CorelDRAW X3 :: Avoiding Rasterization Of Vector Images
Sep 3, 2007What are some of the things I can do to prevent rasterization of vector images when I create them in CorelDraw? Do transparency and gradients cause rasterization?
View 3 RepliesWhat are some of the things I can do to prevent rasterization of vector images when I create them in CorelDraw? Do transparency and gradients cause rasterization?
View 3 RepliesI was wondering if there was any way to maintain stroke width (with antialiasing off) when importing/resampling vector files, like pdf. photoshop does this, i think.
i made a test case that shows the issue in the attached files. the PDF is a 1px-stroked square. when i try to rasterize it to 100dpi (or any dpi other than 72) using Gimp or any tool that relies on ghostscript for rasterization (imagemagick, mupdf, xpdf) i get a square with unevenly stroked edges. photoshop's algo maintains the stroke width in favor of maybe less optimal positioning.
is there any way to make Gimp or any other pdf->png rasterization tool (ghostscript included) prioritize stroke widths over positioning?
drawing.pdf (Size: 960 bytes / Downloads: 55)
white space.png
I'm just starting to explore converting images to vector in CorelDRAW and am running into what, I hope, is a rookie problem.
There is white space between the lettering below the main logo image and I'm wondering how to make it transparent like the rest of the background.
I am trying to create colour samples of vector objects which I have initially drawn in a Purple shade card. Now I would like to have the same object in a blue shadecard and then a green shade card maintaining relationships between the colours in the different parts of the object.
View 6 Replies View RelatedJust installed X6 and tried CONNECT for the first time and it doesn't display the thumbnails of the vector images only bitmaps etc.. Any way to correct that?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am making myself a logo in photoshop. I have made all the letters that will be used, but they are all seperate entities as most of you who have used vectors know. I would like to interconnect the letters, as well as an angel I have made to go above the letters. My question is, how can I join two seperate vector images into one vector image. For example, joining a letter E with a letter D. I wonder if theres a way to do this without having to delete part of each image and then re-draw, which is a pain. Sorry if this isn't really clear, but its hard to explain.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am having trouble doing this in my current software, Serif Drawplus, PSE, Photoplus, (I have Gimp but haven't used it ever yet). And I am considering buying X6 for use in other projects. So, can x6 do this in either Photo Paint with a bitmap, or in X6 with a group of Vectors?
I want to wrap a bottle with a logo. The mesh warps aren't working for me in the above applications, and envelope warping will not work either. Transform-Warp is not present in PSE. I mention that because I see a tutorial for PS using that. How would Corel X6 Suite do this? I am considering buying the software once some questions I have about it are cleared up. I wish Corel would make the manual and tutorial videos public. I'd rather download the trial for actually using it rather than trying to see if some feature is present, or a workaround for a feature a competitor has.
I am also hoping to make in this project, some 10-20 different bottles with the logo on, of different sized bottles and different rotations of the bottles. Plan D is acquainting myself with Blender, but lets hope I don't have to go that far!
When I open a pdf created outside photoshop, (this is a technical image created on engineering software) I get the "open" dialog box with various settings. Under "Image size / Resolution" the default setting always appears to be 300ppi. Is this an indication that the file was actually created with 300 ppi resolution, or is this just a default setting?
I know I can adjust this and "add" resolution to the image, but what I'm trying to determine is the native resolution in the file to see if its suitable for use at a certain output. I've always just opened files in Photoshop and selected Image size to see if the files resolution was appropriate for use. Is this method incorrect?
Should I be checking this somewhere else as a rule? Bridge? I've selected the file in Bridge, I can see a dimension but cannot find the resolution. some light on this issue?, it makes me second guess how I've been evaluating files for resolution.
Working: Opening any normal SVG file in Illustrator -> saving it as AI, exporting as PDF, printing, anything. Behaves as expected.
Not working: Doing the same with a SVG file that uses filters. If the svg was not created in Illustrator (with preserved editing capabilities), it will remain rasterized in Illustator, no matter whan format you convert it to, export it to, or if you try to print it.
If you however remove the filters from the SVG, create a new AI file, paste the SVG inside, and then import or recreate the very same filters from inside Illustrator, then everything will work just fine. Clearly there's nothing wrong with neither the filters not the rest of the SVG, but just with Illustrators SVG importing capabilities (dealing with SVG filters).aside from manually importing/recreating the SVG filters from inside AI? And when does AI plan to add decent support for importing SVG created in other programs?
1. Download this SVG: URL...
(disclaimer: not mine. You can also use any other SVG with filters, as long as it's created outside of Illustrator).
2. Open it in AI.
3. Export to PDF, zoom in -> it's rasterized.
4. Create a new AI file, paste the SVG in there, manually re-create/import the SVG filters.
5. Export to PDF, zoom in -> WORKING.
is there a way to mask text with a shape (ie text inside a square that gets clipped off if it goes off the square's boundry) without rasterization? All illustrator seems to want to do is to make a clipping mask the opposite way with the square being put inside the text. When I try to do it the other way it claims that is too complicated and will mess things up.
View 4 Replies View Related I've got a bunch of comps that contain vectors animating. Inside the comps, the vectors are set to "continuously rasterize" which means that they come out nice and smooth no matter what the size.
But I need to use these comps inside a larger composition, and I'm moving the whole comp around the screen with motion blur on it.
But when the comp is set to "Collapse Transformations", motion blur is disabled. If I turn off "Collapse Transformations", it appears to over-ride the settings inside the comp, so none of the vectors are smooth. They all look like pixel-based images that have been scaled up. Horrible.
I don't get it. I need those vectors to be crystal smooth, but I need the whole comp to have motion blur. How do I achieve this?
This is a 2D question, I'm not using any 3D at all. I've read the relevant sections on Continuous Rasterization and on Collapsing Transforms and, as is the case with so much of this Adobe documentation that I'm being referred to, it does not address my specific case, though I can't imagine it's that uncommon.
PS: I can't denormalize the hierarchy because of the way the animation has to work - the animation itself is hierarchical, therefore the content must be structured in a smiliar hierarchy in order to work (think moons orbiting planets orbiting the sun)
I'm noticing Jaggies in a rendering done with Image Based Light at the edges of bright reflections. Obviously I'd rather not have such jaggies.
I have the feeling that the problem is because the light is so bright that the rendering is ending up with a clipped result at edges between extreme bright and dark.
Click this and view at 100% original size to see them.
Picture this:
I have a project: project.vsp
I have a file: d:file.avi
I click on "project.vsp" the program starts and i should just be able to render it.
The file ("d:file.avi") is frequently rerendered. It has the same resolution, and duration, but the content is new.
Every time i click on "project.vsp" I am told that d:file.avi is missing (even though it isn't) and I have to relink it or skip.
Isn't there some way to just get the program to load the file without bugging me?
It seems if i go to preferences and uncheck the relink setting, the program will instead just skip the file and not load it - which is not desirable..
I can't quite get the effect I am looking for. I have a flat plane mapped with a standard reflective material that has a transparency map. I'd like the transparent areas of the map to disappear and not have reflections. I'd also like my lights to be excluded from the reflections. I tried to exclude my light group using the "local exclude" button in the reflection map, but nothing changed. I've also done tests unchecking each box withing the material editor to see where this can be controlled.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have two vector art images that need to be composited in a simple After Effects comp. One is a backround plate and the other is a vector of a person. The person slide in and the backround will go out of focus with text on top.
I did a mock up and the backround plate looks flat as it should. The backround plate is complicated but it does not any texture to it, all solid colors. I am looking for any tricks that can be done in Photoshop to give it a bit more dimension. I know their are alot of extrusion and 3D filters in Photoshop but I that experienced working with vector art.
Been searching tutorials but I probably am not searching the right things. I would like to give this backround plate some pop.
I've created an irregular shape with the pen. How can I cut a part of it with a selection? And what do I have to do before using the paint bucket to paint this?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDo images from illustrator when transpose to photoshop will still remain a vector image or will change to raster image?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIn order to avoid duplicate event handlers, I did like the following...
Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;try { doc.BeginDocumentClose -= new DocumentBeginCloseEventHandler(MyEventHandler); }catch { // Do nothing }doc.BeginDocumentClose += new DocumentBeginCloseEventHandler(MyEventHandler);
The above worked greatly with AutoCAD 2007. But yesterday I migrated my code into AutoCAD 2010 (with Object ARX 2010).
Unfortunately, it seems like AutoCAD 2010 catches before my code catches it. I guess I could just have a global boolean value that checks the status of event attachment.
I'm trying to vectorize an Air Force emblem and I am using the pen tool to create the shapes... Now that I've got a million pieces... How do I merge them? I put them all in the same set to keep them organized and so that I could move them all at once... But I want to merge them to apply different blending modes to them all at once... Even if I can't merge them... Is there a way to create all of these blending modes at once?
View 5 Replies View RelatedConverted a bitmap image selection in photoshop to paths, then exported to illistrator file. When opening in Illistrator all I see are the outlines. How do I get the fill on the graphic to be visible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan you create vector images in photoshop? Or is there another program you should use?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to blend a photo into a parchment-like background,
My second question is about a different task, but it's all for the same project. I need to convert a really simple bitmap to a vector,
how do this,
Is it even done with photoshop?
I am trying to do some things like the Apple iPod advertisements:
it is just taking a bit-map and turning into a vector image. Can you use photoshop or do you have to a vector based program like illustrator.
How to deal with vector images in smoke? I would like to use smoke for working with vector images for mograph work. Howo work with AI/PDF and EPS files? As pixelating them would be a waste. It would be nice if smoke 2013 has this feature.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI used CS2 to edit my photos but I notice that when i flatten the image and save it, the images saved has some quality loss in it. It really has started to annoy me and I cnt edit my images. Please tell me a way to reduce this quality loss. I have to save the images in JPEG as I have to post them on the internet.
and i hv also noticed that sme colors change when i save the the saved image is a bit darker than what i see in photoshop...
I need to sort the BOM (structured) while avoiding three parts. So I attempted manually locking the three parts in the BOM through the user interface and then running the following code
' Set a reference to the assembly document. ' This assumes an assembly document is active. Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
' Set a reference to the BOM Dim oBOM As BOM oBOM = oDoc.ComponentDefinition.BOM
' Make sure that the structured view is enabled. 'Set a reference to the "Structured" BOMView Dim oBOMView As BOMView oBOMView = oBOM.BOMViews.Item("Structured")
'The following line works correctly Call oBOMView.Sort("Part Number",True) 'Re-Number the BOM Call oBOMView.Renumber(3, 1) 'Re-Sort Items 'Call oBOMView.Sort("Item",True)
The above code is bits and pieces that I have combined from the internet. The only problem with it is that sort works fine on some files while on others it skips a few e.g. 1,2,5,6,7......
Is there any way we can sort the BOM while avoiding all the locked parts.
when I try to cut out a freeform selection, it blurs the edges around the remaining image. Since I want to be able to piece together the images later, I want to avoid this. How?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI use a Mac version 10.6.8 and Photoshop CS6.
When I copy and paste a vector image from Illustrator, the vector image is not be sized at 100%x 100%. It comes in at weird sizes like 100% x 98.33% (this is not consistent, it changes numbers). I have to go into the top to manually change it to 100%x100% while in Transform mode.
Also, after I change it to 100%x100% and try to scale by holding shift down, it will change again. I'm not sure what's happening.
I did that tutorial but didnt' create a "layer set" in the beginning. how do you save this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have an image of 4 greyhounds, and i want to vectorize them in high detail so i can use it within a logo for a web project. The image is:
I have been using photoshop for a good year or 2 and have used the vector tools to create a number of vector images but nothing as detailed as this.
If someone could answer the questions below and maybe offer some personal advice that would be great:
1 - Would it be better to use a package designed for vectoring rather then using photoshop. I heard from a few people that Photoshop isn't the best tool for the job.
2 - How long would something like this take? A few hours? A day? Like i said i havn't done anything like this before even though i worked as a graphic designer for 8 months.
3 - Where would i start? Im thinking start with the dogs bodies, them move onto the coats (the coat with the number on it) etc etc, leaving the fine detail till last.