I have an image and all I want to do is change it to a different color. So if the image is mostly red, I want to shade it blue but still keep its quality, meaning the light-red pixels will turn light-blue, and the dark-red pixels will turn dark-blue.
I prefer an option that automatically changes all the colors for the entire image, but if there is a shader tool where I have to manually shade the image, that'll work too.
I input the image, then I went to Image > Mode > RGB, and from there I went to Colors > Colorize and used the sliders to change the image to the color I want.
I am trying to produce a new logo for our business that has a solid Blue cloud image on a transparent background. I need to add text over this but ideally it will show as white over the cloud background but blue when its over the transparent background.
Cant simply change the color of text as its a curved edge its going over. I assume I will need to do some form of punch out but not sure how to start this.
I want to change the color to hex #00aced (0, 172, 237). I tried the colorfy, but the image comes out purple. Another way that has worked for me in the past, with white images, is by clicking on the channel dialog and dragging the red down. Clicking on the eye, next delete the original image and than add a new foreground color based on what color I selected from the palette. Of course this isn't working either since the image is so dark.
Now in channel mixer it could work if the RGB would go higher than 200, but since my blue is 237 this is where I am stuck. It has worked with other colors, as long as the RGB is less than 200. This is by selecting each output individually, for example, starting with red and entering a value in red and leaving green and blue at 0. Next selecting Green, entering a value in green and leaving red and blue at 0, and so on... Is there some type of mathematical solution for using the channel mixer, or simple yet, is there a way of making my image more white, without losing my shadows?
First time using GIMP. Following the directions here: [URL] ......
Using, "Color to Alpha," I tried to select the background of my .jpg image. The background is white, the picture (logo) portion is silver. Because of the closeness in color, when I select white, the software selects the entire image to become alpha (transparent).
When I select the color of the picture, silver, I am able to select just the logo portion. How can I take the logo portion, which is now converted to transparent, and give it a black or transparent background, and then return the logo back to its former color silver. The logo is perfect, it is just that I recently switched my site from a white header to a black header and the image has a white background, so that does not look good.
I want to change the size of the image in Gimp to 3957x4429 px (67x75 cm) at a 150dpi (the image we have has a 300 dpi.) When i do this in image - print size it keeps changing the width.
The system is not allowing me to get the picture a few cm larger. Is there any way I can overwrite this?
I am using the Color Exchange feature in Gimp 2. I am trying to change a red background to black. The Color Exchange feature allows me to do that, however, it comes out with only part of the color changed and it all very blotchy.
Here is a screenshot of what happens after I select the red square and do a Color Exchange from red to black.
I want to select a specific color from within the image, and change all similar colors within that image to a different color. In other words, after using the Color Picker Tool to select a color from the image, I want to take the selected color (and everything in the image that is equal to or similar in color), and change them all to a different color.
I tried using the Path's Tool to create an outline in the image, and changing colors that way, but it changes all the other colors in the selection I don't want to change. I just want to change all colors in the image/selection that are equal to or similar to the selected color. How do I do this?
Attempting to add text in Gimp 2.8.2. I can do everything I need (size, font, etc) except I can not get the color to change. When I change color, the text does turn a light grey, but it doesn't change color.
Here is a quick video I made with Jing showing my problem. You can see in the video that font selection changes and sizes changes, though.
So that the fur of the animal looks purple/mauve (in particular the gray part, it would be best if the white part didn't change).
I haven't found a way to do this, even approximately (which would be enough), in a textured surface. Methods I've seen changing the hue saturation seem to work when working with primary colors, but I can't get it to work with a gray color.
I am downloading semi-monochromatic picture files that I will be using for multiple applications. The image is originally semi-monochromatic with red and white being the only colors used. A complex image is created by adding more or less white to the red color. The image for each application I have in mind needs to be distinguished by the primary color of the image. I need to change this color first to green, then to orange, and so on. Is there a global command to change this one color?
I use the term semi-monochromatic because the pictures aren't actually black and white.
I can crop images, resize, and do a few other things but that is about the extent of my skills.
I am currently attempting to theme some images in an Android ROM but I'm not able to change the colors the way I want. Essentially I have a bunch of images with transparent backgrounds and white in the foreground. I simply want to swap out the white for another color (red, green, blue, whatever).
I have attached a sample image that I am working on. How on earth do I change the white to red (FF0000) for example? I tried using the select by color tool and clicking in the white area. Then I changed the foreground color to FF0000 and tried to paint into it. It doesn't seem to do anything but paint more white?
Some options were completely disabled for my image. For example, I went to Colors > Map and found that both Color Exchange and Rotate Colors are disabled. Why?
P.S. I have roughly 200 images that I need to perform this action on (and I may even do this with multiple colors -- create a blue set, a red set, etc.) so if there is some way to automate this process I would love to know. I'm a software developer and run Linux so I typically just write bash scripts for tedious tasks such as these. I know there is script-fu in gimp but I'm not familiar with it. Can I just call gimp within a bash loop and pass it some option to do this color change and save the new image for me?
That was one of my favorite effects in GIMP. Can do it just fine using Portable Gimp and 'use color from gradient'. But in GIMP 2.8.2 -- that's been taken away and we've been left with a confusing new Gradient system . Do NOT like it so far at all. Haven't figured out how to change the color of the sparks brush on it, let alone use it in any practical way.
Any way to be able to use this new version of the Gradient system and be able to change the color of the sparks brush?
[URL] ..... I have an image of a garage door on a white house. I need to generate a layer with a transparent background that when viewed over the original house turns the siding a different color say blue. The idea is that once I generate that layer I can then generate more layers like it to change the colors on the different parts of the house.
What would be the correct process in GIMP to accomplish this?
I need to change that blue piece into dark green and the red into light green. Highlighting the section would be the obvious part, but when I paintbrush over it, it looks cartoonish. How can I keep it looking professional like that, whilst changing the color?
I've opened a gif file (web icon) which has shades of green. I want to use this on another site of ours which is similar but has shades of orange.
I use the dropper to select the color from a gif on the orange site - so the color is there in the color section box.
When I try to draw / fill on the green gif it ignores the orange color selected and uses a green from green gif. A lighter orange gives a lighter green.
I want to create a simple thin glowing red bar. I want the red to fade into black, pretty much exactly like what the glowing hot tool does with yellow/white.
How to change the color of an icon (ex: from black to grey). My problem is that the end result is sometimes an icon that is partially transparent.
Here is what I am doing:
1) I open the image of which I want to change the color (black icon over transparent background) 2) Create a new layer and color this in white. 3) Merge the two layers 4) Create a new layer and color this with the color I want for my icon 5) Go to Colors -> Color to Alpha 6) Select the current color of the icon 7) Click Ok - Now icon color is the wanted color over a white background 8) Create a new layer and leave this transparent 9) Go to Colors -> Color to Alpha 10) Select the white color (current background color). 11) Click Ok - Now icon background is transparent, but icon color is also partially transparent.
Is there a way how I can change the color of an icon without getting the icon color transparent.
I have some text icons on my phone size 48x48.. i am trying to get them chrome / metallic . Is there an easy way 9well easy for me way ) to do it . i have followed this
[URL]........ and all the other ones are the same but am stuck i just cant seem to do it .
I am trying to keep the same image, but change the green hues to blue hues. I am fairly positive I can recreate the bottom part of the image (the rectangle with rounded edges aka a button), but I don't know how to add the top parts after that. Ideally I would just like to be able to change the greens to blues.
I am trying to change the green hues to blue hues. I can recreate the rectangle with the rounded corners with a blue gradient, but I don't know how to add the top parts to the image. Ideally I would just like to be able to manipulate the image I have and change the green hues to blue hues.
I have a series of images that are color photos of a three-dimensional, cream colored object. The objects have clipping paths around them and sit on a dark background. I have some new images that I need to incorporate into the layout, but their color is a different "cast", more gray than the other cream images.
I would like to apply the original color to the new images. It would be best if this could be done in the InDesign document, but if necessary, I can do it in Photoshop.
i have been using fireworks for quite some time and it has done everything i wanted it to but now i have hit a roadblock. i have an image set on a blue background and i want to change background color to a dark grey and i want to completely change the image to a dark green. is there a program in photoshop that will do this for me?
Is there a way of changing the range of colour tones used across an image so that for example I have an image of a yellow rose which is made up of yellow, white an grey tones. I want to change this to pink white and grey tones.
I have to make the color of this artwork black so that it can be used for screen printing. However, I am not able to change the color of any part of the artwork. I am using CS2.
Is there anyway to change the color of lines in an image? In a graphic image I tried to upload (But it wouldn't do it) I want to keep the background but want to make the lines a sharp white. (they are kind of a grey) Is it possible? (There are only lines and a solid color background)
How can I change a selection of an images color. Have an image of a red ladybird (see link below) and want to change it to a different color say a blue or a yellow.
Trying to change the blue color in this abstract image (see image) to a much darker green (pantone 561) Any way to do this easily? I am not coming to close to this new darker green color.
How do I change the color of an image in EPS format using Illustrator? Once I do this how do I change the format of the image from EPS to something I can select onto a website like JPG, JPEG or PNG? I plan to print the image onto a T-shirt.
I'm attempting to tilt this image for use in a game im writing. I've been using Map Object and rotation (Y) but this then causes pixel color changes on the boundary with the background color. How would I tilt this picture without getting the problem?