CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 11 :: Assign Custom Spot Color To Shape Via VBA?
May 16, 2013
Is it possible to assign a custom spot color to a shape via VBA? The best I could come up with was something like the following (where "sh" represents a shape):
sh.Outline.Color.FixedAssign cdrCustom, 1, 100
I'm under the impression that cdrCustom is supposed to represent the user's custom spot color palette, but this doesn't seem to work.
Furthermore, I can manually assign a custom spot color to an object and then retrieve the PaletteID and PaletteIndex of that color using VBA. For example:
The PaletteID that returns is 0 (cdrCustom), and the PaletteIndex returned does correspond with its order in my custom spot color palette. In fact, I can also retrieve the Color.Name and it will correctly identify the custom spot color's name.
For the life of me, I just can't seem to assign these colors using VBA. Is it just that the VBA in CorelDRAW 11 is too immature?
i create a spot color (lab color management) when i create the pdf the spot color haven't the name setting in CorelDraw. If i export eps it's works greats! i don't convert spot in cmyk i want spot color in lab! i use onyx production house and it want spot color lab to renoze cutcontour or spot color as white ink.
I'm having a major issue here, I use custom colors (created in my custom palette), X^ used to hold it very nicely, even in PDF exports etc.
Now - with the latest update, X6 "forgets" the custom colors, it resets it to default color, I have to manually set every object to the custom color all over again.
Adding the PerfCutContour color swatch in CorelDRAW? Having trouble adding it, I keep getting an error saying that color already exist in the pallet....when it is not in the pallet.
I would like to mark the outline of an object with a dotted line/ the outline should be a dotted line to show that this object can be cut out. But I see only where to choose the thickness of a line.
I'm working on a drawing of an airplane, it has lots and lots of objects. I need to change the color of a bunch of these objects without affecting their stack order.
In a simple example, the left wing and the right wing need to be blue, but the fuselage in between them needs to stay white. If I group the wings, it moves them both on top of the body.
Is there any way to re-color all my airplane parts with one click without moving them all to the front?
I'm creating a logo that consists of the word DIFFERENT in text and a shape, a dot (an ellipse) that I want to appear above the I and be vertically aligned with I.
How can I do this?The problem is that I can't see how to identify the point in the text - the centre of the I - to act as the target. I can't seem to get any of the Snap to Object tools to work.
I feel that I should be able to mark a specific point anywhere on a shape or an object and use those points to align.
I suspect that I could achieve the effect that I want by splitting the text characters up into individual objects, than I can align them more obviously but then I set up some other issues with kerning.
I'm working with CorelDraw X3 and want to fill text into a round shape, while keeping it's exact outline. Hence, cutting of parts of words and letters is fine with me as long as the shape is well-defined. Unfortunately when filling paragraph text into a shape, the automatic line breaks lead to a quite irregular shape regardless of font size.
As workaround I arranged a mask in front of background and text but this requires a square paragraph text which is larger than the background. Since paragraph text obviously cannot be cropped with other objects I made the mask size bigger and filled it white. When exporting my document as image everything looks neat, but there must be a better way to do this in CorelDraw itself?
I tried converting the paragraph text into artistic text and cropping this, which works fine for a few words and a small object. But I'm talking around 1000 words here, and trying to crop this artistic text leads to very random cropping results. I guess such a large number of objects and knots is too much for CorelDraw to handle!?
I have a problem with spot colors from X3 to X5. I have defined some spot colors in my X3 to tell my Roland Printer what he has to do. When i open a file, made in X3 using one of these spot colors, with my new X5, the spot color will be replaced with turquoise. I have no problems opening x3 files in x5 when i used a color from the CMYK palette.
I would like to know how to export a 2 color *.cdr creation (logo) as an *.eps such that it has two grey scale layers each representing the two spot colors I chose?
Any best way to remove hot spot highlights from an image using photopaint or draw?I have a picture that has one or two hot spots that I would like to remove.
We have a new Roland printer, an LEJ-640, which prints in CMYK plus white and clear gloss.
In order to print a white bitmap, I must apply a spot color to the bitmap. I used the Bitmap|Mode|Dutone to apply the white spot color and it seems to work correctly--it shows up as a spot color when I use the print dialog to preview separations.
When I use either print to file with the RolandVW print driver or File|Publish to PDF, the spot color on the bitmap is not preserved, Versaworks does not recognize it as a spot color. Color output is set to "Native". However, a vector object on the same page with the same spot color applied is recognized as a spot color.
The pink part in the versaworks screenshot indicates white spot color, as you can see only the vector object is recognized.
I have a palette provided by Roland for their digital printers to match their standard colors. In order for the colors to be recognized and converted by the RIP, they need to be set as spot colors in CorelDraw X5.
It would be nice if I could change the Treat As Process/Spot attribute for multiple colors at once in the palette editor.
I peeked at the CPL file--unfortunately it's not something easy to edit like XML, CSV or the like. Too bad that, too.
I downloaded a vector map of Germany with all the states. now I'm doing fill in each state. but some lines of states seem to be having open ends thus not making an enclosed area. is there any way i can weld the shape and make corel draw detect open ends so that it closes the shape?
I'm having trouble drawing an egg shape. I drew the oval, then converted to curves. I moved the bottom node up and that made the shape squatty, but I want to move the side nodes out symmetrically. Is there a way to do this? Is there a simpler way to make an egg shape?
Is there a way to apply a color to selected objects without having to search for the color in the color palette. So say if I am working with an image that has multiple colors but want to use only one of the colors in that image, is there a way to apply it without having to create or add it to the palette.
I'm trying to find the best way to fill a shape with other shapes( a with a specific size), without overlaping, like the example below.
My main concerns are the spacing between the circles, the positioning should be as paralel to the the outside shapes as possible, and the size of the circles ( or any other necessary shape).
I'm doing this by hand sometimes with 900 circles. is there a fast way to this? do you know any macro/plugin to make the task easier?
I know there is not a way to change shape of founrain fill directly. But is there any other way for make this? Attached gif video from Adobe Illustrator Gradient Tool.
I have created a custom docker and I need to find a way to have the docker refresh when the event is fired. The docker retrieves custom document properties saved within the file and displays the vales in the docker. I have it currently set to update when i switch between documents or when the document is closed, the docker is cleared of all the values. I still , to this day, can not figure out how to refresh automatically after I save a document.
<script type="text/javascript"> function OnLoad() {
I'm running CD X5 on a windows 7 machine. I had a custom "my Toolbar" set up wit all my most used tools and now suddenly it's gone! It is turned on in the menu (checked). I have unchecked it and rechecked it to no avail. I have re-booted my machine and still nothing. why it's gone but I can't seem to get it back.
Any way to make a custom font menu in coreldraw. By that I mean a shorter font menu that doesnt have all the fonts available on the computer. Ny work PC probably has 2000 or so fonts on it. I really only use 10 or so on a regular basis. It would be awesome if I could have my own custom font list that I could load, and still be able to get to the complete list somehow if I need it. Maybe something like a folder in the font menu?