Photoshop :: How To Increase The Opacity Of A Pixel
Sep 30, 2008
how to increase the opacity of a pixel (without altering it's RGB values)?
It's just soooo BASIC that I fear I'm overlooking something incredibly obvious.
To make it really clear: I have a pixel with, let's say with RGB=(48,33,57) and 25% opacity. How can I make a (48,33,57) pixel with 75% opacity out of that?
I find, right after the brush tool, that's the most obvious tool for Photoshop. I wonder, why this is missing ? Most tools have their counterparts, like dodge/burn or sharpen/blur. So why does the eraser (decrease opacity) don't have a counterpart (increase opacity)?
I have a PNG file with some transparency. I need to paint in some opacity in the alpha channel. How can I achieve this? In the Channels window, I can access the R, G and B channels just fine, but I need to access the Alpha channel. I need to make my image more opaque in places.
Using the eraser tool or several other methods I can set pixels in a layer to be semi-transparent. Let's say I save such a layer without history. How do I make these pixels 100% opaque again? Is there some tool that does the opposite of the eraser?
I have started using paint today , how I can increase the pixel size when printing for a better quality impression?
I have started scanning photos and directly loaded photos onto my computer, but can only print "600 pixels, not good quality. My printer generally photocopies and prints good quality photos.
It does it every 4-6 times which is really really often since you brush about 10 times every 3 seconds or so when digital painting especially when shading, lighting, blending, etc with brushing.
Why does it do this? I cant recall when it started doing this but I think it was either when I updated from CS4 to CS6 or maybe it just randomly kicked in. I already updated my drivers and re-installed my tablet.
In the animation I am working on, I need an object to instantly go from 100% opacity to 0% opacity. The problem is, even if you use the opacity of the layer as a keyframe, the object will not instanlty vanish, even if it is only on for the timeruler for a quick amount of time.
I need a tool that will drop from 100% opacity to 0% instantly.
I have two art objects on two layers. I want to match to the pixel the two objects that otherwise could be exactly the same but one layered object was imported slightly smaller.
The scale tool has good scale handling, I just want to measure the tool spots to the pixel to gain an exact scale size factor and match sizes.
It blows my mind that somthing this simple isnt all that simple. I used the eyedropper tool to slect a color from another photo, then used the brush while fully magnified to change the color of each pixel.
It was coming out a weird greyish color, and I noticed that if I clicked more than once, it got darker, but so did the pixels directly around the one i was editing. So, i copied both pictures, loaded them into paint, and went to town.
It worked, but then when i copied it back into photoshop, it had a black background (there was no background in the original pictures) around the sprite I was editing. I tried to use the magic wand tool to get rid of it, but it took parts of the sprite with it, so...
Is there any way that I can edit the color of a single pixel (or hell, even a group of pixels if they share the same exact color would be nice...preferred, even) accurately? If not, what program could I use that would keep the transparent background?
I managed to remove the background, of an image,(A whit background) and put the image on top of a transparent layer. made a transparent image. When I place this image over a light color background, it looks fine, but when I place it over a dark color background, the edge of the image looks very rough and dirty, I think it's because some of the anti alias from the original image, how can I make it a clean image without going to delete pixel by pixel?
When I drag around vector points of paths they are not constrained to the pixel grid, when the option "Snap Vector Tools and Transform to Pixel Grid" is off. This is the behavior I expect.BUT: When I drag whole paths, they snap to the pixel grid, no matter what. I even have snapping completely disabled.
This is particularly annoying when eg. creating a path for a zipper. I first make a path for the inside of the jacket or whatever, then I make one notch for the zipper and copy it over and over again for all the notches. It's very troubling when these elements snap to the pixel grid, because it's very unprecise then.
When you merge two identical layers (with solid black-filled shapes) and with, say, 30% opacity both, the resulting layer will be a layer with 100% opacity but with 30% transparent black-filled shapes. How will you make this 100% opaque?
I am using photohsop cs6. I have defined a brush preset and I want to change the opacity jitter for that brush. However, the opacity jitter option which comes under transfer in brush panel is being inactive all the time. How do I enable it?
Does anyone know how to photo shop calculates the resulting color when using brush opacity?
For example If I paint over a section with 100% brush opacity, then go over it again with another color with 100% brush opacity then the new color replaces the old. But what happens if when I go over the first color with a new color set at 50% opacity? How does Photoshop calculate the resulting color?
I want to change the opacity of an item or layer, but that also changes the opacity for the stroke too, How can i change the opacity of an item without effecting the stroke.
This is something that i never really gave much thought - but what value do the opacity parentages really have?
See my assumption was that 50% + 50% = 100%. So if you had a solid black layer set to 50% opacity and you duplicated that layer one would think that it would be solid black again... but no is only 75% black. WHAT?
The other thing is that solid black with and opacity level of 50% over solid white is a true 50% gray which is half black and half white - do to half's not make a whole?
I am part of a research lab that is putting together experiments relating to visual cognition, and I was wondering how exactly Photoshop CS3 achieves opacity. Is it through pixel amount or another method?
I have 20 boxes that have to be linked like a flow chart over a black and white photo. Each box needs an opacity of about 50% white to insert text. Each box needs a 100% black stroke around it. But when I apply the stroke to the box and then lower the box opacity to 50%, the black stroke fades out as well. I can't find a way to allow the 100% stroke to remain 100% black around the 50% opacity box.
If there's an object with a semi-transparent part (without editable layer mask of course), is there any way to make it opaque again without ruining its original pixels?
(For those who know Corel PhotoPaint: I'm looking for the equivalent of "paint on transparency" mode)
I am having a problem reducing the opacity of a photo. When i reduced the opacity i end up with a chequer board of white and grey squares all over the photo any ideas?
Is there any reason the opacity won't stay completely opaque for the pencil and paint tools (and possibly other tools)? I have opacity set to 100% in the options bar at the top as well as the fill and opacity settings on the layers pallette. I can't see anywhere where opacity is being set to less than 100%.