AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Move And Rename Parts?

Aug 19, 2013

I have a part file XXXXYYYY.ipt and I would like an ilogic code that searches if my file name contains "XXXXYYYY" to replace the X's and Y's with 1244SIMS and moves that file to a specified folder. Is there any code out there that will allow me to do this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename And Save Using ILogic?

Sep 13, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble finding the correct code for some automated ilogic in inventor 2011.

I am trying to achieve an automated rename and save process for an assembly file as well as the variable parts in the example would be a steel column...

Open ilogic steel column, run rules to change column length and section size...then save a copy to workspace, but also to a specific folder in the workspace..also rename the column file and save.

i have this for file saving -

SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
Test=InputBox("Add File name", "Please Add your file name", "Prefix number - File - .iam")
ThisDoc.Document.SaveAs(ThisDoc.WorkspacePath()&Test, True)

Which works fine to save the new assembly, but i need the same for the variable column within the assembly, and also to save to a specific folder not just the workspace top level.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename Of Assembly And Parts

Mar 7, 2012

How could I rename a hole assembly and all parts (pre- or suffix)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Rename Browser Nodes?

Jul 3, 2013

how to create an iLogic rule that automatically renames the browser nodes based on part number.  I know that this is a function in Inventor itself.  The problem is that there is no built-in functionality to automatically change the default browser name to something besides part number.  I've done a lot of digging and I came across the following code from an old thread discussing Inventor 2011.  I am interested in 2013.  It is also worth noting that when I run this code, my Inventor crashes.  
End Sub


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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rename Parameter Dialog Box?

Feb 21, 2013

way to rename a new dimension parameter in sketch with a dialog box directly not having to go to Functions or diemnsion properties.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Pull Value From Extrusion Dimension Without Rename

May 30, 2013

I am trying to find a way to have iLogic code that looks at a part with only one extrusion, such as bar stock or angle stock and automatically export the length to iProperties. As per the request of the other engineers however, this code cannot be based on a common renamed parameter. Also, since no one draws things the same exact way, it can't be based off of a common dimension parameter either. At least not in terms of d0,d1..etc. 

Is there such thing as a code similar to variable=standard.extrusionextentslength that I can imbed within an if then that would pull this information from the model?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rule To Rename Newly Placed ILogic Assemblies

Jan 9, 2013

I'm running Invenor 2013 and I'm trying to figure out a way to rename my components from an iLogic assembly when placed in a new assembly.

Right now when I start a new assembly, then place an iLogic component it names everything "Part-01," Part1-01" and so on for all of the variable components.

What I'd like to do is write a rule that when placing my iLogic component it will name it based on the filename of the new assembly that I've created. "Part-New Assmebly," "Part1-New Assembly" and so on.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule Or VBA Routine To Rename Files In Vault

Dec 7, 2012

see attached link for the explaination of what I am looking for.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename Browser Node On Part Level With ILogic Rule?

Oct 18, 2011

is it possible to rename the browser node on part level with an iLogic rule? I know that in the assembly environment is an Inventor OOTB functionality to rename the nodes to the filename, Part number or the default value.

Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit
Dell Precision M4500
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 820 @ 1.73GHz

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Using Same Parts In Different Assemblies?

Jan 11, 2012

i placed an ilogic component (wich i use as a template to  later change dimentions) into an assembly file after changing dimentions i placed the same "template" ilogic component into the assembly but when i want to change something on the second component it also changes the first one and that only happens with only one feature of the component the other features work fine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Moving Parts Using ILogic

Apr 4, 2013

I have numerous step files which I have imported into an assembly. I now need to move all the imported files to a predefined UCS (not 0,0,0). I can do this manually by using the assemble command and selecting the centre point then selecting the centre point of the pre-defined UCS.

I have potentially thousands of parts to move in various assemblies, is there a way to do this using iLogic and if so, how?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppress Parts Within Subassemblies ILogic

Aug 29, 2013

I am trying to suppress part that are labeled as "Reference" on the BOM Strutcture and I can't get the program to cycle through the subassemblies.  The following code runs through all the components on the top-level assembly but I can't get it to cycle through the subassemblies. 

oCompDef = ThisDoc.Document.ComponentDefinitionoAssemblyComponents = oCompDef.OccurrencesDim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrenceDim oSubOccurrence1 As ComponentOccurrenceFor Each oOccurrence In oAssemblyComponents If (oOccurrence.BOMStructure = BOMStructureEnum.kReferenceBOMStructure) Then Component.IsActive(oOccurrence.Name) = False Else Component.IsActive(oOccurrence.Name) = True End IfNext

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ilogic Generate Parts List?

Oct 4, 2012

I curently have a rule that generates a part list automatically in a drawing. the problem is that I want the rule to be continuisly running but it keeps generating 2,3,5... parts lists. I need an if statment to check if a parts list already exists.
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True On Error Resume Next ' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Set a reference to the


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can ILogic Apply To Other Parts In Drawing

May 4, 2012

If I draw a flat square, and then a flat circle next to it, can I do things using iLogic that will make the two seperate parts interact? such as say 'if the circle contacts the square, then make the square become a circle too' or something like that?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ilogic - Programmatically Add Parts List

Jun 19, 2013

im trying to programatically add a parts list into a drawing whilst programatically creating the drawing - the code works fine without the parts list code. The error its showing is 'Parameter incorect' on the line that sais PartsList.add(...   In the past when ive got this error with other code it has been because ive used an incorrect parameter (e.g. decimal instead of an integer).

My error is somewhere inside the oPartsList.add(>>ERROR SOMEWHERE HERE<<<)

oDrawDoc = InvApp.Documents.Add(Inventor.DocumentTypeEnum.kDrawingDocumentObject,AssyTemplate,True) 
oSheet = oDrawDoc.Sheets.Item(1)


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Assemblies (not Parts) Using ILogic?

Nov 14, 2011

Is it possible to replace sub assemblies using ilogic - I can only see a link to replace parts?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic And Export Parts List In A IDW

Nov 18, 2010

I need to generate an iLogic rule exporting Parts List (not BOM) from a IDW to a specific folder in XLS format.

Using Autodesk AutoCAD Inventor 2011

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Control Number Of Parts

Dec 7, 2011

I need to use/write a iLogic code. I have a assy, in this assy i have parameter Height and Width. And it´s no problem to controlls this two rules/value.

But I have a problem with the rule when my height will control the number of parts

If my height is 500-1000, one part.
If my height is 1000-1500, two parts.
If my height is 1500-2000, three parts.

Is it best to use suppress or use a pattern in this case?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Counting Parts In Assembly With ILogic

Jan 9, 2014

I would like to count all my parts in the main assembly and assign that amount to each part.

Example: Main assembly has: 10 Parts A and 5 Parts B. I would like to run a rule that "sends" that "10" to Part A.ipt and the "5" to Part B.ipt

I would like to assign it to iProperties.Status.Status. I start to understand iLogic more and more but it is nice to get a little boost in the right direction.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Run ILogic Rule For All Parts In Assembly

Oct 6, 2011

I Created an iLogic Rule that sets up some parameters.

I want to Automatically opens each and every Part in my assembly, run this Rule,  and then save it without me having to do so manually.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Change Colors Of Parts

Mar 12, 2013

I am looking for a rule that will search assembly down all levels and find .ipts with the material of plywood and when found change all plywoods to color Clear - Light.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Minimum Distance Between Parts With ILogic

Jul 11, 2013

I want to measure the minimum distance between 2 parts. But I want Ilogic to know what parts to measure according to what i've selected.

I have something like this but its not working... gives me always this error "

Measure.MinimumDistance: No entity named "System.__ComObject" was found."

Dim oOccurrence As ComponentOccurrenceDim oOccurrence2 As ComponentOccurrenceTry oOccurrence = ThisDoc.Document.SelectSet.Item(1)oOccurrence2 = ThisDoc.Document.SelectSet.Item(2)Catch MessageBox.Show("Please select a component before running this rule.", "iLogic") ReturnEnd Try Dim doc As DocumentDim CurFileName As String oOccurrence = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.SelectSet.Item(1) oOccurrence2 = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument.SelectSet.Item(2) distance = Measure.MinimumDistance(oOccurrence,oOccurrence2)MsgBox(distance)  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Sort Using ILogic

Nov 7, 2011

I have got some ilogic code that i have patched together to sort my parts list in inventor which works great but it will not update all sheets at the same time as when we design we have multiple sheets with parts list on and the odd one without.

add to this code to update all sheets partlists and also recognise that some sheets will not have partslists on so this will need to skip. 

below is code that is used to sort

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:    4558 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:    4526 StartSelection: 314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML: 165 EndHTML: 4558 StartFragment: 314 EndFragment: 4526 StartSelection: 314 EndSelection: 314
[Code] ...........

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Move Parts

Aug 19, 2013

In an assembly i want to move and rotate parts like in reality, that they will push each other.

But now, when i move one of them, it protrudes into the others.

How to make them "feel" each other?

I activated contact solver but nothing happens, they still protrude into each other and don't touch and push

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Code To Set Parameter In Bunch Of Parts?

Jun 25, 2013

Is it possible with iLogic code to set a parameter in a bunch of parts equal to another paramter?

I want some iLogic code that will go into my pipe parts and make the PL param = D2.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Remove Tick Box In Derived Parts?

Oct 28, 2013

Is there a way of using ilogic code to untick the highlighted component below. To run at assembly level to itterate down all levelsUntick (Use color overide from source component) update all parts

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Change Parts List Style

Feb 8, 2012

Below are 2 rules that run in succession to create and save a parts list from a base view in a drawing.

I am now trying to set the parts list style to a custom style, ideally while creating the list.

Also, I have to manually go into the list to turn off visibility of certain items (based on material), does I can do this with Ilogic?  I ask because these steps precede a rule that automates placing base views of all parts in the parts list.  If I could get the style and visibility right, I could automate the entire process.

Looking for changing such a style with ilogic?

Inventor & Vault Pro 2012
Windows 7, 64bit
Core i7 920@2.67

' Set a reference to the drawing document.
' This assumes a drawing document is active.
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'Set a reference to the active sheet.
[Code] .....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Set Pattern Parts To BOM Reference & Default

Oct 3, 2013

I made a flanged connection using I logic. Very simple Tube + Flange + Gasket + Blind flange + Bolting.Then I tried to write some ilogic rule to have Blind flange on / off when needed, hence the Gasket & Bolting also need to be off. Like in these images:

That works fine visually, but I also want the BOM to be set accordingly. For the Blind flange & Gasket my BOM is OK. But for my bolting the BOM is not OK. I tried to set the BOM structure the same way as the visibility but that failed. It only subtracted 1 bolt from my list (see code)

If Blindflange_status = 0 Then 'Bolting offComponent.InventorComponent("Bolting:1").BOMStructure = BOMStructureEnum.kReferenceBOMStructure 'Sets BOM Structure to Reference (Remove from BOM)Component.Visible("Bolting:1") = FalseElse 'Bolting onComponent.InventorComponent("Bolting:1").BOMStructure = BOMStructureEnum.kDefaultBOMStructure 'Sets BOM Structure to Reference (Remove from BOM)Component.Visible("Bolting:1") = TrueEnd If
Is there a way to set all parts within a pattern BOM structure? I made my bolting  by adding 1 bolt, 1 washer & 1 nut and then pattern them using feature pattern select.

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Control Position Of Parts List

Oct 31, 2011

I am creating a drawing controlled by ilogic. The assembly can vary in size considerably so I have set the IDW to change between sheet size A3 and A2 accordingly using ilogic. However, when the sheet size is changed, the parts list stays in a static position.

Currently, the parts list is situated in the top right corner up against the title block and the border. So when changing from Size A3 to Size A2, the parts list ends up in the middle of the page. Is there anyway i can control the position of the parts list so it changes with the sheet size change?

I know I could simply move the partslist to the bottom left corner, which is a work around. However, I'd like to be able to keep the drawings in line with the company standard.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy A Ilogic Assembly Without Suppressed Parts

Feb 13, 2012

I have a iLogic assembly with some parts and sub assembly. I need to do a copy of this " Generator " to apply   the result later in other assemblies. (something like a member of a ipart or i assembly).

Is there any way to do the copy the assembly to a new folder without the suppressed parts and subassemblies (wich are suppressed in the initial main assembly by iLogic rules)?

I tried to use "Pack and go" and "iLogic design copy", but they always bring the suppressed parts and assembly's, to the new folder and which i don't need to apply in the other assemblies.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Category Field To Parts List Using ILogic?

Apr 4, 2013

I am Trying to add the category Field to the parts list, if a sting exists in the field. I want to run this as a rule at the Drawing Level. I can check if there is a sting in the Category Field But not sure how to add this in the Parts List.

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