AutoCAD Inventor :: Insert Surface And Extrude To It Using ILogic
Oct 11, 2012
I’m a design engineer for a company that make press tooling to manufacture parts. I am trying to automate the design process using I logic. I know the basics but the part I’m having trouble with is importing a surface.
Our process is to 3D scan the part which then gets a surface from this and extrude up to the actual surface.
Is there any way in ilogic to automate this process. Ideally I would like it to come up with a browse button you select the surface file .stp or .iges. Once the surface is in the part file it extrudes up to the surface from a plane.
I am a beginner when a extrude a feature and select a part surface for new sketch now i want is to offset that surface but i can,t there is + sign with mouse icon and something like fully constrained is written in down the window.
I was watching on of the "Sales" videos on I saw them extruding a part surface to another surface of an imported part. I have a need to do this. When I try to extrude my part, I cant pick the surface that I need it to go to.
The video I am watching is here. Its titled "Native Translators". They show the surface being extruded at about the 0:53 mark.
The problem that I have is while working in the assembly, I double click on my part to edit it in the assembly. Next I chose Extrude and "To Next", but I am unable to pick the surface I need it to go to. The surface is in another part that is in the assembly. The part I am trying to extrude is adaptive, like in the video.
I did notice that in the video, when they pick the "to Next", the add/cut/intersect is greyed out.
I have a cylinder that has for lack of a better word, a zig zaged slot milled into the outside of it thru to the bore. I am unsure how to go about drawing this so I can get it to extrude correctly around the part.
From other cad software history, I could draw it on a straight plane and tell it wrap around the part of whatever diameter. But, since I have not attempted this in Inventor I don't know if this exists.
Just for reference, this is a twist lock device. Turn the cylinder, advance a key the is inside the zig zag advancing or retracting the part that is inside the bore attached to said key.
I have a requirement to insert PDF files via an OLE object link into a large number of .iam and .ipt files. Is there iLogic code out there that will perform this feat? The plan would be to gather all file names and associated pdfs in an excel spreadsheet and run the iLogic against that.
i7-2720QM Dell Precision M6600, Win 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB RAM Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013 Autodesk Vault Professional 2013
I want Inventor to add sketch symbols automaticly on cordinates according to a Custom Text Paramater
for example I have created Custom Multi Value Text User parameter Approved & Not Approved or Plate Work Notes & SteelWork Notes wich each represent diffrent sketch symbols that needs to be placed out base on the value selected. Each sheet consist of diffrent sketch symbols
insert a sketch symbol to a specific coordinate on a dwg border (top middle of dwg)
Workflow needed is as follows
Copy Sketched symbol folder from Standard.dwg from (C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2012Templates.Paste into open dwg document and yes to all to overide symbolsPlace a named sketched symbol from drawing resources folder ie (PRELIMINARY) to top center of all sheets within documentreturn to first sheet when complete My new dwg has symbols in correct place so any new dwgs this is ok but we need to add it to hundreds of dwgs when opened or revised,so i want to tie this to external rule and trigger on save event.
In my title block I have a material section that pulls to iProperties from the model
One is material, which displays the material used in the model
and the other is manually input by me in the comments section of the model, I typically only use this field for sheet metal description, example, .125 Sheet Metal, this saves me from a drawing view to show thickness only.
In my sheet metal template I have checked the little box for the thickness model parameter so it will show up as a custom property - model.
So i can display the thickness parameter anytime the sheet metal base view is placed.
My issue is I want the thickness property to have the following with it "Sheet Metal"
But I only want this to appear if the base view is in fact sheet metal, all other parts and assemblies, this field would be blank,
So this is what I want when a sheet metal part is placed:
This is what I want to display when a part is placed:
This is what I get when anything is placed:
Sheet Metal shows up because:
I am looking for a Rule that will only apply <Thickness> Sheet Metal to my title block only if the base view is in fact a sheet metal part. Is this possible??
Any way to use iLogic to create custom iProperties from the cells in an Excel spreadsheet (both text and numbers) for a .dwg template. The only thing even close has been a user who already knew how to do it and was having a different problem. I am using Inventor 2012 and Excel 2003 and have very little experience with VB. I currently have a family of assemblies, consisting of two parts linked to an Excel spreadsheet to control the various parameters for each variation of the assembly.
I need creating an iLogic rule that will:
Go to a specific tab (I have four different tabs/worksheets) in an Excel spreadsheet.
Make a specfic row of that worksheet the current row based on the part number used to generate the models of the assembly shown in a .dwg.
Use the contents of a cell in that row (text or numeric or a combination of both) to generate a custom iProperty for the .dwg template.
Use the custom iProperties to fill in the title block of the template.
I want to extrude a big number of pillars to a rather complicated surface and that works out fine. But each end of the pillars warps around the surface and I want them just to go up to it and stop with a resulting horizontal face.
I would like to know, whether is there is any ilogic option by which the Custom content center is triggered automatically to insert component in an assembly.
I created an iLogic rule that allows in a sheet metal part to the informations Length, widht and area of a flat pattern. This rule run and the iproerties are created (see attachment file).
Now, I will run this rule from an assembly file to create automatically, in all sheet metal components, theses iproperties.
Is it possible ? what must I change in this rule ?
1) To do volume calculations do you have to insert the second surface into the first before you start?
2) When I am inserting the second file there is an error message that points of the same number has been found. This I believe is because all points start from 1 onwards. Is that the problem?
I am wondering is it posible to insert object, building in surface? I draw object with box and gave it z coordinate. the goal is that it shows in profile. also, can feature line with greading be shawn in profile?
how I can add more volume to curved object surface? Say for example I have a plastic cup.You can think of this as cylinder object ,which was the shelled out using the shell tool and then had its base sealed.
Now at certain parts, I would like to increase the thickness and then blend it the rest of the surface(may be chamfer its edges) .
At certain parts on curved surface I would like to add an extra mm, I think if the surface was flat I would just sketch the shape, then extrude it by few mm and smooth the edges by doing a chamfer
But how can this be done on surface that is curved? Or multi curved for edges?
I'm designing a press for a skateboard similar to: Rib Press
I have the board modeled: (see attached)
Now what i want to do is generate those ribs as seen in the picture.
I tried creating a block that intersected with the board and tried to split the rib at the surface, but to no avail. I think the issue has something to do with the curve of the board in two directions, but i can't seem to get it right.
if you are having trouble visualizing what i'm asking about, look at this. I want to be able to figure out the exact shape of those center ribs to print and eventually cut out of wood.
It is not possible forme to add the fil because it is to large 1.8MB how can I poste then I like to know if it is possible to extend the button flat surface diameter ø12.5 up to the shaped surface. The result should be a total solid block whit a surface shaped hole.
File last up-date with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013
I'm making a tube that is connected on another tube. I did this by skeleton modeling, for my tube extrusion i used Extrude To surface.
Is there any way to get the length of that extrude?
I know its possible to get the sweep length like this. Is there a way to get the extrude length as well?
'Set a reference to the active part document
Dim oDoc As PartDocument oDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oDef As PartComponentDefinition oDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition Dim opath As Path opath = oDef.Features.SweepFeatures.Item("TheSweep").Path Dim TotalLength As Double TotalLength = 0
I cannot extrude a 2D shape that is drawn by lines.It appears to be linked but is not .I can see the problem saying not a closed loop or a constraint but don't know how to fix it.
So I started on this project recently and was not the original modeler. This section of pipe has some problems where I'm guessing a sweep went wrong. I've tried everything I know to do to try to fix this section but haven't had any luck.
- This model has no tree and is shown as one soild "base"
- I tried to extrude cut the bad section
- I tried spliting the bad section
- I exported the file as an IGES and then tried to remove bad section
I'm sure there are some other round about ways I tried that I can't think of but in the end nothing has worked.
I'm using the extrude tool so that the rectangle that I'm extruding (downwards) will taper (and become thinner at the bottom). However, when I do this, even as a fraction (.01) it seems to get bigger at the bottom. How do I make it thinner at the bottom, not bigger?
I know my subject is somewhat mis-named, because I gather that you cannot really extrude from a 3D sketch, however I am looking for a way to accomplish what extruding a cut from a 3D sketch would accomplish.
The problem is this: I have a simple 2D sketch that I've projected onto a curved surface (imagine a square projected onto the outside of a hollow cylinder). Now that I have a 3D sketch on the surface of the cylinder, I want to use that sketch as a "cookie cutter" through one wall of the cylinder.
If I were to simply extrude the cut from the 2D sketch, the "cookie" is wider at the edges than at the center. I want the cut to be perpendicular to the projected 3D sketch at all points.
I've attached a simple example that illustrates my problem.
Sometimes after I have created a sketch I can not extrude it, sometimes it wont let me click on the profile, other times it will only let me cut away material not add it like I would like. I am sure it has something to do with something fundamental I am doing wrong within the sketch, but I am not sure what.