I am looking for some code that would allow me to select a MTEXT Entity - or other entity - (as the DEFAULT option) but also to allow me to type in some text manually or to pick a point in the drawing. Something that would present the user with:
"Select an object or [P to pick a point]" or
"Select MTEXT or [M to type].
I can write some code to type in text manually as the default option and get the second option to select entity using get string and then write some condition of if code but I don't know how to do it having entsel as default option.
Basically I have one hatch pattern that was used at different UCS values. The hatch patterns are correctly shown on the screen as shown in the attached image. But the puzzling thing is that they both have a pattern angle of 0.
I have been writing a program that globally changes hatch patterns, but the problem is that once I update the pattern, they all have the same angle. I need them to keep their current rotation when the patterns are updated. I cannot seem to find object access to what that actual angle is.
vla-get-patternangle does not seem to provide the data I am looking for.
I'm trying to create a hatch pattern to match a floor tile. I want a 24" long x 6" wide plank tile. The tiles should be offset from each other 8" (a 2/3 1/3 pattern lengthwise). My problem is I only can get a 6" offset (3/4 1/4 pattern).Here's the code I've got:
i'm newbie in customizing tools in autocad especially in creating hatch pattern. i understand that to create new hatch pattern is by adding a new hatch pattern in acad.pat file with specific angle.
my question is is it posibble to create a hatch pattern that can use specific angle follows the object shape?
This is what autocad can do by default this is what i'm trying to create
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
I have a specific need to determine if an entity is existing or not so that I can either make changes to or create the entity. I'm trying to do this while referring to the entity by it's handle. Below is my code this far but it doesn't work.
I ran the program and the handle was stored, then I deleted the entity and ran the code again and this is the error I get:
; error: unable to get ObjectID: nil
This VLISP stuff sometime has unpredictable hoops to jump through first, so I wondering if this is the case here.
I am wanting to use autolisp to access the text in a MTEXT entity. assoc(1) gives me the first bit of text, but not the rest.Is there a way to use assoc to access each of a number of matches or do I need to write my own routine to find all the 1's?
Having tested it in different ways, it looks like at the end, el1 represents the association list that I want my object to have, but it doesn't want to update.
I need to return the entity name of the largest (longest closed) polyline in a selection set. At this point I have no trouble creating the selection set and even getting the area of the boundingbox, which is not the most accurate way to find the true size, but it's a start. The part that has me stumped is: if I iterate through the selection set, then how can I compare one to the other when I have access to the current entity. I've been staring at examples of lambdas but it seems to me that iterating through the selection set is going about it wrong in the first place.
Below is my current code with a remaining issue. I can return the largest area of the polylines (no good for more than two entities in selection set), but I do not know how to return the entity name:
(IF (> (SETQ SS (SSGET "x" '((0 . "*POLYLINE") (8 . "POOL") (-4 . "<OR") (62 . 5) (62 . 256) (-4 . "OR>")))) 1 ) (PROGN (SETQ a (1- a) ent (CDR (CAR (SSNAME ss a))) en2 (CDR (CAR (SSNAME ss (1- a)))) ar1 (APPLY '* (LIST (LAMBDA (ent) (VLAX-INVOKE-METHOD (VLAX-ENAME->VLA-OBJECT ent) 'getboundingbox 'minpt 'maxpt) (SETQ pt1 [code]......
I use extended data on 2d entity in AutoCAD 2010. In a lisp program, I have filtered with extended data selection. Filters work with entity like: line, polyline and Mline but with insert entity it don’t work.
Just recently I have noticed a Major problem occurring with Xdata. My programs that i use XDATA storage in work fine until you save the drawing. When you call the file back up the Xdata is gone the only thing in the xdata is NameSpace value. Is this related somehow to a Windows update?
I have a program that makes 3d polylines from various data. That 3d pline then gets added to a civil 3d surface as a breakline. I want to modify the pline with my program, but preserve the handle, as I think that is what C3D uses to decide if its part of the surface. I tried this as a sample with no luck:
[Code] .....
I know you can modify a vertex, but what about add and delete with entmake and entmod? I also considered using activex for this task, but you can only add verticies from what I could tell in the object browser of VBA, not delete them.
What I will be doing is deleting all the verticies and adding back the correct ones. Or if there was a way to transfer a handle to a new entity after deleting the old, that would suffice too.
I have a Lisp that I have been working on with some folks in the office, and i feel like i am close, but i am not getting the cigar. The idea would be to have the lisp allow the user to select a nested x-ref entity, and change the color and linetype of the selected layer, similar to the old "LAP" command (I know it is a dinosaur, but I still miss it). I seem to be doing swimmingly, code I have quasi-plagiarized. It seems to crap out where i try to pass the selected linetype back to the layer. I get the nastygram "Command: ; error: no function definition: GETLINETYPE" right after selecting the linetype from the dialog.
Code below...
x(defun c:CX (/ Sel EntList DataList cnt Num ClrNum EntData) (if (setq Sel (nentsel " Select object to change layers color and linetype: ")) (progn
I am looking for a function to print out the entire entity list of the selected entity...
so... walking down through the entity data... print out what it finds... any time it encounters an entity name... then do an entget and print that out too.
I'm looking for a lisp routine which will 'convert' number of 2dsolid into hatch. Drawing contains dozens of 2dsolids (solids are on one layer, there are also other entities on this layer) which have different colors, have common verticies and edges. i.e. I want to kind of 'join' solids of the same color and convert them into one hatch colored as original solids and placed on existing layer (let it be layer '0' zero for now). Same color solids can exist in few locations - there is a case to make few separate hatches of the same color (all joined solids should be represented as 1 hatch, should not separate after separate hatch command). There is max of 20 different colors (all of them from ACI index). Solids are not crossing themself or other solids (just joining with 1 or 2 verticies).
There are also 2dsolids with 'zero-area' - represented as a line - those should be erased at the beginning (not to have a line-like hatch).
I have the following code to delete all hatch in a drawing. At the end of the command there is a notice that all hatch have been eliminated.
However, the last message displayed is: "Hatch boundary associativity removed".
(defun c:deletehatch ( / d l )(vl-load-com) (setq d (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (vlax-for a (vla-get-layers d)(if (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-lock a))(progn(vla-put-lock a :vlax-false)(setq l (cons a l)) ) ) ) (vlax-for b (vla-get-blocks d)(if (eq :vlax-false (vla-get-isxref b)) (vlax-for o b (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname o) "AcDbHatch")(vla-delete o)) ) ) ) (foreach a l (vla-put-lock a :vlax-true)) (vla-regen d acallviewports) (princ (strcat "All HATCH have been removed")) (princ))
Modify the attached lisp I found in this forum to work using a different hatch pattern, scale and angle. The new hatch should be in default Autocad "LINE" pattern and angle set to 90 degrees (vertical). If possible, I would like the angle and scale to be editable. Find attached Multi_Hatch-45 code posted by CADaStroumph in 2008.
Hatch objects: Note To access this property, use the IAcadHatch2 interface.How can I access the Object.Area of an AutoCAD hatch. AutoCAD 2006 has properties that can be assigned to Fields so why can't I find the object att- area in any lisp vars?
I don't give the right keywords with Google !?So from a classic selection (or ALL for ALL Blocks of the DWG) of entities,
we will keep ONLY blocks (Static or Dynamic)I am looking for a Lisp/VLisp routine to update all Color of Hatches inside Blocks when the Hatch Color is xxx If the color hatch is NOT XXX we don't update !
The problem : update all hatch from blocks where Color = 255 (or any other value)
---> other classic Color (1-256) --> RGB Color 255,255,255 or any other
I don't know at all how to switch hatch entities from classic color to RGB color inside a Block..And dynamic block in Lisp/VLisp are far from my level 0.2 in Lisp ...
I need a function that allows to convert the polylines selected with a width globalize defined in a double closed line (spaced by the same width of the polyline), with a hatch inserted automatically defined.
Brilliant idea to draw raceways quickly: instead of making handmade double lines, connect, enter the hatches all by hand, you could quickly draw the polyline with width identical to the size of the duct, and then the lisp transform it into a duct more aesthetically pleasing if compared to the full polyline!