AutoCad :: Model Space Quick View Layout Not Updating?
Oct 24, 2012
I am having an issue with my template that I created from an old drawing: the quick view layout thumbnail still shows the old drawing in model space. All of the paper space thumbnails update themselves as I work, however model space does not. It shows the old drawing both when I hover over the model space tab, and also when I pull up all of my quick view layouts. I am using AutoCAD 2009
CIvil 3D 2013 / My drawing opens in layout view and all model objects are appropriately coloured by layer. If I hit plot at this point, my colour dependent .ctb file works fine. However, once I swtich to model view, all my linework turns white and if I switch back to Layout view it remains white and plots each line with the weight assigned to the colour white.
I'm trying to import a drawing from a dwt file into a drawing as a new layout. This would be perfect if the model space objects associated with this dwt file would import as well.
I've tried doing a block that automatically updates the X and Y coordinates from its moveable leader. I can get it to work in model space or paper space. But my problem is I want it to work in PS, but update with the MS coordinates through the viewport.
I can get it to update, by LISP, by picking a point and passing the points to the blocks attributes. At the moment I have a LISP when actioned it locks the viewports, activates the viewport, and asks you to select a point. Once selected it de-activates the viewport (going back into layout tab) then asks which block you want to update. Where you now select the block and it updates the coordinates. I.e. manually pick the point in MS, switch to PS and then manually pick the block. Then I have to manually modify the leader to the correct location.
I'm hoping that I can (In PS) move the end of the leader to snap to a position in MS and the coord updates to reflect the correct MS coordinates. I'm thinking that maybe this can't be done automatically and that I maybe can move the leader but I'm not sure how I can do it without running a LISP to update the block?
I'd be happy moving the leader then just running a single command and the leader coordinates updating without having to select the points and the block again.
I've attached the block showing the auto update of the attributes (fields).
ACAD 2010 text doesn't view the same in MSpace and PSpace! Model space is the acad default text: txt Paper Space it appears as it should as Romans. The drawings print as txt and not as it should Romans! When I change the text in model space to Romans, save the drawing, enter PSpace and the return to MSpace, it seems to 'reset' back to text!
This is specific to my workstation BTW, when I open the dwg file on a colleagues PC it opens Romans in both Model and Paper space.
CAD-Newbie working in paper space zoomed in close. I want to return to page extents but am zoomed in so close I can't click outside paper space to move view control toolbar to model space. is there a simple key command to perform this function?
I have received a drawing that is only showing in the first layout tab on a contractor's template. The drawing is in a viewport of course. The drawing does not show in the model space.
1. Is it possible to send a drawing only in the Layout tab? 2. Is it possible for me to do something to view the drawing in model space and how is it done? 3. Could it simply be a compatibility issue between the contractor's.
VB code to do the EXPORTLAYOUT command? I need to create a batch program to do a large number of files from the layout to the model space. The program can either copy the layout to the modelspace and save or copy the layout to a new file. Either way is fine. These are old MDT files that we are moving into the Vault, but Vault doesn't like them and the drafters are using AutoCAD in modelspace to revise them.
I have a file dwg with a drawing (drawing of the customer) in space model and space paper I have several layuot (5). How I can save or export that file only contained in model space (customer drawing) and one layout of the 5? For example space + layout model No. 3 ...
Let’s say you have a large building plan in model space but there is only one small area of the building that the view port is looking at. Is there a way that you can draw around that viewport and then take that into model space and paste it in the same place so now you have the same area located in both views?
At the moment I need to try and work out where the view is by drawing a rectangle around the correct area of the building and this is time consuming.
I could then trim/delete everything else outside that box.
Is it possible to count blocks in either the model space or in each layout? Would be very useful for fire alarm design, cause authorities require exact counts of devices.
I have a question about exporting layouts into the model space coordinate system. I have a lot of drawings created from view frame and sheet set manager.
Each drawing has its own layout and it needs to be exported into model space. But when I export the layout it places the drawing into 0,0 in model space.
Is there any way to have it placed at the drawings coordinate system, assuming its in CA-VF (California State Plane Zone V, US foot) ?
Can it also be rotated, including title block, if the the viewport has a rotation (if the north arrow is not pointing up)?
We need to export the dwg's into dgn's. Our client uses Microstation v7 and all drawings need to be in that format.
I have three drawings in modelspace and three viewports in one layout (paperspace), I would like to select each modelspace drawing and assign it to each layout viewport.I'm using Visual Studio 2012, .NET Framework 3.5 and Csharp.
I have a big drawing and some Mtext from a text layer just disapeared from model space. If i switch to a Layout the text is visible in the layout view and I can select it in a floating viewport, but when I switch back to model again I do not see it.
I added new text in model where missing and now in the Layout I have duplicates, the old one and the new one.
If i try to copy/paste the missing text from a previous version of the drawing, the text just doesn't paste, is not visible.
I have a drawing I am working on regardless of whether I use DVIEW Twist or UCS rotate I encounter the same issue. I start with MTEXT that is parallel to my intended view. However, as soon as I make it annotative and set it to Match Layout the text rotates 90-degrees and is no longer plan readable.The text lives in model space, not paper space. I've even roated the layout viewports in this specific drawing to match, and the text appears correct when viewed through a viewport, but when I jump back to model it is turned on end 90-degrees again! Have I missed a setting somewhere? Shouldnt the text reamin oriented with current view in model space?
I am uploading a link to a video which shows this problem in detail. URL...
Is it possible to have model space geometry print through a watermark in the layout? My watermark consists of mtext with an arial font placed manually in the layout. It is on it's own layer which is set to print at Shade 40 (plot style tables). Draworder works with other layout objects but not the geometry from the model space viewport. My watermark covers the model space geometry so it is not visible when printed. Is this possible?
I am having difficulty with the text in my drawings. When writing dtext or dimensions on my drawings in modelspace the text appears rough/rugged in both model space and layout space. I am using True Type (Arial) as the font. I've read older posts where people have suggested checking in Properties that the text is really laying down at 0 in the Z plane which it is. Some say using True Type is the problem, but just last week I was doing what seemed to be the same operation and I had no problems at all.
I have been using AutoCAD 2014 for a couple of weeks now and there seems to be a problem when switching from the model tab to the layouts.
This is the problem i have: I draft my plans in model space as usual, once i finish that, i want to go to the layout tab
where the titleblock is and modify its attributes. When switching, AutoCAD crashes, it allows me to save a recovery file but it closes the program completley.
I have submited the error report to AutoDesk but i have not seen any other comments about it.
I have used the following code in a small app to create named views: LINK_TO_Autodesk_Help_Topic
However...A user of mine tried running the command while in a paper space layout. It appears the view still gets created but only within Model Space.
The help DOES SAY that "a default model space view is created", but how would I specify that I want the view to be created within the "current" layout, either Model or Paper space?
I tried setting the .OwnerID property of the ViewTableRecord to "doc.CurrentSpaceID" but that did not work - no error either.
Why line display in model view and layout view could be different?
For example, a line of width 0.35mm and short dashed style is displayed correctly in model view, but in layout view is displayed as thin as the default width, and its dash style is also changed (dash length and interval).
I have a 3D drawing in model space which I want to print with different views. I know how to make viewports for top orthographic view, side, front and 3D perspective view, but I can't figure out how to make a sectional view viewport from the 3D drawing as well.
Also, I can't figure out how to have autocad place hidden lines and centerlines for me.
a Villa Drawing I want give a Bath room Detail, so i want off this villa drawing with out bath room. if i have any modification in this bath room automatically changed the bath room detail drawing in model space not for layout using view port... ,if anypossible in model space, what i choose the part only shown ..
Is there an easy way to rotate my drawing 90 degrees clockwise in model space, but leave it in it's orginal view in paper space. The reason is for drawing elevations - north, south, east, west from construction lines pulled from a plan. I've tried using UCS and was able to rotate, but it won't let me copy objects after doing
While in a view I make a "New Model Space View". After I tag this MSV it seems that being able to see the border of each MSV that is in my view dwg would be a useful thing. Is there anyway to turn this boundary on?