AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Translational Constraints

Aug 8, 2012

I am working on an Inventor Studio animation and have noticed a problem.  It appears that it is not possible to suppress/enable translational constraints.  My assembly has a translational constraint that I suppressed in order to “explode” the assembly.  I am animating the assembly process.  Once it is put back together, I need to enable the suppressed translational constraint in order for the model to function properly. 

I thought about recording two animations and then splicing the two videos together, but I am worried about the transition.  I really need it to be a smooth transition in order to work. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Stress Analysis Constraints With Both Translational And Rotational Movement

Jun 13, 2013

I'm attempting to model a spreader bar that we have in the workshop to estimate what load it should be certified for.  It will be suspended froma 2 chain sling attached to the outside top lugs and the load suspended from the bottom outside lugs.

My problem is that simply constraining the inside faces of the top lugs with pin constraints results in erroneous values as the lugs can't move relative to each other.  The other method I've tried is constraining the same faces using a fixed constraint and de-selecting the z-axis.  Now they can move but I end up with large stresses inside the lugs as they attempt to resist the moment that's now been created.

Is there any way to select individual degrees of freedom (both rotational and translational) or at least set up the simulation in such a way that the constraints accurately represent reality?

Inventor Pro 2014 SP1
HP Z400 Workstation
Intel Xeon W3565 @ 3.20GHz
12Gb RAM
Win 7 64 Pro SP1
Spacepilot Pro v3.17.4

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Component Does Not Suppress Constraints

Aug 6, 2013

I often use multiple versions of components in my assemblies so I can validate the top level assy works in all it's expected configurations.  To that end, if I have different versions of component A, I supress all except the version I am working with.  I have discovered though, that supressing the component does not supress the contraints that component has to an unsupressed component in the assy.

The purpose of suppressing something is to essentially eliminate it from existance without deleting it from the file so it can be brought back quickly in all its glory.If I have to track down every contraint there is for a supressed component and supress them independently, that is an incredible consumption of time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Translational / Rotational Constrain For Pin In Slot

Aug 15, 2008

How do you constrain a pin so that it can translate/rotate within the boundaries of a slot?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using Parameters In Constraints - Drive Multiple Constraints?

Aug 10, 2012

I need to drive more than one constraint at a time.  The assembly consist of a hydraulic ram that pulls a cable which is routed around a few pullys and then pulls another linear moving member.  I don't really care about modeling the cable right now, I just want the cylinder piston and the final member to move in unison.   I can only drive one constraint at a time, so I figured I could relate the two constraints together by setting them equal to a parameter (variable), but that isn't working.  Is it me or is driving multiple constraints at a time something that would be very useful for a lot of applications?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Coincident Constraints Becoming Fixed Constraints

Aug 28, 2013

I'm modeling cables running through a series of cable clamps.  I'm working in an assembly with my structure as one part, clamps as seperate parts, and cables as separate parts.  I modeled the clamps first and am using them to create my 3d spline to run the sweep.  The clamps have moved several times and each time, the sweeps (cables) do not update to follow the new clamping path.  I have tried multiple ways of solving this.

I've tried to redo the splines using "Include Geometry" and running the spline through the centers of the clamps. I've also deleted the constraints (which for some reason turn into fixed) and reapplied them as coincident constraints. However, once I setup these coincidences, they always change back to fixed.

In a last ditch method, I've created 2d sketches at EVERY clamping location (yes that's alot of sketches, time and effort) and projected the circular geometry to get a center point.  This has seemed to work, but is so much work, there's no way we could use it regularly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Features In Simulation

Sep 29, 2011

when in simulation, if you suppress a feature is it totally taken out of the simulations workings?

I.e. if I was working on a project like some weighing scales and I had a load of objects on the scales and I then suppressed some of the objects, will the scales rise up a little to counteract the reduced weight?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Workflow For Suppressing / Excluding Components

Oct 7, 2011

I am working on an iLogic assembly configurator that manipulates several skeletal parts, and suppresses both standard and skeletal parts depending on the configuration.

I've been using the Component.IsActive function to suppress all omitted parts, which has prompted me to create a custom Level of Detail. This hasn't caused me much grief until I had completed ~10months of work when it was time for me to make my final assembly drawing and a parts list.I am now running into several deal-breaking issues:

1) Suppressed parts insist on appearing on the Parts List.

2) Saving the assembly drawing reverts my assembly model to the "Master" LOD, which I never, ever, ever want to see again so long as I live.

Is there another workflow or technique that I should be using to turn off unwanted components in an assembly? I understand that LOD's are really intended to manage system resources, but Inventor users seem to be left with no other option to display a skeletal assembly in a certain configuration. What is the point of the Component.IsActive function if it doesn't update your assembly (at least so far as the Parts List is concerned)?

If I am left to deal with the nightmare that is the Inventor LOD, is there any way to set up the Parts List to reference the custom LOD?

Drawing View reps don't seem to be an option, as it looks like there is no way to automatically update the same custom view after the configuration has been made. The iAssembly Include/Exclude feature would handle part inclusion and BOM behavior nicely, but it won't fit into the rest of my iLogic and file management program.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Assembly Feature Via Level Of Detail?

Dec 13, 2011

I'm trying to use the Level of Detail function to add a hole feature in a sub assembly that will be used in 2 places inside the main assembly, but the sub assembly is present in many other location and does not need this hole. My thought is to have the master level of detail depict the hole feature and have another level of detail with this hole suppressed.I can't get the two levels of detail to save the desired outcome. When I switch LODs, the hole feature will not suppress or unsuppress as desired. Is this possible or am I doing something wrong.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Edit Property Fields Dialog Box?

Oct 26, 2006

IV11 SP2, Vaulted project.

I have several drawing templates that have prompted entry field text in the border and bring some model properties in the block. Problem is, if any change in the model properties occurs, this dialog box pops up EVERY TIME I return to the drawing, when changes in the model properties have nothing to do with the border. I have just checked and IV10 SP3a does not suffer from this behaviour. For me, this is an unnecessary dialog that pops up without being required to do so, and is time consuming - it takes extra mouse/keyboard clicks to dismiss and up to 10 seconds for it to close after being dismissed.

Is there an option to turn this off? (I've checked the Options >> Prompts tab, but there's nothing there)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Detail Of Threads On Imported Parts

Aug 3, 2013

company needs a very elaborate parts list on the drawings regarding different custom properties of parts (so I created new parts to easily add these custom columns...without screwing up parts in the content center somehow).

I needed to get things up and running quick so I imported a good handful of bolts and nuts from McMaster Carr.

the threading on the bolts is so detailed that it's really cluttering up the drawing views with extra line geometry (basically black blobs wherever bolt threads or hidden bolt threads are located) there any way to lower the detail of objects, say just to show the outline of the bolt and it's "perimeter" thread outline...but not show the individual threading across a bolts face?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Extrusions With Ilogic Based On Construction Line?

Aug 7, 2012

I am trying to suppress features or Extrusions if the extrusions are outside of the Raduis of a contruction circle Called the OTL. I have added a model to look at. So lets say I have holes enougth for a 40" dia but I want only hole today for a 20" dia  how do i suppress the holes on that radius. Sketch 10 is where the OTL contruction line is and its a radius so its always moving as I go from center out.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Why Does Suppressing Machining Feature In One Representation Change All Representations

Apr 19, 2013

Inventor 2013..I am trying to show a part in a drawing of three different configurations of a casting:

1) Rough as received from the foundry

2) Partially machined or rough machined

3) Final machined

What is the most basic bullet-proof way to show this? Three different models?What is the procedure to change the representation to show changes in the model?Why does suppressing a machining feature in one representation change all representations?The rough part is brought into an assembly and the machining or removal of material happens in the assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppressing Bodies In Multi-body Parts In Drawing Views

Apr 17, 2013

When I try to suppress the  bodies in the multi-bodies part to clarify the drawing view, I can not do that the way I normally do that if I had an assembly and suppressed the component.

Is it something Autodesk can improve on or rather something I overlook.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 3D Sketch Constraints

Apr 23, 2012

Why do we not have the "=" (equals) constraint option in 3D Sketch mode? It seems like a very basic need for a constraint. Is there a reason why one should NOT want to have an "equal" constraint in a 3D Sketch?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Alignment Without Constraints

Feb 16, 2012

All I need to do for now is to align one part to the center axis of another part. Later I will constrain but for now I just need to see  where the two meet so I can project geometry onto a draw surface. So, all I need to do is make their central axes coincide on one straight line.

I can achieve the same result by counting the various lengths but I'm hoping there's a simpler solution.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Configure The Constraints

Aug 20, 2012

Assume a beam like the one in the picture below.

How must I configure the constraints?

The left constraints should be a "Fix constraint" on the edge(not the face) I assume.

But the right constraints must not fix all DOF's.

How can I configure the right constraint?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Sketch Constraints

Oct 13, 2011

I've just installed 2012 and I seem to have a problem with constraints. 

The basic problem is that the SHOW CONSTRAINTS command doesn't show the constraints for geometry that clearly has them.  For example, if you delete a horizontal constraint from a line and then add a horizontal constraint to the same line, the line will be constrained but the constraint will not show up.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy And Paste Constraints

Aug 12, 2012

is it possible to copy and paste parts in an assembly but also keeping any constraints set on the part?

I.e. if I had a square block constrained to a flat face of a floor, when I copy and paste the block many times I would like all the copy blocks to still be constrained to the floor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraints Between Selected Parts

Sep 6, 2012

Is there a way to get a list of constraints that exist between two parts in an assembly?

It will take forever to go through each and every constraint for one of the parts, checking the "Other Half" of each just to find all constraints between to specific parts.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Constraints Of Parts In C#

May 22, 2012

I'm trying to build a c# program where I can test a simulation for a robot project I have made angle constraints in inventor and now I want to be able to send numbers to specific joint.

With the code listed below I can get all the constraints from a selected part and get the name of the specific constraints.

I find it confusing that most of the documentation is in VB so this is what I have discovered on my own, perhaps this isn't at all the way to do it.

Inventor.SelectSet selSet=asmDoc.SelectSet;


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraints On Gimbal Not Working?

Nov 22, 2013

Trying to create a gimbal with a supporting frame, an outer square frame, and an inner square frame. when i insert the outer square frame into the supporting frame, i constrain it so that the axis of the hole i have drilled in my frame and the axis of the hole through my supporting frame are aligned, i then constrain a face of it to be a set distance from a parralel face of the supporting frame to centralise it. this works ok, and i can rotate this frame as i like. When, however i insert the inner frame and constrain the axes of the holes drilled through it to the axes of the other holes drilled through the outer frame, and two faces to be a set distance apart, it allows me to rotate my inner frame, but no longer allows me to rotate my outer frame! what have i over-constrained?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Line Tool Constraints

Mar 27, 2012

I'm using the line tool in a 2d sketch. First, I draw a polygon with the tool. Then, when I come to move one of the lines with the mouse cursor, it detaches from the other lines, and becomes a single floating line on its own.

As far as I can tell, it has nothing to do with the fly down constraint menu options, but i may have changed another option elsewhere in inventor and not have realised it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Drive 2 Constraints In Sequence

May 6, 2013

Using "drive constraint" I would like to simulate the action of a "soft close" mechanisim on a movement for the first portion of travel, then slow movement for the very last portion of travel...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraints Not Moving Object?

Nov 4, 2011

I have some "insert" constraints for DIN rails in holes. I've moved the holes, but the DIN rail doesn't move. The refresh button isn't "lighting up", or when it does, it does not do anything to move the rail. Is there something that's been "shut off" to keep things from moving?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: C++ Samples Of C Assembly Constraints

May 24, 2013

Are there any C++ samples of the use of C Assembly Constraints? The syntax is so much different with VB a few real examples would be really useful.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Creating Collision Constraints

Oct 13, 2011

How do you mate two surfaces so that the item will not move any further once it makes contact with that surface? i.e a rotating cam which is designed to stop once it comes into contact with an object / surface.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraints To Assemble Project

Feb 10, 2012

Something is strange with the constraint activity.

I'm using the constraints to assemble a project. I select the parts with the proper constraint, when "apply" is clicked the parts do not "pop" to location as they use to. I have to go up to "manage" the click "rebuild all" for the parts to move to new location.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: List Of Sketch Constraints

Nov 11, 2013

Does Inventor (2012) have the option to view sketch constraints as a list? I feel like I am playing pictionary trying to find out what constraint is what and what it is constraining and it doesn't work that Inventor stacks anything nearby on top of each other.

I've attached a file showing what the problem is, please don't judge the model tree.  I was prototyping as I went so it is messy.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - No Preview On Constraints

Apr 25, 2013

Out of the blue, my IV 2012 has decided to stop showing the preview when applying contraints.  I have made no changes to any options or configurations.  Preview check box is checked.

I tried unchecking and rechecking it to no avail.   Any thoughts on this behavior ?

2nd out of the blue issue - when I insert a part into my assy (part file is in the same folder where the assy file is located) IV decides it needs to create a sub-folder and re-saves that part to the sub-folder. I mean, WTF ?  The part file is already there.  Why create another version of the part in a sub-folder. And why would it just start to do this out of the blue.

Again,  I have made no changes to any configurations, options, settings, templates, etc...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Constraints In Assembly

Feb 14, 2013

Why is it when I select multiple contraints for a component that I can use the delete key on the keyboard to eliminate them but when I select only a single constraint, I have to right click and select delete on the context menu.  The delete key will not work  on a single constraint.

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