VideoStudio :: Titles - Video Start To Have Low FPS

May 9, 2012

I have a problem with titles.I want to make a video with lyrics but after approx. 6 titles,the video start to have low fps.I exported the video in WMV and MP4(720p and 1080p) but still is moving discontinued.

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VideoStudio :: X5 - Fade Titles On Exit In Video

May 2, 2013

I have Corel X5 version of videostudio

I want to fade a title when it exits from my video. You can see in this video the title abruptly ends (you'll see it in the first 10 sec of this video: [URL] ...

I would like to have the title gradually fade away.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X4 Shuts Down When Loading Video And Adding Titles?

Oct 22, 2011

For the last few weeks I have been using the trial version of Pro X4, which I would gladly purchase if not for two recurring problems: (1) The program often shuts down when I am adding subtitles. (2) Sometimes I get the blue screen of death after loading video from my camera.

The subtitle problem is one I have experienced with the old Ulead Video Studio. I have a brand new hard drive with lots of available memory, and I do not have similar problems when using Windows MovieMaker (which I hate to do because VideoStudio is better).

The second problem is more disturbing, because the computer itself shuts down. Again, I have experimented, using Windows MovieMaker to load video, and there is no problem. The crash seems to take place after the video has been loaded, when VideoStudio begins displaying thumbnails of the clips (I load using the "split by scene" feature).

When this happens, I have been getting the "No storage to load BB" message, about which there is a thread somewhere, without a real answer for what "BB" stands for. I have read through this thread, and the suggestion seems to be this has something to do with file size.

Sometimes after I click "okay," my computer monitor goes blue with some an error message that I cannot fully read because it extends off the edges of the screen: something about dumping memory. Some numbers countdown at the bottom of the screen, something about memory dump, but it all disappears before I can read through and make sense of anythingl.

After rebooting, I might also get a message about the file (singular, not plural) being corrupted and therefore not properly saved, but all the clips are there when I look for them.

My hard drive is not short of memory (3/4 empty of 465 GB capacity). I also tried saving directly to my external hard drive (which has 1.5 TB free out of 2 TB capacity). Same problem.

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VideoStudio :: Enable Ripple Editing To Lock Titles With The Video Track?

Jan 19, 2011

I see that I have to enable Ripple Editing to lock my titles with the video track before adding more scenes, but I can't seem to find where to do this.

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VideoStudio :: Can Add Title Before Video Start

Dec 25, 2010

I am using Ulead VideoStudio and I am trying to add a title before the video start without any success I always get the title over the first few seconds of the video.

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VideoStudio :: Cool Effect - Video Start In Eye / Zoom And End Up Full Page

Apr 4, 2012

I am building a highlight video for my son who is a wrestler. I had the idea at the beginning to zoom in on one of his sr pics towards his eye. I want a the video to start in his eye but as zooming is complete it will end up full page video.

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Photoshop Elements :: Make Moving Video Titles?

Mar 3, 2014

is it possible to make moving video titles in Photoshop Elements?

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VideoStudio :: Put Chapter Titles In X5?

Jan 28, 2013

I am pulling myhair out here HAve just purchased X5 and having fun playing with it BUT I cannot figure out how to put a title on a chapter. If I add a chapter it will come up with the thumbnail and the time under it But unlike the earlier versions where you could simple change the title and thumbnail to what you want X5 seems to have hidden this feature very well.

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VideoStudio :: Pro X3 Font / Titles

Jul 4, 2011

on the overview download page on VS pro x3, i see there are a few title packages (and fonts + and styles) i can download , but when I click "now download" it goes back to the normal screen where i can edit videos. other title and fonts i can use after downloading some dont. maybe there in some sort of cache or so because i think to remember that i used to download it once but tried to install a few at the same time and this don't function. and the next start of VS pro x3 a screen pops up with some things(i think the titles) and i don't know what i have clicked.

as there any way to use this title package/font package/style package?

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VideoStudio :: Fading Titles In And Out

Jun 23, 2013

How to fade a title in and out.on dv studio pro x4 ?

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VideoStudio :: How To Insert Titles

Sep 8, 2013

I've needed to insert special characters & JPGs in title text a few times and haven't found a method. The typical word processing stuff doesn't work: Combining half marks; Combining diacritical marks; Typing special characters (Unicode Standard) even when assigned to custom keys.

In Hawaiian, I need to use a glottal stop (upside down, mirror image apostrophe) and a standard macron over an "I" (hard to find in any language) to be correct. I don't think I'll find an Hawaiian keyboard. Changing languages doesn't work either because the restriction is; availability of keyboard characters.

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VideoStudio :: DVD Stuck Between Titles

Jun 20, 2012

I've used VS11+ for making DVD's quite a long time. However, I've just made a DVD with a menu and it gets stuck between titles. This is weird because I've used the titles in other productions without fail. Where do I start to fix this? Shift them around? Delete them then re-add?

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VideoStudio :: Titles Off Center

Jan 21, 2013

Why are my titles in my project always off center to the point some words are even off the screen when I try and save a project ? I'm using Prox5 and I love the program, but I cannot save my project without the titles that I have in the project off center,over to the right. I did manage to save my project as a MP4 Hd format and it was fine, when it comes to the titles,but of course the quality isn't as good. I want to save it as AVCHD or Blu-ray. The video files I have in my project are all MTS files.

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VideoStudio :: Using Text In Titles

Oct 3, 2013

I'm still new to the program and I'm wondering, is there any way to just put normal text in your video, not use the flashy title text that I can only find?

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VideoStudio :: Lost Titles In X3?

Apr 25, 2011

I've been using VS pro X2, but since getting Win 7 I got X3 for stability. This is the first time I've actually used it for a new video. Yesterday I had all of my titles available to me in X3, and was making a new video with them. After unsuccessfully attempting to open an X2 file (for some reason NONE of my X2 files will open in X3, VERY frustrating) for comparison, I opened X2 after closing X3. When I went in to open X3 again, ALL but 2 of my titles are now gone, and I only have 3 transitions (I have about 15 or so in X2). Where are all my effects and titles?

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VideoStudio :: X4 Editing Titles

Jul 2, 2011

I'm moving over from Pinnacle Studio 15, and so far I like what I'm seeing with VS. The preview pane is MUCH better for editing Hi Def video than what Pinnacle provides, so I may be a convert. But, in Pinnacle, it is easy to create a title, and change the background using stock photos, or your own photos for that matter. I'm having difficulty editing the titles in VS. Is there a way to change the background?

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VideoStudio :: Labeling DVD Titles

Jun 3, 2013

A small problem, but one I thought it can't hurt to ask about. At least on my DVD/Blu Ray player, when a DVD is stopped while playing, the tv monitor's screen reverts to a home page that lists the name(s) of the movies on the inserted DVD. So if the DVD is Star Wars, the screen will display something like "Star Wars: the Movie" and "Star Wars: Additional Content," which represents the two titles the player recognizes from the inserted disk. (Note that this is not the DVD menu, but something the player is reading from the disk prior to launching DVD.) When the inserted DVD has been created by Video Studio Pro X6 and is then stopped, if there are, say, two film clips on the DVD, the screen displays Just the words "Title 1" and "Title 2".

My first question, then, is whether VS Pro X6 allows me to give the clips actual titles, say "The Zoo," and "The Park," so that these titles, rather than the generic "Title 1" and "Title 2" will display when the DVD is stopped.

My second question is whether VS Pro X6 allows me to issue instructions so that when "The Zoo" or "The Park" (or for that matter "Title One" or "Title 2") is selected from the player, that the DVD's menu will come up rather than the selected clip. (This question is even less important than the first, but while I'm on the topic, thought I'd ask; I have adjusted the settings so that a finished clip is followed by the DVD menu, but I'd like to be able to launch the menu from the player without removing and replacing the disk or starting a clip and then interrupting it by selecting Menu.)

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VideoStudio :: Skipping Titles In DVD?

May 3, 2012

I'm running VS11+ with all three patches/updates. I just made a beautiful Bluray HDV project with m2t files. However, I've noticed when making a DVD with SD clips, VS plays the first title, it skips the second title and goes to halfway in to the third as if nothing was wrong. The preview shows and plays the clips properly. It's only when making the final folders/image that it goofs. It doesn't matter what mpg I put into the second slot. It's always skipped. I've removed the second clip and saved then re-imported. It's always the same. I didn't see anything on a search about skipping titles. I'm fairly amazed it didn't work with SD. I've even popped them in 2 other authoring programs and they all work fine....just not VS11+.

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VideoStudio :: Creating Plain Titles In 11?

Mar 27, 2012

Why I can create a plain Title in Video Studio 11, but in Video Studio X4 it will only create a moving Title? I cannot find any way to make just a Title and place on the clip anywhere I want. I double-click on the clip, but it automatically puts the text at the top of the screen and then takes on the attributes of a template.

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VideoStudio :: Multiple Titles In Same Clip?

Nov 24, 2013

How can I add multiple titles to the same clip, but enter the clip at different times ..?

I am trying to add a title by having "____ production presents..." (fades out) (fades in) "Title of Movie"

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VideoStudio :: Scrolling Two Lines Of Titles?

Sep 29, 2012

I had no problem learning how to set up scrolling titles in Video Stuidio X5… the kind that scroll up from the bottom of the screen and disappear off the top. But I need to do something different now.

I am working on video of a stage musical I videotaped. For one rather complicated number, I would like to have the lyrics scrolling up from the bottom of the screen and disappearing two or three lines above the bottom "video safe" margin. Functionally, these would serve as open caption subtitles for the number. Accomplishing this method would be preferable to creating a series of individual subtitle segments and trying to match them up to the video. For this number in particular, that is not at all desirable.

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VideoStudio :: Titles Blocky But Only Upon Rendering?

Jun 21, 2012

I'm using X5 with SP1 on WIn7 SP1 and, only since tonight, the titles on my projects are blocky and ragged not smooth like normal. If I play the projects, they look fine and the title letters are smooth. It's happening whether I do a batch conversion or singly. The projects are 29.97 fps NTSC 480 lines frame based - same as the source clips. Other projects like this have been fine and it's only tonight it's started. I've restarted the program and restarted my OS as well - no change. note my Win7 is in a VMWare environment but the VS X5 program has been working just fine until now. I've successfully rendered over 150 projects all with smooth edged titles on my set up... until now.

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VideoStudio :: Create DVD That Will Have 3 Movies (Titles)?

Mar 16, 2012

I have VisualStudio Pro X5.I would like to create a DVD that will have 3 movies (Titles). I would like to a have Play All button on the menu page so that when selected the 3 movies will play in sequence without returning to the menu after playing a movie. In addition I would also be able to select each each movie individually from the menu. Control would return to the menu after playing the movie.

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VideoStudio :: DVD Without Backgrounds Titles And Music

Oct 20, 2011

As a newbie hopping to put video with my still images I started out by making a DVD of a video of a boat followed by the same boat after Mercali processing. Video were fine and Mercali worked as it says. How do you get a plain DVD without one of the fancy backgrounds that the program makes you chose to start the DVD which need titles and without horrible music that came from nowhere? I cannot find how to make a video with nothing at the start that goes straight into the video you have made. All I want is how to make a DVD of my videos (I can put the title on top of the video at the start) that you put into a DVD player that self starts or at worst needs you to press play on the remote control.

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VideoStudio :: Titles Not Positioning Correctly

Mar 17, 2011

I have VideoStudio Pro X2 and the trial version of X4

I have the same problem in both versions: Titles do not position accurately and the positioning of titles varies wildly depending on output format.

Rendering to .avi seems to do the best but the output is HUGE. Whereas the .flv would me 8 _megs_ ... the .avi is 4.5 _GIGS_. Again, this happens on X2 (on Vista 64) and X4 (Windows 7 64)

How can I get the output to render EXACTLY as I see the preview screen?

It does not seem to matter if I put the titles in the title safe area ... they still move.

Is this a known issue?

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VideoStudio :: X4 Titles In Overlay Track?

Mar 7, 2011

Using Video Studio X4 I have noticed that I can insert a Title to the overlay tracks. The initial title goes to the title track, but can be dragged to the overlay track.

I’ve had a look at the track manager and as expected there is still the option to use two title tracks. Even so the ability to use the overlays for titles is very interesting.

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VideoStudio :: X6 - Titles / Transitions And Templates

Oct 14, 2013

I recently installed Video Studio Ultimate X6 and all the bonus templates, titles, transitions, etc.

I followed all the prompts and installed them. However, I can't FIND them!

I know the directory on the computer but I can't get them to appear in the program and therefore can't use them.

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VideoStudio :: X4 / Blu-ray - How To Edit Sub Menu Titles

Aug 13, 2011

I just purchased the Video Studio X4. I have a good feel for the program but how to edit the sub menu titles. I have a 2 1/2 hour video and I use multi-trim to edit it. I tried to edit the title of each segment but cannot figure it out. When I go into Blu-ray authoring and choose any template, I can edit the main menu fine. When I go to edit and then customize I cannot change the submenu titles. When I double click on "untitled" or "chapter 1" or "chapter 2" I can only change the font size.

Do I have to save each clip from multi-trim and name it and then re-import it?

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VideoStudio :: Titles In TAMIL Language

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to make titles in TAMIL language but when i placed a tamil word in the title section, it is changed to ????? in the preview sections. How can i get a tamil font. Do i have to first install in my system to see that in the vidoe font list ?

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VideoStudio :: Animated Boris 3D Titles

Jun 26, 2012

I'm likin' it for the most part, but am having some problems when applying any (animated) Boris 3D titles or enhanced 2D titles. Preview slows to crawl. Taking as long as 50 sec to preview a 6 sec title effect. VS crashed at 60% on attempting to render (MPEG-4 HD) the same 6 sec. title effect.

These are not sophisticated titles I'm using here. Just using Boris' animated templates, changing the font format to 3D or 2D with borders and shadows. All on plain black swatch background, no other tracks in use. If I just use the default plain 2D text the animations work just fine.

I'm set to full hardware acceleration, changing preview from Best, Better, My hardware profile is on the right, am I short on GPU for these types of animations?

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VideoStudio :: 3D Stereo Titles And Effects

Aug 8, 2013

I am using a JVC GY-HMZ1 stereo video camera with Videostudio 6X so my files don't need to be tagged 3D so my question is how can i add titles and effects and still retain 3D stereo in my final output?I am new to Videostudio 6X pro

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