I want to create a mold around my object that is supposed to be a sea shell so I can cast it with a metel pewter castor machine
I have made the object but not the mold can I create a mold around the object? The result should be similar to the picture below but I don`t know how to make a mold around my object. The mold could be a double mold consisting of two pieces of.
How to create a slide for the mold I am designing. I have looked at the tooling tutorials but they are not very useful when it comes to something which doesn't follow the tutorial workflow.
In the case of our product I require that the cavity which has been created to be split down the centre into two halves (essentially the cavity becomes the slides). I have tried a number of methods to achieve this but can't get it right.
I am creating a Carbon Fiber glider. I have drawn the entire file and assembled it in autodesk inventor. How can I take each individual part and create a mold that I can CNC out? I just need a mold CAD file and then can run it through mastercam to get the G&M Code.
last week you drafted a mold for my plug part, but you didn't exmplain the steps I need to follow to create the mold using the derive command. Would you mind posting the steps for myself and other forum readers to follow. I guess my real question is: how do you create a 2 part mold using the derive command?
Starting a new Mold Design. When I try to place my part, I get an error message that says... "Errors occurred during create. Plastic part: Create Failed."
How do I determine what the problem is with my part I'm trying to bring in? This was a part that was brought in from a .step file, then saved it as a .ipt. No problems that I can see with the .ipt, but Inventor Mold does not like it for some reason.
if i draw up a 3d sold part as the finished part, can i then draw a new rectangle solid body over the top of this and split the new solid body using the part as the split tool?
the idea being that i am left with a rectangular plate with a female 3d impression of the finished part in the top.I can't seem to use the part as a split tool?
I spent quite a bit of time modeling up a male sided mold to press skateboards in a vaccum bag. I want to create a female mold from this file, but need to make sure there is a 1/2" off set to account for board thickness. I've looked at derive and mold but since I have zero experience with either command I have spent hours going in circles.
The attached picture is what my mold looks like. Just a big rectangle that is 2" thick with some rounded contours cut on the top.
my problem is that when I go to put in a gate (in this case a fan gate) of the type and shape shown below, I can't do it. It seems like gates have to only be above or below the parting line, rather than right on (and symmetrical about) it, and a fan gate (apparently) must always have a flat bottom.
(This is a snip of the drawing for the actual tool. I have to run some mold flow analysis on it before we authorize cutting steel. I could just model the whole 2-cavity assembly with gates and runners, and then lie to Inventor and tell it that the part actually has a sprue gate ... but I'd prefer to do it the right way.)
Possible to do mold design with Inventor? I can't seem to find anything that will allow me to scale a part for shrinkage? I know SolidWorks has a scaling feature but where is it in Inventor?
I am attempting to create a packaging mold for an 'item assembly' which I have created in AutoDesk Inventor. To do so, in a new 'mold assembly', I made a solid rectangular prism with the assembly constrained in the middle of it. I then import this new 'mold assembly' through the 'derive component' option into a new part and make Inventor subtract from the prism the shape of the 'item assembly'. This gives me my mold, however I am not sure how I can erase the original 'item assembly' that was placed inside the prism (which is now a mold), for it still remains after the derive component feature has been executed. How I can remove it?
I downloaded the full package of mold design library and installed it following instruction. Unfortunately, it does not work properly. I failed to insert a mold base after creating core and cavity. The pop up window of Vendor and Type is empty.
Having just installed PDS Ultimate 2013 on a Vista-64 machine, I notice while viewing the Wiki files, that the installation installed only a Partial Library of Metric Mold Bases. I wish to install ALL Mold Bases, i.e. Imperial, Metric and Meusburger. I followed instruction per "Mold Design Desktop content Libraries for Autodesk Inventor Professional 2012".
I deleted the existing partial metric idcl file and moved the Imperial.idcl, metric.idcl and meusberger.idcl file into the content center libraries folder. The replacement files are named AI_2012 Inventor Mold Imperial, AI_2012 Inventor Mold Metric and AI_2012 Inventor Muesburger.idcl. All three files are dated 2/8/2011.
Now, am I no longer able to query for ANY mold base or associated parts whatsoever!
How do I go about installing the complete set of Mold Bases and get Moldfow to make queries to all three Mold Base Libraries?
Okay, so it's been a while since I've done one of these, and I haven't done one on 2014 at all yet.
I've got a fairly simple part, it's about 6" long x 3" wide, less than 3/8" thick, without a whole lot of complex geometry to work with. I've built up my whole mold for it, and that went okay, but the fill analysis seems like it's taking forever. Like hours. It gets to the "Fill" stage, gets just a sliver of green on the progress bar, and then sits.
Last time I tried this was on my workstation at the office, using 2013. It didn't take nearly this long, and the part was much larger and far more complex, with a significantly slower computer.
Is something broken with this in 2014? I guess I can just let it run overnight, see what happens in the morning ...
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013, 2014 Autodesk Inventor 2013
I have a damaged image. I started on the forehead a small area using the patch tool. This is a section of the photo and the whole image is splotchy, molded - and I need to know the best approach to cleaning this image. I am willing to spend a few hours in an attempt to bring it into viewable acceptance.
I am working on an image of Elvis and using layers and blending techniques to put the music to one of his songs over his face. But I want the musical overlay to mold to the curves of his face. Is there a way to do this? The blend mode I'm currently using is Multiply. I have tried other layer modes but it still does not give me the effect that I'm looking for.
I'm trying to create a solid object that can be used for injection molding. My office has Inventor, but I'm only familiar with 3D Max. If I create the object with Nurbs in 3D Max, can I export it so that Inventor reads it as a solid object, and if so, how?
I need to create a triangular grid of injection boreholes with side lengths of 2m and can't think of a slick way to do it.
I've created two linear arrays of polyline at the correct spacings and MAPCLEANed to break all the crossing lines so I now have line segments at the correct locations.I now need to put a point at each vertex to show the locations of the holes.
I'm sure there must be a better way of doing this - just thinking while typing: if the two array are on different layers, I could JOIN the polys on each layer and then add POINTS at vertices??
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design) Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD 16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I'm trying to create button with macro to edit existing text in place, with predefined text with macro .... For example, existing text is "Old text", and I want this text (or whatever I select) to edit in place with click on macro button to change it to "New text".
I would like to edit an existing sheet. The size is "C" and the height is 17 and the width is 22. I would like to change the exiting dimensions of that sheet to be 18 and 24. How do I do this to the existing sheet instead of creating a new one named something else?
I keep finding it impossible to edit existing features from models/assy. Even if I change only 1 dim in the sketch. Once I close the sketch. The feature fails. I then try to edit the feature and I will see that the feature direction has changed, but invenotr will not allow me to switch it back. Basicallly there is no editting power at all.
So you only way I have found to complete the job is to delete the feature and then put it back in.
Is this part of the new way of inventor 2013 or is this another time wasting glitch?
Also now when I edit a sketch I must delete all of the dims, then edit and then put all dims back.
Is this also part of the new way or the direction autodesk products are heading?
We have 11000+ plus photos all carefully cataloged in Photoshop Album 1.0 on my old Windows XP PC. Our new PC is Windows 7 Home Premium with Photoshop Elements 9. How do I import our existing catalog and continue sorting our new photos into our old catalog?
I'm trying to create an all new existing surface over existing ground. I have a TIN surface of the EG, and I have drawn overlay splines that describe the new surface, but how to go about creating that design surface.
It is a compound surface, open on one end and closed all around on the other, somewhat like a half of a football stadium, but with an irregular upper edge because I am needing to figure out cuts and fills to manipulate the EG into this new surface without costly major terraforming. There is about 40-50' vertical elevation between the "field" and the upper rim with a generally constant 7-10 deg. slope all around. I'm just at a loss to figure out how to approach this project, and am quite new to Civil 3D.
Civil3D 2013 MacBookPro 17 - 2.4GHz Intel QuadCore i7 (Late 2011 build) Microsoft Windows 7 64bit 350GB Bootcamp volume
I have copied the "Diamond Plate" from the Inventor Apperance Library to my document. Now I want to edit the texture that this style is using.
1. Where is the texture map that this style using located? When I edit the style, I can't tell what is telling it the filename. I have mundged every file on my hd that it could possible be (hoping it would cause an error), but that didnt work either. Another thing I tried was in the QAT "Duplicate as Generic", but that did not show me the texture file either.
2. Is there a way to change the angle of the texture?
I was just asked to take an existing drawing and "fudge" the drawing with new dimensions to create a variation.So I over rode the dimensions and edited the title block date/drawn by.
I replaced the model reference HOWEVER......I have not been able to CHANGE the title or drawing number (despite the fact that the replaced model has the iProperties that I want).
I suspect this is due to the fact that the drawing is set to NOT update (I have red lightning bolt).
Can I get away with doing what I want without recreating the whole drawing?
Inventor Product Design Suite 2013sp2 Windows 7sp1 64-bit nVidia Quadro 2000