I have this code that I wrote years ago that I want to update to select two types of civil3d objects and show them selected with grips on the screen. This function works fine
but if I add the extra object like this which I assume is the wrong syntax i only get the second type of objects. Need correct syntax I should be using for selecting more than one object in an ssget statement.
I am just starting learning lisp, And I am looking for a fast way to select multiple objects (usually circle) and export their coordinates and ID into a excel sheet through lisp programming.
As you might see in the attached drawing, the red circles are objects wanted. I have been trying to export their coordinates as well as their IDs in grids, e.g D28, Easting: Northing: . I still haven't found a good way to export ID for each circle.
As my code doesn't work, I wonder what's the most effective way to detect errors in lisp
I am trying to select multiple objects and change them. However, the following code lets me only change one at a time. Even when I select a window around obejcts, it only changes a single item.
start of Same_Cannoscale.lsp(defun C:SCS ( / anno-v ent dict cansc entsc sc-list test oce) (setq anno-v (getvar "ANNOALLVISIBLE")) (setvar "ANNOALLVISIBLE" 1) (if (= (getvar "CVPORT") 1) (princ " In Paperspace. ") (if (setq ent (ssget ":S:L")) [Code] ........
The title says it all, Im trying to find a way to select just the vertical dimensions. Quick select doesn't work because there's no difference between a vertical and a horizontal dimension, so i was wondering if there was a LISP or something else i could do to accomplish this.
I am still green at lisp creation. I would like to create a lisp to change my cannoscale to match that of an existing dimension in model space. we use tabs and therefore have many different scales for the vports in our drawings. i want to be able to type my command, have acad ask for a annotative dimension to match, i click it, then the lisp resets my cannoscale to match.
I wrote this small program to automate plotting a drawing to pdf. Everything work fine except I cannot figure out how to allow it to let me pick where I want the file created and what I want to call it. In this routine, the "" at the 3rd from the end place will just automatically name the file and put it in the parent folder. If I replace the "" with pause, it lets me change the name, but will not let me choose the location.
What I'm looking for is for a dialogue box to pop up (explorer style) that will let me choose a location and name the file. This is what happens if you do it "long hand" inside ACAD, how to do it in the code.
I used to have a lisp routine that would allow me to pick one dynamic block and it would select all instances including the blocks that have become anonymous.
I'm trying to complete the code to select a p-line on layer G-POLY-GSF w/o asking for input. this (setq ent (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 "G-POLY-GSF"))) dosen't seem to work. What I'm I missing here?
(defun cf8 (/ ent dist obj) (vl-load-com) (setq ent (car (entsel " Select line to offset: ")) ;(setq ent (ssget "X" (list (cons 8 "G-POLY-GSF")))
Ultimately I want to delete a bunch of Layers by selecting them using a portion of their name. Is there anything in cad that allows you to specifically select layers using only a portion of the layer name?
Based on AutoCAD Layer Standards: Users label layers with a code; for example: A-ANNO-TEXT
A - Stands for the Architectural Category the layer falls into
ANNO - Stands for Annotation
TEXT - Type of Annotation
I want to use the Layer Delete (-LAYDEL) command to delete all layers that begin with A-ANNO. In the Layer Manager (-LAYER) I am able to select specific layers using a " * " placed before and/or after " A-ANNO " to include all layers with that in its name.
When I write a script however (-LAYDEL); cad will ask me for the layer name, but will not allow me to use the *A-ANNO* to include all layers with that name: A-ANNO-TEXT, A-ANNO-GLAZ, A-ANNO-WALL, etc...
Is there anything in cad that allows you to specifically select layers using only a portion of the layer name??? I have to "taylor" drawings that I receive from companies who's layers may vary.
My script is in basic (NON LISP) language:
I am trying to add a reactor, where if the object i move or copy is s a block of a certain name, then i would like to run update field on the last object (being copied) or the object being moved.
I have been searching for some information on how to pass objects into a function so I can mess with their properties. Somehow I haven't been very successful. Anyway...What I want to do is take two items (light fixtures) and swap their positions on the drawing. It seems like it must be really simple, but I'm just not finding the key puzzle pieces to do it. It seems like if I could figure out how to pull two objects into the function (whether by selecting them and running the function or by selecting them after I run the function) I could very easily save the coordinates of one to variables and then just swap them.
I want to move a large 3D steel file on top of a 2D architectural background. The ISSUE is that when i move it (in plan view "aka top view") the X,Y coordinates change AND the Z coordinate changes... But, I want the Z coordinate to stay the same . I wrote a LISP file that doesnt seem to work (SEE BELOW):
(defun C:MoveXY (/ PT1 PTB PT2)(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)(setq PT1 (getpoint " Specify Base Point or [Displacement] Displacement: ")PTB (getpoint " Specify second point or <use first point as displacement>: ")PT2 (list (car PTB)(cadr PTB)(cddr PT1)))(command "_.MOVE" (SSGET) "" PT1 PT2))
It seems my issue comes when i get to the command line (ssget) seems to mess it all up . How to use the ".Move" command with the (ssget) function?
Any way to detect of there are objects currently selected using Autolisp, visual lisp or even VBA. I would like to be able to do something using that as a conditional, so that (assuming the hypothetical variable isSelected is an on/off indicator of whether or not something is selected) I can code something like this:
I find that the command to move objects to a different layers runs very slow in one of the drawing. I want to find out what wrong with the drawing and how to speed things up.
I have a LISP program that batch processes a large number of drawings. One of the step to process each drawing is to change the colors of some objects according to the status of the objects. I do this by moving the objects to a later that has the right color. So far the program only takes 2 to 4 minutes to process each drawing. But the program takes close to 90 minutes to process one specific drawing. I track down the problem has to do with the command that moves the objects to the right layer, like this:
This command takes a very long time to finish, like 40 minutes each time it runs (to move 1200+ objects), and the program needs to run it twice for a total of approximately 80 minutes.
Please note that the drawing itself is not the largest drawing, and it doesn't have the largest number of objects to be moved either. It is close to the top-5 drawings in term of drawing size and the number of objects to be moved. I cannot say that the drawing size or the number of objects to be moved are the cause of the problem.
I tried to "speed up" by moving 200 objects incrementally. That didn't work. I tried to "speed up" by moving 100 objects incrementally and saving the drawing after each 100 objects are moved. That didn't work either; actually the speed is slightly slower than simply moving 1200+ objects all at once.
I don't know what to do. I believe there may be something unusual about that drawing. By the way, the reason why I choose to change color by moving objects to a different layer has to do with the fact that I have found this is the best way so far. I tried to change the color of the objects directly. But I find that the color of some sub-parts of the objects are not changed (because their color is by-layer). That's why I choose to change color by moving objects to a different layer.
How I can check the drawing, any different way to change color that is better.
I need a program to move some selected text to a line something like as extend command but for text objects!
suppose that there is a horizental line (y=constant) or vertical line (x=constant) and some selected text(or other objects), I want a lisp program that move these selected text (or objects) by their "insertion point" to this line.
in other word, if the selected base line is horizental (y=constant) then property of "Y" of all selected text should change to line's "Y"; and if selected base line is vertical (x=constant) then value of "X" of all selected text should match to line's "X" value.
for example, for base vertical line (x=constant) and 3 selected text(or can be any object) result is:
The CADdesigners have asked me if i can make a function that runs through our AutoCAD 2012 MEP model attaching certain predefined classification definitions to ducts, pipes, MVparts etc.
I have used hours searcing for examples / tutorials on how to connect to the MEP objects not finding what i need.
Any Lisp Routine to scale text objects a certain value and have the program actually scale each text object as you pick them.
The change text height using the Properties function does not work for what I need because the objects I need to scale are Mtext objects with Background Mask, and when you use the Properties function to change their text height it messes up the background mask so that you have to select each text entity and stretch the mask area smaller or larger, but if you use the scale function it scales the background mask as well so the background mask coverage is still the same.