I'm having a problem after I send a file to cs6 from lightroom 4 and edit it, cs6 wants to save the file as a .tif or .psd. I would like to send it back to lightroom as a .cr2 file. Is this possible?
I have started editing photos using the Photo Fix Options in Instant Fix. I have then switched to Photo Editor to fine tune my edited picture. When I use save or save as, to save the edited picture both the edited and original appear in the files. If I start in in Photo Editor and save there is an option to uncheck that reads "Save in version set with Original" However I am more comfortable with beginning in Instant Fix and then switching to photo editor. For some reason when I go to save after switching from Instant fix to Photo editor the uncheck feature is no longer available. step by step instructions to save revised photo afterusing Instant Fix first then Photo Editor.
If I create a file in Photoshop without coming from Lightroom or duplicate a file in Photoshop that I opened from Lightroom, is there a way to save the new file from Photoshop to the desired directory on my local hard drive and simultaneously have it added to my Lightroom catalog? Or do I need to save the file then import the file into the catalog? I'm working with CS6.
I had my automatic save set up for every 10 minutes but files were not being saved regularly. I deleted files from the Temp folder thinking it was full and now there are no .sv$ saving at all. How can I make drawings save automatically every 10 minutes?
I am cracking my head getting psd saved into pdf. I have tried both methods by saving as pdf in Photoshop itself and also print to file as Adobe Printer. Both results are in low resolution despite selecting "High Quality in jpeg" function.
I´m having trouble to save files in PDF format... every time that i try to save a file in PDF photoshop (cs5) crashes, tryed to save in other file formats and works fine it´s only the PDF files that give me problems
I had worked on an image, came back to it the day after and my worked hadn't been saved, but I didn't remember closing the image without saving. Â This is now happened a number of times on 3 machines. Whilst working in fullscreen mode and coming to the end of my work I pressed command+S. Pressing F twice to exit fullscreen mode, the progress bar at the bottom of the window didn't show and the red close button at the top left of the window didn't have a black dot in it (to signify something has changed which hasn't been saved). Â When I press command+w to close to file, there is no prompt to save. The file just closes. On inspection of the modified date of the file, it appears that no save was executed at all. The date was from the previous day. Â I have lost large amounts of work through this floor in the software. I have used PS since v1 so I am no novice, but this problem is really dangerous and needs sorting out as a matter of priority.
What will make PS save faster?  Two examples: 1, image file without any layers, I just had to use the patch tool on two corners to fix something. 2, image file with 25 layers  Both took the same amount to save; one as PSD, and one as LPEG. Is there a cure for saving documents faster? do I have to increase the GBs in the performance option box?
I almost always work from home, but for a project i'm gonna have to work with the client on site for some stuff. The issue is that I use PS on my PC whereas the client uses a MAC environment (same version of PS), so... are there any know issues saving between MAC & PC, or anything i should be aware of?
When trying to save as a pdf, the dialogue box doesnt show up that gives me pdf options such as save as press quality. Does anybody know how to reset or make it show up because I would really like save them as pdf set to press quality?
I need to have some photos professionally printed quickly. When I try to save them as jpeg's to my CD drive, I get a message that says I don't have permission to do this, and that I should contact my administrator.? I can't e-mail them to the processor, because I have a 56K dial-up & the files are large.
I have been trying to save an image as a .dds (direct draw surface) image, but the box (screenshot below) with the 'save' button on it, well the save button doesnt come up as clickable. I've tried image re-sizing etc. have checked the plug-in files and so on, the plug in is installed. I'll let you analyse the screenshot, and get back to me.
I was trying to make an avatar for someone at our church's forums. The picture was of Patrick from SpongeBob. I used the clone tool and cloned him onto a new RGB image with no background (transparent Checked). I then did some touching up by erasing some of the background that was cloned from the first time so that all that was left was just the image of Patrick.
I gave him a drop shadow so that when he would be uploaded onto the forums he would have a raised appearance.
So I went to "Save for Web" and made it a .gif file. I chose the best resolution for the picture and when looking at the example from the four options, it looked just as I thought it would once uploaded to the forums.
Then I saved it and went to the forums to upload it. When the .GIF image came up it had like a white drop shadow along with the original drop shadow that I gave it. Sort of looked like it had a visible aura of white surrounding it. I played around with the image to try and resolve and get rid of the white aura but I gave up.
I created a logo in PS - altho I know that Illustrator is a better tool for that I don't have the skills yet there - and would like to put together a package for the client.
The package (a CD with multiple versions and formats) will include an .ai file.
I tried exporting the paths to Illustrator but I can never see anything when I open it> ?
So my questions are:
1 - If I save the file (in PS) as a PS .eps - then open that .eps file in illustrator - then save that file as an .ai format - is that as good as if I had created it in Illustrator? I mean - is that a valid .ai file?
2 - When saving as an .eps - I don't seem to be able to preserve the background transparency. I have tried turning off the background layer - which creates a transparent background in PS - but when I open the .eps file in PS again or even in Illustrator a white background is visible. How do I preserve a transparent background?
If I have an image in PS (for example a background layer and a text layer) is it possible to save this as an EPS retaining vector data or do I have to flatten the image losing vector data
I've tried saving from two layers but it doesn't give me an option to include vector data and I'm under the impression it should. Instead PS tells me I'll lose file info saving in this format
saving EPS files in PS for me so I can use the file in other layout programmes
I run a website so I use photoshop's "save for web" command a lot to reduce the size of my photos. I am using Photoshop 7, and my question is this. Does anyone know if there is a multiple save for web command? What I mean is a command that will "save for web" all open pictures (or specified pictures). This would drastically reduce the amount of work I would have to do especially when I am trying to "save for web" 800 pictures.
I own a company, and recently had a logo made for it. They sent the .eps files so I could have the logo put on my work-truck. They mispelled a word though, so I would like to fix that. How do I save it again? When I try, it saves as a white background, and doesn't give me the option of what size I want it.
I used to save all my working files to PSD and then when I would come back to them some time later would have to manually open each and every one to try and remember what was in them. To get over this I also used to save a PDF version for quick reference to keep with it but sometimes I would forget. and it was tedious having to save 2 files for every one just to have a thumbnail for reference.Not to mention the clutter in my folders. Now I have discovered that PDFs can preserve layers and now I save most of my working files as PDFs. I was just wondering is there any reason why I should not be doing this? Do I lose any data or image quality by doing this? to me it seems that the file size is bigger but I otherwise can see no difference between the on screen quality. And a larger file size is preferable to me over the clutter.
I'm running Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP and when I save a file as a GIF or a JPEG it corrupts the file and won't let me re-open it. When I try to reopen them I get the error messages listed below. When saving a photoshop PSD or PDD file I have no problems.
Opening a GIF: Could not complete your request because the file format module cannot parse the file.
Opening a JPEG: Could not complete your request because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found.
i have been making a signature with animations for my friend bt this is where i run into problems, every time i save the file as a GIF i lose alot of image quality:
the GIF format is pixelated is there anyway i can solve this.
I've just installed Adobe photoshop Cs3 Extended and everytime i save my work, it crashes. The window is still there yet i can't click on anything even the menu bar.
And the worst part of it is that it didn't save my work.
It also doesn't close so i have to restart my computer again.
I've already reinstalled Cs3 twice but it still crashes like that.
I've got a PSD file with a gradient in it. When I save the file as a BMP (tried with 24 & 32 bit options), the resulting file has obvious "levels" in the gradient - it's no longer smooth.
I am using Photoshop CS4 and need to save a file for someone who has CS2. How can I do this where this person can open the file. I have created a t-shirt design and the people creating the t-shirt have CS2.
I have a .psd open in cs2 that I am trying to save as a .jpegcbut every time I try I get an error message: "could not complete your request because of a program error". I have never encountered this before and need the jpeg version urgently.
I have designed a logo in Photoshop CS6 using both the text and shape tools. I have converted the text layers to shapes. When I try to save logo using "Define Custom Shape", it only save the outer circle and not the whole shape(s) even with everything is selected using the Selection Tools. This occurs if I have selected multiple layers, or have mereged layers to one layer.
Here is my shape:- Â and here is the resulted image chosen from the Custom Shape menu after saving as "Define Custom Shape" Â CS6 on Mac with Mountain Lion.
Changes done in Camera Raw are not saving to be usable in PS or other programs. Â I am using CS6 with windows 7. Â I accidentally took a heap of photos in jpeg. I edited them in Camera Raw - then save the changes in jpeg format but still no changes showing in PS. I have tried Save As, Done, Open image but the changes are not appearing in my PS
I've been using PS for the past few years now, and moved onto CS5 last year. I recently decided to try out HDR photography after realising that there was an automerge. CS5 runs fine on my laptop (Windows Vista, 32 Bit) but when I use Merge to HDR Pro, the OK and Cancel buttons are not visible. I managed to work around this by using the Tab key, but after solving one problem, another has occured; the images aren't showing up on the home screen after I press the OK button.
I've had about 10 crashes so far this morning everytime I try to save out! I've ran disk utility, copied the file thinking it may be corrupt, emptied the P RAM, cleard all the cache files, restarted about 5 times, used different versions of PS and still get the crashes, either using 'apple S' or 'Save as'... Â Here is the crash report: Â Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Adobe Photoshop CC [277] Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop CC.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe Photoshop CC Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â com.adobe.Photoshop Version:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 14.0.0 ( Code Type:Â Â Â Â Â Â X86-64 (Native) Parent Process:Â launchd [176] User ID:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 501 [code]....