AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Entname Of Last Block Added PER LAYOUT?
Dec 5, 2013
Is it even possible to get the entity name of the last block added to a layout? I need to find the entity name of the last block added to each of three layouts.
Previously I was using entlast but obviously that will not descriminate per layout.
I need a routine that will duplicate the current sheet's Layout tab and content to the next tab, set it current, delete the titleblock (by name) on the new tab and reference in a differently named titleblock, 1:1, 0,0 onto the new Layout tab. I'll be running this in a batch script.
I've tried doing a block that automatically updates the X and Y coordinates from its moveable leader. I can get it to work in model space or paper space. But my problem is I want it to work in PS, but update with the MS coordinates through the viewport.
I can get it to update, by LISP, by picking a point and passing the points to the blocks attributes. At the moment I have a LISP when actioned it locks the viewports, activates the viewport, and asks you to select a point. Once selected it de-activates the viewport (going back into layout tab) then asks which block you want to update. Where you now select the block and it updates the coordinates. I.e. manually pick the point in MS, switch to PS and then manually pick the block. Then I have to manually modify the leader to the correct location.
I'm hoping that I can (In PS) move the end of the leader to snap to a position in MS and the coord updates to reflect the correct MS coordinates. I'm thinking that maybe this can't be done automatically and that I maybe can move the leader but I'm not sure how I can do it without running a LISP to update the block?
I'd be happy moving the leader then just running a single command and the leader coordinates updating without having to select the points and the block again.
I've attached the block showing the auto update of the attributes (fields).
I am writing various text insertion lisp routines. I want the computer to default to UPPERCASE before the user enters any text to ensure the text is added to the drawing as UPPERCASE text at all times.
I get an AutoCAD drawing from my conveyor manufacturer who have buried a block (tagname) in all of their conveyor blocks.
The only way to remove them is to manually use BEDIT and erase the tagname block.
Is there a way through Autolisp to search all blocks in a drawings and if the tagname block is part of the definition of the conveyor block, erase the tagname block or redefine the conveyor block without the tagname block.
When dynamic blocks are inserted they're assigned an anonymous block name. I'd like to be able to retrieve the name of the parent block after selecting the block on screen using AutoLisp.
Create a routine that looks for a block based on a portion of that block name, using a specified path or search path.
For example, block to search for is BLOCKABC123, so if someone inputs ABC or 123 as a block name, it will locate that block within that folder and inserts it into the drawing at a user specified location.
Ideally, if there is a check in that if it finds more than one match, then perhaps it flags or prompts you to choose 1, 2, or 3 option which block to use. But I can live without this special function if it requires too much time to code.
I need to match few attribute values from one block to different block. I download a lisp file called; ca.lsp which can match the single attribute value. I modified it for more than one attribute value matching. It is ok but still wish to overcome two issues for batch prcess
1. picking up the blocks by selection
2. click the alternative block numbers of times to match the numbers of attribute values I needed.
How to modify this lisp I can run it by block name selections instead of picking selection which enable me to run batch process for numbers of drawing? That will be good...
Lisp & Demo file attached (Match attribute value, A, B & C to Attribute 1, 2 & 3).
I am learning autolips and i found a problem that i can´t solved.
(vl-load-com)(defun c:pmb ( / ss ent pt )(prompt " selec block : ")(setq ss (ssget '((0 . "INSERT")))) (setq ent (ssname ss 0)), (setq pt (cdr (assoc 10 (entget ent)))) (command "point" pt)) wich this code you select one block and insert one point at insert point´s block.
which this other code yo select all block and insert all point.... but in one block
Is there any way to grab the Object ID or name from a layout tab to use in a field? I wish to link the layout name to a callout block so that if the layout tab changes position and name (inserting a new tab), the call out block will update no matter what page it is on. Without using the Sheet Set manager.
I have a block that i want to insert several times and revised each one to be different to do this i would have to insert it and rename the blocks that come in and then reinsert i would like to insert and have a lisp explode the main block and rename the other 2 blocks with a suffix at the end depending on how many times its in the drawing... can this even be done? My original block name that will be first inserted is "BENT PULLEY NOTES" it needs to explode after i drop it in and then there are 2 blocks within that called "Bent Pulley" and "Bent Pulley DYN" that i was hoping to keep the names but add a number at the end depending on how many are in the drawing already...
here is a lisp that i have found... it would work if i didn't have nested blocks and only wanted the one block to be insert and not explode...
(defun c:Test (/ e i name Bname ) (setq e nil) (command "_.-insert" "Drawing1.dwg" pause "" "" "") (if (setq e (entlast))
I have a dwg with 40 blocks that have a non-annotative property. I can go through 1 by 1 and change the property to annotative and redefine the block. Is it possible to automate this? I have done some google searches but have not found anything I am able to cut and paste or put together to get it to work.
Civil 3D 2012 SP4.0 Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit C3D 2014 SP1 Dell M6600, Core i7 @ 2.3GHz, 16 GB ram Dell T3500 workstation, too much ram to post
how to do this programmatically and without modifying the handle of the object,i am trying to do it programmatically (entmod (cons 410 newname)(assoc 410 ... no luck.
(entmakex -ing will modify or create a new handle ctrl-X and then ctrl-V recreates a new handle too ...
I want to know the correct way to find the offset origin of a layout in an AutoCAD drawing. Let say I have a drawing that has many items on it. And I create a layout showing just the items in the lower right corner of the drawing. I want to know the offset origin of this layout relative to the Model space.
I came across some LISP commands that are supposed to do just that:
I need to get the layout list in reverse order. How to do this? My plotter outputs prints face up and I wind up with a stack of drawings in reverse order - If I can cycle through the tabs in reverse order they will wind up in the correct order in the print room!
I need to select all the viewports in the drawing and to make some changes with them, I'm planning to select them all with ssget command. If I do that I will have one viewport for the paperspace itself in every layout. One of my question is, how to know which viewport is the paperspace itself?
Second question is, how to get the name of layout in which one is the viewport? It is important to me that the lisp is really fast, so I'm planning to do the most of stuffs with vla commands.
I’m trying to create a view port, which covers my entire layout (white/ page area) using the following command
(command “mview” ‘(0 0 0) ‘(297.5 210 0))
However as you will note 0,0,0 is not the very edge corner of my layout (white area) and my white area is smaller then 297.5x 210mm (standard A4 landscape size)
How to obtain the exact measurements and starting coordinates to fully fill my entire layout page (white area)?
Any LISP routine that can create multiple paper space layout tabs and can name them incrementally. I have a template and I wanted to copy tab2 of my layout multiple times and name them incrementally. I have a code shown below that comes close to what I need it to do but it creates a "New Layout" instead of copying the tab I need it to. Please see code below:
(vl-load-com)(defun c:LAYOUT+ (/ *error* prefix i n acDoc oLayouts layoutName) (defun *error* (msg) (if acDoc (vla-endundomark acDoc) ) (cond ((not msg)) ; Normal exit ((member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort"))) ; <esc> or (quit) ((princ (strcat " ** Error: " msg " ** "))) ; Fatal error, display it ) (princ) ) (if (and (setq prefix (getstring " Enter layout name prefix: "))
(layoutlist) ... returns a list of strings of the layout tabs in the drawing.I've used this ages... Isn't it a core lisp function, or is it coming from express tools or somewhere else?
I have used Autocad since 1991, and my current job required me to use Microstation. One feature I liked from Microstaiton is the ability to select and open an external DGN reference, and then match the view of the parent DGN. In AutoCAD, you can also select and open an xref, but the DWG opens to the previous saved view, and not to the desired view that matches the layout.
My thought was to experienting with lisp or scipt and export the "Viewctr", "Viewtwist" and "Viewsize" variables to a text file, then importing the text file and using the "Viewtwist" as my "SNAPANG" value, then "Viewctr" as my "ZOOM, CENTER" value, and finally the "Viewsize" as the "Enter magnification or height:" value.
But, alas, have no time, and not quite the knowledge to duplicate MicroStation's open-xref-and-zoom-to-view feature.