Working in Smoke 2013 pre-trial v3, and I've been wondering why every clip I import has the resize filter? Every video and graphic in the XML has a resize filter even though they are they same aspect ratio as the sequence. I've tried this with a NTSC and 1080i sequence and they've both had the same issues. I even imported a clip through the media hub and I had the same result. When I look at the clip in Final Cut, it is the same setting as the sequence so I don't have to render. In Smoke, I enter the resize editor and I don't see any resizing.
I get this prompt while copying sequences between projects with gateway-linked footage, and I'm not sure what it means.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- CLIP MGT: Unmanaged media contained in selection. Store media on Wire? ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Is it asking me if I want to store a local copy or stonifize the media?
I can't render anything and I know this has been addressed before, but I still don't see a solution, I have no Available Local Services under my Preferences/Backburner. We wan't to purchase smoke but can't trust that it will work on our system.
I have just tried plugging a Samsung SSD capable of 400+MB/s into a thunderbolt caddy. In action and on the desktop it behaves as normal. But in the player it plays at about 100fps. how to get it to play at speed.
The project config is HD 25 psf free. Smoke SAP2
I've been trying to import a XML from FCP (xml version 2), bun everytime I only get a timeline with unlinked media...
I placed the XML one directory above my media. But when I drag the XML into my library (having Store Local Copy turned on), I only get the "empty" timeline...
When I try to relink my media from the gateway, it's not relinking anything (it says, no video and audio found). Is there no way to import an XML without having to import the original media into my library? Also, no matter what kind of clip I'm importing, it always soft imports my clips, although store local copy is turned on...
Attached is a picture with the settings for my xml import (and on top the unlinked xml, which says SOFT, although, as you can see on the bottom of the screen store local copy is enabled).
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
PR5. Up until this release, I haven't had a problem exporting quicktime movies. I have a 2:30 long video that I'm trying to export with no success, at best I'll get 30 seconds of my project. I'm not as familiar with Smoke setups and preferences
I got a clip imported with cache ON. So it's transcoded into stone and not linked to original file. When i check the file info, there's no path to original file, so i don't know where is the source path. I put that clip on timeline, and press 'pre-processing' button, i got error msg : 'cannot find the original media'. How can i fix this since the clip's info itself shows no track to the original file.
Actually, i know where the location of the original clip is. It's in one of my external drive, if i reconnect the drive then it will fix the error.
Trying to conform Canon C300 MXF media from 3 different drives. My source footage is spread across 3 TB of portable drives, so I'm trying to conform each drive's footage, cache the media, then move on to the next drive.
This mostly worked, but there's about a half dozen clips that refuse to cache for some reason. Everything looks fine when the drive is plugged in - then I consolidate handles, then go to the sequence and choose CACHE MEDIA - Backburner kicks in and says 100% complete.
But then I have to quit Smoke to eject the drives and connect a different one, and when I start Smoke again, MOST of the clips are there, but some of the clips are not. They do not say Unlinked or checkboards - but they are just black. (One time it showed RED frames - WTF??). If I reconnect the HD, the clips show up, so it's obviously still reading it from the portable drive.
Is there an option to force cache individual clips?.
I tried unlinking/relinking thos problem clips, and even Hard Committing the GAP layer above - and those few clips still do not cache - even the hard commit goes black when the drive is disconnected. How is that even possible? Do I need to add an Axis Effect to force a render, then commit those frames?
why the BB would say 100% complete, but not all clips are truly cached?
I'm having some difficulties in importing the material for the 2013 Smoke PR-2, when he gets care LINKED with the file, if I change the file folder on the desktop it disappears. How should I proceed?
This is similar to something I have asked for before regarding managing media in remote/networked machines. But I can't find a way to delete media (individual clips or folders) from a nother project within my machine without switching to/loading up that project. At present in 2012 and as far back as I can remember I have had the ability to move and manage media withing other projects on the host machine as well as remote/networked machine.
Is there a button/preference I'm missing as this is integral to the workflow I use.
I was trying to find in the documentation a section about importing media and replacing media. I work at a VFX facility where we mostly work with EXR sequences and getting our footage as RED files.
So in an ideal world we would do the conform in Smoke and push out EXR files for the vfx/nuke/maya guys. And then be given back a EXR sequence with the timecode still intact.And in an ideal world, we would not get new EDL's from the offline facility in the middle of the project.
All of the above is a urban myth, the ideal world doesn't exist.And now for some questions from a not-so-ideal-world-situation.
1.) So how would you in Smoke2013 go about and compare EDL's so that you don't need to conform things that you already have?
2.) What if a clip is just 15 frames longer in the new EDL, would it be possible to extend a already existing clip?
3.) EXR's has lost their timecode, but we know with clip it is, how do we replace the clip? And would it be possible to "tag it" with a new timecode.
I wonder how many of you would love to have that back. Cant find a poll option here. So guess just reply. Not that its gonna change anything. But atleast we would know how many wish to see it as it used to be. May be AD might have second thoughts.
Currently dancing between Flame Premium 2013x2sp3/2013Sp4 nd Smoke on mac 2013Ext1
Few times already, deleted one media storage in smoke setup and tried to ad another one, and it doesn't want to add. every time i reload it's empty. Only work around is to to uninstall Smoke and install again and then to add new volume.
I have a timeline made in Smoke and I'm wanting to only export a section of it. In other programs I would set an In and Out point and it would export just the range I've selected, but in Smoke.
I am trying to cache some exr files and for some reason Smoke can´t read the files:
Using the media hub I am able to view the exr file and can work with them as long as I don´t cache them. As soon as I cache them they are black and I get the message "unable to read media"
Is this some known bug? Backburner works perfectly (after tweaking some things with Mikes great tutorial), I can cache other files but not these exrs.
The Thumbnail in the media library are not useable. They need to be larger. I know the desktop is also an option, but for quick scanning, they don't serve there purpose.
How I can reload my media when it is updated on server. Imagine I conformed and few shots got graded and I have to reload them. I just look for a simple trick to reload my media and see the update version on my timeline.
Smoke 2013 Ext1 Mac OS X 10.7.5 2*2.4 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon 14 GB RAM Quadro 4000 AJA Kona 3
When I have a CFX on a clip and I try to replace media (so I'm replacing the media under the CFX), it doesn't work. It overrights the CFX completely. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
With Autodesk Smoke v6 and existing Media Storage with few projects inside, I've recently reinstalled my Mac OSX 10.8.2 system. I had to procedure clean reinstall.While installing back Smoke v6, I asked to choose Storage folder. I checked the existing one.When I start a software, I can't see any of my old projects.Seems like Smoke doesn't see it. So, how should I restore Autodesk Media Storage with all my projects inside?
I have one of the Promise R6 drive arrays that has failed on me but fortunately it hung in there long enough for me to back up all my data. My questions is once my new array shows up can I copy all the data onto the new drive with all the same folder hierarchy and will it all work fine with smoke again as if nothing changed?
My media hub jobs list is now always empty. If I submit a job, although the export fails. It does show up in the backburner web gui. Just not in the Smoke app.
I've been running the trial for a week with no problems importing and caching media in ProRes 422. Today when I booted up smoke I attempted a similar practice run with importing some random clips and playing around again and noticed that nothing was getting cached. When I clicked import it said it could not connect to backburner on port 0.
There appear to be a couple of threads regarding this issue where people lose the ability to cache media or export using backburner. I followed a thread posted here: [URL] ....
I tried restarting backburner, restarting the mac, reinstalling smoke and attempted the "clean install" script that is listed in the article above. After I performed the terminal commands and reinstalled Smoke, it connects to backburner but now in the jobs tab/backburner manager says it is waiting (occasionally switches to "busy" for a second or two).
Here's the error I get in backburner manager: Matthews-MacBook-Pro.local 1946321280 swBIOSubJobServer.C:385 02/13/13:16:23:24.347 1946321280 swBIOAdapter.C:454 02/13/13:16:23:25.403 Cannot process tasks 0... in /var/tmp/WireJob/SubJob0 Unimplemented feature while reading source frames
I'm running Smoke on an internal SSD and my framestore is also on an internal HDD, but I can't imagine that's an issue since I had already successfully imported media before.
I also attempted to export a sequence of soft imported footage (also failed). The error is below:
Matthews-MacBook-Pro.local 2893642280 transcoderMediaProvider.C:312 02/13/13:16:56:30.268 Cannot get type of clip IFFFS-16:/stonefs7/Stinkzone/workspace/Media Library/_Export_130213_165628_1/H_16777343_S_1360792589_U_170633/hires: Project Stinkzone not found
I've heard it said that it's not a good idea to use your system disk as the media storage, but I've never heard why. I'm running on a Retina MBP with a 750GB SSD. I did a couple of small jobs using it as the media storage and everything worked fine and fast. Then I archive it off to a slower drive. So what's the problem with doing that? SSD is way faster than USB 3 spinning drives & even Thunderbolt. I read somewhere that SSD isn't good for high end video editing, etc., but don't understand why.
I have managed to install Smoke (Pre release 1) with no problems. However, I have ended up with my framestore on my boot drive. How can I move it or create a new one?
Is there anyway to turn off sorting alphabetically in the media library? I really dont need this feature and in the versions of the past I was free to organize however I wanted.