we were working on some planning stuff, altogether more than 100ha in area. in Cad2006, I assembled 6 pieces of colored plans (jpg), each above 10 MB. I did this because scaling and aligning files this size in Photoshop is a real pain and inaccurate.. anyway, when I printed them to pdf (I did select for maximum quality in printing dialog), the lines in the image was a bit fuzzy when viewed for original size. the original ones are sharp as hell on the same scale. and I made sure I DID NOT print larger than the original. luckily the quality loss was not obvious for final use on the A1 poster. still, I wonder if anything can be done to output losslessly.
in CAD;
plotted and viewed 100%;
source image at appr. same scale
I am having troubles plotting out of paper space. In my drawing i have an aerial photograph (inserted as a raster image) that has been scaled, rotated and shifted onto the relevant co-ordinate system. I have a locked viewport and when i zoom in or out the photo 'jumps' around in a random fashion, same when i hit plot preview it appears out of place. I was wondering what could be causing this because i thought that paper space was simply 'viewing' whatever was in model space not being physically able to shift objects.
I am using two different types of raster ECW and MrSid. ECW file resolution goes way down when plotting. They look like blocks. MrSid files look fuzzy but alot better than ECWs. I've tried RASTERTHRESHOLD, and RASTERPERCENT. Both are set to 90. Using HP6100ps.
Images are fine when using Imageinsert.
Is there a setting i'm missing somewhere for them?
I normally am a Civil 3D person. Learning something new as the company I work for has been tasked with creating some GIS maps for a client. Still have only a couple of months experience with Map 3D. The current task at hand is creating a map of our client's district boundary to replace an old exhibit hanging in client's office. I used mapiinsert to insert 64 MrSID raster images, then data connected some SDF file for the boundary, major thoroughfares, and tributaries. The overall aerial imagery, after clipping, is about 11 miles by 17.25 miles. I am planning to plot this on a 48" x 76" sheet of paper at a 1200 scale.
The problem is that I get about 1/8" of an aerial image and 75-3/4" of blank paper when I try to plot. I have tried to reduce the raster image quality and bumped up the Rasterpercent and Rasterthreshold system variables to their maximum settings with no improvement. Images show when I do a preview, but do not plot out. I also tried creating a PDF but I get the same result with a thin strip of aerial when I do that. I use Bluebeam for PDF.
Map 3D 2011
Intel Core i7 processor
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit OS
HP Designjet T1100ps with optimized driver
Yes, I know the HP is only a 44" plotter, but I am plotting to fit a 36" roll so that we can view a check plot before we forward the file to our reprographics company for full size plots. I have also tried different settings on the plotter but nothing I have tried has had any impact.
I have problems printing successfully the raster embedded images within a dwg file using the xerox 6279 accxes controller plotter. I use the 6279 hpgl/2 v 15.0.5 driver but when the file is longer than 1 meter long i lose the embedded images or are misplaced anywere in the drawing. I have also the same problem using other similar files with embedded ratser images
I have successfully draped an orthophoto over a DEM in Map3D but the resulting quality of the the image is so poor it is unusable. I have attached a couple screen shots of the 2D and resulting 3D images. Is the resolution in 3D dependent on the 'resolution' of the DEM? The orthophoto is 10cm resolution.
I have tried REGEN and to Resample Raster but I haven't had any luck.
This problem just developed. When I use the crop tool either by double clicking or using the tool bar the image immediately shrinks to one pixel. P.S.CS3 running on OSX10.5.8
I'm having issues with print quality on certain drawings, which is a shame as print quality generally exceeds that of AutoCAD Architecture.
The issue I have is with a SHADED and shadowed elevation drawing. When I go to print to PDF it insists line removal is done using raster rather than vector processing. This leads to a poor quality PDF both on screen and printed.
I accept that automatically generated shadows may make this necessary but with then turned off, I don't.
If I print a coloured plan, say a room or area drawing with automatically generated colours, it's quite happy to plot it using vector processing. I DO NOT see any difference between this and a shaded elevation without shadows! Any way of improving the look of raster processed output?
Still trying to set up revit standards can't come to conclusion regarding plotting vector or raster. My personal (limited) experience raster plotting has been poor quality with vector the plots are cleaner and it seems I have better control of shaded areas.
After cropping a photo in cs4 i have tried hitting the return key as well as edit/crop and then my photo disappears and the image box reduces in size to about 1 inch square with no image. I have expanded the image box but nil photo. This has never happened before.
I reloaded cs4 onto my computer but the problem still exists. I have also tried out opening the file from Bridge as well as Photoshop with the same result.
When we try to plot a drawing with an attached PDF, the quality if extremely bad. It also processes for 5-10 minutes for each file before it will plot. The processing takes place in the plotter and not AutoCAD.
I have attached a portion of an example. Everything shown is apart of the PDF itself. Everything else created in AutoCAD comes out with great quality.
Civil 3D 2013 Windows 7 64-bit Xeon W3550 3.07 GHz Nvidia Quadro 4000 12.0 GB RAM
I have a problem regarding plotting high quality tiff files from cad. I need to plot a high quality tiff file (300dpi) from my drawing, but I have no understanding of how I could go about doing this. The tifout command does not produce high enough quality images.
My problem is related with the quality of a image.
My question is how to maintain high quality (original quality) of a image after resizing it?
If i resize it with same ratio like:
2816x2112px to 1600x1200px (4:3) 2816x1584px to 1920x1080px (16:9)
Mainly i use scale image option in Gimp. But now i need to resize many images for my work so i tried David's Batch Processor to resize my images. After using it, i found there is some quality promble with the resized image.
Then i tried, the scale option with, use quality setting from original image and JPEG quality parameter is 95, in gimp but the problem is same. I did it with also with David's batch processor- JPEG quality parameter is 95.
Other thing is that, the original image 2816x2112px (4:3), size- 3.6 MB is displaying in image viewer with 47% and the resized image 1600x1200px (4:3). size- 1.2 MB is displaying in image viewer with 83%, So my questions are: How can i check the quality of a image after resizing it, means the image is exactly same as the original? Or Is David's Batch Processor maintain the original quality of the images after resizing?. I realy need to resize many images for my work.
Working in 2013 Raster Design. The commands for raster tools are not working. When attempting to insert an image the following message appears:
c:program filesautodeskautocad raster design 2013aeciibui56.arx cannot find a dll or other file that it needs. Unknown command "IINSERT". Press F1 for help.
Similar messages appear when trying other commands located within the Raster Tools tab.
well i have a problem on solving an autoCAD homework . i have a pdf with the contours of the altitude of an area and i have to rasterize it as an image in AutoCAD 2006 (i put it on windows paint , then i save it as an img (jpg) ) and then i inserted it in AutoCAD. I have to georeference that image and to fix its scale. How can i do that ?
I want to draw a ellipse with the mouse trajectory,just like draw Raster Image.Then Calculate the ellipse parameters and get a Data Base Object ellipse to add in!
How can I make a raster image transparent? I would like to see image #2 below image #1 by making image #1 semi-transparent. I can make one specific color in the image transparent..I am working from a scanned image in jpeg format. I would think it should be easy because any Microsoft Office program can do it. I have searched through multiple Autodesk discussion boards to no avail.
I have a problem with a drawing, containing aerial images.
If I try to plot it as PDF, using "Adobe PDF" or "PDF-Creator" as printer, I see green areas in my PDF. Here the result:
If I use the AutoCAD Printer "DWG to PDF.pc3", there is no problem. Here the result:
For the creating of PDF files I can use the AutoCAD printer, that is no problem, but I have the same Problem if i try to plot a drawing with aerial images on a Plotter (HP 1050C) or any other printer in our office.
I'm having an issue where the more I zoom into a drawing that has a raster image (a 1mb jpg) in it, regenerating times become increasingly long until the whole program just freezes. When I zoom back out, it's fine.
I've tried changing the file type, saving it with a different program, lowering the quality to Draft, zooming in on an area that the raster image wasn't in, lowering the DPI of the image, nothing works. I've spent the last two hours searching Google for a fix, found nothing. The only thing that seems to work is if I put the image on a layer and freeze it. The problem there is, I'm tracing over the image, so it being invisible makes it rather difficult to work with.
I'm still learning some of the basics in the AutoCAD Map features. Most of my work has been using a map that is connected to data. My raster image is connected to a Sid file which covers more area than I usually need to work with.
What is the best way to work with a small area at a time? I cannot seem to imageclip the connected raster image.
I have a small raster image (png) xrefed to an Autocad 2012 dwg. The image is on its own layer and the transparency of the layer is set to 60%.
When I select TPY the image displays correctly on the screen (i.e. semi-transparent). When I tick Plot transparency in the Plot dialog box and send the plot to our HP Designjet 800 the raster image prints exactly as I want (semi-transparent).
However when I use the Autodesk pdf writer (Dwg to pdf) the resulting pdf does not have the semi transparent appearance and the raster image appears in all its brilliant color even though it displays correctly (i.e. semi-transparent) in Print Preview. And, yes, I have ticked the Plot transparency box before seeing it to the pdf writer. Other autocad entities such as plines which are semi transparent are fine, its only the raster image that seems to lose its semi-transparent quality.
Is there anyway to bind a raster image to a drawing?
Everytime I bind/insert my title block the images dont bind in and also the file paths get deleted. Asked most of the drafters I know and everyone says it cant be done, which is what i think.
Normally I would use a CAD version of the Logos (for the client/architect,etc.) but sometime there isnt one available so have to use raster images.
Running AutoCAD 2004, XP Pro...I have inserted our company logo into the title block as a Raster image. The logo is png, and I have tried retaining the path and not retaining the path with the same result. After saving this as a template, I reopen as new sheet to start a drawing and the logo is now the path name.
I am having some problem with plotting Raster image.
From time to time I need to use raster image as a background such as the example in the attachment. Here you can see that the raster image is only plotting half of the image.
In doing some more research on my "reference question" below, I found that the scanner we have at work creates a tiff image and apparently there are different types of tiffs. Our scanner creates a tiff with a "bitonal" color setting. How to convert a tiff with a "RGB" color setting to a tiff with a "bitonal" color setting. I have done some searches but have come up with very little information about the subject. I would prefer to be able to do this with autocad software if it can be done.
Is there a way to change a pdf underlay path when drawing files are moved?
Is there a way to set the pdf path to match the drawing location so when a drawing?
and pdf is moved and they have the same path the pdf will be linked to the drawing?
The same can be asked about raster image files & AutoCAD?
Is there a way to set the raster image file to match the drawing location so when a drawing and rastor image is moved and they have the same path the raster image will be linked to the drawing?