AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Draw Insulation Hatch Around A Circle
Jul 23, 2004Routine that will draw a insulation hatch around a circle?
View 9 RepliesRoutine that will draw a insulation hatch around a circle?
View 9 RepliesCan a AutoLISP command be written to read an attribute in a block and draw a circle with the attribute as the diameter using variables? The appilcation is taking the diameter of a tree trunk (the attribute), multipling by 12, and drawing the canopy circle on hundreds of those blocks. So the circles drawn will vary in size.
Not sure how this could be set up, i'm not familiar with LISP writing at all.
1) Read block, single, mulitple or definition?
2) Read Attribute
3) Varaible of attribute, (attribute is an inch needs to be multipled by 12 to get feet for final use as circle diameter drawn)
4) Draw circle, variable, with diameter coming from attribute variable (attribute in inches that is multipled by 12)
5) Center point or circle to be block's base point
I'm trying to change a routine i just wrote that draws 3d pipes. I wanted to make it so that when a user selects the beginning point and ending point of the pipe, the LISP changes the ucs to that vector, draws the circle at the beginning point and extrudes it to the second point.
It actually works great except when the ucs changes, so do my user points because of teh origin change. Is there a better way I might get this to do what I wnat it to?
(setq ip (getpoint "
Pick First Point:"))(setq ep (getpoint "
Pick Second Point:"))(command ".ucs" "za" ip ep)(setvar "osmode" 0)(command ".circle" ip "d" od)(command ".extrude" (entlast) "" (distance ip ep))(command ".ucs" "w")(setvar "osmode" oldsnap))
I am trying to entmake a hatch entity from a hatch template.
After entget the template hatch entity, i get the followings
Select object: ((-1 . <Entity name: 7ed11b78>) (0 . "HATCH") (330 . <Entity
name: 7efc7c10>) (5 . "737") (100 . "AcDbEntity") (67 . 0) (410 . "Model") (8 .
"SECTION-LABEL") (62 . 255) (100 . "AcDbHatch") (10 0.0 0.0 0.0) (210 0.0 0.0
1.0) (2 . "SOLID") (70 . 1) (71 . 0) (91 . 1) (92 . 1) (93 . 8) (72 . 1) (10
633596.0 5.79713e+006 0.0) (11 633519.0 5.79713e+006 0.0) (72 . 1) (10 633519.0
5.79713e+006 0.0) (11 633519.0 5.79708e+006 0.0) (72 . 1) (10 633519.0
5.79708e+006 0.0) (11 633500.0 5.79708e+006 0.0) (72 . 1) (10 633500.0
Now I wrote the following code using the above data as follows
(entmake (list (cons 0 "HATCH") (cons 67 0) (cons 410 "Model") (cons 8 "SECTION-LABEL") (cons 62 255) (cons 10 (list 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (cons 210 (list 0.0 0.0 1.0)) (cons 2 "SOLID") (cons 70 1) (cons 71 0) (cons 91 1) (cons 92 1) (cons 93 8) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt1) (cons 11 pt2) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt2) (cons 11 pt3) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt3) (cons 11 pt4) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt4) (cons 11 pt5) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt5) (cons 11 pt6) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt6) (cons 11 pt7) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt7) (cons 11 pt8) (cons 72 1) (cons 10 pt8) (cons 11 pt1) (cons 97 0) (cons 75 0) (cons 76 1) (cons 98 1) (cons 10 (list 0.0 0.0 0.0)) (cons 450 0) (cons 451 0) (cons 460 0.0) (cons 461 0.0) (cons 452 1) (cons 462 1.0) (cons 453 2) (cons 463 0.0) (cons 63 5) (cons 421 255) (cons 463 1.0) (cons 63 7) (cons 470 "LINEAR")))
The point variables pt1, pt2....pt8 are all defined. But when I run the code the hatch is not being created? Why?
I am in need of a lisp routine which will automatically pick up all hatch and solid hatch patterns within a drawing and change the colour to colour 254.
View 9 Replies View Relatedhow to create a lisp to draw the rigid insulation as attached.
View 6 Replies View Relatedhow can you get the last point you picked on a Circle because I was going to run the TTR and use the tanget command and have it exit and I need to get the point I pick on the circle
View 7 Replies View RelatedI was looking for a post on the subject of line and circle intersections and found one that Bill Z had posted. I decided to incorperate one of the replies into my own code. In particular Luis Esquivel's code. With some minor modifications I was able to add the onseg argument that extends intersection points for the line to the circle. I also modified it to return only one point or two points depending on the line and circle supplied and the onseg argument. It seems to work great.
; test function
(defun c:go ( / )
(not (setq ent (entsel "
Basically I have one hatch pattern that was used at different UCS values. The hatch patterns are correctly shown on the screen as shown in the attached image. But the puzzling thing is that they both have a pattern angle of 0.
I have been writing a program that globally changes hatch patterns, but the problem is that once I update the pattern, they all have the same angle. I need them to keep their current rotation when the patterns are updated. I cannot seem to find object access to what that actual angle is.
vla-get-patternangle does not seem to provide the data I am looking for.
I'm trying to create a hatch pattern to match a floor tile. I want a 24" long x 6" wide plank tile. The tiles should be offset from each other 8" (a 2/3 1/3 pattern lengthwise). My problem is I only can get a 6" offset (3/4 1/4 pattern).Here's the code I've got:
0, 0,0, 0,6
90, 0,0, 6,6, 6,-18
is there a way to convert multiple 2d solids to hatches.
View 9 Replies View RelatedLisp that can select all hatch in a drawing with a layer called AELE, even if it is embedded in a block and change it to layer AHAT with Green colour?
The layer AHAT may or may not already exist in the drawing.
We need to run the lisp on a lot of drawings (exported from Revit) so I need to use the script to run this lisp on multiple drawings.
I'm looking for a lisp routine which will 'convert' number of 2dsolid into hatch. Drawing contains dozens of 2dsolids (solids are on one layer, there are also other entities on this layer) which have different colors, have common verticies and edges. i.e. I want to kind of 'join' solids of the same color and convert them into one hatch colored as original solids and placed on existing layer (let it be layer '0' zero for now). Same color solids can exist in few locations - there is a case to make few separate hatches of the same color (all joined solids should be represented as 1 hatch, should not separate after separate hatch command). There is max of 20 different colors (all of them from ACI index). Solids are not crossing themself or other solids (just joining with 1 or 2 verticies).
There are also 2dsolids with 'zero-area' - represented as a line - those should be erased at the beginning (not to have a line-like hatch).
Example drawing attached.
I have the following code to delete all hatch in a drawing. At the end of the command there is a notice that all hatch have been eliminated.
However, the last message displayed is: "Hatch boundary associativity removed".
(defun c:deletehatch ( / d l )(vl-load-com) (setq d (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object))) (vlax-for a (vla-get-layers d)(if (eq :vlax-true (vla-get-lock a))(progn(vla-put-lock a :vlax-false)(setq l (cons a l)) ) ) ) (vlax-for b (vla-get-blocks d)(if (eq :vlax-false (vla-get-isxref b)) (vlax-for o b (if (wcmatch (vla-get-objectname o) "AcDbHatch")(vla-delete o)) ) ) ) (foreach a l (vla-put-lock a :vlax-true)) (vla-regen d acallviewports) (princ (strcat "All HATCH have been removed")) (princ))
Modify the attached lisp I found in this forum to work using a different hatch pattern, scale and angle. The new hatch should be in default Autocad "LINE" pattern and angle set to 90 degrees (vertical). If possible, I would like the angle and scale to be editable. Find attached Multi_Hatch-45 code posted by CADaStroumph in 2008.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi'm newbie in customizing tools in autocad especially in creating hatch pattern. i understand that to create new hatch pattern is by adding a new hatch pattern in acad.pat file with specific angle.
my question is is it posibble to create a hatch pattern that can use specific angle follows the object shape?
This is what autocad can do by default this is what i'm trying to create
How do you detect the intersection of a line and circle or arc.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need a lisp which is i can draw a line or pline with circle in every 30 meters ( circle diameter and total line or pline length will be optional )
View 6 Replies View RelatedHatch objects: Note To access this property, use the IAcadHatch2 interface.How can I access the Object.Area of an AutoCAD hatch. AutoCAD 2006 has properties that can be assigned to Fields so why can't I find the object att- area in any lisp vars?
View 7 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to include a point entity (rather than a zero-length line as in the standard SQDOTS pattern) in a custom hatch pattern?
If so what's the exact format of the line in the .pat file that defines the point?
How do I select the layer in which I want to draw?
for example i draw two line and Each of them has to be in different layer.
How do I select the layer which I want to draw?
is there a way to draw a polyline and have autocad clip everything outside of that polyline and discard it so that i end up with a smaller drawing. only the information in that polyline, nothing outside of the polyline
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to draw a text entity in 3d, where I know the 3d ins point, and the plane it should be flat to.
I have not drawn text or inserted blocks programatically before where the plane they lie on is not flat.
I have done it before by setting a ucs and drawing stuff, but now I want no switches of UCS involved.
how I would go about writing a function that would calculate the length of a diagonal of a rectangle using SQRT function? I've been trying but so far nothing!
View 4 Replies View RelatedLisp code here for draw for example triple parallel line ? each line will be own layer and color..
View 8 Replies View RelatedI have made a lisp routine to draw lines on polyline. And here are a lot of lines on it. So using comand
"(command "line" pt1 pt2 " ")"
takes a lot of time. Is here a way to creat lines in memory or similar and only then draw them all on screen?
I have search but coudin't find any info. I do not know how to formulate a query.
I've written my first little Lisp function.What it's for is drawing a simple borehole profile that can then be used to draw stylized cross sections on top of it.
Upon start the lisp, pick a point on screen (to get the X coordinate [x1 below]), then enter ground level at the command line [g1 below], then enter as many thicknesses as are present in the borehole log (will vary, but typically between 3-12). These I added to a list, because that seemed to make sense when I did it.
What I want it to do then is draw a pline from x1, g1 down to the next point (x1,g1 minus the 1st thickness), then the next (x1,g1 minus the 2nd thickness) etc., to the bottom of the borehole.
Then my CAD guys can sit there, and using the borehole logs, enter the values of the boreholes and it draws them on the screen, making it easy to join th dots.
It might be good if it placed a Acad point at each point as well, but I'm not overly bothered about that at the minute.
Here's my attempt so far.
(prompt "Type 'e1' to run...")
(defun c:e1 ( / )
(command "graphscr") (setq x1 (getpoint "
Pick insertion point:")) (setq x1a (car x1))
(initget (+ 1 2 4)) (setq g1 (getreal "
Enter ground elevation: "))
(initget (+ 1 2 2)) (setq lvllist nil ) (while (setq lvl (getreal "
Enter layer thickness <Exit>: ")) (setq lvlList (append lvllist (list lvl))) )
(princ) )
I would like to be able to draw squares by the area they should have. So that if I need a square of 50m2 autocad automatically draws a square of sqrt(50) x sqrt(50)
Because right now I have to draw 200 squares with 100 different areas and I have to calculate and manually draw each one of them.
i need a vlisp program to draw polyline between two blocks.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe first rectangle is drawn from 0,0 at the World Coordinate System. There is never any trouble with the code below when the objects are drawn at the WCS. The problem is when I try to draw a bounding box around an object while in another UCS. It seems that it always draws the bounding box at the WCS instead of my UCS. I have used (trans <pointlist> 0 1) on all combinations it seems and I still cannot get it to draw the bounding box at the current UCS.
(defun c:GetFromBoundingBox (
I´m triyng to do a autolisp routine to calculate the perimeter of a drawing with several entities like arc, polyline, spline, lines and circles.
In the web i found out a autolisp routine that calculate this but it doesnt recognizes circles.
I need that the circles can be recognized, does some one knows how i can do that?