I have recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2011 when we started receiving LiDAR data. I have been playing around with the data a bit and have a few questions on how the data is dealt with. It appears that when a point cloud is added to a surface, it is using the point cloud display somehow to generate the TIN. I believe that the point cloud display is showing a percentage of points based on the maximum number of 1.5 million points. On these particular datasets (citywide LiDAR coverage, about 2,600' x 2,600' panels), we may have 4-7 million points in each LAS file. Is Civil 3D ignoring all points beyond 1.5 million in surface building operations? Also, when adjusting the slider, is there any way to know which points will be displayed...or maybe the points are reduced randomly??
I have several LAS files that I have brought into AutoCAD and created PCG point cloud files. You have the option to assign Civil3D properties so I assign the LAS classification properties but they don't apply to the file.
The classification style seems to work with the ISD file extension in Civil3D, but do the LAS classifications not work for the PCG format?? I can only view the PCG file by single color or by elevation range, not by classification.
I'm working with an area around a couple miles of road running SW to NE. I have metric lidar tiles in GeoTiff format. The tiles are 1,500 meters on an edge. I'm working in US Survey feet.
I originally tried creating a Surface of all 9 tiles I needed and then cropped the resultant Surface. But that was too large for my computer to handle. So I created 9 drawing each with one tile Surface in it. Now I've created a Data shortcut Reference for them all in one drawing. I got all the Surfaces in but noticed that there were gaps between the borders.
I was wondering if it was a coordinate system conversion problem. But all the settings check out. Now I think that this may be an expected behavior. I measured the gaps between the Borders and found that they all ran very close to 6.56'. In metric that's almost exactly 2 meters. 2 m is the separation of points in the Lidar surface.
BTW I'm working this in 2014.
Civil 3D 2012 SP 3 / IDSP 2014 Dell Precision T7400, Xeon CPU 3.16 GHz Win 7 Pro, 64-bit,12 GB RAM, Nvidia Quadro FX 4600
I've been downloading whole tiles from OSIP for lidar surfaces. I've been using the grid files, and they work great. But, I don't really need an entire tile while working in my drawing, and I'd like to clip just my area of interest out of the tile. What is the fastest way to do this? These whole tiles are data hogs, and I fear they are slowing me down.
I used to have a computer at my old job that wouldn't slow at all using this stuff, so I haven't had a reason to learn how to do this until now when i'm forced to work on a laptop.
I wanted to import a shape file from GIS, but all contours elevations are 0. The attribute data on contours have ID elevation. How do I query those ID elevation to the contours?
We have lucky enough to obtain LIDAR for most of our small City as well as ground only points. My problem is that profiles produced using it are rough and jagged (see attached). I've tried contour smoothing to no avail as well as point removal. Perhaps I haven't just tried enough options.
Should mention also I have breaklines along the CL alignment as well as Edge of Pavement.
Succesfully producing a slope analysis exhibit using LIDAR topographic base information with this version of Civil 3D? I have followed the instructions as best I can and have had no luck. I am using a trial version and this is a big factor in whether or not I will ultimately make the purchase.
Is there a way to have C3D calculate your cut generated from a pipe network? I have a site with storm, sewer, and water lines. All of which are on 3 seperate pipe networks. I also have my finished grade surface established.
I know you can get the volume difference between two surfaces (EG&FG) but you would think you could do this for the pipe networks as well...
I have a HEC RAS model which I ran a steady flow simulation on, and then I tried to use the GIS Export button to get a .sdf file. When I tried to connect to the .sdf file in Civil 3D, I got these errors:
Failed to connect.
Failed to open FDO connection.
File is not an SDF file, or is an SDF file with an unsupported version.
An error occurred during SDF database access.
I played around with the settings I chose when I exported in HEC RAS and couldn't get any different results.
I am running into a problem where Civil 3D is creating multiple point groups of my 4 existing groups (the original group names are Topo, Existing Ground, Hide, and All Points). The new groups seem to be copies of the originals in terms of styles but do not include the points that were designated in the originals (no points are assigned in these copies).
The groups appear some time after I create the surface.
I've also noticed that this occurs in my list of grading criteria as well.
My surveyor gave me a topo survey done in no particular coordinate system. He set up his total station on a PK nail and gave it a coordiante of (5000, 5000, 100). I used this survey to generate a surface.
I also have a site survey of the same site, done in state plane coordinate system. the two surveys have mulitple common points; pk nails, iron pins ect.
What i need to do is move the points for the topo survey over to the survey that is in state plane. A simple move command will not do this.
How do i go about moving these points to thier correct location without having to manually edit the .txt file?
i'm jumping into 3d late in life...playing with volumes. i've created surfaces from aerial surveys and have saved the surfaces as separate files. i would now like to run volumes of the two as they represent the same quarry site from different years. it appears (?) i need to have both surfaces listed in prospector to run volumes. each separate file has its own surface listed. question...how do i get (import?) the second surface drawing into one of the files so i have both listed and can run volumes? i see where i can create a surface from importing a .tin file...but i don't see how to export the surface as a .tin file.
I am having a problem with my data shortcuts for my surfaces not updating. I have 2 surfaces (one ex and one prop) both are on auto-rebuild. Both of them are in separate files and data short cutted into my profiles files (I have one for water, one sewer and a third for storm drains). Any time I make a change whether I add or subtract data the file the data does not update in the profiles. As a work around I have been creating a new data short cut and adding it to my profiles files. What am I doing wrong that would make them not update?
When you paste a surface into another how does it connect the surfaces? Does it create a vertical wall where at the edge of the paste surface? Can you tell it to grade a certain slope to the surface you are pasting into?
I'm trying to create a surface under my 'existing ground' surface. There is shallow rock where one of our projects is located and using geotechnical data I want to create a 'rock surface' at the known rock elevations. I just want this surface for visual reasons and do not want it to interact with the existing ground or pipe network.
I have 4 places along the roadway where I know the rock elevations. I created new points around each known point with the same elevation so there would be more than just four points on the surface and so I could make it the width of the road allowance. But when I look back to my profile of the road, it shows the existing profile drop to the rock surface at each place that I created points for the rock elevation. Not sure how to make it so the existing ground surface doesn't pick up the new points I added for the rock elevations.
We will be doing some grading in a park with trees. Probably maximum depth or fill of 12 inches. The question has come up to be able to show cut and fill quantities as a visual shade of colors. I have a way to display cut and fill ticks and it will give me the value, but that's not what they want. I change the cut ticks to red and the fill ticks to green. What is the best way to represent this like when you turn on slope percentages and assign different colors. but I want like 0-2" fill to be red, 2" - 4" to be green, etc.
Im working in Civil 09. I need to adjust the surface I created in order for the contours to be correct. Right now I'm interpolating point elevations to adjust the contours. I find myself adding lines and adding and deleting points. It's tedious. I tried changing the grid spacing to smaller one. It didn't seem to work.
I have an existing topo surface created as well as grading for a proposed elevated pad of earth done in civil 3d 2013. I simply want to calculate the cut and fill quantities. I created the grading with automatic surface creation checked on. When I use volume tools to see what the quantities are, it says 0.0 for both cut and fill.
I created another surface (TIN) and pasted the existing topo surface and the proposed grading surface into it and I couldn't get any quantities.
I created another surface (TIN volume) and set the base surface as the existing surface and the comparison surface as the surface created from the grading but again could get no quantities.
I created a grading and a surface for a pond that is abotu 30' away from a roaway that has a seperate surface. What would be the best way to connect the two surfaces? I need a uniform slope from the edge of pavement to the top of berm of the pond.
I have an oddly shapped "cut" area with various elevations that I want to create as a surface so that I can compare the volume with existing survey data. I've been able to get the basic "cut" template in 2 seperate surfaces, but now I want to combine them into 1 surface. When I paste one surface into another, the surfaces go haywire. I have attached a plan and cross section view of what the 2 surfaces (cuts) look like in relation to each other. how I could combine them into one surface and "trim" off the inside grading that overlaps..?
I have a set of sheets that have an surface (contours) on them.
When I plot them individually the surface plots fine. When I publish them using the same page setup, the surface will not plot. The contour labels do plot, just not the actual surface contours.
I've changed my workflow slightly and have created 4 junctions via the wizard but kept them all in the same Corridor (previously I kept each one in its own corridor).
I now need to create the formation surfaces for the corridor (in the way I always have done it) but only one of the junctions has a surface. I then added a show boundary and the "missing" surfaces appeared but with many connecting triangles and superfluous triangles in the curved areas.
How to get a nicely shrink wrapped surface or is it a matter of brute force removal of triangles etc?
I have created several pond embankments using the grading tools and have created surfaces using the grading groups. The problem I am having is when I turn on the triangles for one surface, I get the triangles for all the embankments and EG. The software keeps adding to the EG and doesn't cut out each embankment. I know I'm missing a step but I'm unable to find it.
I am looking for a better way to get my 3D Faces from a surface into a DXF. Note: I need to have 3D Faces in a DXF as it is the only way my data collector will accept them. My current process is 1)export surface to a XML 2) open new drawing and import XML 3)make the surface style only display triangles 4)extract triangles from surface 5)change my surface style to no display 6)save drawing as a DXF. I don't like to extract the triangles from the original drawing because I am often making adjustments to the surface and then the old extracted triangles and still hanging around in the drawing. I don't want that. Looking to see if it would be possible to record a macro(or some other automated procedure) that would allow me to extract triangles as save them in a new DXF from a selected surface all in one step.
Civil 3D 2014 i7-3930K Overclocked 32 GB Ram Windows 7 Professional
I've created a T intersection and have created the surface for the T corridor and the entering side road. The surfaces appear correct. When I create a surface for the main road, which has been split into two regions, the surface goes thru the T corridor. How do I create a surface that simply goes up to the T intersection and picks up again after the T intersection?