Edge Animate CC :: Play Function From External Link?
Dec 13, 2012I have created an animation and I would like clicking on a button (javascript) that is within the outer body, start the animation.
View 1 RepliesI have created an animation and I would like clicking on a button (javascript) that is within the outer body, start the animation.
View 1 Replies...like a menu popping out and going back again.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for a way to animate a link with a hover feature. I would like the link to be initally blank, but after hovering hover the link, a colored rectangle of sorts slides in from left to right, essentially creating a new background color. When the cursor moves off of the link, the colored rectangle in the background would slide back to the left, disappearing.
After some thought, initially it sounds like an animation of clipping masks. Not sure if this is possible in Edge, or if I am on the right track.
Another hover animation that looks as if it would be some sort of clipping mask is found here on this site: [URL]....
I love the link to the right of the screen that says "Watch the trailer." It's a simple, beautiful animation that gives the site a great look.
I have come across about a dozen similar discussions, but most have presented solutions that worked in earlier versions of Edge and no longer work.
I am trying to use Edge to build animations that can then be integrated into larger non-Edge projects. I would like to then be able to control the Edge timeline or Edge symbols from elements OUTSIDE of Edge, such as another link or button in the page.
I cannot seem to figure out how to properly reference the Edge stage or symbols.
I have come across several proposed solutions for referencing Edge stage, such as:
var comp = AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
var stage = comp.getStage();
var comp = $.Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
var stage = comp.getStage();
var comp = Edge.getComposition("EDGE-966604542");
var stage = comp.getStage();
and these either DO NOTHING or throw errors about either AdobeEdge or Edge or comp being undefined.
In my Composition there some cases I have to play one symbol. In a few cases it is necessary two play sequential e.g. symbol A an then symbol B. It have to look like one animation. Is there an easy way of calling?
View 19 Replies View RelatedI've created an Edge animation (marquee) banner for a site I'm working on, but when I check it on older computers (for example XP running IE7), all I see is a large white rectangle where the marquee is supposed to be. A
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm building an animated menu in the latest version of Adobe Animate. There are 5 different animations that happen within the same box on the main stage. I have made each animation it's own symbol. I want to trigger the animations from text boxes to the left of the box where the main animation takes place. The text boxes are not apart of any of the symbols, but are just on the main stage.
When someone scrolls over any of the individual text boxes i need to play one symbol's timeline AND hide all of the other symbols from the stage.
I have a symbol,some timaline and labels in it.so now I want to play reverse between the Label A and Lable B but the action syntax is like
so how can I play reverse rom LableB to LableA?
sym.playReverse ( position, executeTriggers )
position defaults to the current playhead position (which defaults to 0); If play is issued and the playhead is at the end of the timeline, play from the end.executeTriggers can be true, false, or null and indicates whether triggers at the starting position are fired:true - all triggers at the starting position are fired.false - no triggers are fired at the start point.null, undefined or omitted - triggers are fired at the starting position only if the timeline is being played for the first time, or if the starting position is different than the current playhead position as returned by getPosition().Description: Play the default timeline in reverse from the given position given in milliseconds (if position is a number) or as a label (if position is a string).
So my animation is a song and I'm doing like a video clip with interactivity (the interactivity is not inside at the moment).I need to have a play button so we can see (heard) on iPhone, iPad...
My problem is that the animation begin immediately behind the play button and before I press it.So the song and the animation are not synchronize.I try many things to stop the animation but nothing is working.
I have and element and what I'm trying to do when I click on this element, it starts to play reverse the timeline for 1 sec and after that it continues to playing the timeline from an other point.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am creating a slide show and I added a stop and click to play action so it is interactive so the user must click to go to the next slide. The stop is working but the click an day is not when I preview in the browser?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have made a pause and a play button to my slideshow.The pause button is just a boks with the click-action code:
The pause button is a boks with the click-action code:
var timelinePos = sym.getPosition();
It works but in the beginning, I have to click twice before the function works. It is only the first time. After that everything works fine.
I created an Edge Animate document and it has text animations where the text fades in and out. Now it works fine in IE and Chrome but not FireFox. All the text displays all at once in a jumbled mess.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI saw a post on this issue but was not sure where to put the code I read there. how exactly to edit this code line to work
I am inside a symbol "oneAnimation". At the end of the animation "backBtn1" appears. Inside this button, I have added an event on click. I want the stage timeline to play from the label "startNumber" when this button inside the symbol is clicked.
So far it's not jumping back to the main time line.
All- I have a symbol on the main stage called "Con-main" that has a symbol inside of it called "VID-PLAY". I have a symbol inside of "VID-PLAY" called "RC-VID"
I'm trying to hide this symbol on creationComplete within VID-Play
sym.getComposition().getSymbol("CON-MAIN").getSymbol("VID-PLAY").$("RC -VID").hide(); //DOESN'T WORK
sym.getComposition().getStage().getSymbol("CON-MAIN").getSymbol("VID-P LAY").$("RC-VID").hide(); //DOES NOT WORK
what am i missing?
I'm doing an animation where I have a 2d side scrolling concept.
I have a side scrolling world with road, and the user controls a car driving left or right from one area to the other. The user controls the direction of the car via keydown (arrow keys).
Now the problem is, if the user presses right, then it works fine and the car drives forward to where I want it to stop. But if the user presses left to go back to a previously visited area...the car reverses to the previous area.
The way the keydown events control the timeline is simply if the user presses the right arrow key I simply call sym.play(); and when the user presses the left arrow key I call sym.playReverse();
how I can manage to either swap the car symbol with another symbol...or flip the car symbol 180 degrees.
The desired effect is, if I call the play action the car must face right > and when I can the playReverse action the car must face left <
How do I insert an audio while you play back an animation?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have uploaded an edge animate cc published html with sound. The html file opens perfectly on my mac pro safari browser perfectly with audio. But when I open the same file on my iphone5 the file opens but no the audio does not play.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have an animation that runs for around 2 minutes. I want to add a button that the user can click to pause/play this animation if they want extra time to read the content on screen. I'm not sure how to tell a button to pause at the current frame and resume when clicked by the user. The button will also need to change states from a pause image to a play image when clicked and vice-versa.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have a dozen or so animated symbols on the stage and I'd like a randomly called one to play each time users click a button.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI have an animation in Edge, and I'm trying to make a button that can play the timeline for a specified amount of time and then stop, without the aid of labels. So, I figured if i set the button to sym.getSymbol("mysymbol").play(500); it would make the timeline of that symbol play for 500 milliseconds each time the button is clicked, but it is not working, as this makes the whole thing simply start playing at 500ms. So I then tried adding a stop action after this:
But this didn't work, because I guess since these events are one after the other, it doesn't wait 500 seconds to stop, and it reads stop(500) immediately after the play instruction, so that didn't work either. I'm pretty new to javascript, but I've been really trying to learn it along with the Edge API for a couple weeks now and still can't seem to solve this problem.
I have created an animation with Adobe Edge. My site uses Concrete5 and I am pulling in the Edge content into an IFRAME on my home page. I want the animation to play from the start when someone first visits the site, but if during their browser session they navigate back to the home page, I want the animation to only play a shorter segment of frames near the end.
My question is, how do I use cookies to acheive this? I'm new to javascript/jquery.
I've included the following code on compositionReady, (found in another post on this forum) but don't have a clue how to continue...
// insert code to be run when the composition is fully loaded here yepnope( { nope:[ '/js/jquery.cookie.js' ], complete: init } ); function init() { //create your cookie's initial values here } My temp site is here -[URL]
On revisting the homepage, I only want to play from when the green button drops in.
Ive made my entire web page its work great in Mozilla firefox broswer. Although when I view the page in Internet Explorer the sound and music dont play. heres a link to my page.
heres the link to download the Edge files of my project.
I am setting this function in my compositionready and I want to call it from different places. That works fine but I also want to run myFunction() when the program launches.
sym.myFunction = function()
alert("function called")
I have a webpage, where is my edge stage and a function in the script braces. How to call that function from edge api?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDo I have to write a CSS rule for every symbol and element in a presentation or can I just specify a general rule for the whole thing?For example, how can I specify that all images should have a red border, or all links should change color on hover?
Shouldn't I be able to create a separate CSS file as in Dreamweaver and just attach it?
I'm trying to embed a video into my project and although the initial setup was simple, getting it to play in all browsers is proving to be very difficult. I've read more articles and forum threads than I care to recall, but just can't seem to find the right combination. Safari wil play audio only and IE10 gives me "Error: Unsupported video type or invalid file path".
I've contacted my host provider to ensure that the server is compatible with all video formatts and I've had other people from different locations try to play the video with slightly varied results, but ultimately the video doesn't play for them either. Here is the code I'm using:
I started with this code that I picked up from an online tutorial:
var vid = sym.$("Holder");
vid.html('<video width= "838" height="609" src = "video/tester.mp4" poster = "video/DFC5.jpg" type = "video/mp4" controls ="controls" </video>');
I eventually moved to this in order to attempt to accommodate multiple video formats/browsers:
var vid = sym.$("Holder");
vid.html("<video width='838' height='609' preload='auto' poster = 'video/DFC5.jpg' controls ='controls'>" +
"<source src='video/tester.mkv' type='video/mkv' />" +
"<source src='video/tester.mov' type='video/mov' />" +
"<source src='video/tester.mpg' type='video/mpg' />" +
"<source src='video/tester.webm' type='video/webm' />" +
"<source src='video/tester.mp4' type='video/mp4' />" +
"<source src='video/tester.avi' type='video/avi' />" +
"<source src='video/tester.wmv' type='video/wmv' />" +
"<source src='video/tester.ogv' type='video/ogg' />" +
Say you need a slightly more sophisticated animation and used a CreateJS from Flash.I've placed the CreateJS in a container, and I've been able to communicate from CreateJS to Edge symbol with no problem:
/* js
this.onClick = function () {
var comp = $.Edge.getComposition("EDGE-25177479");
var stage = comp.getStage();
But how do it the other way, and create a function from within Edge to call upon the CreateJS canvas ("myCanvas")?I want to call a "gotoAndPlay("start");" label on the main timeline of the canvas element. My syntax is completely wrong:
//on click
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
I need to add a clickTag type function to a banner I made so that it can be tracked. I read the thread on clickTag() and it tried swapping clickTag() with EB.clickthrough(). but that didnt work.
The media company has us put this code on a click through layer in the flash banners I've been making
how do I get this to work? The publisher gave me this code that ive added to the index file but the part where it says "onclick" I think needs to happen in edge?
<script type="text/javascript">
function initEB(){
if (!EB.isInitialized()){[code]....
how in edge to tell it to do this "onclick="javascript:handleUserActionButtonClick();"
In my project I have an iframe, and I want to open a link in that iframe. But with a button which is outside the iframe. I thought that putting the name of the iframe in the target area might work. And in Safari work, but not in Firefox and Internet Explorer. These browsers opens the link in a new window, even changing the name in the target.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI published my Animate composition and inserted it into DW. Animate added "edgeanimate_assets/menu" to all of my button links so they don't work. How can I prevent that from happening?
View 1 Replies View Related