I'm trying to find out whether I can create custom frame generator profiles in IV2014. Any solutions that I've come across aren't viable (referencing files that don't exist on my machine etc).
tried to author notch profiles in the structural members for 2011?
The what's new states:
>Publish Notch Profiles
>The Notch command is enhanced so that you can define and reuse frame cross-sections. This is particularly >useful when you need a minimal gap between two connected frames.
>You can sketch a notch profile, extrude it, convert it to an iPart, and author and publish the iPart to Content >Center. Then you can apply the notch to cut another frame during the Notch process.
Does frame generator update placed components when the profile of a custom structural shape family changes?
1. Create custom family in Frame Generator library.
2. Place instances in a frame generated assembly.
3. Make a profile change to the base shape and update the library using "Replace Family Template"
4. Open assembly with placed components and select Design > Frame > Refresh.
The profiles of already placed components do not update. Existing parts are unchanged even though any new parts placed from the family receive the new profile.
Under our previous workflow using derived parts, we created sketch files and saved them in a profile folder. Then all lineal lengths derived their base sketch from those profile .ipt files. When the sketch changed in the base .ipt, all the files derived from it updated. I am trying to replicate / improve this workflow using Frame Generator, but it doesn't seem to work.
Am I doing something incorrectly? Or does Frame Generator not support automatically updating existing frames when the profile of the family template changes?
How do you have the frame generator "point" to a custom parts directory to create from?
win 7 64 bit sp1 cpu intel xeon E5-2687W0@3.106 eight core two solid state hard drives 32 gig of ram Autodesk product design suite premuim 2014 64bit Nvida quadro 4000 Space Pilot ver. 1.6.2 2010
My custom library works fine when I try to insert a part from content center, but when I try to use frame generator my library is not seen. I set the "Standard Organization" and "Standard" family property fields both to "DYNA" hoping that standard would show up in the frame generator "Standard" drop down menu but it doesn't.
I saved a copy of a pipe family to "My Library" and made it an independant family.
I would like to know if there is a way to suppress size in a custom table for frame members. So far, I've copied the ANSI hss square tube library to another name and it is not linked to the previous family. What I need to do is make only certain size of these tubes available and the only way I found was to delete them. The things is I don't want to delete them because I may need them in the future. Also, when I have different materials in that table they appear as 2 diferent size in the frame generator insertion window. For example, if I have in my table a 2x2x1/8 tubing 1 in aluminum and the other in steel, I will have 2x2x1/8 X2 in the size selection window.
I recently started to publish custom profiles in my Content Center.
What I wanted to do is to add a custom profile to content center and use it in frame generator. The problem is that I want to write in my Stock Number iProperty the Ordering number of the profile type and the generated length. I did everything in the content center publisher, but somehow it dosent work. It always writes my published file length. I can see that Inventor has the tools to do this, but somehow it dosen't work.
[URL] ...... I have a large frame (beams and columns) made up of W shape structural steel. (10x19 and 10x26 mostly)
I need to create notches with some more clearance between the beams. Apparently you can create custom notch profiles, but I can't figure out how to do this with these members (normal content center beams) - everything I am finding is showing people creating custom beams from scratch.
Ideally, I can create one notch profile and apply it to all the beams - because I don't want to create 150 different profiles. So is it possible to add a notch profile to existing content center members?
Here is my frame - there will be lots of notching at the beam intersections.
Here is an intersection - I would like at least 1/8" clear between the edges of the intersecting members.
I am using a student version of Inventor 2012 to design the FSAE Chassis for our University team this year. I was not able to find suitable geometry for the required tubing to make the chassis. So I found a guide on setting up a Custom Content Center and publishing parts. I have followed that. The Chassis has turned out great but now I am trying to draw it up and the BOM is not populating as desired.
A Summary:
-Custom Project file with Read / Write Library added.
-Custom tubing geometry created and published to the Library.
-Chassis constructed using standard Frame Generator techniques.
Previously I had the chassis modelled using standard Content Center parts and the BOM would populate with the individual tubes in the drawing environment. Now with the custom tubes the BOM calls up each of the individual tubing sizes, ONCE only and has large quantities. The automatic "Measure" Column is also populated with "*Varies*".
In the Frame Generator wizard each tubing size has come up as it's own "Family".I believe this is because I have published the different part sizes individually. I am guessing I should have published only the one active part but with variable geometry selectable in the "Size" drop down?
I have tried forcing the assembly into the "All Levels" view with the Bill of Materials pop-up in the Assembly environment, but even this is not populating correctly.Something else I have noticed is the individual tubes are using a different naming convention in the model tree.
I created a custom profile, IS34, and published it successfully as a structural shape for the frame gererator. My problem is I get an error when I try to use the notch command in frame generator between two of these frame members. I have tried creating a custom notch in the profile definition, but this did not work either. I expected one profile to counter-profile the other.
I want to update a frame generator shape so it shows as a phantom part and won't show on the parts list. I don't know how to do this. Would I re-publish this part again? I can't just change the BOM properties in the original part file. What's the best approach here?
We have invested much time in creating custom content center family tables based on exisiting ANSI tables, etc. so that we can suppress sizes and shapes we do not use and have the descriptions and stock numbers show up both so BOM and parts lists will roll up identical parts and as our purchasing department requires.
We have just discovered, however belatedly, that while these custom tables function just fine when placing an individual part, frame generator apparently does not see these and gets it's info from somewhere else. I have seen a similar post which references an McadForums post, but the link provided is dead.
How to point frame generator to customized CC familes?
I have a bunch of custom shapes I use in the frame generator and I want to transfer them to another computer. Where are these located and how would I transfer them? I'm using Inventor 2012.
Inventor 2013 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1 HP EliteBook 8470w Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz Memory: 16 GB AMD FirePro M2000 3D Connexion SpacePilot
I have set up a Custom CC library that contains structural shapes.In the Family Table I have a Stock No column which references the value in my DESIGNATION columnThe Stock No column is mapped to Project.Stock NumberUnder Template Parameter (in Parameter Mapping) I have mapped StockNo to Design Tracking Properties: Stock Number.
When I use Frame Generator to add a structural shape, from my library, the name shown in the Model Browser is formatted as follows (Standard)+(Unique Number) and not (Standard)+(Stock Number)+(Unique Number).
How to get the Stock Number to show in the model Browser. How to get the members name to show, with the correct format, in the Model Browser as this will make identifying members in an assembly easier.
Please see attached for Model Browser pic.
Gigabyte Q1542 Win 7 Pro 64Bit i5 - 3230M 8 GB Ram Intel HD Graphics Nvidia GeForce 640M / 2GB with Optimus
I have been trying to add my own shapes to the Content Centre, with some success, but for being able to use them in Frame Generator. I was able to Author a new part and publish it to Structural Shapes and it works very well. However when I try to use it in Frame Generator there is an issue that I do not understand. Frame Generator recognises the family and all of the different sizes and materials, but when it come to inserting the part, i get the following message:
I am not sure what this means. The part family is in my own library in a seperate category. I don't know what/where template file needs to be and is that the same ipt file that I used to create the Content Centre part/shape? Do I need to create a new Standard rather than "attaching" it to the AS Standard?
I have been working on this previous project "A" and I realized a few custom frame profile such as Bosch Strut and Din rails. Now I am done with project "A" and I am moving onto a new project we are going to call project "B". In this new project "B" I setup all my libraries as I would normally do, but once I start creating frames, I do not see any of the custom frame profile from my past project "A" even though I added my libraries, which are identical from project "A" to "B".
I am trying to create/publish custom shapes into Content Centre and for use in Frame Generator. I can create the i-Part and configure the parameters I want to enable different sizes - no problem. However when I go to "Publish Part" ()
I get the following error.......
do I need to save the ipt file in a different location? What dependencies are there? I get the same result if I follow the Inventor tutorial using the brace.ipt part....
While using the frame generator's "Trim - Extend to Face" command on short members, the wrong end of the member is being trimmed. Is there a way to choose which end to trim on short members?
I'm running Inventor 2013 professional and I want to design a steel structure for stress analysis. But I can't find any DIN H-beams (HEB, HEA in accordance to DIN 1025) in the "insert frame member selection".
Isn't it possible to use DIN H-beams in Inventor frame generator? Can I add my own parts to the library for stress analysis?
All of a sudden I can't get up my frame generator. I click into my frame > hit "insert frame", which is normally where the dialog box comes up, but I get nothing.
I just recently had Inventor 2012 installed on my computer and I went to make a frame generator and an error message popped up and won't let me make the generator. I attached a .jpeg to this that shows what error keeps appearing.
It seems to me that there is a major disconnect between using the Vault and using Frame Generator. When creating a frame using frame generator all the parts are automatically named by frame generator. It gives you a name such ANSI W8x13 00000001 for an I-beam for instance. As you create more components (I-beams in this case) the number on the end of the file name increases so you have 0000002, 00000003 etc. After I'm finished with the assembly I will check it into the vault.
The issue comes up when I go to create a new assembly a few days later using the same I-beam. The naming convention for the I-beam is exactly the same for the new assembly file. It will start over and give me a new ANSI W8x13 00000001 file. Now when I go to check it into the vault I get the "cannot check in due to vaulting restrictions" error because the two files have been named the exact same thing. It seems crazy that Inventor would be set up this way considering how vault works. The only thing I have found is that you can click the browse button and rename the file. This is a serious headache though because I have to come up with a unique name (or pre-fix) for EVERY part of EVERY frame that I generate. And lets just say it's not hard for me to create 100+ new parts a day using frame generator.
The frame generator gives the wrong cut length (G_L) when using double end treatment "Trim and Extend to Face"
See attached screen shot: The correct length of the diagonal RHS should be 1852 mm after trimming the RH end to btm and rh member. As far as I remember this is an old problem never been fixed. Is a lot of work manually altering the cut length of 20-30 member in the BOM.
I created a frame using 150 x 75 BS4 channel section in 2011/12 (can't remember which) however it was created before the BOM length fix (all lengths stated are not necessarily the lengths of the beams). In order to fix this I need to redraw the frame, which is fair enough, however I am unable to find the BSI standard channel section. In fact, BSI has seemed to vanish from my library completely, I can not even place a component from the BSI library.
I have had a look around the C:/Programdata/autodesk/inventor2011(or 12 or 13)/contenetcentre/libraries and have found parker, gost, DIN etc but no BSI. I have not used the frame generator/place component in 2013 yet so no idea if this was from install or not.