3ds Max :: Keep Material Library Previews?

Nov 13, 2012

Is there a way to save the preview images for materials in a material library? I have a library of some SSS materials that take a while to render, and every time I open that library I have to wait them to render, what's very annoying. If there's no way, is there a way to at least disable the automatic rendering of all materials?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Material And Texture To Material Library?

Mar 12, 2013

I am in the samill building buisness.  While designing I thought it would be nice to show logs on our equipment.  Is there anyway to show bark on drawings to show the texture on the final drawing?

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Lightroom :: Previews In Library And Develop Modules

Jul 23, 2013

Some entries say that previews in the develop module are more accurate than the library module.If we have sRGB or Adobe RGB monitor, is it possible to have different views in these two modules?

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Revit :: Add Image To Material Library

Feb 5, 2014

I am using Revit 2014 student version. I have an image in jpg and would like to add it to material library.
How do I do this?

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3ds Max :: Material Library Changes Prompt On Exit?

May 9, 2011

The studio I'm working is an early MAX 2012 adopter and, overall, I think it's better than 2011 but still not rock solid or bug-free. Let the hotfix-fest begin.

What I'm wondering is: why is it always prompting me if I want to save the changes made to the materials libraries I've opened (even if I haven't made a single change...) on exit, after the save file prompt?

This is getting ridiculously annoying since I sometimes open up 20-30 material libraries per scene and it asks ONCE PER EVERY LIBRARY (and can't seem to find an option to remove the prompt or "never ask again" tick)

Also, this happens with the simple/classic material browser (can't see why slate is so great...)

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3ds Max :: How To Add Material To Library Through Slate Editor

Oct 9, 2011

As the title says - How can I add a material to material library through Slate editor? I created the library and it appears as a tab to the right but how do I place my materials there? I tried dragging and dropping the node but that didn't work. I also tried right-clicking the node and searching there but nothing there either.

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3ds Max :: Loading Multiple MAT To Material Library

Oct 27, 2012

Is there any method to import mulitple .mat files to material library..

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3ds Max :: Autodesk Material Library Disappeared?

Nov 2, 2011

teaching design and one of the programs is 3ds-Max Design 2012. One of my students couldn't find her Autodesk Material Library in the slate material window. Also in the compact material window the default materials were empty. I looked everywhere and tried to set back to the program defaults but that didn't work. So what did my student do and where in the world did the Autodesk material library go?

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Revit :: Material Library Not Showing Up

Feb 11, 2014

I am using Revit 2013 and have built a material library for the company I work for. It has been working fine up until about an hour ago. Now when I try to open up the material library I created it says "No assets in this library". I can't figure out why there is nothing there. And I don't want to have to recreate all my materials I already created! I can still find the file in my folders and it says theres 3930 KB of information in the file. I included a picture of what my Assest Editor and Asset Browser show when I try to open my library.

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3ds Max :: Maps Missing In Material Library

Sep 1, 2011

I'm creating a material library and when I open the library all the jpeg maps are missing. They are still wired to the material but the map location is missing, it just says jpeg. I remember this being a problem in 2010.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save New Material To Library?

Sep 11, 2012

I have a user that has created a new material which is now sitting as a local style. We require this new material in the library so that everyone can use it.  I tried RMB on it but the save to library functon is greyed out. This is due to the styles being read only in the project file. So I have tried to change the project file so we can add the style and then I'd change it back again, but, even though I have checked out the project file from vault, it won't allow me to edit it. What else can be locking the project file?  Is there some other way I can place the new material into the style library in the project file? There are quite a few of us that use the project file since we use vault, so I'm not sure I should create a new one with the same name and save over it. 

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Downloaded Material Library

Sep 4, 2013

I have autocad 2013 and I used to have the material library downloaded and working fine. I recently installed revit 2014 and deleted all 2013 material library and downloaded the 2014 that came with Revit.

However, now autocad gives me an error saying the material library is not installed. Is there anyway to remap it so that it reads the 2014 library? I would rather not download the 2013 library if I don't have to, I use windows on a mac and my bootcamp partition is very tiny.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Material Library Edits

Jun 28, 2013

When a make a copy of a material library item (siding) and use the materials editor to change the color the materials do not change from the original color.  What can I do to update 5the colors?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Autodesk Material Library Is Not Available

Apr 26, 2011

We have recently upgraded from Inventor 2011 Routed Systems to Inventor Pro 2012.  We are using XP fully updated to the lastest SP and everything.  We have everything configured to our preferences but there is one thing that has been driving me batty.  When editing a solid part I open the Style and Standard Editor.  Down near the bottom under Realistic Appearance where there should be a ball with a shiney swatch there is a yellow triangle mocking me saying Autodesk Material Library is not available, also none of the bump maps are showing up on new or migrated files whether this is a related issue I am not sure of.  All of the normal and custom textures show up just fine, and all the bump textures are in their correct folder in the correct place.  I have tried switching the design data folder around with no success. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Material Library Not Showing Up?

Oct 7, 2013

I am using inventor 2012 but the material library is not loading.Then i go to the Manage> Styles Editor> and clieck on color or material it only gives me the option of defualt.

The drop down box in the top right is greyed out so i cannot change this either.

It works fine on another PC just not mine.I have downloaded the material pack from the website also.

I have also changed the hardware settings. I have tried all 3 hardware settings and it makes no differance.

Running windows 7 x64, 8 gigs of ram 3.4 quad core, 128gig SSD.

Everything is up to date.When i installed the material library download the material library was working, but when i opened a file the material library went back to how it was above.

The files i am using are from models i made in inventor 2010, but there is no problem on another PC i use.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Nitinol In Material Library?

Oct 31, 2013

I was wondering if there is a way to import or add Nitinol alloy into my Inventor material list. I need to do stress simulations and Nitinol is not included... 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Select Material Library

Oct 4, 2013

I am working in 2013 right now. My project loads two material libraries, and I am finding that if the Autodesk Material Library is selected in the dropdown, and I try to set the material to something in my Custom library, it fails.  If I first select my custom library to make it the active one, then my code works fine. 

So my question is, how do I set my custom library to be the active one, or better yet, so that it will look through both library's and pick the material from the library that has it.? 

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Revit :: Material Library - Error In Loading

May 16, 2013

error in loading a material library which i created .. i have got the error saying "located file is already in use by another library"..

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Revit :: Material Asset Library Disappeared?

Feb 26, 2013

I created a material asset library for the company I work for with all of our materials in it.  I was making adjustments earlier today to the library and now when I open it nothing shows up.  It claims there is nothing in my file but yet the file size is 58,118 kb.  How to get it back without having to completely redo the whole library!? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Select Material In Library

Jan 2, 2013

I have my own library, Inteco Material Library, created with a material 'perforatie'.

Now I have a flat part and made a sketch with another rectangle. I have used the Split tool so I create a separate area that I can select.

If I select that area and I go to my own library I can not select my own made material. I have the material in the Inventor Material Library  installed but I can not select it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Material To Custom Library

Jan 29, 2013

I have recently started playing with the new materials and appearances browsers - what a nightmare.

So I created a custom library as described in the "Materials and Appearances" whitepaper from Autodesk.

Bottom left corner of material browser > create new material

> edit material: change its name, density etc

Why can I not add it to the new custom library - from document materials?I tried to drag and drop - no success.

I tried to right click > add to > xxx material library - no success.It does however let me drag and drop to the "favorites".
Inventor Professional 2014.
Windows 7 64 bit.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Group The Material In Library

Jul 17, 2013

is it possible to group the material in the library?

ex:  alum will have 1/8 thk flat bar etc, 2x2 alum angle...and so on.

 inventor 2013

vault 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Material Library Keeps Failing

Feb 14, 2013

I have gone thru what appears to be the correct steps in creating a custom material library a total of 3 times.

Once I finish customizing the library while in Inventor, I add it to my project file and make it the "active" library.  I test it with each of my part & assembly templates on my local machine without an issue.  When I log into another work station, locate and add the new library to their project file Inventor gives me a "no materials found".  So I go back to my machine to check and the library is no longer valid for me either.

I can see the library on the server, the file size is 3.6MB so it has substance. I cannot figure out what I am doing that is causing the library from locking up completely when I try to use it with another work station. Also, if any way to make my library usable again that would save me about 8 hours of work.

all of our stations use the "generic.ipj" project file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Custom Material Library

May 4, 2012

I've made my own material library containing a short list of materials from the Inventor default library.  And I have set my Project ipj to use it as the default library.  All works OK.  But, every time I make a new project ipj I have to go find my custom library adsklib file to add it to the project.  Is there a certain folder the adsklib file need to live in so that new projects will pick it up automatically?

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AutoCad :: Piping Material Library Including All Dimensions?

Dec 11, 2013

i need complete piping material library for Auto CAD which included all dimensions.

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Revit :: Install Material Library To Different Drive Letter?

Mar 22, 2012

I had to uninstall the material library from my C drive.  I have a dedicated SSD OS drive with very little extra space to spare.
Now that I need the material library again, when I try to install it, the installer still insists on using 1.2 GB on C.I've browsed for the new drive letter, and the little pop up window still shows it using no space on any other drive, and 1.2 on C.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Possible To Access Material Library Information Via API?

Oct 22, 2013

I want to present additional information on my drawings, whether in notes or some other form depending on whether it is a part or assembly drawing. The information I want to get access to is included in the material library and comes from the material Physical tab > Information section > Source, Subclass, Type, & Name.

Is the material library information accessible this way?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Material Styles From Library

Aug 16, 2012

My program is missing a few material styles from the content library, whenever I use them on a part they just stay the default color. How do I replace them without having to re download the whole program?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Single Library For BOTH Material And Appearance

Oct 2, 2012

I was trying to add a new appearance to our libray this morning,  got confused and started searching here and ran across an old thread of mine. 

".... Note that you can have a single custom library that contains both physical materials as well as appearances, or keep them separate if you prefer...."

I had always thought that these were two seperate things. After I read this, I noticed in my .ipj that the Inventor Materials Library is listed under both Appearance and Materials.

I tried copying the "InventorMaterialLibrary.adsklib" but that did not work when I tried to add it under my materials library in the ipj.... It said "No Materials are available". HOW to go about creating a single library that contains both materials and appearances?

Windows 7 x64 -12 GB Ram
Intel i7-930 @ 2.80ghz
nVidia GTS 250 -1GB (Driver 301.42)
INV Pro R2013, SP1 (before it was pulled)
Vault 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2014 - Export Material Library As List?

Oct 11, 2013

In Inventor 2014, is it possible to export a list of all of the materials in a given material library..? As text, or into Excel, or something similar?

I have a material library in Inventor 2014 containing lots of custom defined materials. I would like to create a master list that I can give to someone who isn't using Inventor. The only property that I really need to export is the material name, e.g.' CSA G40.21-44W'.

In this case, engineering is trying to coordinate better with purchasing, by making sure that materials are specified in the same way in both departments.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 - Edit / Delete Material In Library

Nov 4, 2013

how to edit or delete existing material in the library?In a part, I can rename, delete and create new materials using the Material broser.But how to transfer this modifications to library?

The only way i see is to "save styles to style library", but with this feature only the NEW created materials get saved in the library. But how to delete or modifiy materials that are already in the library?

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