AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View With Occurrence

Aug 21, 2013

I am working on some codes that let me make some change on visibility of occurrence. So I am I main assembly, and 3 occurrences of the same sub-assembly. The sub assembly was saved on a design view named hole that is hiding some occurrences.

if I work with one of those sub assembly (checkOcc as component occurrence)and then I try this:

                Debug.Print("Occurence name: " + CheckOcc.Name)
                Debug.Print("Is DRV associative: " + CheckOcc.IsAssociativeToDesignViewRepresentation.ToString)
                Debug.Print("The Active DRV is: " + CheckOcc.ActiveDesignViewRepresentation.ToString)
                Debug.Print("Is DRV associative: " + CheckOcc.IsAssociativeToDesignViewRepresentation.ToString)
                Debug.Print("The Active DRV is: " + CheckOcc.ActiveDesignViewRepresentation.ToString)

The first time I check for the name, the result is empty, but is should hole as it's what I can see in the browser. then I change it to default.The result of that, the representation views disappear from the browser for that occurrence and still, the name is return as empty...then I carry on with turning on the hidden occurrences.

dv.SetVisibilityOfOccurrences(objCol, visibility)

The result, all the hidden occurrence appear ALSO on the other subassemblies... It look that it's affecting all the Designview of all occurrence of that name...then, if I try the reverse, by turning it off... the switch off on the other occurrences but not the one that is checkoff!!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Transform Occurrence To Match Another Occurrence's UCS

Aug 9, 2012

Basically I want to place parts and have them automatically connect to each other based on pre-existing UCSs on the assemblies.  I have a 'ucs_in' and a 'ucs_out' on each assembly.  I want the inserted component to perform a transformation to make the new occurrence's ucs_in to "mate" to the previous occurrences ucs_out.  By mate I mean their center points are at the same location and all axes are pointing in the same direction.  I have included screenshots to show what I'm working with and what I am trying to accomplish.  I have also attached the project files.

Below is my attempt at the code to do this.  My experience with transformations is limited so I may be way off from where I need to be.
Sub UcsMate() Dim doc As AssemblyDocument Set doc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'assuming both occurrences are already in the assembly and both have 2 UCS, "ucs_in" and "ucs_out" Dim occ1 As ComponentOccurrence Dim


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Component Occurrence In Drawing View To Hidden Line Style?

Jan 5, 2010

Can this be done? I want to go through the DrawingView Object to get at a subcomponent of an assembly and either set that component to have hidden lines (where needed) or no hidden lines.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Occurrence Visibility Of Sub Occurrence

Aug 22, 2013

From a main assembly I am trying to change the visibility of occurence that are in a sub assembly. But everytime I change the visibility using the designviewrepresentation.setvisibilityofoccurrences(), that change the visibility of those occurrences in the other sub-assembly. Of course, if I do it thought the interface that works great. Anyone did something with changing visibility of sub component.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Projected Drawing View Doesn't Show / Design View Rep Don't Update

Sep 27, 2013

After upgrading to Inventor 2014 we notice that the graphics do not work properly, and that the overall performance in drawings and modelling bad compared to 2013. Then we installed SP1 and now drawing views are disappearing, however when we select "shaded" view the view reappears and works perfectly..

Any workaround regarding disappearing views?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View In Idw

Apr 12, 2012

I'm having a problem with getting design views to show up properly in idw's.  I have turned off visibility in the model of the parts and patterns that I don't want to show.  When I insert a view into an idw using the design view, the patterns are still visible.  Take a look at the screen shots.  I have patterned hardware and idlers and they are not visible in the model, but they are in the drawing view. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Design View In IDW?

Nov 9, 2005

Can you edit a drawing view of an assembly and change the Design View via the API?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation

Aug 2, 2004

how do i unlock a design view representation when i can't find where it'slocked. I looked in the design view and i don't see a locked version, viewis listed as "none".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: QTY Of Parts In Design View Rep

Nov 29, 2011

I know this wasn't possible in the past (and probably still isn't now) but does any trick or something to only get the qty/parts used in a certain design view rep.

We are starting to do work orders (routings) with parts lists for ONLY whats used in that step in the process. Having to manually count screws,etc.. seems silly now.

Design view reps works excellent for showing the assembly process of a product but the parts list (even filtered to that design view rep) shows the total quantity of each component..not just the count in that design view rep.

Any possibility of doing this with ilogic or something?

2014 Product Design Suite Ultimate
Windows 7 64 bit
90G OCZ SATA 3 SSD (My SSD is faster than your HDD)
Core I7 920 processor, ATI HD6970 graphics card, 12G Corsair RAM

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation - Add Using IMates

Jun 17, 2013

Is there a secret to having the Design View Reps stay on the right settings when using Occurrences.AddUsingIMates? I've got a master top level assembly that I'm bringing other iLogic modules into by using an iLogic form in the master top level assembly. The form calls a rule that makes a copy of the module assembly in the same file location as the master TLA. It then adds the module TLA  to the master TLA using iMates, and calls an external rule to copy all the sub files from the module into that file location and replace them in the module TLA. The user then calls the module's configuration form using a button on the master TLA's form. 

I've been using a line of code to set the DVR back to default and associative for the module, but now that has stopped working and it immediately goes back to Master after running the rule, or even if I try and set it by hand. But if I bring the same module in and place it using the Place button, it comes in correctly. I've even added a NameValueMap for the DVR optional argument on AddUsingiMates and that hasn't work.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unlock And Design View Reps?

Nov 27, 2012

I have a assembly with several locked design view reps.

I insert a couple of new parts to assembly.

Now, do i have to manually unlock each of the design reps to have these new parts visible in the each of then design view reps?

If yes, any macro or ilogic tool to do this?
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation Is Locked

Jul 30, 2012

I have a message pop up when i am trying to save an assembly. it is:

'The current Design View Representaion is locked. Changes againstit will not be saved. If you want to keep those changes please create a new Design View Representation or unlock the current one.'

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation Locked

May 7, 2012

How can I Unlock the Design View Representation?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Locking Design View Representation

Aug 5, 2010

What associative links are removed when locking a design view representation? Hopping IV 2012 will have representations working the way they did back in IV 2008, my BOM'S and views both played together quit nicely when creating installation drawings.

IV 2010 64bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reassociating Design View Representation

Apr 20, 2013

I created a presentation with my assembly, when I modify a parts colour in Assembly environment its automatically changing in Presentation environment. (initially I make them Associative). But if I clear the override it automatically unassociates the design view representation. (check the image below) Is there an option somewhere to reassociate it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation - IPT File

Apr 7, 2013

I saved correctly in the file .ipt the view representation of a very simple part.

One is the view form the top and the other one is the view from the bottom.

When I try to put these two different views into the drawing, the view is the same, and it depends what is selected on the right of the windows.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Design View Representation From 2013

Jan 8, 2013

My company have recently upgraded from Inventor 2010 to Inventor 2013, on the whole I like it a lot better but there is one feature I can't find or Autodesk have removed. I have attached an image of what I mean if I haven't explained it very well but on the browser bar there used to be a drop down 'design view representation' that you could change back to 'master' quickly. I found this very useful as I often use the 'visible' tool to hide parts then want to unhide them all at once. Is there another way of doing what I want or does this tool exist hidden away somewhere else?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Copy Level Of Detail To Design View

Jul 8, 2013

I can find a method to copy a Design View to a Level of Detatil (DesignViewRepresentation.CopyToLevelOfDetail)

But the opposite way (i.e. LevelOfDetailRepresentation.CopyToDesignView) doesn't seem to exist - it is possible in the GUI.

Will I have to traverse the complete structure and set visibillity one by one to obtain the function then? Or are there a better/faster way to go?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation Incorrect Display

Apr 20, 2013

I have a client that is having difficulty with Design View Representations. He has approximately 15 view representations, each having items in different states of visibility. The icons display the modes of visibility correctly, however, there are no objects visible in the graphics window at all. Additionally, the option, "Find in Window" is missing when right-clicking on visible objects. Only when he copies the View Representation over to a LOD, and then saves that back out to a VR, do the graphics in the window appear correctly. Then the Option, Find in Window shows up and is available.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Where Did Design View Representation Icon Go In 2012

Apr 29, 2011

Where did the Design View Representation Icon go in 2012?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation Change Crash?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a main assembly with two major subassemblies with one of them I want the representations to be set as Defualt instead of master but when I do this and change the size of my parts Inventor crashes, if I leave it set to master it works fine but parts with visibility turned off still show in the iam and dwg files. If I try to change the representation after changing dimensions Inventor also crashes. I can individually open the sub assemblies and everything works fine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Quantities And Design View Representations?

Mar 6, 2012

Is there a way to have the parts list filter to show only the visible parts from the view representation, especially the quantities? I thought that was what the filter is for. And if not then what is the filter used for?

IV 2012 sp1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Client Feature Visibility In Design View Representations

Jan 13, 2014

I have an assembly with a client feature that contains client graphics. I have exposed the visibility (ClientFeature.Definition.ClientGraphicsCollection[1].Visible) to the user via a context menu option. Changing the visibility currently affects all view representations. Is there a way to associate the visibility with each design view representation?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Orientation Angle Of Occurrence Using VBA

Nov 6, 2012

how to get the orientation angle of an occurrence using VBA?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Occurrence IProperties?

May 21, 2013

I would like to export the Current Offset from Parent Assembly Origin values (X Offset, Y Offset, Z Offset, X Angle, Y Angle, Z Angle) for each part in an Assembly.  These values are found in each component's iProperties under the Occurrence tab.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Retrieve Values Of An Occurrence?

Feb 12, 2013

I try to retrieve the values of an occurrence in an assembly document, same as when I click on 'Change size' (see the attachment).

I Know how to get key values (from list) from content center family member (Getting data from content center) but for the expression values (from user entries), I found nothing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get Drawing Curves From Occurrence (C#)

Dec 26, 2012

In a drawing I'm looking for components that have a certain iProperty.  If they have the iProperty, I want to turn every occurrence of that item red.

I can get the occurrences fine, but I'm unable to properly get the drawing curves so I can turn them red.  I'm using code from this post on ModTheMachine: [URL]........

Here's my
private static void ProcessAssemblyColor(DrawingDocument aDoc, ComponentOccurrences occurrences){ foreach (ComponentOccurrence occ in occurrences) { if (occ.DefinitionDocumentType == DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject) { TransientObjects transObjects = StandardAddInServer._mInventorApplication.TransientObjects; LayersEnumerator layers = aDoc.StylesManager.Layers; Layer colorLayer = layers[1]; colorLayer.Color = transObjects.CreateColor(255, 0, 0); //red [code]........

 I've seen some things say I need to use an out object to use DrawingCurves.  If that's true, I'm not sure what to put for the first variable.

object outObject;DrawingCurvesEnumerator drawingCurves = drawView.DrawingCurves[occ.CreateGeometryProxy(whatgoeshere?, out outObject)]; 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Occurrence - Specific BOM Properties

Apr 30, 2013

Is it possible to set BOM properties for a specific occurrence of a component, rather than have universal properties for every occurrence of that component in every assembly?

Two instances come to mind:

1. I have two identical occurrences of a part in an assembly. One is already existing at the site, the other we are providing. I want one to show up in the BOM, and not the other. I don't want to have multiple part files to keep up with, as they are identical.

2. Similarly, I have a part that shows up in two assemblies; in one assembly it is existing, in the other it is new. I want it to show up in the BOM for the second assembly, but in the first I want it to be "phantom" or "reference".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppress Certain Pattern Occurrence In ILogic

Feb 22, 2013

How do you suppress a  certain pattern occurence in Ilogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace File And Modify Occurrence Name

Sep 10, 2012

I need to rename and replace occurences in an assembly, then modify the occurence name.I rename and replace only Farme generator components, which is tested by <condiftion>.What I want to do :

- Num = ABC
- Original filename = toto.ipt
- New filename = ABC_toto.ipt, and Occurence name = ABC_toto

The code :

fileDir contain the file path
docFName contain the original file name (for example, toto.ipt)
Num contain the prefix to add to the name and the occurence name (for example, ABC)
If <condition>Then

                            New_name = fileDir & Num & "_" & docFName
                            Call oFileNameOcc.SaveAs(New_name, True)
                            Call oOccurrence.Replace(New_name, False)
                   = Num & "_" &
End If

The problem is, the first time I use the macro, the prefix is added twice in the occurence name (the filename is ok) : I obtain ABC_ABC_toto. This happen only the first time, and only on an orrignal Frame Generator assembly.

If I use the macro again, with for example Num = 123, the result is : 123_ABC_ABC_toto.Where is the problem ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Suppress Occurrence Of Pattern With ILogic

Sep 8, 2013

Is it possible to suppress an occurrence of a pattern in part environment using iLogic? I saw something for assembly environment, but I can't make it work for part. My iLogic knowledge is quite basic.

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