AutoCAD .NET :: Select Block Reference By Attribute Value

Nov 29, 2012

I have a drawing with many block references on it and they have some attributes.

I know how to find the block reference witch the attribute value, and even change it but I don't know how to select it once I have the object ID of the block.

How can I do the selection without asking the user to select it?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Change Block Reference Attribute

Mar 7, 2010

I have an issue regarding nested entity.

I have a nested entity block reference. In this entity I have three blocks. if I change any of the block reference attribute definition in the nested block reference then it is changing the original block itself.

Actually I am getting the handle of the selected block reference in the nested Entity. and change the attribute reference later. but it is making change in the block itself and other block reference too.

Here is my

static public void CONTACTS()
Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
string contactName = string.Empty;//to hold contact name, from xdata

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get Block Handle From Attribute Reference?

Sep 21, 2011

Is is possible to get the block handle from an attribute reference? I get the attribute reference from a previously stored attribute collection. I did try attref.BlockId.Handle.Value.ToString(), but it gives a different value, not the block's id.

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AutoCAD VB :: Extract Attribute Values From Block In External Reference?

Mar 23, 2013

is it possible to extract attribute values from an block in an External Reference using VBA ?

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AutoCAD VB :: Cannot Select Block Reference Using SelectAtPoint Method

Apr 24, 2011

I try to get a blockreference name and objectID by selectatpoint method in VBA, but i fail to do that.

    dim obj as object
    dim blkRef as acadblockreference
   for each obj in sset
   set blkRef=obj
   next obj

just like that above, but noting returned. I do not want to use selectbypolygen method.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Check Block Attribute Then Change Different Attribute In Block

Aug 31, 2012

select all blocks on certain layers in a drawing, check attribute CIRCUIT in each block if it starts with MS then attribute CONTROL = switched. I hope thats clear enough the way

(defun c:control()
(Setq sc (ssget "X" '((0 . "INSERT")


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AutoCAD .NET :: Attribute Reference Text String MText Attribute

Mar 16, 2012

I am using M Text Attributes to store imperial lengths in the drawing, feet inches and fractions (stacked).  When I read back the Text String property which, is the M text Attribute.Contents parsed, I am having problems because the parser does not add a space between the inch and the fraction.  So, is there any setting that could be used to tell the parser to add the space between the inch and the fraction? 

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Transfer Attribute Block Values To Another Attribute Blocks

Jul 3, 2012

I wanna transfer my attribute block values to another attribute text blocks , is there any lisp for that?

Is there a possibility for sum tag values of choice attribute blocks to inside of another attribute text block ?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Change An Attribute From A Value From Another Attribute In The Same Block

Oct 5, 2012

What I really want to do is on our fire alarm blocks we have 3 different attributes one for the address, the candela and one for misc info. I want to make an attribute that takes the number from the candela (15,30,75or 110) and change a different attribute to a value depending on which candela we use (such as 15=.078, 30=.113, 75=.195 or 110=.259). But I don't want the .078,.113,.195,.259 to print out on paper, I want to export block information excel file so I can add up all values.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Attribute Reference Text String

Sep 4, 2013

I change a block's attributes programmatically using thisfunction I created:

private void UpdateAttributes(Database database, Detail det) { using (Transaction tr = database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { //Grab the BlockReference the detail refers to. BlockReference block = (BlockReference)tr.GetObject(det.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead); //Iterate over the Attribute ids. foreach (ObjectId [code].......

You can ignore the Detail and Detail Attribute objects as they are also user-defined.  Also note that this function expects the database to be currently open for working on.

Everything in this function works fine, but there is a strange quirk that becomes noticeable only when I use this function to edit an attribute that has its "Invisible" property set to "No".

Below, is the original block that is edited via this function:

As you can see, the block has a number with 4 digits (for our purposes, call this the Block Number).

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AutoCAD .NET :: Error While Changing Block Definition Of An Block Reference

Oct 21, 2013

I'm trying to change block the definition of an block reference.

I did something like this:

blockreference.BlockTableRecord = newBlock.ObjectId;

In most cases this works well. However I found a case that it not work as well. When I try to change the definition from a new block that I have created in my test DWG, it disappears from the model.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Inserting New Block And Entering Attribute Data By Selecting Another Block?

Aug 13, 2012

Is it possible, via whatever methods (lisp?) to be able to have a premade block with an attribute and insert it into a drawing then assign a value to it by selecting another existing block in the drawing and using one of its own attribute’s values?

For example, say I have a block representing a telephone and it had an attribute called "PhoneNo" and I inserted it into a drawing showing an office floor plan that had blocks in each office space that are telephone junction boxes with attributes "PhoneExtension".  I would like to be able to autocomplete the entering of the “PhoneNo” data by selecting one of the telephone junction boxes in the drawing and using its attribute’s value.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Determine If A Block Reference Of The Block Exist

May 3, 2012

I have a block: “Block_A”. I am trying to determine if a block reference of the block exist.

Currently I would iterate every block Reference in the Block Table, and then dig deep into each block ref . . . . .

I was wondering if I could just take “Block_A” and see if it has reference and where the references are. Perhaps this is just wishful thinking but I was hoping for a faster way to obtain the references then to iterate thousands of blocks in each table record.

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AutoCad :: Attribute In Title Block Exists In Block Editor But Not In Project

Sep 6, 2012

Autocad 2011, Electrical package,

I have an existing title block a few text attributes, to which I wish to add a watermark. I have added it in the block editor as a normal attribute, with the same details as the other attributes that work, only a different tag name. It has a default value, "DRAFT" and is tagged "WMARK". It works fine in the Block Editor, and If I test the block I can edit it to display whatever I want, but if I save the block and open it from Autocad proper, the attribute is not in existence, either as a default value, or editable from block properties, attribute editor or title block editor, whereas all of the other attributes are there. I have used BattMan to verify the settings of the attribute, and the only difference is that the others all have "L" in the "Modes" column, but I think that means that their position is "locked" whereas my new attribute is justified "aligned" therefore cannot be "locked" (This is some assumption on my part, as the documentation on the "Modes" column is almost non-existent). I cannot afford to waste much more time on this issue, as the boss is breathing down my neck, but editing watermarks on every drawing after every revision is frustrating, when it could be an attribute that is editable from the title block editor.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Match Multiple Attribute Values From One Block To Another Block

Feb 12, 2012

I need to match few attribute values from one block to different block. I download a lisp file called; ca.lsp which can match the single attribute value. I modified it for more than one attribute value matching. It is ok but still wish to overcome two issues for batch prcess

1. picking up the blocks by selection

2. click the alternative block numbers of times to match the numbers of attribute values I needed.

How to modify this lisp I can run it by block name selections instead of picking selection which enable me to run batch process for numbers of drawing? That will be good...

Lisp & Demo file attached (Match attribute value, A, B & C to Attribute 1, 2 & 3).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Transferring One Block Text Attribute To Another Block?

Nov 8, 2013

Is there a way that I can create a block with text ('A') and when I insert the block and populate the block another block block will update also? I am wanting to create a block for x-sec flags, and detail callouts that update their detail titles.

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP4
Windows 7 (64)

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Importing Attribute Data From A Block Into Another Block?

May 30, 2013

I have 2 drawings with the following content :

Drawing 1 : Contains tree blocks that have a specific scale dependant on the tree size

Drawing 2 : Contains a block with just a point and attribute data about the tree (name, size etc.)

This block is approximatly at the same location as the tree block (0,1 m precision)

Problem I want to join these two items together. In other words, in the tree block that is scaled correctly i want the attribute data with the name, size etc. These blocks don't have a corresponding unique number or something like that.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Block Attribute In Part Sketch Block

Feb 28, 2012

Is it possible to create a text block attribute in part sketch mode?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Insert Block Reference Using Block Name

Nov 17, 2012

Drawing contains a block with "BlkName". I want to insert blockreferences of this existing block using .Net. All shows how to insert a new block and then use the BlockID returned by the insert function. In my case I only have the block name and there is no Block id. How to get it or how to create a block reference of an existing block?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Attribute Fields Losing Reference With Sheet Sets

Oct 15, 2012

I just opened up a project Sheet Set that i haven't worked on in a while, and all of my layout pages have a series of "#" in place of the fields.  For example, the name of my viewport should read "Head Detail", which is the name given to that view in the Sheet Set Manager, but instead reads "##############".  This also happens with my view numbers, callout bubbles, etc.

However, the information in my title block is still intact.  For example, the Project Name, Client Name, Page Number, etc. all read the correct values.

I tried opening the drawings in Reference Manager, but I see no alerts or errors.  I have had this happen before in previous versions going back to at least 2010, but they have always been small projects and I just recreated the views and callouts.  This is a large project however, and redoing this will cost hours, if not days of extra work.

In examining the fields, it seems like the problem fields are those defined by the SheetSetPlaceholder Filed Name, and the Placeholder type is irrelevent; they are all broken.  For other Field Names, for example CurrentSheetNumber, the references still work.

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AutoCad :: Creating A Block With Block Attribute?

Jun 10, 2013

I'm creating a block with a block attribute.

In the blockeditor I can change the draworder so the attribute is partly under some lines. But the draworder in the blockeditor of the attribute doesn't work in the normal modelspace; the blockattribute is allways on top.

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AutoCAD LT :: Select Polyline By Value In Attribute

Nov 6, 2013

I am currently dealing with a question for a project I am working on. I have a complex building, in which all rooms are described by a tag. The tag is a block which contains as attributes several kinds of information about that room (height, finishing, etc.). One attribute is the surface of the room, which is linked to a polyline by a field (if the polyline changes, the surface attribute changes consequently.

Now, basing on the fact that there is a correlation between my block containing the attributes and the polyline (the correlation is given by the surface field), I would like to select polylines in my drawing basing on specific values in my attributes block. Example: I want to select all the polylines which are linked to the blocks containing as an attribute the text "", or the polylines linked to a block containing as an attribute the text "library".

This would save me loads of time to generate some specific drawings.

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AutoCad :: Setup In Dynamic Type Block That Would Allow To Select The Block

Jun 22, 2012

I have a series of logos that we use. I would like to have them setup in a dynamic type block that would allow us to select the block and choose from a pull down that logo to use.

I have see it done before just don't know how to replicate it.

As you scrolled through the choices as each one was highlighted it would display that one on the screen.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Get All Block Reference In A Drawing

Mar 29, 2013

I need to get list of all block reference in  a drawing without iterating through all entities in the drawing.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Polyline 3Ds In Block Reference

Jan 11, 2013

I have a weird problem with exploding block reference with as follows.

When I use BR.explode(DBObjectCollection), and append the entities in the object collection to model space, 

the 3d Polylines inside the block reference do not get appended and I do not get any kind of error. The reason for this eludes me as of yet. (remember, simple polylines and lines and other objects do get appended to model space)

When I use BR.explodetoOwnerSpace(), the block reference explodes as it normally is expected to, but then I have no way to collect the objects from the exploded BR.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Block Reference Scale

Sep 27, 2012

I'm working with two different drawings to import Layers for Lot Grading and when I'm importing the Block Reference from the origin file, it's setup as Linescale 0.5, but when I import into my regular basemap, which is setup for Linescale 1, the text size is double what it should be. 

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AutoCAD VB :: Block Reference Rotation

Oct 22, 2013

I'm trying to write a vb script to extract information from the CAD drawing. While testing, i found that for some drawing blocks, the corresponding AcadBlockReference Rotation returns 1.57, but when i look at the actual drawing, block properties, the rotation is 0.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Selecting In Block Reference?

May 11, 2010

i need to use something with similar effect to Editor's method SelectCrossingWindow, but i need it to select object in Block Reference. How can i do that?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Block Reference Attributes

Jul 13, 2012

I have a block reference in a dwg that is a like a form, for example:

Written By: Diogo
Author: Diogo

Date: 13-07-2012
State: Check-in

In autocad this is a block, and on the attributes of the block reference I only can edit State and Author, and i would like to get all values. Because i want to fill those values of Written By, Author, Date and State by code. I can reach the attribute collection of the block but i only can see the State and Author.

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AutoCad :: Explode A Reference Block?

Jun 14, 2011

is ter any way to explode a reference block

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AutoCAD .NET :: Get Attribute From A Block

Feb 2, 2012

I need to open a drawing and read the block attributes and find a block with name "ABC" and attribute named "Text" in "ABC" block. for which i am using the below code which is working perfectly.

Try AcadApp = GetObject(, "AutoCAD.Application") Catch ex As Exception AcadApp = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application") End Try AcadApp.Visible = True Try AcadDoc = AcadApp.Documents.Open(DWGName, True) RichTextBox1.AppendText(" - Opened File Successfully" & vbCrLf) Me.Refresh() Catch ex As Exception RichTextBox1.AppendText(" - Can not Open this Drawing" & vbCrLf) Me.Refresh() Exit Function End Try Dim Obj As Object For Each Obj In AcadDoc.ModelSpace If Obj.ObjectName = "AcDbBlockReference" Then RibbonLabel1.Text = "Find Block: " & Obj.Name Me.Refresh() ' Check for attributes. If Obj.HasAttributes Then Dim AttList As Object Me.Refresh() If Obj.Name.ToString.ToLower = "abc" Then ' Build a list of attributes for the current block. AttList = Obj.GetAttributes ' Cycle throught the list of attributes. For _i = LBound(AttList) To UBound(AttList) ' Check for the correct attribute tag. If AttList(_i).TagString = "Text" Then return AttList(_i).TextString.ToString End If Me.Refresh() End If Next End If End If End If Next Obj

 But i want to know whether is there any way to get the block named "ABC" directly without looping through all the objects.

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