Photoshop :: Images Pasting Small
Aug 13, 2004
i have photshop cs and when i paste a picture into photoshop from my "my pictures" folder after selecting parts of the image with the magnetic lasso, it pastes fine. mind you, its in jpeg form, because its pictures i myself took with my digital camera. ok, thats not a problem. but when i go into another folder that has pictures on my computer, use the magnetic lasso to take part of the image and paste it once again on a blank new canvas---THE IMAGES PASTE LIKE 25% OF THE ORIGINAL SIZE!! it only does this with this one particular folder. i like making collages of my pics, so i open up a custom, 8x10 new blank canvas, and when i print, it always comes up super small when pasted. i try resizing the images, but they are pixelated, so it looks blurry the bigger i make it. how can i paste images in accordance with their original size and stop getting these super small midget sizes of my image?
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Sep 11, 2004
I'm a PS newbie, and I've been trying to copy a selection from one image and paste it in another. This normally works perfectly, but I've been having real problems with one image. Whenever I copy something onto it (with most pics, at least; haven't tried them all) the copied selection loses all colour and texture and becomes an apparently random selection of white and black pixels.
Is there a setting somewhere that I should change? Are the images just incompatible? Please help.
Here's an example screenshot. Request any further information you want and I'll try to provide it.
Edit: In case you couldn't tell, I'm trying to copy the stick on the right onto the witch.
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Apr 24, 2004
lets say there is this image, and I want to make a selection. That selection, I want to quicky turn into a new image. So, the way I did it was:
1. Press S.
2. Drag Selection.
3. Press CTRL+C.
4. Goto FILE > NEW
5. Create 1x1 image.
6. With new image selected, press CTRL+V to paste it into image (auto fits)
In Paintshop Pro, all you had to do was:
1. Press S.
2. Drag Selection.
3. Press CTRL+C.
4. Press CTRL+V.
(CTRL+V would "PASTE AS NEW IMAGE") Which worked perfect. And in PSP CTRL+E would "PASTE INTO CURRENT IMAGE / SELECTION", which seems to be the current CTRL+V function for PS.
Am I taking too many steps here? Is there a way to do this more like the PSP way?
Another short example, I had text that I wanted to manually adjust the kerning. I had to:
1. Press L (for Lasso)
2. Dragg Selection
3. Instead of the Click-Holding inside this new selection to move the contents over, PS moves the SELECTION over. I tried ALT, CTRL and SHIFT variants but they don't move the selection's contents like I'd want. So I press M (for Move).
4. Move the item.
5. Goto Step 1 for each of the letters I want to move.
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Jun 9, 2013
Photoshop is resizing my image and instead of it coming in at about 4" W x 5"H it is coming is at 6" W and 1" H..
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May 4, 2013
I would like to crop heads of people in certain photos, and paste or align them with bodies in different images.
I've tried isolating the head or face using the Quick Selection Tool, and then Image/Crop, but I cannot get a clean edge; it's surrounded by an angular border, no matter what I do.
Is this impossible to do with curvy shaped image elements?
I'm working with PSE 9.
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Feb 4, 2013
In short all I want to do is take people out of images that I have and paste them all together in new images and add a background colour. Is there a function to cut them out, do I have to sellect them piece by piece.
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Mar 16, 2013
I have just started working with GIMP, after years of using Photoshop, which I can't afford anymore. Most of the tools don't look that different from what I was used to in PS, but I ran into a problem right away: I don't seem to be able to cut an image and then paste the cut image as a new layer on top of another image. I creates a new layer alright, but I don't see the image I want to copy.
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Jul 5, 2013
I have a bilbiotheek with trees and such, but Photoshop does not display small images of this already clipped objects. It is difficult to distinguish the various objects. How can I make sure that I see these images?
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Nov 13, 2013
I realize that you can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear, but I'm in the position of needing to make some small images larger while working with them to not look completely blurry or pixellated.
Are there techniques for doing this? Does one need to start with an image of at least a certain size to expect any halfway decent results? The starting point images in question are in the neighborhood of 250px - 400px in either dimension and all combos of those.
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May 13, 2013
When I copy and paste an image from Word .docx files they comr in blurry. I have a client who sends me drawing images that have been scanned and pasted into word .docx files. In Word the images are of high resolution, crisp and easy to read. When I copy the images and paste them into AutoCAD 2013 they are quite blurry and almost un-readable. Any way to retain the image resolution
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Jul 8, 2012
I want to know how to insert a customized/colorful font like the one seen in the attached picture (Darknet). How do I do this with a generic stock image using GIMP? I want to create titles for my books using fonts that are relevant to the book title.
Lets say I want to use a woman's face/body from one stock photo image and transplant it into another stock image (just the face/body even though there are other elements in the background.
Is this possible with Gimp? What I want to do is combine the two. For instance, a picture of a galaxy of stars and then paste the image of the woman onto it.
Attached File(s) cover - Darknet.jpg (88.12K)
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Dec 2, 2012
I have me riding a giant bird with a transparent background, with the pixel dimensions of 3000x3373 and I have a sky picture with the EXACT same dimensions (3000x3373) that I want to use as a background by rearranging the layers, but when I paste the sky background it pasts onto the bird picture at only <10% of the size of the bird picture EVEN THOUGH both images are the EXACT same dimensions.
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Jul 8, 2012
After I apply some keywords to an image, how can I easily copy the keywords added to that image to others?
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Dec 22, 2004
I'm interested in using PS to design tool icons for application toolbars. This question really relates to using PS for very small images (say less than 32x32 pixels in size). Are they any tips for working with small images in PS that you can share?
I've tried some dedicated programs like Microangelo but PS has more tools and effects.
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Nov 25, 2004
I've been collecting all kinds of small cards and tickets. Like those that are clipped to a new set of jeans, or a ticket for a bus fair from vacation. Small pieces of paper that tell a story.
I'd like to make a poster, an image, out much smaller ones. I don't know how they are called, but everybody knows them. Those smaller images are put together in a checkerboard-pattern. Together they form a big image, that you one see when you take some distance, look between your eye lashes.
My question is: Is there a photoshop-filter that can do this, or is it a stand-alone application? Where can I get it?
I'm a MacOS X user.
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Jun 27, 2013
Something just happened here. In the past, when I open any photo in Elements 10, the image would pretty much fill the space. the bottom edge of the picture would almost reach the bottom of the workspace...whether vertical or horizontal format. Then I would create a duplicate and hit either ctrl + 0 (zero) and the duplicate would be a nice large size. ( Double clicking on the little hand in the tool bar would also do the same trick).
Now , for some reason, the picture opens to maybe 60% of that size. It's way too small to work on comfortably. The duplicate is even smaller. When I hit the ctrl + 0 ...nothing happens size remains the same. If I pull on lower right hand corner to only enlarges the ruler and frame. Picture itself remains same small size. How can I get that back? I tried a system restore. that did not work.
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Oct 23, 2011
When I finish adjusting (in the Develop Module) and I click "copy" and select the items I want to copy, then what I want to do is apply (paste) these settings into a number of images.
What I'm doing is then I highlight ("Crtl+Click") several images in the Filmstrip. Once these images are highlight (filmstrip images highlighted), I then click "Paste" - but the only image that is changed (settings applied) is the first filmstrip image.
How do I select in the filmstrip the images I want to adjust (apply the copied settings) and have the settings applied to all the selected images?
I'm sure this is obvious and there has got to be a way to apply this "recipe" to all the selected images without having to create a collection or do it one-at-a-time.
This is proably the same issue, but when I want to rotate several images (in the Library module), if I select them in the flimstrip, only the first image rotates when I click the clock-wise or counter-clock-wise arrow. Same issue? Can this be done in the filmstrip?
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Mar 1, 2008
I am using photoshop CS2 and I am having some difficulty putting text into an image that is 16 x 12 BMP format 256 colours, When I make a new layer and then click the T tool I type in the text that I wanna put in and then go to another tool and the text isn't showing up no matter what size I put it on,
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Mar 1, 2012
Recently, had to stop using Corel PhotoImpact, since Corel stopped supporting it. Switched to PaintShop Pro X4
Running Win 7 64 bit, Office 2007
I have to repeatedly copy and paste from PaintShop Pro X4 into Word 2007.
When I choose the default paste, the pictures are fuzzy in Word
1) this is not a problem with other programs, such as Irfranview, as the source, instead of PaintShop Pro X4.
2) if choose "Paste Special" in Word-->bitmap, pictures are sharp. It is the default paste that is the problem.
3) I do not want to have to use "Paste Special" all the time
This is rather odd, to say the least. Why should the same image captured by the Windows clipboard from PaintShop Pro X4 vs Irfranview behave differently when pasted into Word 2007?
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Mar 5, 2013
I have been using Gimp for a lot of "tile based" images, which feature layers composed of several "tiles" pasted into those layers. However, I just recently started creating transparent tiles, and pasting them.
One of the strangest things I have run into here is that I don't seem to be able to move my selection ( Floating Layer? ) if the opacity on the source pixels is 0.25 or less. Specifically, I do not get the usual "drag box" when I hover over the transparent pixels. Instead, I get the "anchor box" ( which seems to crop the pasted area before anchoring ). I tried this on a composite image with some more transparent pixels ( 0.25 ) and some more opaque pixels ( 0.26 ), and the "drag box" appears only over the more opaque pixels.
Why this might be happening? It could be that this is just context-sensitive cursor behavior which varies on transparency, and if so, is there another way to move the pasted selection?
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Nov 18, 2013
All of my images open way too small in the Photoshop active work window. (CS6) Is there a way to reduce the overall size of the active window?
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Nov 28, 2013
When I open a large image (one larger in resolution than my monitor), it opens in a small window on the far right of my screen. When I move it to the middle of my screen, resize it so I can see more of it and zoom in again, the window snaps back to the far right.
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Jan 26, 2013
I need to use when trying to produce small but detailed images using PSP Photo X2? I have attempted to solve this problem numerous times without success.
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Feb 25, 2011
Are there any good video tutorials for redrawing logo such as the one I'm including. Some of my clients don't have the original artwork and I'm stuck with having to redraw small images to get better quality.
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May 2, 2012
I have just updated a whole load of block symbols as some numpty didn't put them on layer 0. When i have created a tool palette of the symbols, 4 of approx 30 symbols have got such a tiny tool image, that its impossible to see them, but oddly the rest are fine.
I have checked the blocks are zoomed to extents, checked the drawing limits are the same ones that are okay, and checked that the size of the block is the same, effectively i can not see any difference between the blocks. Even when i increase the image size to max in the tool palette view options the symbol is to small to identify. Oddly in windows explorer and in ACAD design center there is no issue with the tool image size.
Whilst i could manually create a new image, and tell the tool palette to use it, if this happens with all the blocks, it could be time consuming, when there could be a very simple answer i have over looked.
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May 2, 2012
I have released a new tool for ACAD users and it would be great if I could find some beta testers. so what about you? 3D Injector is a stand alone application designed to create 3D Drawings from small images. Once the image is selected, the program will inject the necessary code into the ACAD command line to create a 3D mesh based on this image. Every pixel on the image is converted into a 3D point where the Z coordinate is elevated according to the pixel luminosity. URL....
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Mar 6, 2008
In LT2008. Dragging blocks (individual files) from ADC to tool palette. Some of the images are unreadable, just a dot or two. The drawing files are saved with the image filling the screen. Changing the size of the image in the tool palette does not work. I have tried plotting to .jpg and .png, the images are grayed. What is the best way to make a nice image for the tool palette to display at a medium size?
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Dec 2, 2012
Sometimes some pics after being imported, have short horizontal lines next to keywords before I do anything with the photos. Is Lightroom somehow suggesting keywords that I should apply to these images?
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Mar 1, 2014
I'm working on a collage, and I'm not sure if Illustrator, InDesign or PS would be the best application to use.
I've got 7 sheets of paper, each with a bunch of black and white line drawings, that I've scanned into seven PDFs. I need to be able to select, cut, paste, resize, rotate, and move around each of the little drawings onto one big artboard - about 150 little drawings total.
I did this once in Illustrator already, and I learned the hard way that the "transform" tool also changes image resolution - I scaled the individual drawings down just so I could fit them all on the page, and when I tried to scale them back up again to make the layout look nice, they were extremely pixilated. I'd like to avoid this time loss the second time around!
What is the best way to select all of the little drawings from the larger PDF, copy, and paste into a new master document, erase the white background, and then manipulate the layout?
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Jun 27, 2013
I love LRs ability to create great watermarks. Only thing, they seem to come out (from DNGs) at about 3 mb apiece (quality setting at 79) - super large. So I clicked the box to limit file size, and I chose 300k (for web), and it says "could not create a jpeg that met your limit".
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Dec 21, 2013
I run MacOS 10.9, Lightroom 5.3 and I print on an Epson R3000.
The first problem I had was that the images was printed on just a small part of the paper and it cut the images. I have attached a picture showing this. I totally reinstalled my computer and now it looks like that problem is gone (for now at least). But now the images are printed but much smaller than the paper I specify. If I specify A3+ I get something close to A4. Borderless printing on 6*4 looks to be working as it should but that's the only I managed to print so far.
I tested printing from Photoshop 5.1 and that worked fine.
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