I am looking for a way to change the text style used by a table style with Visual LISP. So far I have been able to get the IAcadTableStyle object from the acad_tablestyle dictionary, but there is no property for text style. Is this even possible? Code and results are below.
I have inside every text,Mtext contents different text style like Arial_1 , Arial_2.
How i can give all the contents inside one style ? the normal procedure i will enter inside text to enter editing mode and changing text format style one by one. I want it once.
I want to save my routing of entering every text to change its content text style.
(Notice:select all from outside without editing mode will not do the job)
I wrote (setq oldtext (getvar "textstyle")) to save the current text style,
(setvar "textstyle" (getvar "dimtxsty")) to change the text style to the current dimension text style (which appens to be romans) and later (setvar "textstyle" oldtext) to restore the text style to its original setting but it won't work.
This is the same format used to save and restore osnap in many lisp routines.
When I check the program in the visual lisp editor, oldtext returns "standard" (the original text style - so that part works) but "textstyle" returns nil. I even tried (setvar "textstyle" "standard") to no avail. "Textstyle" remains romans.
I have a lisp function that is updating attribute values on a newly inserted block. The lisp function uses entget to read the attribute. Then it plugs a new value into the assoc 1 using subst, then uses entmod to update the attribute's value. It all works fine except that the attribute loses its style, i.e. assoc 7, somehow. If I do an entget on the attribute right after the entmod the assoc 7 is nil. The symptom on the drawing is that the attribute value is not visible until I close and open the drawing.
This only happens on a newly inserted block on existing drawings. If I close the drawing and reopen it then the lisp function works fine. Or If I insert the same block on a new drawing it all works fine. what would cause the assoc 7 to go missing after an entmod to change the attribute value?
Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No Current text style: "Standard" Text height: 0.0833 Annotative: No
Is there a way to programatically set a visual style before a drawing actually opens?
We have some huge models and people seem to forget to change their visual styles back to 2D wireframe before saving and exiting drawings. Some models will crash on some workstations when trying to open in a rendered mode.
I found a lisp with a function that looked to set viewport visual styles. But it does not seem to be supported anymore. --> (vla-put-VisualStyle vport 1)
There are many lisp that draw offset line but what about opposite way , I have wall of double line i need to delete one of them let's say inside wall line .
why i need to do this usually when i tracing in external program like autocad architecture or Revit or archicad i just need outline of exterior and interior walls !.
is there way that can delete the offset line ?(or within range predefined in lisp to prevent interfering of lines deletion).
when i invoke the plot command, it will first check if there is a layer state called "Temp"if "Temp" exists, then delete "Temp", then re-create "Temp", then switch layer state temporariliy to "Plot" to plot the file, and then switch back to the "Temp" layer state againbasically, the "Plot" layer state will be set based on how the drawing(s) will plot. if a user makes changes here-n-there in the drawing, when the user wants to plot, the software will save current state as "Temp", plot using the "Plot" state, and switch back to "Temp" state at the end. all i am trying to achieve is to somehow over-write the "Temp" state. below is the LISP.
A plugging we use has just updated and loading double menus causing error messages prompting that menu already exists unable to load.
In my cui the menus are loaded in my enterprise as well as my main.
How do I keep the menu with the same name in my enterprise yet unload the one of the same name in my main (where it shouldn’t be) using lisp (I want to Automate this using lisp, since I'm not always in office at the same time as everyone else)?
I am looking for code that will delete all the properties within a DWG file.
Searching the forum, I found the following
; Remove any existing Properties (dictremove (namedobjdict) "DWGPROPS")
However, further research (forum, testing and help system) indicates that it no longer applies to current releases of AutoCAD so my initial happiness was short-lived!
The below gets the block names of empty block records. The blocks may or may not be actually inserted in the dwg. In my case though, apparently they are nested in other blocks in the drawing I am working with... but it looks as if they are part of deeply nested block definitions and therefore cannot be purged. I checked a couple blocks (the code returns over 1000 in my case) it returns and there are no objects in its definition.
How can I force them out of a drawing - and hopefully reduce it's file size?
I would like to use a lisp routine to open all the files in a selected folder, search for a blocks by name, delete them, purge the drawing, save and close.
I am trying to create a lisp routine, that will check the dimension style "standard" to see if its annotative. If it is, I need it to turn annotative to off.
ITO - Application Management Factory Design Suite Ultimate 2012 AutoCAD 2012 | Inventor Professional 2012 | Vault Professional 2012
trying to delete a file every time CAD is fired up and/or a new drawing is opened. i cannot make it work so far. planning to incorporate it into acaddoc lsp file.
I have a company .cuix menu that is loaded as a partial menu to the main acad.cuix file. I want to delete all the toolbars and pull down menus associated with it and leave the other stuff in place. This is in Autocad 2011 but should also translate to 2013. So far, I have tried opening the CUI menu, going to the company.cuix partial menu and deleting the toolbars. Then I hit save, then Apply. Toolbars disappear and pulldown menus go away. But when I reload AutoCAD they come back.
I am trying to use autolisp to change the point label style in autolisp. Mostly teach you how to do it manually, I not sure there is a way to do it in autolisp.