AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Sheet Metal Bend
Apr 14, 2012How to create this bend using the sheet metal mode. The bend should be a certain radius on the top (see attachments).
View 3 RepliesHow to create this bend using the sheet metal mode. The bend should be a certain radius on the top (see attachments).
View 3 RepliesTrying to create a strength bead on a sheet metal part.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a sheet metal door with a little bracket that gets welded to the inside lip through a cut-out in the face of the door. (see assembly)
I can't get the cut-out to line up flush with the inside lip of the door, as that is where the brackets gets welded to. the current aseembly is set-up the way I want, but I can't get a flat pattern on the door, becasue of the cut going across the bend.
I have checked off the "cut across bend" in the cut dialogue box, but this leaves a small (~1/32) lip in the cut-out and runs interference in the placement of the bracket.
Inventor Pro Suite 2013
Sean Farr
Product Designer at
Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49
I want to create this shape, I try to use the loft command to get the result but after I get the shape I can't do the shape on the top of the loft shape, I need to do the cut across bend. show the correct step to get this shape? Attach is the .jpg file of the part.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIve imported a CATIA part and I'm trying to redraw it in Inventor. I have the main panels and bend rads in but I cannot for the life of me work out how to model the bend reliefs so they are similar to the ones on CATIA. The purpose of all of this is too reduce the bend reliefs that CATIA has produced even further.
Ive added both the original dumb solid from catia and the new inventor model to an assembly and contrained them in line so hopefully you see what I mean.
I have the following sheet metal application: A flat bar steel (strip) 40x1mm is bent and twisted around three cylinders. In our process, the strip is running in loop around these cylinders, like a conveyor-belt. At first, it is bent around the first cylinder (blue). Then, it is bent and twisted around the second cylinder (green). Between these cylinders, a flat part is modelled so that the strip will be bent upwards (twisted) around the next cylinder. The same is done between cylinder two and three. In praxis, when I bend the strip, no flat part will be present, because the strip is quite stiff, as it is spring steel. In my Inventor model, no stiffness of the strip is taken into consideration.
I am looking for a better way to model this strip, where stiffness of the material is taken into consideration.
I have a large number of parts that are set with a "2mm" Bend Radius.
1. I wish to change it to "1.5mm" but manually takes time . Ways to automatize this?
2. What Bend Radius is recommended to be used for steel sheets (1.5 ; 2; 4; 5 mm).
Can a curved section with bend be applied to sheet metal part.I make extrusion for easier clarity.I am wanting to place the curved section (extrusion for demonstration purpose) with bend in sheet metal part but all created in the sheet metal environment.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI wrote an app some time ago that swaps out user parameters that drive sheet metal thickness and bend radius.
it appears to work about 60% of the time when it doesn't it does not give any warning but even though the FX table shows the new user parameters driving thickness and bend radius the "sheet metal defaults dialog" thickness input box is grayed out and shows no value what so ever. Clicking the Edit Sheet metal rule to display the "Style and Standard Edtior" the Thickness and Bendradius still show the Old userparameters. See attached Pic.
I am setting the parameters as follows.
Replaced "Chan_Th" with "chn_thk" in FX Userparameters
oSheetMetalCompDef.UseSheetMetalStyleMaterial = True oSheetMetalCompDef.ActiveSheetMetalStyle.Thickness = sThick
As you can see FX reports the change but sheet metal settings does not.
This code appears to work or not at random.
I want to connect two sheet metal faces with a bend. Bend works if two parallel edges are selected. Is there a way to connect two faces with a bend if the two edges are not parallel?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI created a solid, shelled it, and then converted to sheet metal. I am now trying to indentify the bends but I am getting the error: Bend 1: Could not build this Bend; No matching faces found.
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow do we change sheet metal parts material, thickness Bend Radii from an assembly in groups.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a structrual rectangular tube as shown in the picture below. I need to fold the four flanges inward to create a sort of point or pyramid.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I create a sheet metal jog? Like the attached. I used a contor flange to creat this one, but I have to add a jog to an existing part and don't want to have to totally redraw it just to get the jog. I'm hoping you can add it like you can a flange.
View 9 Replies View RelatedThe question is if I have designed a part in sheet metal with multiple flanges and one of my edges follow a specific radius. Is is possible to use contour roll or any other means to create a flange on that edge that will allow me to flatten that out. I cant see it being physically possible putting a bend in there as the material would need to stretch and the bend tool would need to follow that radius.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a sheet metal part. It is a machine door with four edge flanges. I have mirrored this part. The origin part has flat pattern while the mirrored creates the folded pattern.
It still folded even when origin is in flat pattern.
I am getting an error message (see attached) when trying to create a contour roll using sheet metal, I have tried editing the sketch to open loop however I cannot get the contour roll to preview on the part.
The part is a short length of square hollow section from which I am trying to apply the roll to, there seems to be a problem in projecting the geometry on the end of the part
Inventor 2013 SP2 64-bit edition
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
64-bit HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I am trying to make a chute out of 4 pieces of sheet metal. Is there a way to take a solid lofted part, shell it, and then break off each side of the the object for cutting and welding them together. I have an example attached.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a sheet metal punch tool, however, I must have something incorrect because the extract iFeature does not seem to be working.
I've attached a copy of the file I'm currently working on.
In Inventor 2010 we have a sheet metal, with a lot of different straps. But we cannot create round jogs between them. It's only possible, if all straps are created at the same time with the same size etc.
Please see the attached file. The upper version, is the one, it looks in the moment and we want an apperance like the lower one.
Is it possible? Because we cannot add all the round holes later on in development of the sheet metal.
I have to create a conus from a 2mm thick RVS plate, I know how to construct this in Inventor. But how can I create the flat pattern of this form?
Inventor 2013
Im trying to create a shape like the attached image using sheet metal loft from one sketch to the second sketch. No problem doing that but i want to extend the neck on the small end 1 inch like the attached image.
Currently the product is produced using 4 panels brazed together. I want to create the product with 2 bent panels 90 degrees that are split apart from the loft.
Not sure if this even possible in the real world sheet metal house to develop the flat pattern.
Is there a way to create an insert notch in a sheet metal part?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhere I can get a sheet metal iFeature to create nail holes or extruded holes?
View 1 Replies View RelatedLet me start by saying that we rarely use sheet metal parts so I'm not real familiar with that interface. That said, I can create sheet metal parts with square shapes and bends just fine. However, I'm currently stumped as to the best way to model what should be a pretty simple plate.
We have a large, thin (1/8") square plate to which we want to add 2 opposing diagonal very slight breaks to add stiffness to the plate. More specifically, we want these diagonal bends to cover the center part of the plate leaving about a 2" flat flange all the way around the plate.
I'm attempting to create a mini version of a product, I use the Derived Component button and scale the part down. Then I use Convert to Sheet Metal, set my sheet metal defaults, but then nothing happens when i try to create flat pattern. Is it even possible to derive a flat pattern from a scaled part?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI have a part that is derived from a surface skeleton ipt. The derived surface is thickened and then some holes are added. Then, when I try to add a flange, it gives me the error "Sheet metal features are not supported in multi solid body parts". My part is a sheet metal part and single body.
INV 2013
The company I work for has a large number of Left Hand and Right Hand sheet metal parts. To reduce the amount of time needed to create both Left Hand and Right Hand sheet metal parts, I use the Derived Part icon. I create a Left Hand part, use the derive icon with mirroring on and create the Right Hand part. While the Right Hand sheet metal part gets created, the Right Hand part will not allow me to create a Flat Pattern.
what steps must I follow to create a derived sheet metal part that I can make a Flat Pattern with?
A collegue asked me about this as he has been given a part to model and the details are for the flat sheet not the finished model. Is this possible in 'sheet metal'? I had a quick play but couldn't work it out. Im used to creating the finished part and 'un-folding' to get the flat pattern.Detail supplied below.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI want to create a large sheet of metal, like 1600x1600.
But I don't want it to look too uniform, just too plain. And I want it to look more realistic than a simple grayscale gradient.
This is what I got from fooling around for a bit:
I just what to cut a sheet metal,
and I don't know how (see in Capture.JPG where i what to cut, and test.iam what I what to cut).
Where is the icon "project the geometry" ?