I know to the decent PS user this is some pretty easy stuff but with my lack of knowledge and press for time, i need some outside assistance.
I am making some changes to my site and trying to change the text on both a button and the rollover image of the same button. Right now both of them say "Products" but need to be changed into "Solutions"
I'm no PS idiot when it comes to making new buttons but because the guy who orignally made the images only provided me with the .jpeg and not the PSD, i cannot make the changes seemlessly.
Because i don't know how much time it will take to make the changes to both images (they need to be identical in both font style and placement (the "S" in solutions needs to end in the exact same place as the "S" in the oringal products). I am willing to constipate the kind fella who is willing to make these changes. (in USD of course!) via paypal. (If you wish )
I uploaded both the normal button and the rollover to tinypic. Let me know if you need another means of the image.
In a layout for an ebook I have some important black and white bitmap illustrations in tiff., 300 dpi. These have appeared ok on print, but on screen, reading the same pdf-file, they're unacceptable, especially some texts in fontsize 5-6 pt are unclear. I have to convert the drawings, or at least the texts, to vector graphics. Can I open these tiff.s in Photoshop, change only the texts to vector graphics and then save in a format, that can be inserted in the Word2010 layout?
I have to replace text in a banner image with different text. Maybe if I upload the banner, it would be more useful...
I have to replace "Customer Satisfaction" with some other text. The text is embedded in the image; so, it's not that easy, at least for me, to replace it without making it look amateurish. Of course, I duplicated the background and worked on that layer.
First method I tried was using the clone stamp, zooming in to 1600% to painstakingly erase it. But then when I zoom out, the background where the text was placed over does not match its surroundings and looks like someone shaded it. If you zoom in real close, before making any changes to it, you'll see that the "green" (what the RGB is) touching the text is different than the "green" in areas not touching text.
Next, I thought of using the magic wand to select the text for me and that looked liked it worked. But the problem is once I select it, how to delete it or blend it in with the background. That is, if I select the "C" in "Customer Satisfaction" with the magic wand, for instance, pressing delete does nothing. Then I found I can fill the area, after I select it with the magic wand; however, what the RGB combination is of the background. Is there a way I can find out what the RGB value is of the background, then apply that to my fill color and effectively delete the "Customer Satisfaction" text?
Once I'm able to get rid of the text, I can use the text editor plugin tool I downloaded to replace the text.
That's my logic, anyway. How I can replace text in an image, preferably as neatly as possible.
I have a Corel file that contains the index to my book. I would like to change all the numbers (just the numbers) to italic. Is there any way to do this with the Find and Replace text ( or any other) command? I don't see any formattting parameters for replacing text in the dialogue box.
I was just wonder how if at all I would be able to go about taking the white subtext on this image (Japanese lettering) and making it transparent or removing it.
I have an autocad drawing with so many light fixtures with all different names.Now we have to change all those names, i already have an excel sheet containing two columns with first one containing "name in drawing" and second one containing respective "new name".
Is there any way to replace the names in cad file using that excel sheet.i just dont want to do all those thousand rename manually ...
is there any solution to change a special character font in paragraph.
I'm formatting a book in corel and want to change all the question marks (?) in a different font while retaining other characters in same fonts. Is there any possibility in corel? I've searched on internet but there is nothing useful.
(if (ssget "_X" '((0 . "ACAD_TABLE")(1 . "PIPE LIST")))(progn (vlax-for a (setq ss (vla-get-ActiveSelectionSet (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))) (repeat (setq r (vla-get-rows a))(setq r (1- r) c -1)(repeat (vla-get-columns a) (if (eq "*PL*" (vlax-invoke a 'GetText r (setq c (1+ c)))) (vlax-invoke a 'SetText r c "THREAD ONE END"))))) (vla-delete ss)));progn);if
Basically, it replaces this text inside a table:
1 1/2" NPTM - A53 - 3000LB - A-53 - 3000 LB
thread both ends.
But I'm limited to the size of pipe, it's material and its pressure rating. I can't change how the text in the field is populated. It would be nice if, it did a search for NPTM, and when that string exists in the string, change it to "thread both ends".
Essentially right now, I have 46 lines (and growing) of different scenarios. I just want the NPTM to trigger the string change.
I was writing code for my custom .net extension dll and one of the procedure involved therein was to replace the Text of MTEXT and DBTEXT entities with some predetermined Text String. I am using C#, AutoCAD 2012, and Visual Studio 2010. Here is the part of code wherein I am trying to replace the Text String of the MTEXT or DBTEXT entities.
foreach (SelectedObject selectedObject in selectionSet) { Entity currentEntity = transaction.GetObject(selectedObject.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false) as Entity; if (currentEntity == null) { continue; } if (currentEntity.GetType() == typeof(MText)) { ((MText)currentEntity).Contents = textToCopy; } else { ((DBText)currentEntity).TextString = textToCopy; } } transaction.Commit();
The issue is that the text of the MTEXT or DBTEXT is not getting replaced with the string I am trying to. I debugged the code and it correctly hits the setting of MText.Contents == "Some String" and also transaction.commit(). But the text of the MTEXT still remains to the old value. Is this the correct way of changing the text of MTEXT / DBTEXT through the .Net API.
Is there a way when finding and replacing a text string to style the block of copy. My problem is that I have some color codes given by the customer that now need to be converted to our internal color matches on our production drawings.
The original string of text looks like this: Holder: P1 (Metallic Silver)
What I’m getting when I go to replace this string is: Holder: Natural Satin
What I want is: Holder: Natural Satin
I do not want the replaced text to be italicized. I'm thinking since the original string ends with an italic style that the replacement string is also italicized. There are about 50 pages of drawings with about 10 colors on the job and some pages have them entered in more than one place. So that's a minimum of 500 entries and defititely more considereing the multiple places these are called out. I'd really rather not have to copy and paste all of these by hand. I'm use to FreeHand, which would respect the font styling of pasted text in the find and replace diaglog.
I want to replace the blue with red [ blood, yeah ]. How might I be able to do his, I though I might be able to select just that little section, and then change the hue of it, to make it red,
I have a picture of a beach and sky, I want to replace the sky with one generated in Bryce, which I have already done.
I used the Magic Wand on the beach photo in order to select and replace the sky but whenever I move the new sky in, it comes as a whole lock and doesn't just show through the magic wand selection I've created. I'm sure there must be a way to "replace" this sky. Can you help please.
Secondly, I'm trying to add a plug in to the filters folder but the Edge Effect I downloaded was a "atn" file, all the effects seem to be "8BF" files, how can I download a plug in, there doesn't seem to be any other "atn" files.
I want to take the sky from one image and use it on another image. I can do this in Photoshop Elements just fine...but can't seem to get it to work in CS3. I open both images and select the image with the sky. I then use the Move tool to drag it over to the image I want to work on. The problem is, it moves over as a very small image and I can't figure out how to resize it. In PSE, it moves over and has the "marching ants" around the edge so I can grab a corner and resize. In CS3, there are no "marching ants" on the edge.
I have attached to this thread 2 photos, 1 - original picture 2 - the background that I would like to apply. if you can guide me how to replace the background in the most effective way so it looks real
to a step by step for cloning and object (in this case a number) in a picture and overlaying this object over another? Basically I'm trying to 69 to 75 on the back of a uniform picture as best I can. I have a 7 and a 5 to clone from another uniform.
We are making drawings of a house (plan view) and we want to give texture to floors. We where wondering which way is best (cutting a part of a picture, using mask or using pattern).
But the biggest problem we have is, we want to be able to easily change the chosen pattern with another one. For example we put a picture of tile of 30x30cm on the floor, but the client wants other tiles. How do we change the pattern with another one as easy and as fast as possible, because we have to make 20 different drawings.
We should be able to attacht some kind of file and replace it by another one. Kind of like x-ref in autocad for those who know that.
replacing a letter. I've got this image and i would like to place H instead of K. But when I open it, i'm not able to do anything because it is kind of protected.
Is there a simple way to switch out 1 specific color for another in photoshop? like, if I wanted to change everything in the image that is red to blue?
1) I'd like to use the "replace color" function in order to remove a background color and make it transparent. How do I do that? I can make it green, red, whatever color I like but not transparent!?
2) There's another part, which is black, that I want to make red. Now when I replace the colors it becomes gray.
I have several shots which i really like, but the trouble is they have typical english skies, ie, greay and miserable. I have some other good sky shots - deep blue, fluffy clouds, that kind of thing, and want to replace the grey nasty with the blue image.
i have a png picture and i want to put some color in it because it is mostly black and white. is there a way to pick a color and then pick a new color and have photoshop automaticly change it for me in the entire pic?
I have tried many diffrent ways to get this effect with a normal photo. How do they do this....
I have tried, making the photo negative, replace color, select color, diffrent masks, various setting changes ect ect, I just cant seem to get photoshop to replace the white color with red(or any other color for that matter).
I have a photo of a group of people however one person is not looking. I am trying to crop one face out of a near identical shot and place into the other photo where everyone is looking.
I have just begun experimenting with the animations feature in Photoshop (or maybe it is called timeline). I feel it very useful for animation small sprites for 2D game characters but there is one thing I seem to not be able to figure out and that is how to "replace" graphics? Say for example I have a walk cycle with a character holding a sword. I have layers for the body parts that I move around until I have an animation. It would then be very good if I could just drop in another sprite for a weapon, say an axe and have it replace the sword.
The only way I have been able to do this is to manually remove the sword and place the axe in the exact spot of the sword had, but that is a very clumsy and slow method.