I have about 40 images with jewellery that I need to remove all that black color without removing jewelleries shades. I have tried sevearl ways of deleting the actual background using background eraser tool, lasso tool etc but I just cant get to have my piece of jewellery look nice. I would like to have nice and clean borders,
I seem to be having problems when I lasso round a specific part of a photo taken with a white background and then try to add that part of the image to a plain #000000 black background.
I always seem to get a white outline around the image when I place it on the black background, even when its on ZERO feathered. I don't like using feathered as it adds a smudge round the outside of the image.
What is the best way to remove a black eye (actually is the green tint that I want to remove, and it's slightly above the persons eye and going into the forehead) ?
I regularly have to remove the Black (K) for printing cost reason at work... Some time ago, I found a small and easy trick which involved playing between a specific profile and then past the CMYK picture to the RGB mode and come back to CMYK...
The Black was replaced by a mix between the Cyan, the Magenta and the Yellow, without losing to much "relief" in the picture. It works perfectly except when I come back to my "regular" CMYK profile (which for Europe is the FOGRA39...), the Black is back again!
Remove the Black and replace it with CMY? I don't want to just remove the black, but also to replace it with CMY...
There is a strong possibility that I'm forgetting something. I want remove the black from this image, precisely. I gave channels a try, selection as well with a tolerance of 12 - 22 the results were not what I want.
I have a band stage with a bunch of laser light rays, and the room is dark, how can I remove the black so it doesn't print a ton of ink? I would just print the colored rays on a white business card, with my text.
I am working with a digitized land use image that classifies land use by color. Land use is also divided by black lines that are about 10 pixels in width. I would like to remove these black lines so that land type changes are represented only by color change. What is the best way to remove the black lines?
I'm using CS6 on my MacPro and and MacBook Pro (both running 10.6.8). When i use the crop tool on my laptop, an annoying black rectangle with dimensional data pops up whenever I crop. This does not happen on my desktop. I need this turned off on my laptop as well.
I have created a solid white image on a "transparent background." The problem is it comes with a small black border around the image. How can I remove it? I'm hoping to put it on a t-shirt - almost like it's screened. I've attached a copy of the gif.
I have just purchased this upgrade software having used XARA Xtreme4.0 for many years.How can I change the black background screen with white writing to grey with black writing?
i'm trying to build a web site and the logo i want to use has a white background. I want to place it on my menu, but can't align the graphic from the menu prorperly...
I was wondering it there was anyway i would be able to remove the background?
I made the picture into a circle, this is what makes it really difficult for me? I know photohsop makes transparent background, but would it do the same on a icture that already exist? And is there a way of cropping into circles?
I have seen pictures with a total pitch black background,
how did they transformed a normal background into a pitch black background? Someone told me they used a photoshop so I browsed around but all I found was a tutorial on how to isolate a section of the photo and turn it into a black and white background which is not what I was after.
I used the Flaming text effect, and I was wondering if there was a way to have just the text (with flames) and no background. I am trying to use this text to put on a video clip with effects, and would like to have the text on clip, but if I use the background You will not be able to see video effect I want behind the text. I tried the wand, and unless I missed a step or something different, it didn't work. I am a noob, but trying to learn.
I am trying to incorporate some business logos into a brochure I am creating. The problem is, most of these logos have a white background. How can I remove this and make a transparent background?
Is it possible to remove the background from a video in Photoshop CS5 and replace it with a still image? The video is really simple (black and white). I know it's possible in After Effects or Premiere Pro but I need to stick to Photoshop. Also, I cannot do anything that involves manually adjusting images frame by frame as I work with really high frame-rate videos (10000/sec).
I have a logo with a white background, i want to remove it and make logo much bigger so it can be printable. I have tried to copy it and resize, but quality becomes really bad.. Logo is on URL... at the homepage.What tools should i use for non quality lose, when i resize?
Remove the background of this picture...and make it transparent... Im using this for xat avatar Its really nothing but I really want to have this picture without a background!
how to remove any background from photos..specially grained and low contrast ones....like this: I know that using channels is useful in this case..but I need more experience with this way..plus I tried it and I can't keep the smoothness of the image...is there any other ways ?
I'm trying to work with a brag ad that will run in a high school football program. She's got 3 great photos of her son. I think that they would look better if 1-3 of them had the background taken out...
I don't need the photo(s) back until tomorrow. I'm thinking that I'm going to use them on either a Blue, Black or White background and the 'message' is going to be VERY simple!! Until I can spring for Photoshop - and commit to learning it - I'm just using Apple's Pages application to design these ads.
how do you take a image and remove the background without messing up the image itself! like take my picture and remove the background and put another awesome looking background?