Photoshop :: Cut/copy And Paste Between Images
Dec 21, 2002Is there something were i could open two images and then... copy/cut and paste it to another image?
View 8 RepliesIs there something were i could open two images and then... copy/cut and paste it to another image?
View 8 RepliesWhy doesn't CS2 photoshop do a copy paste when you want to merge 2 images liek it does in CS3 photoshop.�I can never print screen the image to start off in CS2 photoshop.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm not new to GIMP by any means, but I am new to THIS Gimp. By that I mean, I recently downloaded 2.8.4 for Mac and got rid of my older copy.
Now I'm having a strange problem:
Whenever I try to copy images from webpages (or anywhere that ISN'T saved to my computer and opened in Gimp), I get a message that says "There is no data in the clipboard to paste" when I attempt to paste it into an open Gimp document.
Is there some sort of setting I have to enable?
I am having problems trying to produce an image with reflections. I have been doing it in the past with Xara4. My procedure is to take a number of images, create copies of them, flip them then add transparency once they are in place as refelctions. These are all placed onto a dark background; reflections are stretching beyond the background at this stage. And in the past if I select all, then Arrange>Combine Shapes>Intersect Shapes then I can have the whole image without the transparent regions of the reflections. My plan is to have the background transparent and save all as a png to preserve the transparency on web. But it doesn't seem to happen in my latest attempts. Instead at the Intersect Shapes stage I get a tiny part of the background as my final image....
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have two layered PSD files the same pixel size.
How can I drag and drop or copy and paste one layer from one doc to another but keep its original location on the "art board"? (X and Y coordinates).
I am running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit. I am having trouble copying and pasting things. The issue is that after I copy something/Print Screen, it takes several pastes for Photoshop to finally realize the change. Basically, the first couple of times I paste, the thing that was previously copied gets pasted it. I don't know if it's making a difference but it switches the paste to the latest thing that was copied faster after I minimize and maximize back the program. It's extremely annoying especially because then I have to either undo each time/delete the layers. Plus, I do a lot of frame comparisons between different video sources and it's hard to tell whether the thing being pasted was changed or not.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I do a simple copy of one pixel and paste it to another place (I have zoomed in a lot) or if I have't zoomed in that close, copy some area and paste it to another place?
View 4 Replies View Relatedwhen I copy and paste sometimes the paste is put exactly where I copy from and sometimes PSCS2 (not got CS3 yet) pastes where ever it likes?
View 8 Replies View Relatedhow I can simply copy and paste an area of an image back onto the same image?
On my previous graphics software it was simply a case of highlighting the required area, click 'copy' then click 'paste' and bingo! To copy and paste on Photoshop seems much more involved including a number of complicated steps.
When i copy or copy merged and paste into a new canvas or layer, i get like a small Gradient round the sides of the image, the Gradient goes white. I know its a Copy problem because if i paste the layer selection into MS Paint it still gets that gradient around the sides.
View 2 Replies View RelatedSo when you copy and then paste a selection, photoshop almost always pastes way far away from where I copied. Why does it do that and how can I make it stop?
I commonly need to be able to copy something and then paste in the exact same spot.
I am trying to copy and paste a paragraph and only get a single line and not the paragraph here are the steps I take:
- Copy text
- select text tool
- drag text box
- paste text
I get all the words but bunched in one line. I have tried selecting the text layer and selecting Convert to Paragraph and it does nothing. I am sure there is a single option or button I am missing. I can only type titles not a wrapping paragraph in the box
I am not able to copy and paste text from non-Adobe programs (like Keynote or Word) into Photoshop CS6. I get an error message reading "Could not complete the Paste Text command because the clipboard data is empty or invalid." I have tried shutting down Photoshop, shutting down other programs, re-starting my computer, adjusting my Preferences and asking Adobe by phone and chat. I am on a new iMac and have no third party plug-ins installed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen copying a gradient filled shape from illustrator CS6 to Photoshop CS6 an outline "halo" appears in the Photoshop image although the shape has no outline to begin with. Is this a clipboard issue? Is it an anti-aliasing setting I can change? Apparently it isn't as noticeable when I drag the shape from illustrator to Photoshop as it is when using the copy/paste command. But in both situations there seem to be issues in the border when gradient filled shapes touch other shapes.
View 15 Replies View RelatedI'm sick en tired of copy pasting text and get another output of my font size. For example: I copy a text with a font sz of 16 px, that size become 15.98px.
What's the problem with Photoshop CS6? I only have this problem since i've updated my software.
I'm using two different .psd files - on one, copy/paste (or Cmd+C, then Cmd+V) works perfectly after I have made a selection - it creates a new layer. On the other, this doesn't happen at all. I would attache the file but I don't think I can...
In any case, they are both simple files for Photoshop beginners. The one started out the same as the other, but I went through some basic steps in my learning, and now I am unable to copy/paste in the second file.
I have had this problem many times with both CS6 and CS5. I'm not sure if this is a Photoshop question or a Windows OS 8 question but anyways it seems to only happen with Photoshop.
I copy an image offline to edit in photoshop. After I'm finished I save it and delete the image layer from the workspace to get ready for the next image. I grab another image that I want to paste in the same photshop workspace. When I paste, it pastes the same image I copied first. It even does this when I restart Photoshop, so that's why I think it may have to do with Windows Clipboard.
I'm also really interested in details about how 'Copy/Paste" and the "Clipboard" work with different programs so I can best understand how to utilize it with what seems to be a simple tool, yet I still find myslef with questions because I don't filly undertsnad it.
when using the pen tool say I create a shape with the lines and I want a symmetrical other side, there doesnt seem to be a way to copy the pen tool points and paste them, then join them, so what do people do? Does everyone just make it a selection, fill with colour then copy it?
View 2 Replies View Relatedsize changing when I copy and paste a layer from one file to the next. I will use a hypothetical for an example but the concept and process has been confusing me on many projects.
�Ok I have a new document blank page 5��x5��.
�I would like to put a circle on there covering approximately 1/4.
�I open up another file 2.5��x.2.5��. Place my circle on there going almost all the way to the edges. (lets pretend the circle is detailed and I do not want to resize it again)
�I copy my circle, go over to the 5��x5�� image and paste. The pasted layer is always much larger then what it started. Not a 2.5�� circle.
I know about smart images and how to resize without distortion. My problem always occurs when I copy and paste. Well not problem but operator error.
I have created an image on a document sized 14.5*10 cm. I am trying to copy the whole image to a new A4 document and it looks tiny or very fuzzy (if resized). Why is the image tiny when the document size is not that much different?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI seem to recall that there is a method to copy and paste a line or paragraph of text from Word or Word Pad into Photoshop and then be able to work with it with the Type Tool.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am working with a PSD. I am trying to copy a rounded button from the PSD and pasting it on a new image so I can use for a website. The image needs a transparent background. So I delete all the background layers (so it's transparent) from the PSD and copy the button. I then paste the button on a new image with a transparent background. Everything is good up until this point. However, when I go to save the new image it blurs the rounded edges from the button. This makes the button look bad on the webpage.
View 8 Replies View RelatedSo when you copy and then paste a selection, photoshop almost always pastes way far away from where I copied. Why does it do that and how can I make it stop? I commonly need to be able to copy something and then paste in the exact same spot.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've just installed Elements 2 after using Elements 1 for ages and have been used to the copy and paste icon in the top bar, but in 2 they're not there.
Is there a way to do this, rather than use the Edit pulldown?
I have two png images with embedded alpha channel.
It is wall (pic1), and it is wall's shadow(pic2).
They positioned exactly as they should, but on different pics.
If I select all area with wall picture (pic1), and copy past it to shadow picture(pic2) - wall appears at different, then original, location.
So, basically, how can I copy/past wall into shadow picture, with the same position, as wall has on it own picture?
I currently have CS5 extended installed on a desktop (xp 32 bit) and a laptop (Win7 64 bit) all files are up to date. When I start Photoshop create a new file, start mini bridge to select the file I want to copy and paste into my new file. I select the file,it opens in Photoshop I press these key strokes (control-A; control-C), move to the file to be copied to and press control-V. The file may or may not be copied. Even pressing control-V several times. You can press edit; paste and still nothing happens. But press edit; paste special; the file will be copied into the file. If the file is copied on the first try go back and select a different file and repeat the process. To get the file pasted into the document I; created a new layer; control-V; file is copied to a layer. If I create a new layer then turn off this layer press: control-V the file can also be copied to a layer. All of the above is when I start mini bridge to navigate to the files.
Now close Photoshop and Bridge. Restart Photoshop start Big Bridge (not mini bridge)! Create a new file; use Big Bridge to navigate to the file you want to copy into the new document, files opens into Photoshop enter the keyboard short cut or tool bar to select the file, copy the file. Now switch to the file to be pasted into press;control-V or select; file; paste; now everything's works. Try this process with different files to be pasted into the new document and it works flawless every time.
Copy & paste is greyed out in CS5 after I upgraded to Mac OSX 10.6.8.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIf I copy something from one later and paste it onto another layer, it puts it dead centre and then I have to move it to align it with where it was. This is a bit of a hassle. Is there a way to copy from one level and then paste that item to the exact same place on another level?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to know how to copy/paste a "grade/color correction" from one video shot to another video shot.
(A grade/color correction can be made of several adjustment layers like curves/gradiants/color lookups/levels/saturartions with several blend modes and opacities ect...)
I do a lot of texture work and create depth by using several layers and different blending modes. I wind up masking and remasking the same thing on multiple layers -- is there a way to copy the mask on one layer and paste it onto another? I know I can drag a mask to a different layer, but that removes the first one.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI've been using Photoshop CC since march and this is a new issue. Not previously a problem until today.
When I select and area to copy, from a JPEG or photoshop PSD photograph, and make a new file to paste it into, the new file comes up the same size as the clipboard contents, as it is meant too, but photoshop will no longer allow me to paste. The selection EDIT, Paste is still there in black, not greyed out. I temporarily fixed it by restarting my computer and it worked until I closed Photoshop down again and reopened it, problem is back...what is going on?
Is it to do with preferences and how do I change them to fix this?
the only thing I've changed recently was telling JPEG files to use photoshop as the default programme to open up in my computer. I changed this because Bridge was no longer showing photoshop as an option when you rightclick an image and chose which file to use to open it. The fix was to close Bridge, chose a jpeg and change the default to photoshop to open it.
I'm running windows 7 home premium 64 bit.