CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Laser Engraving - Did Not Vector Cut Red Outline
Jan 18, 2012
Use CorelDraw X for laser engraving? I did have X3 and just changed to X5 and need to cut Ovals in Flexi Brass and the file engraved fine, but did not vector cut the Red outline.
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Mar 3, 2013
Any method or, perhaps, a macro to prepare a greyscale image for 2.5D laser engraving?
The foremost items are lightest and the background are darkest. I've had a look at MacroMonster but couldn't see anything.
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Apr 12, 2010
I have just installed Corel Draw X5 upgrading from X3. Using the program to run (2) laser engravers.
One Xenetech XLT1325 and one ULS M-300. Everything works fine until I send over a job which requires a vector cut line (hairline set to higher power to cut through plastic etc..) The vector do not appear to be recognized by either laser machine. I have tried to import the pallette that I was using in X3 but to no avail.
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Oct 5, 2011
New to Corel Draw. We just purchased a laser cutter to cut our stencils (we airbrush), but having a VERY hard time figuring out how to prep the vector images. We follow instructions, but it seems to always have a problem. We usually separate layers on photoshop and then trace on Corel so it can be a vector, but it doesn't seem to be working. What is the easiest, most simple way to turn an image into a vector so we can send it to the laser software??? Only doing black and white, one layer at a time.
Just need simple instructions, and most seem to be WAY too complicated or always have some complication. I have watched videos and read instructions, got close, but no cigar. Sometimes I think I have a vector, but when I send it to the laser software it doesn't detect it. I need simple instructions, Simple simple!
Can I make an image a vector without tracing it? Does it have to be a bitmap to be a vector? I can't turn images into curves because the option is gray (not available). If I select hairline it puts a hairline border around the image and I don't want it cut!
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Mar 4, 2013
I just upgraded from x4 to x5 and have had a couple issues with how the new install of x5 is working with my Laser Engraver (Epilog Legend 36EXT 120w)
1) When I used to run jobs at 300dpi the quality was fine (with some pixelation near the edges of the engraving) now when I engrave at 300 dpi I notice that the image is dithered and looks "polka dotted", Is there a way to fix this?
2) When I send over an image with a C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0 white background, whereas it used to see this as "No not laser this" space, now it will laser the actual background as a percentage of black (which is not much, but it still does engrave and ruins the product as the box ends up being visible) I know that I can change the 0 0 0 0 white to a transparent and that will fix the issue, it's just that my jobs are all saved with the 0 0 0 0 background and if I forget to change to transparent, I end up ruining items. Is there a way I can define to Corel not to print white?
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May 20, 2013
I am trying to cut paper on my laser engraver from a design on X3. It works but the engraver is cutting out the design. I want it to cut out the background and leave the design intact. I know this can be done and there is probably some very simple thing I am overlooking but I just cannot seem to wrap my brains around it.
For this to work how I want it, I have to change the X3 design to have a "negative" effect, as the engraver recognizes the black so background must be black and the actual design left white.
I tried to convert my design to a bitmap, but then it loses integrity and lines become pixelated. So other than this I am not sure how to get the background black.
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Mar 3, 2011
I wish to use the Corel X5 program for all of my engraving and sign business. I've been using a program, sign lab, where I export graphics in the plotter format to my Xenetech system. I will continue to export into my Xenetech. I found that the X5, export PLT only allows an outline but no real fill capability. I need a better program and here I am. Is there a better file format within Corel X5 to fill a graphic or font to accomplish this task?
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Jan 12, 2012
Most engravings into solids are done in real life with a V shaped engraving bit along a text outline. Having come from a very dated Inventor 7, I was hoping my new Inventor Professional 2012 edition would be able to tackle this with ease. I thought the embossing of text would provide what was needed, but the emboss feature only seems to engrave the solid of the text and not an outline of text. With no luck there, I decided to import an AutoCAD text outline onto the surface of my model and try to sweep the tool shape over the path. I’ve been successful only with text that is composed of straight lines. Any text shape with an arc or line segments is frustrating me like crazy.
I’ve attached a file showing my successful engraving over some letters of the text. This is my desired output.When trying to sweep the tool path along the “R” in the model, an error comes up saying: The attempted operation resulted in the creation of a self-intersecting surface. Try with different inputs.
When trying to sweep the tool path along the “C” in the model, it actually displays a preview of the end result; however, a different error comes up saying: The attempted operation had problems trimming and discarding faces. Try with different inputs.
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Apr 8, 2012
I have graphics suite x5. what im trying to do use fonts (curly fonts) to make signs to cut out with my cnc laser. My question is now for i smooth off all the rough edges so when i cut them out there smooth and free flowing .
If there are better fonts to use then others or is there any easy way to smooth /soften the curves ?
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Jan 19, 2012
I just recieved my x5 software yesterday and installed it, then tried linking it with the laser software and it will only go so far as to give me 2 icons instead of the 3 it should. On you tube there is a video of how to do this with the x5 program and my ingraving unit (morntech usa). Also I have all security turned off,
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Nov 10, 2011
We have a Universal Laser M360 that we were using Corel Draw 9 with and it worked fine. Now we are opening those cdr files in Corel Draw X5 and getting strange printing results: Missing words or sometimes whole lines. It's a really big problem for us. I have reinstalled the print drivers and even reset the CPU on the engraver. All of my RGB color settings seem correct.
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Oct 3, 2011
I was working on an order form design the other day and my boss said we need to fill in some of the empty space, so I suggested we use a dot pattern-esque type watermark of the organization's logo that the order form was for.
For some reason when I sleceted the logo I couldnt access the change brightness contrast option in effects. So I simply made a light gray rectangle, placed it over the logo, clicked on the rectangle with the transparency tool, changed it to uniform, and changed the mode to mulitply or add or something like that. It looked great on screen, but when i sent it to the laser printer with some post script LPI or dot pattern options for the lighter grays, nothing printed out at all from underneath the rectangle.
I tried it through our copying machine, and it worked, but the copying machine has no built in halftone effects for grayscale.
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May 7, 2012
We do all of our braille signs using a rotary-engraving machine -- get awesome results, but very noisy. Have any of the laser engravers out there had any success doing this process with their lasers?
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Jul 29, 2012
I am having trouble doing this in my current software, Serif Drawplus, PSE, Photoplus, (I have Gimp but haven't used it ever yet). And I am considering buying X6 for use in other projects. So, can x6 do this in either Photo Paint with a bitmap, or in X6 with a group of Vectors?
I want to wrap a bottle with a logo. The mesh warps aren't working for me in the above applications, and envelope warping will not work either. Transform-Warp is not present in PSE. I mention that because I see a tutorial for PS using that. How would Corel X6 Suite do this? I am considering buying the software once some questions I have about it are cleared up. I wish Corel would make the manual and tutorial videos public. I'd rather download the trial for actually using it rather than trying to see if some feature is present, or a workaround for a feature a competitor has.
I am also hoping to make in this project, some 10-20 different bottles with the logo on, of different sized bottles and different rotations of the bottles. Plan D is acquainting myself with Blender, but lets hope I don't have to go that far!
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May 16, 2012
I have a problem with CorelDraw X6.
When printing 100% black on laser printer the Black is all in raster. Very strange because the same file printed from X4 /same PC and same printer/ is OK and is not in raster.
Probably the problem is somewere in X6.
I don't belive that the problem is in the color management because it's the same as my X5 and there all is OK too.
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Sep 23, 2011
My problem concerns about shadows of outline In fact, I want to create a soft, shaded border. Effect which I want to achieve can be seen in the picture below, basically it is a design of an soccer jersey.
I tried drop shadow technique but the result is too large and inaccurate shadow. Also, I tried to create an custom artistic media brush, but the result is not as I expected. Is it out of a job that Corel can perform ?
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Jul 10, 2012
On the bottom page the outline box has a white vertical square/line on the right of it. Since this happened my outlines are transparent when place on top of other objects. How can I fix this to get it back to soid colored lines.
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May 3, 2011
croatian chicken for forum.jpg
I need to outline this, and really don't want to have to trace the whole thing. What I have been doing with the rest of this persons design is duplicating it, getting just an outline by getting rid of whatever isn't needed. Making it a wide outline and then doing create outline to object, getting rid of extra inner lines, and then I have the outline (cut line) that I need. The computer is saying that this one is too much for it to do that.
I have to make it a tiny jpg in order to upload here. The original is made out of MANY lines, but I have a vectorized outline that fits it, but not an outline that is like 1/8 or 3/16 inches all the way around it. It is being cut out to go on vehicle doors, trailers, etc. The details are way too small to have it cut right up to it.
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Mar 14, 2011
I often create graphics in CorelDRAW export it and inserting it into my MS Word documents and finally convert my documents to pdf. When it is vector graphics, exporting as EPS works fine: The increase in file size is small and lines are displayed perfect independant of how much you zoom in the final pdf document. When I handle bitmaps, I usually export as JPG (or PNG), which works well too. My problem arise when I have a mixed vector and bitmap image. I have imported a bitmap into CorelDRAW and created some lines on top of it. I want to export it as a whole. If I export as EPS, the final result is fine, but filesize has increased considerable. If I choose to export as jpg, the filesize is fine, but the lines are getting slightly blurry. Is there a way to get the best of both Worlds - resonable filesize and perfect lines? Maybe settings in some dialog??
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Aug 4, 2011
Looking to see if corel has any way to scale an open outline along its path from one size to another. So for example a curvy open ended line would start with a stroke of 2 pt and end with a stroke of 20 pt?
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Nov 19, 2013
I use Corel Draw X6.4 on a 64-bit Windows 7 PC, but since the first installation of Corel Draw X6 I have following problem:
I use millimeters as metric scale and when I create any object, the object manager states that the outline width of that object is set to 2 mm, but it is obvious that the width is only 0.2 mm. Now if I try to change the outline width to 1 mm, Corel draws the outline with a width of 10 mm instead and the object manager says that the width is even 100 mm. To solve that problem I always have pressed the Undo-button, so the width changes to the desired 1 mm but the object manager still tells me that the width is 10 mm.
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Aug 30, 2011
Is there a way of scaling the "outline" when scaling the image... automatically? It seem that this has to be checked in the "Outline Pen" dialogue box every time you add an "outline" to an image.......and it starts to become a tedious task if you forget to do that to an entire project.
That just happened to me with 30 different images. I had to go back and "check" the box to every single outline.
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Jul 9, 2013
When I create something with an outline, the outline will increase or decrease in thickness as I resize the image. So if I have something at say 10" X 10" at 4pt outline, when I resize it to 2" X 2" the outline is like 5X thicker and messes everything up.
Is there a way to combine or something with a vector so the outline auto changes or never changes thickness when resizing the graphic?
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Sep 24, 2011
I am trying to place my cut outline on my image. I have turned the image from a jpeg to a bitmap but am still having trouble placing the cut line on it.
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Aug 26, 2011
number 3.jpg
How would I put an outline around a number with a space between the number and outline?
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Aug 30, 2011
When you size the outline of an object on your properties bar to say "4.0pt.". And check "size with image" in "Object properties" docker
And when you either expand or contract your image...shouldn't your "Object Properties" docker show the size of the outline relative to the size of the outline when you expand or contract your image.
Example: outline is 4.0pt. on object........when expanded to a size bigger the outline is let's say 8.234pt. In the "object Properties" docker the outline says 4.0pt. Shouldn't it show "8.234pt. as well?
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Jan 15, 2012
Although I select inside an outline box, the outline box always seems to select. how to disable this?
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May 28, 2011
I have noticed that when i make changes to line widths in a drawing using the outline pen, the printed output does not change until i make at least a change of .005". changing it by less than this only changes it on the display.
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Apr 20, 2012
I have a question regard removing the outline from a portion of an object or making that portion invisible and still fill the object in its original shape Say for instance I have a circle or a rectangle and I converted them to a curve. I want to be able to make part of the outline invisible and still fill it in its original shape.
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Dec 18, 2011
Let's say I have a letter 'B' and I want to create an outline on the outer boundary only and not the inner boundary i.e. the two small 'D', how can I achieve that?
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Oct 25, 2011
I want to create some text that has a outline but with a little bit of space in between the text and the outline. What is the best way to do this?
Usually, I will create text and add an outline. Then convert the outline to an object and change the color to whatever the background color of the document is. Then I will add an outline to that object (the one that used to be the text outline) and I end up with essentially two outlines.
It usually isn't that difficult but sometimes the text does not cooperate and when I add an outline it has all kind of gaps and points. So I guess I have two questions. why certain texts have those gaps and points when you try to outline them? Also, is there any easier way to make an outline that is not directly against the text like this.
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