Photoshop :: Image To Come Down In Size

Aug 16, 2006

I need to make a jpg that is 100x100 and less than 10k. The image was created in illustrator and then I paste it into photoshop.

I can't get down pass 29k.

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Photoshop :: Changing Logo Into An Avatar - Lowering Image Size And Pixel Size?

Aug 28, 2007

i currently have a logo that is 460X440 pixels and 12.17cmsX11.69cms and the resolution is 96 pixels per inch.

i am wanting to change it into a 2cm X 2cm avatar that is less than 6K in size,

how do i do this? everything i try makes the output file about 24k in size.

the reason i am doing this is the forum i regularly post on has a max avatar size of 6k.

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Photoshop :: Difference Between Canvas Size And Image Size?

Aug 28, 2013

1. How do I connect, collapse and disconnect windows (tool bar, property manager, etc.)? They get stuck together and I can't unstick them.  

2. What's the difference between canvas size and image size?  

3. Which tools are only for web design (i.e. tools I can ignore if I'm not doing that)?  

4. What's the subselection tool do?  

For Photoshop:  

1.Why is the original layer always locked?

2. Whats the name of the property inspector in PS? And is it called inspector or manager in FW?

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Photoshop :: Image Size Related To Print Size

Jan 9, 2003

I'm using Photoshop 7. I create a new document 8.5 x 11 inches at 150 pixels per inch.

I draw a circle 1" from the top of the image. The circle is 3" in radius.

When I print the circle is nearly .25" smaller in radius and slightly less than 1" from the top.

Why is the output not in the same placement and proportions as the image on the screen?

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Photoshop :: Image Size Of Opened Image Changes After I Close The Image

Dec 11, 2007

I am trying to create some images in PS2 that have to be 3.5 to 4.0 mb. When viewing the Image Size screen, I might see an image size of 9.6 mb. However, when I save the image and run my mouse over the image in Bridge, it shows a size between 2 to 3 mb. I can't figure out why this discrepancy, or what math I need to do in order to figure out how to create the required image size other than by trial and error.

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Photoshop :: CC Image Size Preview Size?

Aug 11, 2013

In the new Image>Image Size dialog box, the preview is always at 100% which seems a bit disorienting.Is there a way to set that to default to "fit".

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Photoshop :: CS5.1 - Print Size Is Not Image-size?

Mar 29, 2012

I have CS5.1 on a Macbook Pro.I have an incredibly frustrating problem.    I've seen similar questions, but not an answer that has resolved this for me. I have an image  I have sized to fit an 8.5 x 11 inch paper.  Canvas and image size all indicate my image is sized at 7.33 x 11 inches.  It is at 300 dpi.  Print size  view indicates full space is utilized on either side….BUT…
When I go to print, I click "scale to fit media" (which is an 8.5 x 11 paper sitting in printer)  image prints smaller  with a bar on one side.  .
When I uncheck STFM,
I get:
scale  - 92.67%,


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Photoshop :: Image Size, Canvas Size...

Jul 19, 2009

I have a created a new PSD that is 8 1/2 x 11.The canvas size is the same 8 1/2 x 11.I want to put a border around the picture (say 1/2 of an inch all around), and put the finished picture in a Picture frame.  After it is in the frame, you would be able to see the entire picture plus the border. Q.  Should I change (reduce image size) of the PSD to (for this example), 8 x 10 1/2.      Then increase the canvas size to 8 1/2 x 11.  After I increased the canvas size, do a  Paint Bucket fill with white (to create the White border)?  then print the changed size PSD on 8 1/2 x 11 paper so that it will fit into a 8 1/2 x 11 picture frame  I realize I could have just created the new PSD to be 8 x 10 1/2 in the first place.

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Photoshop :: Image Size Vs File Size

Apr 29, 2009

  When I save a file to jpeg the image size in photoshop remains the same as it was as a tiff file BUT according to the information that comes up in windows properties the file is much smaller (300k vs 2.9mg).   Can you advise me which is the correct file size?   If the correct size is the one showing in windows (300K) does mean that the file compressed in JPG and lost a lot of information?

  and if this is the case how can I prevent that from happening and still save the file as a JPG?   [ I would like the image to remain the size photoshop shows it to be] .  Thank you very much.

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Paint.NET :: When Image Size Altered Watermark Stay Same Size

Oct 1, 2011

can a watermark stay the same size even when an image size is altered? say if its text and it gets too big when i enlarge the image how do i shrink the watermark ? when it is already merged and flattened as one picture without a separate layer.

such as a php or java script to keep the watermark distinct in a way even in a flattened pic or to select the watermark to erase it and re-apply it in the right font size back onto the resized pic?

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Photoshop :: Keyboard Shortcut To Zoom Image Area To Image Size?

Feb 22, 2006

Is there a keyboard shortcut to zoom the image area to the image size. Kind of like the shortcut ctrl + 0 but the reverse.

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Photoshop :: Image / Resize / Image Size In PSE7

Feb 6, 2013

I am having trouble with Image/Resize/Image Size in PSE7. In the past I had a document size of 4x6. When I wanted to reduce the # of pixels, I just entered new #s and the document size remained the same. A couple days ago I changed both the document size and canvas size. I cannot get my old settings back. I even uninstalled and reinstalled the program, I also have PSE11 on a trial basis and it also only sees the changed settings. I've tried changing Scale Styles, Constrain Proportions & Resample Image, in addition to changing the Canvas Size but cannot get it to work like it did before I changed the settings.

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Photoshop :: Can't Print Legal-size Image To Legal-size Paper

Oct 26, 2013

I go through a lot of sketch stages to get to a final picture, and I sometimes print on legal paper. My Brother printer does fine at that with Apple Pages, MSWord, Acrobat, and Illustrator, but with Photoshop there's a problem. I set up a legal-size image in PS, go through all the settings I can find for printing to a non-letter-format sheet, hit print, and what I get is a letter-size patch of image on a legal-size sheet. Clearly, either I am missing something or PS is missing something.

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Paint.NET :: Save Onscreen Image (Near 100%) As Final Image Size

Mar 8, 2013

If I load a large image (say 5400 px sq.) in (or similar) & choose a zoom level where I like the look / size of individual elements, in ONE area. Image is still no where near 100%.
I select a rectangle so the ACTUAL size of rectangle_AND the way the selection looks AT THAT ZOOM level, is what I want. Say, to use as Fx header background.

Problem I've had: Because the image I initially cropped wasn't at 100%, when crop it - the PHYSICAL size of the rectangle may be 1920 x 180 px, but the prgm still thinks / knows it's really 3500 x 450 (or such), at 40% zoom. I can't just save the image - as it looks on screen - & it be that size when reopen it.
I DON'T want to resize / resample it, because (sometimes)  that changes the current look (size of certain elements in the image). The only way I've found (gotta be another way) is take a screen shot of the cropped image, at it's CURRENT zoom level. Then it will save as a 1920 x 180 px image, NOT as a 3500 x 450 px image that was at reduced zoom.
If I resize & save at a REDUCED %, it can change the look & size of elements. Every thing I've tried to save the image - at it's PHYSICAL size on screen - say 18.5 in. x 1.75 in. (when image is NOT @ 100% zoom), results in saving a much larger image.  I understand this, but looking for a way around it.  Used various settings & tried to trick the apps many ways - cropping in one app, copying to another - you name it.

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Lightroom :: Image Sizing Dimensions - Wrong Image Size?

Jul 24, 2013

Image Sizing Dimensions produces wrong image sizes upon export for certain images.
Example, I have export set up for iPad resolution, 2048x1536px at 264ppi. If I now export an 3264x4928px image it should be resized to 1356x2048px. What I get is 1356x2047 instead, one pixel too short on the long side. This doesn't happen for all images source resolutions and ratios though. I haven't figured out the pattern yet.

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Photoshop :: Image Size Within An Image

Jul 17, 2006

I have a large background filled with a colour and I've dropped and resized a photo on top of that layer. Now I've resized the photo I need to create a framne round it and need to know the exact pixel dimensions of that layer/photo. How do I find that out, because the Image size seems to relate to the background?

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Lightroom :: Image Size Changes When Moving Image Between CC

Feb 11, 2014

Image size changes when moving an image between Lightroom and CC.
I opened a .dng image in LR and then opened it in the Develop module.  I clicked on Crop Overlay and then on the ‘As Shot’ drop down menu (the lock is closed) and cropped to 11 x 17 and clicked ‘Done’-.

I click Cntl-E and the image opens in CC.  There I click on Image > Image Size and the Image Size  is 13.288 inches by 20.533 inches.
Why does the image size change?

I believe there is a menu to control the size of the image and I've looked everywhere I can think of in LR and CC, I googled various descriptions and I checked two of Scott Kelby's books, but I just can't figure out how to keep the image a consistent size when moving between LR and CC.

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Photoshop :: Getting Same Image Size

Aug 7, 2013

I am creating some vision cards for i Pad. i have designed all cards with correct measurement but when putting it into the i Pad (1024x768) the size seems bit bigger than i have created with Photoshop. is it possible to get the same size in i Pad and Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: CC Image Size Looks Different?

Sep 1, 2013

I very recently switched from CS6 to CC.  I edited an image, made a selection, blurred the selection, did my normal processing, then sent it back to LR5.
In LR5 I cropped and exported to 1280 px on the longest side.  Image looked as edited...
Later I got to thinking about sharpening and decided to try cropping and resizing in CC so I could sharpen just the areas that were sharp.
Cropped the image as desired, then did image/image size and cropped to 1280 px.  The area I blurred is DRASTICALLY different - much blurrier.
Went back in history and did a stamp visible, then repeated the crop and resize.  Image now looks as it should. Tried it with the "scale styles" turned ON and OFF.  No difference.  In theory I've inserted both images.....

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Photoshop :: Image Size Changes

Feb 1, 2013

I am new to Photoshop but I am decent with LR4.  I have set my dpi to 96 in Photoshop and my print resolution to 300.  My ruler is set to Inches and my type is Pixels.  When I open an image shot with my 18 megapixel camera in PS the ruler indicates it is a 48x72 image as well as the 'image size' dialogue box (again the box says my resolution is 96).  I have done all the measuring to insure the 96 resolution is correct.  When i export the image as a jpeg at the highest quaility I then open it in LR4, do my edit and export it again.  Now when I open it in PS it shows the image as 15.36x17.88, which in my opinion is correct.  Why is this happening?  All the images start as jpeg and export as jpeg.

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Photoshop :: The Right Image Size

May 6, 2007

I'm using photoshop CS2 and i am beginner. I want to make an advertisement or board. the print size will be 120cm (width) x 40cm (high).

I was wondering what should be the image size to use in photoshop to make such an output later?? and what resolution i should use?

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Photoshop :: Image Size

Mar 10, 2008

I'm trying to use some brushes, and to make them fit where I want. I have to rotate the image. When I do this the image and canvas change size. I always seem to end up with an image the size of a postage stamp.

How do I fix this? I write down the sizes of the original canvas and image, but when I adjust them back to the original sizes. The image is pixulated (Hope I spelt that right).

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Photoshop :: Image Size

Oct 19, 2005

I've been trying to figure out this problem but i jus can't, i was wondering if any of you guys could help me out. When i want to print somethine i go to print preview. Then i resize the height and width of the image.

I'm happy with the height, but i'm not happy with the width. So i move it a little wider, but low and behold the height moves with the width. Is their a way of rezising one without resizing the other ?

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Photoshop :: Size Of New Image

Dec 2, 2006

I'm following along this tutorial. It says to open any size new document and then add a new layer 512 by 48. How am I suppose to know how big i'm making the new layer i dont see any numbers as i'm making this new layer ??

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Photoshop :: Image Size

Jan 22, 2004

When I make a new image and define the size ( in this case it was width: 35,6 cm and height: 16 cm ) Then I click the OK-button.. When I go to image size it shows width: 35,61 and height: 16,01.. And if I try to change the numbers and click the OK- button again it doesn´t change.. Do I need to change anything in preferences? It makes no difference if I constrain proportions or not?

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Photoshop :: Image Size

Jun 29, 2009

I have images that are the same size and resolution. They look the same size in Photoshop. When I "place" them in InDesign, however, one is the size it should be and the other is not (it gets smaller). Also, this is happening again with another image. I am saving it as the size and resolution I want. Placing it in Illustrator the rulers show it is still the same size. Placing it in InDesign, however, causes it to be smaller again. 

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Photoshop :: Image Size

May 11, 2009

I recently changed desks and computers at work and had to reinstall Photoshop CS.  I'm working on a project and have an external hard drive full of photos.  Every one I open up opens with a file size of approximately 6x10.  Prior to my move to a new desk/computer, the files opened with a size of approximately 25x35.  For the heck of it, I did a test of one picture and opened it on a computer running Photoshop 6.  The file opened with a size of approximately 25x35.  What could be causing every single picture I open on my current computer to be so small?

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Photoshop :: Image Size ?

May 7, 2005

I've lot of images but they are differnt sizes. How do I change all the images to the same size. I clicked on the image size and changed it but it is slow. Can anybody help me?

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Photoshop :: How To Change Size Of The Image

Jul 23, 2012

I want to print an image using an online service and the attached image shows the dimensions. I'm VERY new to Photoshop and want to know if I can just enter a larger size into the fields to print it at say, 8.5 x 11 and, if so, do I need to do anything else to prepare the image for this?

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Photoshop :: Reducing Image Size (MB)

Nov 18, 2013

I have 900 photos/ scans that are all large in size. I know want to make them suitable for a web site ie 72/91dpi  and around 1024*768 px in size . thought the save for web choice via an action was the way to go  ie create the action and then run as a batch.

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Photoshop :: CC Image Size Conundrum

Jul 30, 2013

I went straight from PS CS5 to CC and i need the new image resize paradigm..So let's say I have a 5000x3000 pixel image at 300 ppi and i want to simply change the resolution to 72 ppi and reduce image size proportionaly.  The pixel size should in this case be automaticaly reduced to 1200x720 as in PS CS5..But that's not what happens in the CC resize dialog.  I change the resolution in the dialog to 72 dpi and the pixel size stays exactly the same (5000x3000).  Why doesn't it automatically reduce the dimensions anymore when i change the resolution?

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