HI I HAVE A BACKGROUND AND A PICTURE AND I WANT TO REFINE THE edges, but when i click the icon and it shows me the refining edges and what it has done (which looks good) , but then when i click ok it goes back to normal ..?
So basically, I created coloured text inside Adobe Illustrator and however much I zoom into the text, the text always appears to have smooth edges. Once I click on 'Save For Web', the edge all around the text becomes rough and aliased. I chose GIF and PNG, but it still happens. The text is on a transparency background. The same problem applies to images when I am creating a logo.
I thought this was going to be a piece of cake in the new Illustrator CC but I am having a few unanticipated issues:)I need to create some vector tire images with different edges, such as the top one in the image below.So I thought this would be SO easy by simply creating a pattern brush in Illustrator and then using that for the outside. So I created the shape you see in the middle image below and created a pattern brush with this shape.I then created an ellipse and used the new brush for the outline.
All of those are open paths...it has taken the shape and applied it to the outline but has kept each shape separate, so I am not able to fill the circle in black. I could of course go in and manually join each little corner separately where the little shapes meet but this will take FOREVER with all the images I have to do.
I'm trying to snap a head with it's neck with the merge edge tool, but somewhere along the way, the edges lost there border edge characteristics and now I can't merge the edges. Is there a way to make the edges back to the way they were?
In my photo retouching work I very often cut out a figure to place on a different background. Usually I have a feathered or aliased edge to blend with the new background which works nicely. Sometimes I duplicate that figure so that I can try some shading,cloning etc without damaging the layer below. If I like the results I usually merge the two layers, problem is the top image seems to grow a bit or darken on the edges and I lose any nice feathering I have dome on the bottom layer.
Is there any way to avoid having a brush be cut off by the document edge when you place it? It's annoying when you want to move it that it's been cut off.
I know one way is to place it in the center when you stamp it, and then move it - but that doesn't work if the brush is larger than the document. Only other thought I had would be to stamp into a larger document and then move to the smaller document - but if I do that, I may as well just work with .png files.
I'm going through this tutorial: URL....On step 10 it says to go to Filter>Stylize>Glowing Edges......I can't find it there! Is it not in photoshop CS6? This is especially frustrating because this is one of the most important parts of the tutorial and I've been working on this for hours only to find that Glowing Edges is missing.I'm using the free 30-day trial.
I've been using Photoshop CS5 to edit my photography for a while but have never bothered with masks until just recently. I watched this video and figured it would be fairly easy but I'm still having quite a bit of trouble getting results that look even halfway decent; I can never get the edges right. I've tried playing around with all the "Refine Edge" settings but nothing really makes it look realistic and un-manipulated, so I figured I'd ask here in case I'm missing something or doing something wrong.
To start out with I figured I'd try replacing the background of one of my photos with the background in another one of my photos, in this case some snowy branches. Here's a screen shot of the original photo (with the birds/foreground roughly selected with the Quick Selection tool):
And here it is after making that selection into a mask:
As you can see, some big chunks of three of the birds are missing and the edges are pretty obvious in a lot of spots. This is ultimately what I'm trying to fix.
A bit off topic, but also problematic are the gaps around the birds' legs where the red in the background shows through...not exactly sure what to do about those. In addition, I find the stripped, broken end of the branch sticking up in the middle of the picture to be a pretty big eyesore but haven't found a convincing way of removing it.
Anyway, here's a closer look at the edges:
When I check "Smart Radius" and increase the Radius size to about 40 pixels I get something resembling this:
...which is not really an improvement over the original IMO. I also tried painting in the radius manually along the edges of the bird's head using the Refine Radius tool but this only created more fuzziness around the edges. Increasing the "Shift Edge" value created even more fuzz. Using the Erase Refinements tool made the edges too sharp and bits of the bird started disappearing again, making it look similar to how it was originally.
Here's another example of the same thing on the outline of the third bird in the picture:
How it looked originally and...
...how it looked after messing around with the radius/refine radius tool. It's a slight improvement over the original but bits of the bird are still missing and there's that fuzz around the edges that I don't know how to get rid of.
By the way, here's a download link to the full-size original two photos in a zip file: Background and Foreground.zip
Is there any way to get an application of a brush with Wet Edges to absorb seemlessly into a previously applied area of the brush with Wet Edges? As far as I can see, if you paint a bit, say in Pattern mode, stop painting, and then start to apply the brush again, the paint visibly overlaps the previously applied colour. This makes it impossible to easily create brushed watercolour washes without keeping your brush in contact with the paper (in my case a digital tablet) all the time; if you lift it off for a second, it applies a new coat of paint (or pattern) over whatever is there already. What I'd like is to be able to get a wet edges brush to meld seamlessly into a previously applied area of paint (or pattern).
When I want to delete the background and just have the object or person in the picture, I use the magic wand tool to delete the background then clean up with the eraser. BUT the outline of the object always looks jaggedy. This doesn't happen when I use photographs with the white background.
Is there some sort of trick I'm missing? Or do I just need more practice with the eraser tool?
can you create a torn edged effect to an image easily? i am making a collage on photoshop that i want to look like it has been done with papaer and paste.
I was wondering, how do you blur just the edges of your image in photoshop? I want it to blend more with a black background with a graphic i am doing in Illustrator
I'm trying to figure out how to round out the 90 degree edges of any square/rectangle area. I've tried the feather function but that just fades the edges... help?
I have a high quality but small jpg picture that I need to put onto my website, the background colour is blue.
I want to blur all 4 edges of the picture so when I put it on the website page the background shows through with a nice faded effect into full opacity of the picture in the centre of the image.
I'm sure its pretty straightforward, but I can't work it out. I played around with the marquee tool but couldn't delete the outer edges like I had hoped.
I'm pretty sure it will need to become a .png of .gif to show the transparency but I'm worried about the quality then too.
I'm trying to make the edges sharp, when I use the Rectangle tool there is a 1px line on the edges which I think is suppose to blend the image to the background, but I don't want this 1px line, I want the edges to be sharp. How do I switch this off.
Using CS2, and I'm sure this is a default setting because I remember reading something about it in the book but now I can't find it.
I'm trying to create a collage, will be my 10th high school anniversary soon and I really want to do this calmly before hand *ie. not in a rush as i do everything else*
the thing is i like this type of blending: photo blending type on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
but can't seem to replicate it with my own photos. I've tried reading up on various tutorials all over the net but most usually say to either use a soft eraser or vignette effect and i don't think the latter was used here and i tried the eraser and that just turned out ugly! Anyone with any suggestions on how to replicate this blending type ....
How do you turn off magnetic edges? Like when you are using the slice tool or marquise tool and you drag the box near the edge of the canvis or to the edge of anther slice it sticks to it.
I'm trying to smooth the edges of an image I have. Would like to try two things.
First is,- simply smooth the edges (this is an image with people in it, and not a shape,-so I don't get the wanted effect when I do "Gaussian blur" as the whole image is being blured).
Another thing I would like to achieve is i.e. having a 600*800 image(white background) with a smaller image in the middle. Then somehow manage to blure the edges of the image and by using a gradient colour to make the blured edges cover the empty area around the pic as well... (The gradient to start at the edge on each corner of the pic and finish at outer edges of 600*800 image)..
Also, is it possible to draw a frame? Have a pic which I would like to create a tilted frame around (CTRL+T). Only manage to draw a coloured square/circle, then having to cut out the middle of the square to see the image on the layer beneath.
Created a new style in "Layer style", but where do I find this saved style?..
how to fade out edges. I have a jpeg with solid edges, that I want to fade the bottom out into a dark background. I've trawled through all the menus trying to figure this out and I'm sure it's really easy but I can't find it.
I am trying to learn is how to give the images of my artwork (paintings) an edge, as if it is a 3d canvas, and a shading to the edges, or just a shading. Also, I would like the corners a little rounded, but not a lot.
I have other needs, but I will have to learn to use the program for these, especially editing the colors, since an accurate photo of an original painting is seldom acheived, especially in terms of colors. If there is a very simple guide you can recommend I'll be happy to try it.
how to use the program for the basic purposes I mentioned (edges, corners, shading)