Photoshop :: Healing Brush Is Semi-transparent
Jun 26, 2008
I have Windows XP, sp2, Photoshop CS3.
When I drag the healing brush over a section I want to heal, the sampled color looks just fine, but when I release the mouse button, the area turns semi-transparent instead of keeping the full color. I thought there was a problem with my transparency setting, but I can't seem to find where to view that, and I don't think this is the issue. If I drag the brush over the same area a few times, the area does not become more opaque.
Perhaps I should mention that I usually use the brush to repair the borders of lines that are too indented to fix with the smudge, and I need to fill out the line a bit; the designated healing area usually has a background that has been made transparent with the eraser tool.
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Apr 24, 2013
Currrently, we print floor plans to pdf's, open them in Photoshop and make them part transparent and part semi-transparent so that we can overlay them in various visual tools. Is there a way to create pdf's or images where the background is completely transparent and and solid patterns within the floor plan that are semi-transparent?
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May 8, 2012
I'm trying to clone out some words on a semi-transparent .png image. To be more specific, the words are 100% opaque white on a semi-transparent grey background. When I use the clone tool(opacity 100, hardness 100) and try to clone the semi-transparent background onto the white inscriptions, the cloned background seems to be more opaque and the words are slightly showing through. If I do it a couple times over on a single word (like I did with "BROWSING TIPS") than I manage to cover the word up completely but the grey looks even more opaque.
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Dec 5, 2005
i need to redighin my site so the most basic thing is the colours and i would like to make a semi green bar for the top of my sections
the only site that has the same thing as i want but in green
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Dec 26, 2008
I just installed the CS4 Trial and it's not displaying properly. Immediately following installation, it worked properly. But, after exiting then later re-launching CS4, it comes up transparent only about 15% visibility (i.e., I can barely see it). I've restarted CS4, rebooted the machine, confirmed OpenGL is disabled in CS4 preferences - no dice.
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Apr 13, 2009
Does anyone know how to get this effect? Like a semi-transparent beam that looks like this.
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May 24, 2013
I want to make a watermark to include in all my images. I would like to create some text which is semi transparent one side then fading to completely transparent the other side. I have CS5.
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Oct 6, 2012
Through the channels window, I can paint on the R, G and B channels individually. That's great, but where's the Alpha channel? Photoshop only allows me to create a new opacity layer which simply subtracts from the PNG's native opacity - it can't add to it. What I need is to INCREASE opacity.
In other words: I have parts of this PNG which are semi transparent, and I need them to become opaque. How can I do that?
EDIT: it as a single RGBA pixel value. I need to turn (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0) into this (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0). Do you see?
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Apr 8, 2009
Using the eraser tool or several other methods I can set pixels in a layer to be semi-transparent. Let's say I save such a layer without history. How do I make these pixels 100% opaque again? Is there some tool that does the opposite of the eraser?
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Mar 16, 2009
I have an image that has corners with partially transparent pixels. I would like to make a mouse-over image of this with the same same dimensions, only a different color.
How can I color this image a different color and still have the partially transparent pixels around the edge. Obviously, I would like the semi-transparent pixels to be semi-transparent of the new color.
I'm still not allowed to use the link vb, but let's try this: ....
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Aug 12, 2007
I have Photoshop CS2, and I'm looking to make a jpg/jpeg image to texture a VRML model with - The graphic needs to be semi-transparent, as I need the nurb's Material color to show through it. I appreciate that a png image would offer a solution to this problem instantly, but this format is not usable in the situation offered... On the same note, gif format is also out of the equation because it offers only transparency, or no transparency.
If you look at this image ChromeBall.jpg it is exactly what I'm looking to achieve (but not with this image). When I add levels of opacity to the jpg image I want to be semi-transparent, the background of the image shows up as being 'white' whether I save as, or save for web.
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Mar 16, 2009
I have an image that has corners with partially transparent pixels. I would like to make a mouse-over image of this with the same same dimensions, only a different color.
How can I color this image a different color and still have the partially transparent pixels around the edge. Obviously, I would like the semi-transparent pixels to be semi-transparent of the new color.
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Jun 28, 2009
I'm working on an image to print onto t-shirts for our holiday.
When I upload it into vista print it says there has been a semi-transparent layer detected which may affect the quality of printing (as they are being printed on black t-shirts - they put a layer of white behind to ensure best print quality)
The problem is I can identify what the semi-transparent part is! I've checked all layers and they are set at 100% opacity.
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Nov 14, 2004
I have Photoshop 7, FlashMX & FireworksMX available to me.
I am trying to create a graphic that appears as a semi-transparent canvas (about 300 x 200 pixels) upon which some solid text and images are overlaid,
How do I create such a graphic?
What file format can such a graphic be saved as? i.e. can the layers be merged or not?
Can such an image be exported into FlashMX?
Ultimately I want these images (there will be many slightly different versions of this basic design) forming info panels that will pop-up in an interactive FlashMX Movie. The pop up will be triggered by a roll-over.
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Nov 27, 2004
How to do that semi transparent text box in grey ?
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Nov 18, 2012
When I use the healing brush is tends to "skip". It leaves a line of circles like a stamp would instead of a flowing line like it should leave. No matter how slow I move the brush it leaves a circle and then as I continue to draw nothing happens until I reach the edge of the first circle, it then drops another circle and it continues that way as long as I draw with it. The brush tool works fine, leaves a smooth line. The Spot Healing and Patch Tool work fine but the healing brush will not heal in a smooth stroke. It skips along a leaves a tail of circles the size of the brush. I am using a fast computer, i7 processor, 16bg ram and a SSD drive so I do not think speed is an issue. I upgraded from CS4 where the healing brush worked fine on this computer
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Feb 27, 2012
I'm trying to color correct some strands of fabric that are underneath a semi transparent fabric. I've been trying to paint the strands and use opacity properly color correct them, but are there any good tricks to keep the illusion of the transparency of the overlaying fabric?
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Oct 23, 2011
I love refine edge in Photoshop CS5, but parts of my image go semi-transparent. Is there anyway I can fix this issue after Ive created my mask?
Ive checked out some videos (about 6 mins 10 seconds in) PW124 - Photoshop CS5 Review - Refine Edge Tool - YouTube
The guy seems to be painting over some layer or something with a black or white brush and it brings it back in correctly, but I cant replicate this.
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Nov 7, 2013
I've gone to create a new shape layer or text layer, it appears like it's at 50% opacity. I've checked my layer settings, and they're all at 100% fill and opacity. I can't see any reason why they'd be semi-transparent, and none of the settings I've tried have changed anything. I've even tried deleting the shapes/text, saving my document, and starting over. That worked one time, but this time it's not working.
Even applying a color overlay still results in a semi-transparent shape.I am in the middle of doing a design for a client, for print, and I really can't be dealing with this right now.
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Apr 29, 2009
I am trying to follow instructions on how to use the healing brush but there are a couple of things I'm having trouble with. I alt/click on an area that I've selected as the source and then I begin to paint the area to be healed. But, a little crosshair appears in a random area and it becomes the source spot. The spot that I originally selected is no longer the source. The crosshair 'shadows' my paint brush and if the crosshair crosses an area that has no relationship to the source I originally selected, it adds an irrelevant (and annoying!) thing to my heal area. My reading indicates that perhaps it was because I had the 'Aligned' button checked. (Is that right?) When I turn it off, the little cross stays and I have the same problem. (And one really annoying feature - if I unclick and then start healing another area, the crosshair shows up in a completly different area!) Does anyone know why the source spot I pick is superceded by the little crosshair? Also, when I paint the area to be healed, the healed area is a blend of the destination and the source area. Any idea why that is? Thanks!
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Apr 2, 2007
When editing with the heal tool in Photoshop CS1, I found that I could use a selection to limit what was sampled and modified by the heal tool, but not in CS2.
For example: In CS1, If i needed to 'heal' an area of a photo that contrasted with an adjacent area (that would influence the heal tool), I would make a selection of the area I wanted to heal, which would render all areas outside the selection unusable by the heal tool, so that only the area inside my selection could be sampled / modified by the heal tool. Here is this 'trick', explained in Photoshop Help:
"If there is a strong contrast at the edges of the area you want to heal, make a selection before you use the Healing Brush tool. The selection should be bigger than the area you want to heal but should precisely follow the boundary of contrasting pixels. When you paint with the Healing Brush tool, the selection prevents colors from bleeding in from the outside."
Working with CS2, I find that this little trick does not apply. Whether or not I'm working within or outside of a selection, or not working with one altogether, makes no difference to which pixels the CS2 heal tool uses - it uses all available pixels, and is not confined by a selection as it was in CS1. With CS2, I find it impossible to use the heal tool in areas of high contrast, where I could've (with the use of a selection) in CS1. Am I unique in this? Is this a glitch with my version of CS2, or a glitch with CS2 altogether?
How id it corrected, so that a selection can be made to limit the pixels available to the heal tool?
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Jun 6, 2006
I brought digital magazine to learn more. All was going really well until I got to the restoration lesson. In this lesson it shows how to use the healing brush to fix damage. In the lesson it tells me to open a new layer then select the healing brush, in the options for the brush I should select align and use all layers. The only problem is there is no "use all layers" box to tick. Apparently it's easer to see what I have done and to correct any mistakes this way.
I have noticed that the lesson is for Photoshop cs. does this make that much difference?
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Mar 18, 2013
I'm having an issue with the Liquify Filter's final results. When using the filter it works fine, and if I use the filter on a solid layer its results given back to the original image are perfect also.
However, using the filter on a layer that has mostly transparency behind it (a layer with sketched line-art on it for example), the result given back to the original image is brightened significantly. The only work-around I have found so far is to merge a solid colour background to the transparent layer, and then the result works fine. However this is not desirable because future use of the image as line-art requires editing to get it back onto its own layer that can be destructive when the work contains toning.
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Jul 18, 2008
I'm working with a stock image of a girl in a dress, and I've dealt with this problem before; part of the background is visible through translucent parts of the dress, and her hair, which cannot easily be fixed with magic wands and with polygon selects. The background is a neutral grey, while the final product will have a mixed green and brown background. (earth, trees, foliage)
Is there a way to make a layer mask based on the degree of a certain color? For instance, the closer you get to this neutral grey color, the more transparent? The way I've solved this in the past involves extremely careful deletes and extremely careful erase-brushes at 2-10% flow rate.
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Dec 11, 2012
I am kind of new but can paste , copy things .
I am trying to add some text onto a semi-transparent box , onto a Gif .
Using a script called - animstack - I managed to get the text in all the 180 layers but without the semi-transparent box .
Animstack is a script/app which automates due processes.
how to work with Animstack. I also have GAP installed.
Using Gimp 2.8 portable.
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Nov 4, 2013
How to get the most out of the Spot Healing Brush? I'm using it in Photoshop CC to repair old photos. It tends to work about half the time the way I would want it to. Frequently, I have to back out "fixes" and either try again from a different direction or switch to the clone stamp tool.
So, how does one get the most out of the Spot Healing Brush?
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Dec 18, 2007
Why is it that when i choose the clone or healing brush tools that the brush stays in a star like configuration. No matter how much i resize the picture of play with brush sizes it won't chane to the circle. then it suddenly pops into place. What should i be doing or not doing. it doesn't happen all the time but it is very frustrating when it does.
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Jan 16, 2009
Have CS4 on Windows XP. Wacom tablet and pen. Nvidia GEForce 7600GS video card.
Have updated Tablet drivers and Video card driver as of this am. (Fri Jan 16 09). Adobe updates seem to be having a bit of trouble coming through though. Virus program is AVG.
Healing brush only, when we alt click to set the selection point and then move to the area we want changed and drag the curser, the selection point glides along smoothly while the target hops along giving a series of altered spots with non-altered spots in between.
Clone brush and so on are fine.
Any ideas, past experiences? Or have I ventured into new territory?
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Nov 30, 2008
I like CS4 and have very few problems with it. But one curious behaviour is that from time to time clicking to create a healing area using the Healing Brush creates a diagonal streak from upper left to lower right as if someone had held down the healing brush (at the beginning of the streak) and pulled the brush diagonally to create the diagonal streak. This happens when the healing area clicked is nowhere near the start of the diagonal streak. Undoing and re-healing a few times usually gets it done ok but it is odd.
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Dec 27, 2008
I know I have used this tool before, but when I recently opened Photoshop CS4, it wasn't there. How do I get it back?
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Sep 1, 2005
I know that there must be a button staring me in the face but I can't find it.
My healing brush is pressure sensitive for size, but I don't want it to be. I've turned all the options off in the brush palette but it makes no difference. I cannot see any option on the option bar for this either. PS8
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