AutoCad :: Missing Plot Styles

Dec 9, 2013

Im using ACAD 2011.I had to send my client an .pdf drawing.When I went to plot my drawing using the .dwg to .pdf all of my plot stlyes have dissapeared Ive been trying to get them back. How all of the styles are gone. How to return them?

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AutoCAD LT :: Change Drawing Using Named Plot Styles (STB) To Colourdependent Plot Styles (CTB)

Jul 7, 2004

Is it possible to change a drawing using named plot styles (.stb) to colourdependent plot styles (.ctb) within the drawing itself? The variable'pstylemode' comes up as read-only.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: 2007 Not Reading Plot Styles Correctly

Jan 17, 2012

So the firm I work at has AutoCAD 2000 and 2007. 2000 is installed on 5 out of the 7 computers, and 2007 installed on 6 of the 7 computers. 2 of the computers running just ACAD 2007 are Windows Vista, while all the other computers are Windows XP. We have an OCE TDS320 CAD Printer, an HP Wide Format Printer and a Panasonic 330 Copier/Fax/Printer. Our Problem is that When you try to plot an ACAD2007 drawing it will only plot it in color. This problem did not exist before 1/12/12.

When I select the Plot Style to print I select "monochrome.stb" which has always worked, now all of a sudden it doesnt. The only way i have found to fix this problem is to change my drawing to layer "0" which is white, so when it tries to print in color it will print black. Another Guy in the firm i work at has ACAD2007 on his computer running XP, he also has 2000 running on the same computer. When he tries to plot on ACAD2007 the same thing happens, so it is not isolated to my computer.

There is a difference though between his Plot Styles on his computer and the ones on mine. His end with .ctb, which works. It only doesnt work when he tries to print a drawing i made off of my computer. Because of this we copied his Plot Style folder for AutoCAD 2007 and installed it into the folder with all of my plot styles on my computer, replacing the ".stb" with ".ctb" That did not work at all. The last thing we tried was to copy over a file that plotted correctly, delete the drawing and draw what we needed, This also did not work. So basically we are thinking that ACAD2007 is not reading the Plot Styles correctly, or the Plot Styles are wrong or currupt.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Apply Plot Styles To Drawing

Apr 15, 2013

Is there a way to apply plot styles and line weights to a dwg file like 'dwf ePlot' does but keeping the results in .dwg format?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: New Style Missing From Local Styles / Yet Appears In All Styles?

Aug 8, 2012

We've created a new parts list style for a border.When the border tempalt file is on the c: drive...everything works hunky list, revision tables, etc.But as soon as we copy and paste that border into the template library folder for new drgs...the parts list style is missing from the local styles?

So to make it appear on the new document...the style manager has to be set at all styles and the new parts list style has to be saved to the document?What aren't we doing to make it appear on the template?

Also note that because the drawing border template is in a template folder as part of the design is NOT it has to be edited outside the template folder.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Old Name Dependent Plot Styles

Jul 18, 2012

We have some old drawings that use to have name dependent plot styles. We just need to plot them for reference and tried to convert them to the Monochrome ctb. But when you change it to Color dependent in the options nothing happens and if you type in pstylepolicy it tells me it is read only. When you plot it only gives you the option of the stb plot styles and will not change to ctb. The old stb styles are long gone and it wanted to print in color (lots of yellow back then).

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AutoCad :: Can't Change Plot Styles

Sep 9, 2012

Okay, so according to the practice I have to do, I need my Plot Styles from normal to Monochrome. The problem is that each layer has their own plot style Color_7, Color_34 and so on... and apparently we cant change it.

AutoCAD 13

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AutoCad :: Origination Of CTB Plot Styles

Nov 11, 2013

how the AutoCAD "Pen Table" actually originated to be compliant to old-school Pen Plotters or something to that nature. The main reason is that I'm trying to write up a proposal to my superiors regarding CTB plot style issues and I'd like to get the foundation of "what" it is and "how" it came about in development and use in the AutoCAD community.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Disappearing Plot Styles

Oct 4, 2011

I know the possibility of a plot style just disappearing is slim to none, but I have this user that constantly claims her plot styles have "disappeared".

When I check them, the entire "Plot Style" folder is gone.  One day it's there the next it's gone.

She also has this problem with the DWG to PDF print option.  It was there, now it's gone. She claims she isn't deleting anything. I will get them back on her PC and a few months later they will be gone.

She is a contract worker who also spends time at her office off site.   I am not sure what version of AutoCAD she is using. I manage an AutoCAD group of about 20 users and none have this problem.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Applying Plot Styles To Layers

Oct 20, 2011

As the subject states, I am trying to apply a plotstyle to a layer. I can create the layer and apply a plot style but as soon as I create another layer with a different plotstyle, the layers I previously created lose their plot style (it appears to be removed from the drawing) 

I have tried workarounds such as placing an object and applying a plotstyle then deleting that plot style and that still doesnt seem to append it to the drawing.this is my code so far:

 Public Sub addPltStToLayer(ByVal id As ObjectId, ByVal pltsty As String) Dim thisDrawing As Document = Autodesk. AutoCAD. Application Services. Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim thisDB As Database = thisDrawing.Database Dim trans As Transaction = thisDB. Transaction Manager.StartTransaction Using locker As DocumentLock = thisDrawing.LockDocument Dim dict

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AutoCAD LT :: 2013 Plot Styles Not Working

Oct 3, 2012

The first picture shows an old drawing using Autocad LT 2005 plotstyles named "cannon.ctb"*notice the weight of the dimension lines

The second picture is my new drawing using those same plot styles in our new Autocad LT 2013. Almost nothing is visible and it will not copy it is so light.  The third picture is my new drawing and clicking on the box that says "Plot with Plot Styles" AND "Plot object lineweights". Note: I do not have my drawings set up with object lineweights. 

I have tried completely redoing my plot styles, but that does not work. I am at a complete loss as to how to get my plot styles to register in this Autocad version 2013. 

We have just upgraded our computers and now have windows 7, along with upgrading Autocad LT 2005 to Autocad LT 2013, and I have just installed a new Cannon plotter. However, I was having the same issue prior to the new plotter and I was hoping the plotter was the problem, which it seems to not be.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Plotting And Plot Styles

Nov 15, 2011

I'm working on getting my autocad groove back, and I'm not sure how to get my plotted output to look right. Specifically, how to plot b/w instead of colors, and how to control lineweights. BTW, I seem to have ctb files, but they don't show up in the styles when I go to plot.

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Styles And Set Up On Network

May 29, 2013

I am trying to get everyone in my office to direct thier Printer Support File Path to a specific folder on our network.

I have a configuration folder, a printer description folder and a plot style table folder set up on the network.  I have brought in the needed plot styles, PC3 files so on and put them in the proper folders.

This works great on my machine for publishing and printing from sheet sets and so on.  But as soon as I try to direct someone else's computer to the same folder they begin to get printing errors. 

Mostly, the device does not support the requested media size. Also what is the best method for setting up a Printer Support folder on a network?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plot Styles For Different Scales?

Sep 10, 2013

I've been using Autocad for over 20 years.  Any office I've ever worked in never used custom plot styles.

Can custom plot styles control lineweights of objects at different scales?  For example, I have a floor plan drawn for 1/4" plotting the lineweights look fine.  Now I want to print that floor plan at 1/8" but many lines now look darker than before.  Can I create a plotstyle for the 1/8" scale to control the lineweights?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Lost Plot Styles

Apr 26, 2012

I updated software from Civil 3D, 2011 to 2012, a while back.  Recently I went back to print a drawing created in 2011 and found that the plot styles that I had made were no longer there.  Is there a way to get these plot styles back?  I already uninstalled C3D 2011.

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AutoCad :: Suddenly Plot Styles Don't Work

Mar 8, 2013

I am an Autocad User for the last 16 years. It is the first time i experience a problem like this. Suddenly plot styles do not work. What ever plot style i use, the drawing (as it is showing in the plot preview) is exactly the same like using plot style "none".

I was forcing to the limits Autocad by adding raster images (like wooden floor jpgs, marble tiles jpgs etc, and Autocad crashed 2 or three times). I reopened it and continued working. The problem came up from nowhere. The one time i saw it on preview like i want it, and after last crash when i tried to see the preview, the result was as mentioned above. Till then, whatever i tried (reload pen styles, tried to other "simple" drawings, restarting PC many times (thought it was a PC memory problem) but still nothing.

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AutoCad :: STB Plot Styles - Cannot Apply To Layers

Aug 3, 2010

I have got as far as understanding the difference between CTB and STB plot styles, and have identified I require STB, as I want to apply plot styles to individual layers as opposed to certain colours.

I have converted my drawing from CTB to STB and have set up an STB plot style to acheive what I would like. However I am unable to apply the styles held within this STB to individual layers in the layers property manager. In the plot style coloumn they are slightly greyed out, upon clicking on a layer a 'Select Plot Style' box appears which lists the "normal", "style 1" & "style 2" that I have created. However upon choosing a different style and hitting ok it doesnt apply my selection.

I am reasonably confident my STB file is setup correctly, as it is possible to apply the styles to objects using the object properties box, and for these to then be printed correctly to the style assigned.

PS - I am using AutoCAD LT 2010

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Several Plot Styles Show To Be Deleted?

May 31, 2012

Every time I purge my drawing several plot styles show to be deleted. I don't reconize them, one I see offten is called Invisible ink. I started to try to use it to see what its about. I can't seem to find the right track and use this plot style.

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AutoCad :: Plot Styles Table Only Shows STB Files

Jun 28, 2013

When I go to plot, my plot styles table only shows .stb files. I have a bunch of .ctb files that exist in the plot styles folder, and everything is pathed correctly but the .ctb files do not show up in autocad. How can I get these files to be available?

(They do show up in some drawings for some reason though, just not when I create a new drawing file.)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Where Do Plot Styles Get Linetype Definition

Feb 16, 2012

I'm trying to set the plot styles to use specific linetypes for given colors. The theory is that using adaptive linetypes, then lines that are color 50 for example will always display dashed regardless of the length. This seems to work great, except that I'm not happy with the linetype scale (dashes plot too long). Obviously changing linetypescale does not work because adaptive is turned on. So the only solution I could think of was to change the actual linetype definition, but the acad.lin file does not seem to be related to the linetypes shown in the CTB editor (or is it?). How to change the linetype definitions that are linked to the ctb style?

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AutoCad :: Printing Blocks With Named Plot Styles?

Dec 4, 2011

I am trying to insert blocks (nuts and bolts, external equipment, etc.) into a drawing that uses named plot styles. Then I want the inserted blocks to print with, say, 30% screening. I've tried different flavors for the blocks, By Layer, By Block, Layer 0, other layers, etc. The only way I can make this work is to go to the original block with Block Editor, and then change the individual lines to "30% Screening". It is pretty time-consuming.

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AutoCad :: Plot Styles (pen Assignments) Differ For Each Drawing?

Jun 23, 2013

How do the plot styles(pen assignments) differ for each drawing? On what basis these plot styles are created differently for each different drawings?expecting replies.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Names Plot Styles Versus Lineweights

Jan 3, 2013

I am trying to standardize the company I just started with and I believe the Named Plot Styles are definitely the way to go, rather than Color Dependent.  

Now, the question I have is when I created my Named Plot Styles, I created multiple styles with different lineweights.  I plan on creating a base template with layers and have the lineweight based on the plot style.  Is the correct way to handle it?  Because we work for a certain large state DOT and they do things slightly different.  They have only 2 named plot styles (existing, proposed) and change the lineweight directly in layer rather than the lineweight being dependent on the plot style.  Now truthfully, there is no difference that I can see in the plot styles they created except for the description.  

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Styles Not Applying To Xref'd Objects

May 13, 2013

I currently have with my plotting.  I've recently switched from using a color table plot style to named/layer plot style.

Drawing "TANK.dwg" contains 2d geometry inside a block named "2d-tank" and is on layer '0' in the block, and that block is on layer '0' inside "TANK.dwg"

TANK.dwg is xref'd into "PHASE 1.dwg" several times in several locations.  "TANK.dwg" is on layer '0' in "PHASE 1.dwg"

"PHASE 1.dwg" is xref'd into "COMPOSITE.dwg" on layer 'P1' 

In "COMPOSITE.dwg" I can change the layer color of layer "P1" and the block "2d-tank" changes color to suit.  It derives it's display color based upon layer P1, as everything has been on layer '0' up until now.  However, despite picking up the appropriate color, it does not inherit the appropriate plot style.  I try to apply a screened/shaded plot style to it and it instead inherits the plot style of layer '0' in "COMPOSITE.dwg"

This is a problem for me as I have 3 phases, and I need to be able to plot them differently, depending on each phase shown.  I'd rather see if there is a way to make my current model setup work before I go duplicating thing and restructuring all my drawings to suit a layer style inconsistently, but I need this to print right.

I don't understand why an object would inherit the color of the layer it's on, but not another layer property, specifically its plot style.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Set Default Plot Styles Table Correctly?

Dec 16, 2012

The product is AutoCAD 2013 Architecture. It installed fine. Typically, as part of the install routine, I go in to the Plot dialog and set the plot style table to monochrome.ctb.

However, on this particular install... something is different. When I open the screen, typcially the plot style table is set to 'none' and I then set it to monochrome.ctb. That is not the case on this one. It is defaulting to AEC Standard.stb and monochrome is not in the list.


I read elsewhere to run CONVERTPSTYLES at the command line. I tried that and it did work..however it does not hold the setting. If I close and restart CAD, I am right back to the AEC Standard.stb default again.

This seems to just be a problem with new drawings? If I open one from the network, it does have the monochrome.ctb setting already set.

I assumed it must have been a problem with the default in options, but I believe I have it set correctly? See below.


If I interpret the above correctly, the plot style table drop down box should be defaulting to 'none' ? but it does not... it defaults to AEC Standard.stb.

I have already tried a complete uninstall/Reinstall of CAD and still have the same issue.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Display Plot Styles In 2012

Mar 18, 2013

Attached LISP will toggle the 'Display Plot Styles' for all layout tabs or the current layout tab.  In 2010 it would not affect model space. 

With 2012, AutoCAD added 'Display Plot Styles' as an option on the model space tab.  This routine now affects that tab. 

How to make it not change this setting for the model space tab?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Plot Styles - Cannot Choose Existing CTB File In Drawing

Apr 29, 2013

I received a drawing today that doesn't allow me to choose existing ".ctb" files.  Opening the "Plot style table (pen assignments)" from the Page Setup dialogue box.  I can choose "Start from scratch" , use a "CFG" file, or "Use a PCP or PC2" file".  I do not have any CFG files.  I usually use PCP in my "Plot" dialogue box for the plotter pull-down menu.

How to use my plot style "BRhalf.ctb" when plotting this drawing.  Also, a "heads-up" on background information on this drawing's plot style options, vs. the plot style options on many other drawings I have plotted.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Configure 2010 To Point To Specific Folder For Plot Styles

Jan 28, 2011

How do I configure AutoCAD 2010 to point to a specific folder for the plot styles (ie. *.ctb files)?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Create A Macro For Change The Plot Styles In Hundreds Layouts?

Oct 4, 2012

I have (unfortunately) the necessity to modify into some files (which are used as models) the print style preset.

These files, which are necessary for the realization of electrical diagrams, have inside hundreds of layout.

Each layout set default printing parameters, so as "Laser b/n.pc3," as the paper size "A4" scale "Scale to Fit", and plot style "Schemi.ctb", etc. ..

Is there a way to create a macro (a field unknown to me) or something similar, to automatically change in all the default layout, for example, the printer "Colori.pc3" and the print style in "Schemi_colori.ctb "?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Tube And Pipe Styles

Oct 19, 2012

We have been working on inventor professional for a while.Now it is 2012 version have large tube and pipe assemblies created.Yesterday we noticed that ,when user wanted to create a Pipe Run/Edit existing pipe run..All Tube and Pipe Styles (including default and custom created ) are lost.I followed one of the procedure in the link below but lost half day of work (as I have to take a clean tube and pipe runs assembly file from previous evening to switch with the corrupted).

our users cannot be lucky everytime this happens,because sometimes they probably worked on something other than tube and pipe before the file gets switch over doesn't lose any of the work.But what if they have done a sizeable amount of tube and pipe design before the file gets corrupted?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Material Styles From Library

Aug 16, 2012

My program is missing a few material styles from the content library, whenever I use them on a part they just stay the default color. How do I replace them without having to re download the whole program?

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