few days ago, when I clicked on "Save for Web" I received this error.
"Could not complete the Export command because of a program error."
This used to work fine before a few days ago. I haven't made any changes to my computer. I've deleted the Save for Web prefrences file as well as the Photoshop preference file. None of these have helped. I am still unable to Save for Web.
I've recently started getting an error message I've not noticed before. If I use CTRL L on an empty layer by mistake, I get the following message.
"could not complete the levels command because of a program error"
I can't swear that I've never had it before, and I'm sure I must have used CTRL L on an empty layer before, but I don't recall seeing it.
Whatever happens, it's not exactly a user-friendly message. A Google search turns up no matches, lots of similar ones, but I haven't found an answer yet.
To recreate this error, draw 2 simple shapes in Illustrator CS6, copy and paste them together as a Shape layer in Photoshop CS6.
Then go to 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Path. I just accept the defaults.
Then go to 3D > Split Extrusion.
The error is thrown at this point. No matter what I do, I can't get it to work.
I've tried rasterizing the shape, but then I get a different error. When I select 3D > New 3D Extrusion from Selected Layer, I get the error: "Could not complete the New 3D Extruions from Selected Layer command because the path is too complex." This is ridiculous. I can't get the 3D to work at all.
I am using Photoshop Elements 9 and the "move" tool is not working. The Auto select layer box is checked and I have rebooted the computer and reset the move tool. I keep getting the error message "Could not complete the Move command because of a program error."
When I use the quick selection tool (or when I use content-aware scaling) I get an error message saying "could not complete your request because of a program error." I am working with NEF files, 4 GB of RAM, fast machine with plenty of scratch space, Radeon X1950 crossfire graphics card. With small .jpg files, the problem doesn't occur.
I started to get the message "Could not complete your request because of a program error" a little while back, but it would go away after restarting photoshop, so I wasn't too worried about it. But now I've encountered this one file that won't let me do anything to it. As soon as I open it it pops up with the error message. No amount of clicking makes it go away, and I have to force quit photoshop. Always the same thing. I haven't found anything that works (I tried the file info>copyright idea and deleting Photoshop's preferences, even getting rid of extra fonts, and clearing the library>cache.)
More info: It's a psd file. There are only 2 layers on the files, one is a vector smart image.
I opened the file and was able to edit it fine on a friend's computer, no error messages whatsoever - so it's not a corrupt file. (But that doesn't solve my computer's dilemma.)
I am having trouble with completing value scale gradations. I do not have a problem using the Gradient Too. My problem begins when I attempt to pick up the color with the Eye Dropper Tool and then apply it using the Bucket Tool. The H slidder remains at the correct number. The S and B sliders do not move so gradation does not occur. I keep getting a "Could not complete your request because of a program error."
I am on PS CS6 version 13.0.06 x64. Running on Mac OS X version 10.9. Installed the new Maverick on November 10 and not sure if that has anything to do with this.
In PS I get the error above when I go to File/Open and look for a photo file to pull. Before I even get a chance to chose a file the error pops up and does not let me go any further.
Also if I am in LR5 and send a photo to PS through Photo/Edit in/Edit in Photoshop CS6 it will open it. However, when I go to save as JPEG the folders just disappear and brings back the photo and does not allow me save.
Error Message: Could not complete your request because of a program error.My CS6 photoshop was working before I upgraded my operating system to OS 10.8.5. I uninstalled photoshop and reinstalled it. Still doesn't work. I can't do anything in Photoshop, it comes up with that error every time I try to open a file.
When I updated Photoshop CS6 with the 1st update, I began to get a error message "Could not complete due to a program error". I also lost the ability to perform photomerges. Everytime I do a photomerge, I get an error message that says that "the functionality does not exist in this program". I use the photomerge frequently.
Although I have been using it, today I tried to open Photoshop CS4 and received the message: "Could not complete your request because of a program error." I've tried restarting (imac late 2012, Mountain Lion 10.8.2), reloading the program but still get the same message.
I get this message whenever I try to open a PS7.0 file. Strangely enough, this file I opened once with CS and it worked fine, I made some changes and saved it (shoulda saved copy) and now when I open it, you see the loading bar go right to the end, then an error message comes up:
"Cannot complete request due to program error."
The PSD opens fine in ImageReady. But I really need it in photoshop!
I have tried alot of things to make it work, opening in IR then trying to switch to PS. Loading up PS7, saving it again,
I have a particular set of images that I am editing and then trying to save as RGB JPEGs. I keep getting the message 'could not complete your request because of program error'. I am working on Photoshop CS2 on Windows XP Professional. The files will save as TIFFs and PSD files but not JPEGs. Photoshop will save everything else but not these particular images.
After editing a photograph the save and save as functions have stopped working. The error message is: 'Could not complete your request because of a program error' How can I get the program back to where it was a few days ago?
My husband and I are "classic" adobe users of element 5.0. Has always worked great except recently can't save pictures... only comes up saying "can not complete your request because of a program error"
I have used Photoshop elements 5.0 for years. Mainly I use it for cropping, a small amount of touch up. Recently when I try to save a picture as a jpeg the message comes up "could not complete your request because of a program error. I can save as i tiff. and other formats bu t not jpeg. So I uninstalled 5.0 and reinstalled and the same thing happens.
I have Photoshop 7 installed ands till recently it was running fine but from just day before yesterday I cannot use the filters. Whenever I try to use it it says "Cannot complete action due to error in Module Interface", I have also tried by reinstalling photshop but it doesnot work.
I have been re-saving many of my PSD files using CS3 image prosesssor with compatibility mode turned off. They have simply been saved again as PSD files into a different folder - no changes to the original PSD files. This has worked well and reduced file sizes by up to 50% (I had compatibility mode turned on previously).
of the 60 files I have processed, 3 will no longer open , I get a message that says "file will not open due to a program error."
these files have only ever been used in CS3. , they are quite large from just under 1GB to 1.5GB, however other similar large files have processed successfully. I have re-tried without success.
I still have the original files so no data loss is involved.
I'm using Windows XP and PhotoShop 8.0. I've been working on a drawing all day, and I've opened it up numerous times over the last few days. I've edited it in Paint Shop Pro as well, and haven't had any trouble with it until now. Out of nowhere I got that 'file not compatible' error and I have no idea what to do. I've tried opening it in GIMP (won't open), PSP (won't open), and ImageReady.. which opens it, but all the layers except the bottom one are blank, and the bottom one's colors are wrong and it only seems to show the top half of the image.
Is there any other way I could open and save this picture? I don't have any more programs that might be able to open it, but if someone else could or something, I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
I am trying to open a video to edit in CS6 and I get this error: Could not complete your request because DynamicLink is not available
I read on one of these formus that I should uninstall and reinstall the program.
I tried to uninstall the program and it told me to use the Adobe Application Manager.
Adobe Application Manager failed and it told me to download the Adobe Support Advisor.
Adobe Support Advisor told me that there was an issue:" cpsid_82829s1: "A restart is pending," bootstrapper error has occurred. "Token Number: 40-87772-063201122012
I followed the instructions it gave me to correct this issue:
If you receive the error "Installer has detected that a machine restart is pending. It is recommended that you quit the installer, restart try again," do the following:
#Restart the computer and try the installation again.
I'm having trouble using the Save For Web function on Photoshop CS6. The initial dialog opens fine and I can select any file type to save to etc. Once I click 'Save...' I get the error "Could not complete this operation. An unknown operating system error has occurred."I have looked up this error and from previous threads I have tried deleting the Save for Web library files and restarting, however this doesn't work (Unless I am deleting the wrong file?).
I'm running a 2.6 GHz Retina Macbook Pro with the latest update installed for Photoshop. I have 16 GB ram.Strangely, I have a PC running the same version of Photoshop CS6 and it works fine for this function.
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.1.2 (13.1.2 20130105.r.224 2013/01/05:23:00:00) x64 Operating System: Mac OS 10.8.2 System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:58, Stepping:9 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading Physical processor count: 4 Logical processor count: 8 Processor speed: 2600 MHz [code]...
We have Photoshop CS2 running on Windows XP SP2 machine with 3 GB memory. Whenever we try to open illustrator CS3 file in Photoshop get following error message:
"Could not complete your request because there is not enough memory(RAM)".
We used to be able to do this without any problems untill I upgraded the memory from 2 GB to 3 GB. Dell technician came and changed the memory chips on the PC still get the same message. I went into performance monitor and not much memory is in use when this error comes up. Tried opening just one application at a time too. Is there any patch that I need to install on the PC.