and nothing happens for many minutes.
I finally give up and I get this error: Saving '/Users/muladhara2004/Desktop/filename.png' failed: Procedure 'file-png-save-defaults' returned no return values
For some reason Gimp 2.8 forces me to save in xcf format. Most times I want to save a file in jpeg or png format. Having to save as xcf, and then export to jpeg or png is a pain in the unmentionables. Especially when reopening the file for editing, requiring another pointless dance with the export system.
Is there some module, upgrade, improvement, fork or other means by which export is merged with save/save as functionality, thus removing the additional steps in the process of saving a file? Ideally it should involve nothing more than hitting Ctrl S for an a file that already has a name. Put another way, something that works the way everything else does.
I'll try to write this logically, but as logic has failed to get me the output I want, I suspect somewhere there will be something highly illogical...
I am trying to export a JPEG file, complete with images. I have setup the original file to 2362x602 pixels, at 300 ppi (making a canvas approximately 200x50mm). This is confirmed through Image -> Canvas Size.
Now if I want to print to paper, I can check the settings through Image -> Print Size, to confirm what size I will get.
What I want is to be able to do the same thing for an export jpg function. I need the JPG to come out at a specific dimension, not a specific pixel size. If I export my file now (File -> Export) as a jpg, I end up with a jpeg much wider than 200mm. A quick rightclick->properties shows me the jpg is still 2362x602 pixels, at '300dpi.' So why is that not the size I expect it to be?
I am using Windows 7. How do I associate a file type (.jpeg) with Gimp 2 program. I follow easy steps in Windows, but I am unable to locate (.exe) file for Gimp. Where is the .exe file i need to complete this?
I am trying to open this image [URL] ... that I downloaded the full sized image and it doesn't matter how many times I download it or open it in Gimp it shows up in Gimp corrupt and gives me the error "premature end of jpeg file" but Windows Photo Viewer views the image just fine! what is wrong when I open it in Gimp???
I have installed both version 2.6.11 and also version 2.4.7 of the Windows version of Gimp that I have downloaded from here [URL]
When I launch Gimp, and select File / Open from the main menu, neither TIF/TIFF nor JPG/JPEG files are listed when "All Images" is selected in the file type drop-down listbox. If I select "All Files", and then select either a TIFF or JPEG file, then an error message appears stating "Unknown file type". The specific types listed in the file type drop down list box include:
I have read here: [URL] that, "Some of the file types, such as JPEG and TIFF, require extra libraries (described elsewhere)." I have no idea where "elsewhere" is.
I have completely uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled both version 2.6.11 and 2.4.7 with the exact same results each time. The program otherwise works as advertized, with no errors or problems that I am aware of.
Am I missing something here? All indications are that GIMP (Even the Windows version) natively supports TIFF / TIF and JPEG / JPG files, but that is certainly not my experience!
I am specifically interested in opening TIFF / TIF files.
Several times a week I need to take a PDF (single-page doc), then convertto a page-sized PNG with quality good enough to read the text (and atransparent border), and then convert to a SWF. I have a PNG-to-SWFutility, but when I used it on the PNG saved after I opened my PDF andexported from GIMP, the end result was not good enough. A co-worker saidGIMP couldn't make a PNG (w/transparency) with enough quality. He said we'dhave to use some other software. Part of the issue was not being able toresize without losing quality before the PNG export. True or false?
So, for example, when I copy and paste a picture onto Gimp, I can edit it any way I want. But when I copy and paste another picture on, when I try to use the tools, it only works on the first picture. So I ended up editing the pictures one by one on separate files, then put them together, but now, i need them on the same file so I can get the size right. How do I fix this (or can I not)?
I've been using GIMP to make GIFS for a long time now, but recently the "optimize for difference" option I've used is having the reverse effect it should have- ie, it's making the file larger. Here's an example. It's the exact same image, same dimensions, same amount of colors. The first one is unoptimized, each frame is a full picture, and it's file size it ~149kb. The second one is the same as the first, except optimized with about ~50% of the pixels removed from each frame (except the first frame obviously), and yet it's file size is ~155kb. I can not for the life of me figure out why an image with most of it's pixels removed is creating a larger file size. [URL]...
Trying to set up a datamerge file to create multi page spread documents with fields on different pages. Attempting to set it up so it's as automated as possible as there are up to 20 different merge documents needing to merge with up to 100 different csv records from the same file each week . The merge documents have different and repeated merge fields on most pages.
I've set it up so that the document has facing pages, and most pages have images spread across the whole of the spread. the pages preview fine, they are created ok when using 'Create Merged Document' although the page numbers continue from one document to another (another problem). but when I come to export to pdf, then the merge only shows the image on the left spread but on both left and right spread single pages, and the page numbers don't show the correct page numbers eg it will go p1 p2 p1 p2 etc all the way through the document instead of p1 p2 p3 - p20 etc. I don't want to have to merge first then pdf but can't understand why the images and page numbers are not showing correctly.
how to get the page count of a multi page PDF file? I know you can then open each page using the PDFFileOptions (pagetoopen). But I need to know up front how many pages there are to loop thru to open each page and process each page.
When I'm working on a design for which I'm generating options, like a logo, I usually work with one Xara file and a new page for each option. When it's time for me to export each page as a JPEG or PNG, it's really frustrating that each and every time I have to tell Xara to save the Page, NOT the default Page Content. I'm thinking there should be a way for Xara to remember and repeat my last export settings, but I can't find it...
Print to JPEG in LR5.2 produces a corrupt JPEG file that cannot be opened.
Lightroom is running on MacPro. When printing I am attaching an ICC profile provided by the bureau that is going to produce the prtins. Having said this the file cannot be opened neither on a Mac nor on a Windows PC.
Up until now, i used to exported as TIFFs but after reading Jeff Schewe book The Digital Print i have become convinced that printing through LR to a file is much more efficient.
So I am making digital color prints at 24x30. the photography work is about color fields and gradients, so I need super high res files. I have set the size to 24000x30000 pix at 1000 my problem, when i go to save the gimp file as a jpeg i get this error message "JPEG image plug-in could not save image"